what happened to sergio rafael barraza bocanegra

Was deported to Mexico where he started his own gang and decided killing was cool and that he enjoyed murdering. Myself I am thankful that the killer of Rubi is dead and rotting in hell. How can this scrawny, ugly, stupid kid can kill with impunity ? Bocanegra, alias 'El Piwi' in Chihuahua in 2008. I hate Mexico and i am Mexican.. **El abogado "se salt las trancas", asegura Jorge Neaves Chacn, director de la Defensora de Oficio. El Ministerio Pblico Federal ofrece hasta 5 millones de pesos por informacin relacionada con Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, quien asesin a Rub Marisol Frayre en agosto de 2008, cuando la joven tena 16 aos. Marisela Escobedo suffered tremendously,her last years were fraught with stress and mental hardship in the face of indifferent authorities,the marches,courts,protest..This fucking dog,i hope suffered,he made his choices,he made a choice to murder a woman on her own mourning and protesting for her murdered daughter,the only good thing about this whole story is that he is dead..I hope Marisela Escobedo can see it,whatever we say she was a strong brave woman, God Bless her and the good people of Mexico. Mexico = failed state. In the early morning hours of Friday, January 25th 2019, Sergio Barraza left for work. On the evening of 16th December 2010, Marisela Escobedo Ortiz was holding a peaceful vigil for her daughter and other victims of femicide outside the Chihuahua State Governor's Office when a number of masked men arrived in a car. Wanted in connection with a double homicide By H. Nelson Goodson December 20, 2010 Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico - Over the weekend, Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, 22, became the most recent wanted man in Mexico in connection with the death of a mother and daughter. Jimenez is not the man who killed my mother.. always going to say it: The government of Chihuahua authorized the death of my u talking like u would of done something jst like u are now typing behind a computer and talking shit.its ez to talk when ur not in the situation.but whatever thers alot like you.but the lady mis respetos thats how far a mother's love well go.senoral le arrebataron a su hija y le arebataron su vida pero no su dignidad DESCANSEN EN PAZ. Videos had been made, the final video I saw is the one posted here at B. Medical Examiner about the 1 AM hours of the morning for autopsy could be conducted. by photograph. Marisela Escobedo Ortizs daughter was murdered in 2008. Ciudad Jurez-- Tanto el autor material Jos Enrique Jimnez Zavala alias "El Wicked" como el intelectual, Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra murieron asesinados en hechos distintos y nunca fueron juzgados por el asesinato de la activista. That is, if he died in the way described in the story. What a racist backward view of Mexican men. Autoridades de la Secretara de la Defensa Nacional identificaron plenamente a Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, asesino confeso de la joven Rub Marisol Frayre, hija de la activista. .css-o3g03s{color:black;}Published16:17,01 October 2020 BST| Last updated16:23,01 October 2020 BST. If you have experienced a bereavement and would like to speak with someone in confidence contact Cruse Bereavement Care via their national helpline on 0808 808 1677. 300 others. He says no. What would the greatest druggie nation in the world do without them???? Grow up and make a difference instead of whining. The official website of SHKM Government Medical College is gmcmewat.ac.in and check this for nuh.gov.in/public-utility/shkm-gmc-nalhar-hospital. @9:23pm um really? are talking about the spot with most surveillance of the state of Chihuahua, in La pequea, Rub Marisol Frayre Escobedo, fue asesinada en 2008 en Ciudad Jurez, en el norteo estado de Chihuahua, por su entonces pareja, Sergio Rafael Barraza. Marisela Escobedo and her husband claimed that their daughter was allegedly murdered by her boyfriend Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra. You don't get it do you? Wow, Zetapuke-orejona looked even skinnier than before. DEP Madrina. De nuevo y ahora ante ms de 150 elementos de diferentes corporaciones policiacas y hasta del Ejrcito mexicano, Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, asesino confeso de Rub Marisol Frayre, escap de la accin de la justicia ahora en la ciudad de Fresnillo en el estado de Zacatecas, donde los periodistas locales que cubrieron el operativo que pretenda detenerlo, obviaron el que "alguien" le . The views expressed in comments published on newindianexpress.com are those of the comment writers alone. Rubi was allegedly killed by her former live-in boyfriend, Sergio Rafael Barraza Boca Negra, who was arrested, allegedly confessed and led police to the girl's burned and dismembered body.. In 2009 he went on trial in Chihuahua. This should be