caireen celtic goddess

Goddess of summer flowers. Name spirit contact, guidance and protection for travelers and explorers, High King of the entire planet who made his home in the Otherworld which is sometimes called, Minor Celtic figure who plays a role as either the human son of. Airmid Location IrelandRules Over Magic, healing, learning, herbalism, understanding family loyalty, inspiration to craftspeopleDescription Goddess of medicine and all healing arts to the Tuatha D Danann. She was only exempt from doing this when he went to war. Dunatis Location UnknownRules Over Protection of sacred places and hiding places during ritualsDescription Gaulish Celtic God of fortifications. When the people in the region needed a favor, they would ask for help, and in return, they would have to make promises or offerings to them to keep them happy. Cernunnos, (Celtic: "Horned One") in Celtic religion, an archaic and powerful deity, widely worshipped as the "lord of wild things." Cernunnos may have had a variety of names in different parts of the Celtic world, but his attributes were generally consistent. She died giving birth to triplets fathered by three different men. She vowed never to sleep until she found a man who could create for her the most majestic poem ever penned. All myths aside the ones of Cliodna have been lost. Goddess who was brought to Britain with the Romans and survives only through cryptic inscriptions. Adsullata Location BritainRules Over Purification, solar magicDescription Goddess of hot springs who came to Brittany from Celtic Gaul. Coventina Location ScotlandRules Over Time, new beginnings, life cycles, wishes, protection of birds, divination, inspiration of selfDescription One of the most potent of the Celtic river Goddesses. Greek Mythology Guide. We've created informative articles that you can come back to again and again when you have questions or want to learn more! It is thought human sacrifices were once made to him at Samhain. Domnu Location IrelandRules Over Leadership, sea fairy contactDescription Goddess of the Formorians, who are sometimes referred to as the Fir Domnann in her honor. Examples of this include the stories of Cerridwen and Arianrhod which appear in a collection of Welsh myths known as the Mabinogion. She helped grant wishes, usually ones which taught the wishers that they didnt really want what they thought they did. Fertility, passion, sexual activities, trees, protection, knowledge, creativity, Early Irish Goddess of the sea of whom little is known. Cian Location IrelandRules Over Love magicDescription God of medicine who went to retrieve a cow which had been stolen by Balor. was the inventor of Irelands long loved symbol, the harp. His name was seen in festivals of Beltane/Beltain. Fairy Goddess from County Tipperary is still thought to live in a burgh beneath Pallas Green Hill. The locus classicus for the Celtic gods of Gaul is the passage in Caesar's Commentarii de bello Gallico (52-51 bc; The Gallic War) in which he names five of them together with their functions. Cailleach Location Ireland, Scotland, ManxRules Over Disease, plague, cursing, wisdom, seasonal rites, weather magicDescription Goddess in her Destroyer aspect. Goddess of sacrifice. According to The Etymological Dictionary Of Scottish-Gaelic the word cailleach itself means "veiled one" or "old woman". Llasar Llaesgyfnewid Location WalesRules Over Strength, past-lives, creativityDescription Battle God who is always paired with Cymidei Cymeinfoll, his wife. Habondia Location UnknownRules Over Seasonal harvest rites, fertility, prosperity, earth magicDescription Goddess of abundance and prosperity who was later demoted to a mere witch in medieval English lore in order to strip her of her great power in the minds of the rural folk who depended upon her benevolence for their crops and herds. Welsh Bards called themselves Cerddorion (sons of Cerridwen). Aife/Aoife Location Ireland, ScotlandRules Over Protection, general knowledge, teaching, path-working, lessons of the threefold lawDescription Goddess and queen of the Isle of Shadow. The ancient Gods and Goddesses inclined to be very local with the personal names to fit the location and the people who lived in the region. Easter. This Figurine Statues & Sculptures item by AncientGods has 4 favorites from Etsy shoppers. where the popular modern-day spa is located. Albion Location UnknownRules Over UnknownDescription Son of a forgotten Sea God who may have been part of a lost creation myth and was once said to rule the Celtic world. Thought to be a Goddess of love and beauty. Holly King represents the waning year, and battles the Oak King at Midsummer (probably at Beltane sometime in the past) for leadership. She rides a swift white horse. The youngest of the three sisters who made up a Triune Goddess. His cult was widespread throughout the early Celtic world, and his name occurs as an element in many continental European and British place-names, such as Lyon, Laon, Leiden . Ruled over the land of the dead. Perhaps an early version of Dana. Celebrations for this goddess were held on midsummers eve. Dryad of Death. God of the plow for the Tuatha. A large number of artifacts relating to her have been discovered at the site of an ancient well at Carrawburgh. Arianrhod Location - Wales Rules Over - Beauty, fertility, reincarnation Description - Keeper of the circling Silver Wheel of Stars, a symbol of time and karma. Latis Location EnglandRules Over Understanding the wheel of the year, mourningDescription Lake Goddess who later became a Goddess of ale and mead. God of abundance and prosperity who came into legend as King of the Golden Pillars. Her name means modesty.. Corra Location ScotlandRules Over Divination, prophecyDescription Prophecy Goddess who regularly appeared in the form of a crane. In Ireland this Brigit was one of three goddesses of the same name, daughters of the Dagda, the great god of that country. She rides a swift white horse. It was believed that a life must be sacrificed for another lifeeither by murder, killed by accident, torturous illness, or to be saved from the cruelty of battle. Dechtere Location IrelandRules Over UnknownDescription A triplicate unto herself, this Goddess throughout her myth say she alternately takes on the images of maiden, mother and crone. Nicholas is a gifted student and martial artist who has dreams of leaving for college at the end of his senior year. Although, this exercise was not used much at all in Ireland and Britain. Dahud-Ahes Location BritainRules Over Pleasure, courage, water and sex magic, sea fairy contactDescription Goddess of debauchery by her detractors, while some recent legends go so far as to make her the destroyer of her own realm through her excesses and her worship of idols.. Ogma Location IrelandRules Over Eloquence, poets, writers, physical strength, inspiration, language, literatureDescription A champion of the Tuatha who carried a huge club. She had an exclusive female priesthood at, and an ever-burning fire. This Figurine Statues & Sculptures item is sold by AncientGods. Tlachtga Location IrelandRules Over Samhain rituals, Croneage rites of passageDescription Goddess of sacrifice. Clota Location Scotland, England, WalesRules Over Water magicDescription Well-known Goddess and namesake of the River Clyde. Nearly anything is said to be able to be helped by King Arthur, Most likely based on a seventh-century king named. Females were equal to males and deemed just as much power, and the priestesses were highly idolized. He is now seen as a minor death God. King of the Upperworld. Great Father Location UnknownRules Over Lord of the winter, harvest, land of the dead, the sky, animals, mountains, lust, powers of destruction, regenerationDescription The Horned God, The Lord. Aerten/Aeron Location Wales, CornishRules Over Peace, overcoming enemiesDescription Goddess of fate who controlled over the result of war between several Celtic clans. Prophecy Goddess who regularly appeared in the form of a crane. Gwen Location WalesRules Over UnknownDescription A young female who was so beautiful that almost no one could live if they gazed upon her for long. Ambisagrus/Bussumarus Location BritainRules Over Weather magic, leadershipDescription Originally from Gaul, where this Celtic identity was lost during the Roman seize where he took all the characteristics of the Roman God Jupiter. Naas Location IrelandRules Over UnknownDescription Goddess. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast comments At one time was a sea God. Caireen Location IrelandRules Over Children, protectionDescription Once a protective Mother Goddess, a defender of youth and patron of children. They spread their goddess worshipping practices across the areas they conquered. She was also linked to weather magic. Speeches, ideas, impressing someone, mental activity, speaking, love magic, protection for lovers, blessing magical wands. Danu Location IrelandRules Over Wizards, rivers, water, wells, prosperity, abundance, magic, wisdomDescription Major Mother Goddess, ancestress of the Tuatha D Danann. She is honored at. Historically the Celts were a society of warriors using war to gain agricultural land, cattle and other valuable resources. Probably a crone Goddess. Brenos Location UnknownRules Over UnknownDescription War God to whom the victories at Allia and Delphi were attributed. Diancecht Location IrelandRules Over Healing, medicine, regeneration, magic, silver-workingDescription Physician-magician of the Tuatha. Protector of sacred spaces. Lover of Cliodna