a lesson to other dumb little girls who think dating a cartel member is cool. Wicked, which is not the killer, but this time they looked for somebody very It made my day and the photo of Marisela is a must in any tribute to her.fool. November 22, 2012 6:35 PM .Well dude from your response we all know what you would do,don't we?Hasn't he got a point? Wow Mexico is officially the most screwed up, satan controlled country on the planet !!! Reminds me years ago, the barrio bad guy got out of jail and returned to the neighborhood. Wicked", died of a massive heart attack, the Attorney General's Office For obvious reasons I Yeah, these kinds of tragedies and accounts of corruption exist but what is it to you, reader? training- resulted in implementation of. Ciudad Jurez, Chihuahua.-. He said they passed the tests. The details may not all be there to make it a work of great art, but its good enough to be called important. El 16 de junio de 2009, las autoridades de Chihuahua, localizaron y detuvieron a Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, quien confes haber asesinado a Rub Marisol. She introduced this filth into all their lives and it destroyed them. In a bid to find her daughters killer, she put her own life at risk. fuck Mexican men? Once again we have found lies, tricks and corruption., And I am Hang your heads with shame! The man they acquitted was Sergio Barraza Bocanegra, accused of killing Rubi Frayre two years earlier after finding her with another man. The wieght of righteousness will rest on your shoulders the strength of honor will fill your body. When is the last time you risked dying for an honorable cause you believe in? An autopsy would surely tell the truth.When I became aware of Marisela E.s tragic loss of daughter and Marisela's protest and campaign for justice to be served I became pasionatly interested and emotionsallly involved in her plight. We do not publish all comments, and we do not publish comments immediately. ), Rio Grande, Guadalupe, in Zacatecas, to Cd Juarez, El Paso, zeta connections, account not closedI don't know why women go for losers like "el piwi", maybe they should be warned about their motherly instinct; was sergio also called el comandante bambino?--anyways, nobody dies this young in prison just like that, i'm sure he was given an extra strong dose, but it's ok, thanks for one less asshole Hard to believe the guard "immediately sought help" and "transferred the inmate to an area hospital." But now you just look ignorant. Disclaimer: Our website name stands for SHKMGMCNUH. Im sure he did something wrong in his lifetime to deserve death. This guy reminds me of that squirrel looking freak that was smiling and his bobbing head when presented. The corruption and lack of any institutional controls keeps this nation as a third world country as it should e. GOOD. She was one Thus, in that place, on December 16, 2010, she was assassinated in the presence of her brother by an unknown person with a bullet to the head. I say good riddance. !SMILE, WINK, and HUG !!! Two days after, a brother-in-law of the family's body was found dumped on the street after his business was torched in another revenge killing. Absurdly, the TOMBALL - TX. ZACATECAS 21/11/12 (POST-TR).-. So, you pay some damn respect to all people before you spread hate over the Internet. Marisol's son has been harased on el paso by el piwi's brother, a gangbanger apparently running around in el paso, sergio rafael barraza bocanegra does not pay with his death or that of his fall guy for his sins, his brother is fair game, as is their Fresnillo (colonia esparza, hey, pinchis tepecheros de la TPCh! Waiting for the next to succumb to natural causes. We already know about Marisela Escobedo but what is lacking are the circumstances of his death! She later died in hospital due to her injuries. 6:02,6:04-lmfao, I dont know how to put semi-coherent thoughts into just a few sentences. RIP Marisela. Marisela petitioned, We do not claim to be any government body and we are just a news portal that covers various updates and stories. But after that they never responded to me again. Liz and Sergio were days away from celebrating their fifth wedding anniversary in Orlando. What a shit. Lawyer Cesar Peniche, after this, the communication from the PGR was broken, This is stupid, Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo;borderlandbeat@gmail.com. Check your calendar probably time for your med refill and renewing of your "medical" marijuana. Sergio Barraza Bocanegra confes que mat a su novia, Rub Frayre, calcin su cuerpo y ocult sus restos en un basurero al norte de Ciudad Jurez, pero lo hizo fuera del proceso penal por lo que no fue vlida para los jueces. Pregunta Deja una respuesta Algunas personas que han sufrido el embate de la inflacin en sus bolsillos me han comentado en sentido crtico y con inusitado malestar que no se pueden reconocer en tanto consumidores en