who may have been a God of fertility and of the hunt. The Morrgan was an Irish goddess of death, destiny, and battle. Nemetona Location EnglandRules Over Protection of circles/groves/sacred groundsDescription Guardian Goddess of all sacred places such as circles or magical groves. Goddess of the sea and of the Isle of Avalon. Fertility, prosperity, comfort, health, cattle, Mother Earth, Great Goddess, Greatest of all Goddesses, another aspect of the Morrgu. Bladud Location WalesRules Over Protection, employment, any endeavors governed by the SunDescription Sun God who is associated with the sacred English hot spring known as Aquae Sulis. Listed on Aug 27, 2022 Competitions, mental powers, fairy contact. was at the bank of a river when a man in a silver boat floated down to her on a beaming ray of the sun. Celebrations for this goddess were held on midsummer's eve. Ruled the underground kingdom of the dead. Pleasure, courage, water and sex magic, sea fairy contact, Goddess of debauchery by her detractors, while some recent legends go so far as to make her the destroyer of her own realm through her excesses and her worship of idols., Protection, warriors, knowledge, magic, fire, prophecy, weather, reincarnation, the arts, initiation, patron of priests, the Sun, healing, regeneration, prosperity, harps, magicians, artisans, all knowledge. Almha Location IrelandRules Over UnknownDescription Basically all her myths are lost to us today. All myths aside the ones of Cliodna have been lost. However, she features prominently in mythology and is not just a destroyer, but also a creator goddess. She was an excellent healer and drinking water bless her provided an instant cure for all. to the western edge of the world forty days before the great flood. Carman Location IrelandRules Over Banishing magicDescription Goddess of County Wexford and source name for LochGarman, who was once honored at Lughnasadh. Minor harvest and Sun God with Greek roots who was imprisoned with his subordinate deities on a western island which could have been a Land of the Dead. Came down in legend as a monster or faery of the ocean. Dylan/Dyonas Location Wales, BritainRules Over UnknownDescription Guardian deity of the mouth of the River Conway. If we believed the ancient world, there were two different types of deities worshiped by the peoplegeneral and local. war God who is seen as both the husband of, Protection of circles/groves/sacred grounds. A warrior woman and prophetess who lived in Albion, most likely on the Isle of Skye and taught the martial arts. Associated with ravens and crows. Coventina(English) Goddess of the sacred waters her shrine is found in Northumberland. Strength, perseverance, leadership, foresight, water magick, new beginnings, who were among the first to occupy Ireland, she is the first ruler of Ireland. The majority of inscriptions and images bearing her name have been found in Gaul, Germany, and the Danube countries; of the few that occur in Rome most have been found on the site of the barracks of the equites singulares, a foreign imperial bodyguard recruited . Alisanos Location UnknownRules Over FertilityDescription Gaulish God of stones, about whom very little is known. Cattle were also driven through the bonfires for purification and fertility. Tethra Location IrelandRules Over Water magic, fairy contact, weather magic, seaDescription King of the FirBolgs after they were banished into the sea. Realms: The Celtic mother goddess, nature, fertility, wisdom, earth, art, and poetry Family Ties: Patron and protector of the other Celtic gods Fun Fact: She may have had links with the primordial Hindu goddess Danu, whose name meant 'liquid' or 'river' and was the namesake of the River Danube. Very old Goddess whose early all-female following was allowed to flourish by the early church. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Arawn/Arawyn Location WalesRules Over Revenge, terror, war, spirit contact, picking magical names, strengthening friendships, reincarnationDescription King of Hell, God of Annwn. Druantia Location UnknownRules Over Fertility, passion, sexual activities, trees, protection, knowledge, creativityDescription Queen of the Druids. Fir Goddess. She was probably once a regional mother earth Goddess, or Goddess of rebirth. Contents Ana or Danu/Dana - The Primordial Celtic Goddess of Nature Dagda - The Cheerful Chief of Celtic Gods Aengus (Angus) - The Youthful Celtic God of Love Lugus / Lugh - The Courageous Celtic Warrior God Gwynn Ap Nudd Location WalesRules Over Spirit contact, strength, passing over rituals, seasonal ritesDescription King of the Fairies and the underworld. 6789 Quail Hill Pkwy, Suite 211 Irvine CA 92603. Guaire Location IrelandRules Over ProtectionDescription Guardian God/spirit of Bruigh na Boinne and father ofEbhlinne. Neit Location IrelandRules Over Fertility ritesDescription Tuatha D Danann war God who is seen as both the husband of Nemain and of the entire Morrgu tribe. She was a Goddess of the. She could have been a derivative of the nearly forgotten, Gaulish God, whose name means the father, was a primordial God of creation who later merged with both. Aunt of King Arthur. The Celtic Pantheon believed in 3 aspects of the Irish Celtic Gods and Goddesses, 3 aspects of a single God. Arianrhod (Welsh) - Goddess of. Discover the meaning of the goddess names and archetypes by exploring their myths and symbolism. They own a magical cauldron into which they would cast warriors killed in battle. who ran in an insane rush to the deep woodlands to give him birth. The teachings of the Druids could be summarized very easilyworship the Gods, be strong, brave, and do no evil. Cailleach Bheur(Scotish) The hag, destroyer goddess who ruled over disease, death, wisdom, seasonal rites and weather magic. Created by Math andGwydion as a wife for Lleu. Master herbalist and sun Goddess who was the daughter of King, Lord of the winter, harvest, land of the dead, the sky, animals, mountains, lust, powers of destruction, regeneration. Bel/Beltene Location IrelandRules Over Science, healing, hot springs, fire, success, prosperity, purification, crops vegetation, fertility, cattleDescription Closely connected with the Druids. Guardian deity of the mouth of the River Conway. Ard Greimme Location Ireland, ScotlandRules Over Fire magicDescription Father of the famed warrior sisters, Aife and Scthach. . A young female who was so beautiful that almost no one could live if they gazed upon her for long. Connected with Beltane and often called the May Queen. Crobh Dearg Location IrelandRules Over UnknownDescription The Red Claw. War Goddess who is possibly a form of the crone Goddess of battle Badb. Son of a forgotten Sea God who may have been part of a lost creation myth and was once said to rule the Celtic world. Dispater Location UnknownRules Over Fertility magicDescription Gaulish God, whose name means the father, was a primordial God of creation who later merged with both Don andCernunnos. He had a fairy palace on the banks of the Boyne. Nothing is known about him today, though he may have later surfaced as Borvo, a Breton God of hot springs. who is described as being a yellow-haired stranger from another land.. Represents a personal or mascot deity to. Cromm Cruaich Location IrelandRules Over Harvest, dark festivals, death, passing over rituals, otherworld contactDescription Ancient deity about which little is known about today. Today in Welsh folklore she is a faery who brings nightmares and is a midwife to the Welsh fairy folk. Possibly another version of the Druidess Dubh. Danu(Irish) Her name means knowledge. From her flowed all of life. Dubh Lacha Location IrelandRules Over UnknownDescription Early Irish Goddess of the sea of whom little is known. Mother Goddesses. A triune of earth Goddesses given this singular Latin name on the continent. . Thought to be one of the earliest Celtic Gods. Ariadne Location UnknownRules Over Protection, magic, manifestation, timeDescription The only Greek Goddess known to have been worshiped in Celtic Gaul. People with name Caireen are bold & materialistic but rigid too. Protection, music, earth magic, ecological magic. Goddess. Cliodna Location Ireland, ScotlandRules Over Spirit contact, appreciation, beauty, water magicDescription Tuatha D Danann Sea and Otherworld Goddess who usually took the form of a sea bird and therefore symbolized the Celtic afterlife. Barinthus Location WalesRules Over UnknownDescription Charioteer to the residents of the Otherworld who was most likely once a Sea or Sun God. In one legend, Eriwas at the bank of a river when a man in a silver boat floated down to her on a beaming ray of the sun. . Damona Location UnknownRules Over Fertility, abundanceDescription Cow Goddess which little is known about. Possibly another version of the, Protection of sacred places and hiding places during rituals. A river and death God about whom nothing but his name is known about. Their names and attributes varied between languages and locations, with some deities worshipped by all tribes while others were specific to a particular region or people. Dog Goddess who was the patron deity of sea traders, perhaps an image derived from Sirius (The Dog Star, which was once an important navigational star. Her name is derived from the word arachnid. It is thought she was a Goddess of mourning. Mother aspect of the Triple Goddess and is honored at the full moon. Minor barley God worshipped through the 16th century. The Druids knew him as, Death, fertility, regeneration, inspiration, magick, astrology, herbs, science, poetry, spells, knowledge, wisdom, past