los ndices de Precios al Consumidor, los cuales sistemticamente se difunden por el Inegi y se hacen accesibles al gran pblico por medio de los medios de comunicacin masiva. Translations in context of "BARRAZA" in english-spanish. Nahle Garca agreg que con base a las ltimas declaraciones, El Piwi podra estar vinculado con el grupo delictivo de Los Zetas. Also that CPR and a ECP (EKG) was given makes me laugh, they can't even feed the prisoners do you think they are going to waste time and money on a sack of garbage like him? That was dumb. translation: they did none. Most of the main players both good and bad are dead or running. They probably gave him either an adulterated dose or an uncut dose. Sergio left home at 6:48 am. @ November 23, 2012 7:07 PMWhy use a few sentences,when you can bore the shit out of everyone with a manuscript? Her In a misunderstanding of November 23, 2012 8:45 PM "maybe women are smarter and we are just a bunch of dogs running around the planet causing problems"Brother you fuckin get it!Thats why i couldn't give a fuck how many of us fuckers get killed as long as women are left alone.Of course there are aberrations,but its us dudes who cause cain,and i know it for a fact.Its our nature,its infectious.Maybe women would sort shit out?Anyway,women are our saving grace,our gift,enough said. Try to avoid outside hyperlinks inside the comment. going to say right now is that the Mexican authorities know who the killer of This man is an American citizen., The only You say especially on a day like thanksgiving, oh please get your head out of your ass and go back to reading the enquirer, sorry that people are killed and tortured everyday in Mexico and the news is reported on a holiday and you can't handle it?? Marisela never gave up her fight for justice in her daughters case. murder of her daughter, Rubi Marisol; The confessed Everyday is a rerun. Hey moron you think everyone knows the history of Marisela? Check out our lists of the best series on Netflix and the best movies on Netflix, or see what else is on with our TV Guide. "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat Things are not looking well at all for a recently captured enemy. Marisela Escobedo He began his request for justice in 2008 pointing to his daughters partner, Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, as the person responsible for the murder of the young woman, Rub Marisol Frayre Escobedo, 16 years old. The pictures are something, wow, the second one down is the poster boy for our future. I know she wouldnt want me to just stop.". Atencion: mebuscar.com no cotiza / vende / comercializa ninguno de los productos anunciados aqu y no proporciona datos personales de vendedores / compradores, solo redirige a las partes interesadas a los anuncios ya publicados por los respectivos vendedores en el mercado libre, todos los datos que se muestran aqu se importan automticamente de mercado libre. Here's everything you need to know about the Netflix doc, including whether the killers were ever found. Bocanegra himself died two years later after a supposed run-in with Mexican authorities. I would have said so much.". he was arrested for something relatively minor and when he was incarcerated he joined the aztecas. . In a televised confession, Jimenez, who was 29 at the time, said he carried out Escobedos murder on orders from the Zetas and La Linea (gunmen for the Juarez cartel). witness of the case, my uncle Ricardo Escobedo was able to identify the killer of Mexicos heroes, Marisela Escobedo had but one mission in life after the 2008 mother, these people didnt show up just like that and killed my mother; you The 1hr 49min film looks at how Marisela's mission to find the person who killed her 16-year-old daughter Ruby led to her own murder. Este sujeto fue puesto en libertad luego que los jueces Catalina Ochoa Contreras, Nezahualcyotl Ziga Vzquez y Rafael Baudib Jurado, lo absolvieran del homicidio de Rub Marisol. "I didnt want to give up on life and give up for Liz, too. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "BARRAZA" - english-spanish translations and search engine for english translations. "You had to see us. Marisela and her husband managed to track Bocanegra down, and he was later arrested by police. shkmgmcnuh.org is not related to any government body and certainly not related to SHKM Government Medical College. November 23, 2012 10:06 AM "So now we are lumping all Mexican men into one category"We only have your word that your a"woman"Maybe you that ugly that you shirk sunlight and love all the shadows?Have you got any teeth?Did you know they can fix that?And the fat on your arms,they can suction that away.Dont despair,not yet anyway,get on a treadmill? Sorry it is so uncomfortable to see a mothers heartbreak and if you don't like what chivas writes keep it moving. I am glad he is deceased and will pass my sentiments in prayer tonight. Marisela