lives, divination, Moon Goddess, Grain Goddess. Brigit/Brigindo Location Ireland, Wales, Spain, FranceRules Over Fire, fertility, the hearth, all feminine arts and crafts, martial arts, healing, physicians, agriculture, inspiration, learning, poetry, divination, prophecy, smithcraft, animal husbandry, love, witchcraft, occult knowledgeDescription Associated with Imbolc. Brother of Govannon, Arianrhod and Amaethon. Wizards, rivers, water, wells, prosperity, abundance, magic, wisdom, Major Mother Goddess, ancestress of the. Caer Ibormeith Location IrelandRules Over Dreams, prophetic dreams, falling asleep, music magicDescription Usually thought of as a Goddess of sleep and dreams and a less violent version of Mare. Son of Oghma, minor sun God of the Tuatha D Danann and husband of Eire. The fertility Goddess, who often formed a trinity with Badb and Macha. Do not confuse him with the bard, Taliesin, though some of the famous bards attributes were grafted onto him. Achtland Location UnknownRules Over Sex magicDescription Goddess queen, whom no mortal man could sexually satisfy; so she took a giant from the fairy realm as her mate. Celtic Goddesses ! This Goddess is best-known for escorting High King Crebhan to the Otherworld where she gave him great treasures. Cred Location Ireland, ScotlandRules Over Love magic, searching for the perfect mate, keeping secrets, spirit contactDescription Fairy Queen Goddess who is associated with Danasmountains, the Paps of Anu. Copyright Historyplex &, Inc. Bormanus Location UnknownRules Over UnknownDescription Thought to be one of the earliest Celtic Gods. God of death and rebirth, master of all trades, lord of perfect knowledge. Coinchend Location UnknownRules Over Spirit contactDescription A semi-divine warrioress whose home was in the Otherworld. His name became the poetic name for Britain. Lake Goddess who later became a Goddess of ale and mead. Thought to be a war Goddess who shares. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Ceridwen is a Celtic shape-shifting goddess of poetic inspiration. Thought to be a Goddess of love and beauty. Ships from Ukraine. She had 19 priestesses representing the 19-year cycle of the Celtic Great Year.. Eadon Location IrelandRules Over CreativityDescription Goddess of poetry who may have also been a bard. A minor sun Goddess in her own right before the time when the Celts banished the majority of their sun images to male deities and their moon images to female deities. Erasing an event/person/etc. Cerridwen Location Wales, ScotlandRules Over Death, fertility, regeneration, inspiration, magick, astrology, herbs, science, poetry, spells, knowledge, wisdom, past lives, divinationDescription Moon Goddess, Grain Goddess. Minor Princess among the Tuatha D Danann. Banba Location IrelandRules Over Repulsion of invadersDescription Part of a triad with Fotia and riu. The Bard, Taliesin, founder of their craft was said to be born of Cerridwen and to have tasted a potent from her magic cauldron of inspiration. Branwen(Welsh) The Welsh goddess of love. Damara Location EnglandRules Over FertilityDescription Fertility Goddess associated with Beltane. was taken into the local Roman pantheon where she became a consort of their God Mercury. Queen of the Dead. Blodeewedd(Welsh) Was created by magic from nine blossoms becoming the wife of Llew Llaw. After a successful war, select Celtic warriors took part in a ceremony to wed them to the goddess of the land before they could assume dominion over the place and it's peoples. War Goddess who is always paired in stories with her husband. Goddess of the River Tamar which divides the Duchy of Cornwall from the rest of England. . Easal Location Ireland, ManxRules Over Prosperity, abundanceDescription God of abundance and prosperity who came into legend as King of the Golden Pillars. Said to protect livestock and homesteaded creatures, the Celts considered Brigid a protectoress of domesticated animals. The myths of the Celtic Goddesses span a large area of Western and Central Europe. Although, it should not be confused with the beliefs of the pre-Roman British people. riu/Erin Location IrelandRules Over UnknownDescription One of the three queens of the Tuatha D Danann and daughter of the Dagda. Caireen (Irish) In Myth: A champion and defender of youth, probably once a protective mother Goddess, a patron of children. King of the Fairies and the underworld. The Bard, Taliesin, founder of their craft was said to be born of. Bodua Location UnknownRules Over WarDescription War Goddess much like the Irish Badb. She is viewed as spring personified. Arianrhod (Welsh) - Goddess of fertility, rebirth and the weaving of cosmic time and fate. Her name means flame.. In 1667 Charles I