continued to protest in the hopes of finding Bocanegra, but she was tragically murdered in 2010 by an unknown assassin. killer was Rubis boyfriend and father of her baby, Sergio Rafael Barraza Barraza Rubi's boyfriend, Sergio Barraza Bocanegra, was arrested and charged with the crime in 2009, but his trial ended April 30 in an acquittal, with judges citing a lack of evidence. And those judges did not deserve to obtain asylum in the u.s. What was the last thing that went through the mind of Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra?7.62x51 NATO round. The trouble began in the spring of 2010 when Ochoa read the verdict before a crowded courtroom in Ciudad Jurez. they looked for somebody that was similar to the killer. Marisela Escobedo and her husband claimed that their daughter was allegedly murdered by her boyfriend Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra. "It was like a fairytale that we had together.". Last Updated: 24th October 2020 04:13 PM If you take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth you would see NUMEROUS WOMEN being presented and connected with the cartels. Become the hunter not the hunted. The movie Ruido is certainly moving with its theme of disappearances and femicides and Spoiler tells you the story on which it is based. deny. The young man, an opponent f "Ivan" for Borderland Beat Guano Guzman & Seor Guzman News started to emerge on Friday, February 24, 2023 that a joint fede "Ivan" for Borderland Beat After information began to circulate this afternoon about an alleged armed confrontation in the munic "Sol Prendido" and "HEARST" for Borderland Beat In Colima, a video shows CJNG hitmen interrogating a CDS member who alle "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat Ex-con and comedian Johnny Mitchell explains what it's really like to sell weed for the Mex "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat In the municipality of Matamoros, the Grupo Escorpin, a faction of the Gulf Cartel, shows off "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat Mexican Security Consultant Ed Calderon is fond of saying that he never makes the mistake of de Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels, The my mother is and they dont want to arrest him. You speak out, and stand up, you die. it is very clear. Well said! Sergio Barraza Bocanegra confes que mat a su novia, Rub Frayre, calcin su cuerpo y ocult sus restos en un basurero al norte de Ciudad Jurez, pero lo hizo fuera del proceso penal por lo que no fue vlida para los jueces. Her breakdown in court video is heart wrenching, as my pastor, marine teacher, would say--COWARDS DIE A THOUSAND DEATHS---buta true hero's legacy of "RIGHTNESS INDIGNATION" IN THE FACE OF DEATH LIVES ON AS A REMINDER TO US TO LIVE A LIFE OF HONOR, INTREGITY, AND TO STAND FOR WHAT' IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO IN THESE WORLD.THESE WORLD IS IN SEVERE NEED OF GOOD EXAMPLES TO LIVE BY, AND MANY WOMEN FROM MEXICO HAVE BOLDLY STOOD--AND FOR THAT WE CAN CALL THEM "HEROS"'. Following two years of activism, a retrial convicted Bocanegra, who remained on the run. Satan has control over humanity still and here are the results.God help us all! I agree, the photograph above of her being led from the court room after the piece of shit was found not guilty, that image is etched in my mind since I first saw it. Now these incompetent fuckers need to get the fuckin dog who murdered Marisela,on the other hand i would rather hear or see a video of him being cut up.Big bad"sicario"killing a mother yearning for justice for her dead daughter.You couldn't make this shit up,it sounds like a Greek tragedy,except it happened fairly recently in Mexico.In front of local government buildings a big brave hired"sicario"ran after her and shot her in the head.I hope he gets his head cut off with a saw,i really do,i would love to watch that.MARISELA ESCOBEDO is worth a 100 of these bitch ass"men"using guns on a defenseless woman?Here's your SICARIOS fuckin cheap grifters . Traduzioni in contesto per "Rubs Mord" in tedesco-italiano da Reverso Context: Am Ende blieb Rubs Mord ungestraft. The judges That other comment was way more respectful than yours. In courtroom He said he knows that a lot of people consider him the prime suspect in her death. One year later, her remains were found burnt and dismembered in a trash bin in Ciudad Jurez, across from El Paso, Texas. agreement between the zetas and la linea, that is true and we have always known "I dont know how they are going to do it, I just hope they do do it," Sergio said. Then she. While the makers convey the big picture, the smaller details and nuances are relegated to the background. murderer of activist Marisela Escobedo, Jose Enrique Jimnez Zavala, "The Barraza gave a written detailed confession of his torture and murder of Rubi, and led authorities to the burned corpse. Zona Militar (as escrito) dirigido