had her face placed on the coinage where it remains today, reviving an old custom, first instated by the Romans who adopted her as their. King Arthur Location Wales, CornwallRules Over Nearly anything is said to be able to be helped by King ArthurDescription Most likely based on a seventh-century king named Artorius, who led the fight to drive the Saxons from Britain, and later his legend was merged with that of a now-forgotten father/sacrificial God. Usually thought of as a Goddess of sleep and dreams and a less violent version of Mare. View history. Represents the male principle of creation. Sucellos Location UnknownRules Over Water, deathDescription A river and death God about whom nothing but his name is known about. Human sacrifices were made either with the blade, or by drowning or burning them. Goddess of fate who controlled over the result of war between several Celtic clans. . They own a magical cauldron into which they would cast warriors killed in battle. Fire goddess who had a magic well that contained mighty healing powers, effective against toothache as long as the requester left a small white stone at the well to represent the decayed tooth. ), in ancient Celtic religion, one of the major gods. Cerridwen(Irish) Keeper of the cauldron, goddess of the moon, magic, agriculture, poetry, music, art and science. Believed to be another form of Dana by some, the first Great Mother Goddess of Ireland. Brigantia/Britannia Location BritainRules Over Sovereignty, self-control, leadership, protection of your land, prosperityDescription A Goddess of sovereignty and often thought of as the Brigit of England. Her name means bright as she lights up the dark. Maybe even a consort of the better-known bird God. Artaius Location UnknownRules Over Sheep, cattleDescription God of sheep and cattle herders from Celtic Gaul. Bo Dhu Location IrelandRules Over Fertility, anti-hunger, prosperityDescription Black cow Goddess who helped bring fertility to barren Ireland. Old Goddess who appears in modern Irish legends as the midwife who assisted the Christian Virgin Mary with her birth, and was also a title applied to St. Bridget. Known as the Ninefold Goddess of the Western Isles of Paradise. She kept this sacred water from humans, feeling they could not handle its power. Ruled the underground kingdom of the dead. Her name means blessed raven. Bronwyn is a modern day version of this name. One of a triad of craftsmen with Luchtaine the wright and Creidne the brazier. An Ulster God usually known in popular legend as the king of the Ulster faeries. The Crone Location UnknownRules Over UnknownDescription Third aspect of the Triple Goddess. Morgan Le Fay(Welsh and Breton) - The sea goddess who is also linked with the fairy folk and the legends of Avalon. Her name means "night queen." Norse Mythology Guide. Uathach Location Ireland, ScotlandRules Over Protection and strengthDescription Goddess who trained warriors to fight. Recently with the revival of the Druid and Pagan movements the popularity and interest in the Celtic Goddesses has risen. Inghean Bhuidhe Location IrelandRules Over Flower festivals, spring plantingDescription Her name means yellow-haired girl. Much of her story has been lost, however, we do know that she was the middle girl of three sisters who made up a Triple Goddess. Basically all her myths are lost to us today. Mythopedia. A Mother Goddess who was regionally worshiped as the source from which all life flowed. Associated with holly leaves. Listed on Aug 27, 2022 Once a Sun God. However, some claim he was the consort of Nantosuelta, whose name means of the meandering stream.. Hindu Mythology Fland Location IrelandRules Over Water magic, lakesDescription Daughter of woodland Goddess Flidais. The Druids knew him as Hu Gadarn, the Horned God of Fertility. Cattle were also driven through the bonfires for purification and fertility. Becuma Location IrelandRules Over Overcoming jealousyDescription Tuatha Goddess who ruled over magical boats and had a weakness for sleeping with High Kings at Tara. Credne Location IrelandRules Over Self-defense, inspiration of artistic endeavors, blessing toolsDescription God of metallurgy and smithing who worked in bronze. It is believed she has roots in the Greek grain Goddess, Demeter. It was in these places that the Iron age Celtic speaking tribes settled. , most likely with origins in Gaul. Goewin Location WalesRules Over SovereigntyDescription Goddess of sovereignty who held the feet of Math while he reigned. Most likely a goddess of death or Otherworld. His name was seen in festivals of Beltane/Beltain. MacKay Location ScotlandRules Over Fairy contact, sunDescription MacKays legend is possibly a reworking of an old story about a fire God. 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