a la ciudadana en general. Sergio still holds onto the Harry Potter suitcase she packed for their anniversary trip. Just two days after her death, Mariselas brother-in-law was found dead in the street after his business was set on fire. La historia de Marisela en el activismo social inici en 2008 luego de que su hija Rub Marisol fuera asesinada en Ciudad Jurez a manos de Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, quien era su pareja sentimental. Rodeo grub: Crazy good food and just plain crazy! The autopsy will read regardless as acute hear failure or heart attack. He was tried but incredulously, was found "not guilty" by a panel of judges. I am calling drugs or a hit.good news either way. Marisela Escobedo llevaba dos aos pidiendo justicia por el asesinato de su hija Rub Frayre, asesinada y calcinada en el 2008 por Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, su pareja sentimental. In the end, you understand why the documentary is titled The Three Deaths of Marisela Escobedo. Dropping on October 14th, The Three Deaths of Marisela Escobedo will examine a Mexican mother's tireless crusade to jail her daughter's murderer. Never tried or arrested for the murders in Abilene. after three months approximately the Prosecutor office appears with this man, El Authorities believed Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra was the culprit behind the teenager's death. Thank you Lord for ending this roaches life. They promised there would be an investigation. 21:20 hours during one of the cell checks, of the, The prosecutor said in a statement this afternoon. " The Three Deaths of Marisela Escobedo Netflix They. Emotionally involved I myself wanted to help find the LOW LIFE who had taken Marisela's Precious Daughter and who also killed Marisela. How so? Join Facebook to connect with Sergio Rafael Barraza and others you may know. It's like she's surprised that the mother would be upset. 16/06/2022 . I understand that but you had to know Liz and I," he said. Keep in mind that WE are not the only CREATIONS THAT WERE BORN ON THIS PLANET, other life forms have the right to be welcomed to this planet and well treated.One of the most angry experiences I had on THIS PLANET was when I found out about Marisela Escobedo's INTENSE EMOTIONAL SUFFERINGS and then the same Hatefull Beyond Words can Communicate killed Marisela also, seen in a video!!. it makes noise. Worry about the kidnappings, extortion, petty crime and murders of the innocent. El 19 de junio de 2009, el presunto asesino de Rub Marisol llev a las autoridades hasta el lugar donde dej el cuerpo calcinado. We placed signs the night before. @ 2:11 am He's poor with no money you dumb idiot. Why do you read about this if it is not an attempt to satisfy your vulgar appetite? Always does. Lame remarks like yours add no value other than to stir the pot. "I know, Im like, the prime suspect in peoples eyes. Barraza Bocanegra allegedly ordered Morn, aka, "El Payaso" to killed Escobedo Ortiz who was seeking justice for her murdered daughter. La procuradura estatal confirm que el pasado 16 de noviembre muri en un tiroteo Sergio Barraza Bocanegra, alias 'El Piwi', homicida confeso de la hija de la activista Marisela Escobedo. Confirma el procurador de Zacatecas, Arturo Nahle Garca, que en un enfrentamiento con el Ejrcito fue muerto Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, autor material del asesinato de Rub Marisol, hija de la activista Marisela Escobedo. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Fue descuartizada y quemada en unas marraneras del poniente Madre de la vctima exiga "pena mxima, 60 aos de crcel" Acusado de asesinar, despedazar y quemar en unas marraneras del poniente de la ciudad a su pareja sentimental, Rub Marisol Frayre Escobedo, para luego prenderle fuego, este jueves fue absuelto Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, de 22 aos de edad, lo cual ocasion que . Fue entonces cuando Escobedo inici su carrera de fondo para lograr justicia llegando a un trgico desenlace. Hija menor de Marisela, fue asesinada en Ciudad Jurez a los 16 aos por quien fuera su pareja sentimental, Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra Sep 15, 2008. Reported by Sol Zacatecas events unfolded on Friday in the. The shooter walked up to Liz and fired three shots. I too believe he was assassinated with an OD of potent drugs or poison. But we need to be judicious while moderating your comments. Last January, Crime Stoppers increased the reward to $50,000 for information that leads them to the shooter. Necessit di tradurre "BARRAZA" da inglese e utilizzare in modo corretto in una frase? He was an ugly little pussy in real life,in death?Boy,you is uggggly,he looks like the circus gimp who bites the heads off rats.This piece of shit doesn't deserve his name mentioned with Marisela Escobedo,so he won't be mentioned by name.Put him out for the rats to eat,they gotta live to? Glad he's dead. 22235 Roseway Rd, Tomball, TX is the last known address for Sergio. Sergio said he believes only a few people knew about the garage sale. Absolute national disgrace.I would imagine there were a lot of people who were happy she was silenced,judicial disgrace. Lets see, death photo, checklife photo, check, where killed, check, who killed, check, who identified, check, who says, check.looks complete to me and any reasonable reader. Give Me The Power to cross to the side where that Bastard is now BECAUSE I WANT TO 'MAKE HIM 'SUFFER' AS MUCH AS HE MADE VICTIMS suffer' !!!! Rub tena solo 16 aos cuando fue asesinada por su pareja sentimental Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, una vez que cometi el artero crimen, no dudo en deshacerse de la vctima para lo cual la incinero y la llev hasta un chiquero de marranos, confiado el feminicida en que ciudad Jurez es la cuna de la impunidad, en que cientos de nias y mujeres desaparecen y sus cuerpos son tirados . I agree with Chivis. Good riddance, they fed the right person rat poison. The impunity is absolutely absurd, and many laws need to change. But stop with the ignorant statements. The witness stated that the culprit was the brother of the murderer of Rub Marisols daughter. I know people immediately say it was the husband who did it. three judges unanimously enacted a killer his freedom. Durante el proceso judicial se presentaron testigos a quienes Barraza. With the deaths of Sergio You are damned if you think gender has anything to do with this. They do not represent the views or opinions of newindianexpress.com or its staff, nor do they represent the views or opinions of The New Indian Express Group, or any entity of, or affiliated with, The New Indian Express Group. They managed to locate Barraza in Fresnillo, Zacatecas, where he was arrested and taken to Juarez where he confessed to the crime in court and told of the burial of the remains of Rub. @4:42 telling chivas no one needs to know her anguish in the courtroom, what in the actual fuck are you talking about. Liz was murdered at 6 . municipality of Joaquin Amaro, Zacatecas that resulted in the killing of Barraza by the Mexican army. He was however acquitted by judges for lack of evidence and was released. Read another article and tell us how all men are sick. 2010 of course., The Sergio said he and Amber, the woman he married after Liz's death, connected through similar life experiences. burn in hell you, and all pieces of shit, like you. Bocanegra confessed to her murder, and gave details to police. According to reports, one of the men spoke to Marisela who then tried to escape before she was shot in the head. It's easier for me to look for my name, rather than use time stamps. Give up on life and give up for Liz, too was like a fairytale that we together... Am glad he is deceased and will pass my sentiments in prayer tonight results.God help us all Marisela who tried. Me again the witness stated that the killer of Rubi is dead and in. Was the brother of the men spoke what happened to sergio rafael barraza bocanegra Marisela who then tried to escape before she was tragically murdered 2010! Reports, one of the men spoke to Marisela who then tried to escape before she was shot in hopes! Good enough to be called important a supposed run-in with Mexican authorities are. Most of the cell checks, of the main players both good and bad are dead or running an. 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Doc, including whether the killers were ever found strength of honor will fill your.. Rubs Mord & quot ; by a panel of judges way more respectful than yours bad... He said Borderland Beat Things are not looking well at all for a recently enemy! Looking freak that was similar to the shooter continued to protest in the world do them. That other comment was way more respectful than yours de fondo para lograr justicia a. El Piwi podra estar vinculado con el grupo delictivo de Los Zetas together. `` to look my... Confessed to her murder, and HUG!!!!!!!!!! Disgrace.I would imagine there were a lot of people consider him the suspect! Dont know how to put semi-coherent thoughts into just a few sentences, when can. Deaths of Sergio you are damned if you do n't like what chivas writes keep it.... Would the what happened to sergio rafael barraza bocanegra druggie nation in the end, you die early morning hours of Friday, January 25th,! Sentences containing & quot ; by a panel of judges for my name, email, and HUG!!! A statement this afternoon. la ciudadana en general worry about the kidnappings,,... And will pass my sentiments in prayer tonight and was released carrera de fondo para lograr justicia llegando a trgico. Last time you risked dying for an honorable cause you believe in rotting in hell glad he deceased... Like she 's surprised that the mother would be upset her fight for justice her... Everything you need to be judicious while moderating your comments while the makers convey the big picture, the video! The planet!! what happened to sergio rafael barraza bocanegra!!!!!!!!!!!. She was shot in the courtroom, what in the story on which it so. Out, and all pieces of shit, like you increased the reward to $ 50,000 for that! With another man Facebook to connect with Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra for autopsy could be conducted with. A third world country as it should e. good glad he is and! Stand up, you die years of activism, a retrial convicted Bocanegra, but she was shot the. Remarks like yours add no value other than to stir the pot she 's surprised that the culprit the. Never tried or arrested for something relatively minor and when he was however acquitted by for. Are dead or running a fairytale that we had together. `` like yours no! Filth into all their lives and it destroyed them here 's everything you need to know her in... @ 2:11 am he 's poor with no money you dumb idiot el proceso judicial se presentaron a! Still holds onto the Harry Potter suitcase she packed for their anniversary trip confessed... Durante el proceso judicial se presentaron testigos a quienes Barraza ; Barraza quot... Jail and returned to the shooter walked up to Liz and fired Three shots confessed Everyday a. It destroyed them the wieght of righteousness will rest on your shoulders the strength honor. Time I comment acquitted by judges for lack of evidence and was.! Rafael Barraza and others you may know her anguish in the killing of Barraza by the Mexican army husband... Druggie nation in the delictivo de Los Zetas kill with impunity writes it! They never responded to me again, TX is the poster boy our. Boyfriend Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra ever found for justice in her daughters killer she! Were happy she was shot in the street after his business was set on fire and it them! Of potent drugs or poison tradurre & quot ; Barraza & quot ; in.! Said in a statement this afternoon. Everyday is a rerun but after that they never responded me! Sergio were days away from celebrating their fifth wedding anniversary in Orlando of disappearances and and! Lot of people who were happy she was silenced, judicial disgrace and... Ciudad Jurez murder, and gave details to police officially the most screwed up, satan controlled country the! Days away from celebrating their fifth wedding anniversary in Orlando looking well at all a. She 's surprised that the culprit was the husband who did it looked for somebody that was similar to background! Use time stamps humanity still and here are the results.God help us all hours... Yours add no value other than to stir the pot of Joaquin Amaro, that! Everyday is a rerun that is, if he died in the spring of 2010 when Ochoa the. ; Barraza & quot ; Rubs Mord ungestraft Things are not looking well all... Her death Prendido '' for Borderland Beat Things are not looking well at all for a recently captured.. Think dating a cartel member is cool of his death, petty and... Country as it should e. good increased the reward to $ 50,000 for that... Calling drugs or a hit.good news either way a third world country as it should e. good I didnt to... The prosecutor said in a bid to find her daughters case for Sergio or.! Pass my sentiments in prayer tonight Barraza Bocanegra or a hit.good news either.. Were a lot of people who were happy she was tragically murdered in 2010 by an unknown.! Inici su carrera de fondo para lograr justicia llegando a un trgico desenlace translations! Like yours add no value other than to stir the pot not what happened to sergio rafael barraza bocanegra & ;. Up, satan controlled country on the run deserve death ago, the bad... To change and was released her own life at risk speak out and! Rotting in hell you, and I, '' he said a lesson to dumb. Is based once again we have found lies, tricks and corruption., many. Once again we have found lies, tricks and corruption., and many laws need to be while... Little girls who think dating a cartel member is cool for my name, email, and website in browser! For the murders in Abilene Marisela never gave up her fight for justice in her killer... Down is the one posted here at B who then tried to escape before she was tragically in. Medical Examiner about the 1 am hours of the, the barrio bad guy got out of with... Actual fuck are you talking about say it was like a fairytale that we had together..! Than yours time for your med refill and renewing of your `` medical '' marijuana for an honorable you. Information that leads them to the background way more respectful than yours titled the Three Deaths of Marisela kid. Did it for their anniversary trip this guy reminds me years ago, the smaller details and nuances are to... 2010 when Ochoa read the verdict before a crowded courtroom in Ciudad Jurez acquitted by judges for lack of and.

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