when is lion's gate portal 2022

Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. These numbers are especially auspicious given that the year is 2022, the numerology of which urges us to stop worrying as life is pushed back on track, becoming more harmonious and balanced. Receive Healing Light Blessings The Lion's Gate Portal is like a cosmic holiday, occurring every year when a certain alignment happens in the sky. Click Here For A Free Angel Message Channeled By Melanie! With the gateway of abundance, love and fertility available to you during the enhanced time-band of the Lion's Gate, it is time to connect with the infinite possibility that lies within. Want a free guided .mp3 angel meditation by Melanie? It is a time and a season for discovering what the self can really do," Budd tells mbg. For a little cosmic perspective, the star Sirius is twice the size of our Sun and 26x brighter! This first session prepares you for the heightened spiritual awareness and increased intuition available to you, now. When you consciously claim it, you can use this time period to take a profound leap into deeper alignment and harmony with the Divine Blueprint for your soul embodiment. Your soul presence will rise to the surface to reunite with you To be made known to you. Often, the most difficult decision we can make is to take our power back so we can choose a new path and create the life we feel the most passionate about. "8/8 is numerologically significant, since eight is the number of abundance and prosperity," Brown says. "You can do this in meditation, in prayer, in dance, with a ritual, with a journalhowever occurs to you," she says. With 8 audio sessions that is a value of $162, Plus, the video sessions retail for $97 each With 2 video sessions, that's a value of $194. pic.twitter.com/FnAbLUTpKU, Tara Buffington (@hltPsychiClktve) August 3, 2022, RELATED:Angel Number 888 Spiritual Meaning & Symbolism Of Seeing 888. "The eighth house and eighth sign of the zodiac belong to Scorpio, so astrologically, eight has connections to power, transformation, energy, passion, and sexualityall Scorpio themes," she explains. Focus on the unlimited potential for success that the number, Plan a more personal lion's gate portal ritual. How often does Lion Gate Portal happen? Bless you! Thank you so much for the beautiful meditation what an amazing Blessing! This portal takes place during the time of Leo, which is heart-centered, self-love, and empowerment energies. So amazingI just wanted to sit in the light and love vibration forever so I just sat and enjoyed the energy for a while after the meditation.. so beautiful and powerful! Having 8 as the month and day the Lions Gate Portal closes doubles the power of this number, she says. Thatswhythey dont getwhatthey want. Praise be Madge. During this time, we receive light code activations that awaken us and align us with our potential. They have helped me beyond measure.~Rogue, I am at peace after listening to my 1st meditation. This is a powerful portal for manifesting. The Lion's Gate portal is scheduled to open on August 8, 2022, and with it the 8/8 phenomenon. Its one of the most fortunate, important cards, she says, with the number eight positioned sideways at the top of the magicians head itself. While the portal is active, its also an auspicious time for meditation. by Nina Kahn. Life path number 8 is all about confidence, passion, power and resilience all of which you can harness when manifesting while the Lion's Gate portal is open, and most specifically during the New Moon on 8/8. Sometimes its hard to do whats right. It's about transcending limitations and transitioning from the density of the physical realm into the new paradigm of crystalline consciousness, being, and light. Combined with the New Moon in Leo kicking it all off, the Lion's Gate portal also has a way of bringing truths to light. What is the Lion's Gate Portal? Thrilled to know what greatness is ahead thank youLianne, Listening is like our spirit is being sent to heaven and it feels like angels are near us and that the pressence of god is near us. Rachelle, Thanks for this meditation. Continue reading. I often forget what day this is and have an especi. RELATED:Which Astrology Life Cycle You're In According To Your Age (And Your Ruling Planet). Instead of overthinking what career moves to make, choose a path that speaks to your inner voice. In ancient Egypt, Sirius was considered personification of agricultural goddess Sopdet. Return Policy: If you don't LOVE these sessions for any reason, you can get 100% ofyour money back, guaranteed! Simply listening will connect you with powerful angelic help and support you in opening your higher chakras, integrating these energies, magnifying love in your experience and calling forth the full remembrance of your spiritual gifts, and your highest Authentic Truth. The Lion's Gate Portal is opening.This is when Sun in Leo, Sirius, Orion's Belt and the Earth all line up. And, if you don't LOVE these sessions for any reason, Even if you decide you just don't like the sound of my voice. Clear your mind, and envision light from above streaming in, activating your higher chakras, and pouring into your crown chakra to fully illuminate the true brilliance of your Divine Light, Christ Light, and awakened consciousness you have always carried within. While this celestial event lasts from July 28-August 12, the Lion's Gate portal is officially activated on August 8. All Rights Reserved | Copyright 2023 Ask-Angels.com & Melanie Beckler, Testimonials | Privacy Notice | Disclaimer | Terms of Use | Sitemap, {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}, __CONFIG_colors_palette__{"active_palette":0,"config":{"colors":{"62516":{"name":"Main Accent","parent":-1}},"gradients":[]},"palettes":[{"name":"Default Palette","value":{"colors":{"62516":{"val":"var(--tcb-skin-color-0)"}},"gradients":[]}}]}__CONFIG_colors_palette__, The 8:8 Lions Gate Portal Activation 2022. The portal is "open" between July 26 and August 12 but its powers are most potent today, making it the prime time to manifest exactly what you want. Yet, we often try to trivialize the needs of our souls as frivolous, wasted time or even just plain crazy. Of course, you can choose to ignore all of this and continue on the same path as if nothing is happening, or you can make a conscious choice to take an honest look at the needs of our own soul and push past lingering fears that have been holding you back. It represents abundance, which might relate to what you're manifesting. As such, Budd recommends tapping into your inner Leowhether you were born under this sign or not! No one is coming to save any of us in this lifetime. During the Lion's Gate alignment ( 26th July - 8th of August) we enter a period of high cosmic energy. Portal. When this alignment happens, there is an intense surge of light which awakens DNA, activates the human energy field, and transmits high vibrational frequencies and codes of awakening. This year the Lions Gate portal starts on July 26th and reaches its peak on August 12th. The date has a numerological significance The portal is "open" between July 26 and August 12. In spiritual practices, 8 is a special digit. So, this brings up an important question: To support you during this profound Gateway, Ive been guided to release a special series of 8 High-Frequency Angel Activations. cinestill400d. Then some need to be woken up from their dormancy. Retail value for each individual audio session is $27 each. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality, Leo Moon in the 12th House: What It Means. Faizi Mcqs on. As the ancient Egyptians did, we can think of the Lions Gate as the beginning of a new year and likewise offer our reflections on the past and resolutions for the future. While meditation is always powerfully supportive. The 619 sq. Be sure to take the time to meditate on and around the 8th This is when the energy is the strongest and the gateway fully opened. '8/8 is also important in numerology since 8 is the symbol for infinity turned sideways and is associated with luck and good fortune,' Bex says. The portal widens its jaws from. Budd says now's a chance to do your favorite spiritual activitiesespecially in a group, which can magnify positive energy and intentions. Leo doesnt accept scraps or second best and neither should we. The significance of 8/8 blends astrology with numerology in a beautifully synergistic way. It brings an abundance of power, the potential for fame, and high honor. Regardless of which form of denial we tap into, the results are always the same: we are unsatisfied with the life we are living but cant quite figure out how to get from here to there. In Numerology, the number 8 is symbolic of abundance and achievement and also of karmic debts. Angel numbers, or repetitive numbers in a sequence, indicate providence. But Right now, you don't have to pay that much. Sign in. What your heart and soul calls out for and where in your life is out of alignment with this your True and Authentic Soul intention. var jsTikTok = document.createElement('script'); I feel Great, exceptionally happy, and as if I have been super energised from within! Sirius is commonly associated with the Lion's Gate, but it's important to note that Sirius is a fixed star located at 14 degrees Cancer. When you open your heart, relax, and become aware as you listen, you feel a profound shift as the Divine starlight and guidance from Orion works to cleanse and refresh your chrakas and the very soul light which you already carry within. For more of her work, visit her website. This leonine magic combined with the annual rising of Sirius charges the lions gate portal with loads of creative and confidence-enhancing solar power. If you're into astrology or numerology, don't sleep on this opportunity to manifest abundance and dream big. "Civilizations as far back as the Dogon tribe of Africa, Sumer, and Ancient Egypt tracked the Sirius star system across the sky," ascension guide and intuitive healer Laura Brown tells Bustle. Let your awesomeness pour out and onto the canvas. Here's what the Lion's Gate portal is all about, from experts, plus how to work with its powerful energy. Alongside manifestation, it is an ideal time for meditation as we can harness the power of the portal and attune ourselves to its vibration. PPSC Test Preparation website is for all the aspirants to learn and dream big about their future. !Sheila. Think of the Magician card in Tarot. }); The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. Now go forth star babies, howl for your healing and roar for your wanting. Lion's Gate Portal: All You Need To Know About Astrologically Significant Event, S Jaishankar's "Firm" Reply To UK Minister Who Raised BBC Tax Row: Sources, Nithyananda's 'Republic Of Kailasa' At UN Meet. The angel's message for us around this time is to Trust. Despite the Lions Gate Portal being a new-agey creation, its not widely admitted in todays astrology. "Eight is known as the powerhouse number, and it acts as a bridge between the material and spiritual realms. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. Sun, moon and rising signs: Get to know your Big 3. Manifestation can take many forms, and the below is a common guide in how to actively manifest during the Lions Gate Portal. RUSSH Magazine 2023. This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. Priceless! Today marks the time when the Lion and Sirius create a portal. Every year, the Lions Gate Portal is initiated when the new moon is in Leo. Keep your heart open and make it a point to tune into the influx of higher frequency and Divine Love. 8/8 is touted by some spiritual practitioners as one of the luckiest days of the year for manifesting, so if you choose to partake in the fun, it can be a fabulous time to set intentions and do an abundance ritual. Right now, the cosmos is shedding light on your subconscious mind and urging you to heal the past or any wounds that are resurfacing at the moment. Astrologers consider this an opportune day for manifestation, or concentrating on what you want to make it a reality. So, how can you actualize all of this powerful eight-energy? Much love and light.~Anne, Dear Melanie, Thank you for your beautiful messages,and channeling, they have brought such wonderful comfort and hope.~Tania, Thank you so much Melanie. Possibly one of astrologys best-kept secrets is that Sirius and the sunour solar systems very own starare actually in a binary relationship. The 8-8 Lions Gate Portal is marked by the numerology of 8-8, the Sun's presence in the Astrological sign of Leo the Lion, and the rising of the star Sirius on the horizon. You will instantly feel your energy get cleansed and uplifted as the negativity is washed away effortlessly when you just listen. Set your phone's timer for eight minutes and allow yourself to clear your mind of any limiting thoughts (bonus points if you start your meditation at 8:08 a.m. or p.m.!). The lion's gate portal opens every year on August 8 when the sun in Leo, the star Sirius, Orion's Belt, and the Earth all line up, numerologist Kaitlyn Kaerhart previously explained to mbg. Part of this is more fully realizing what you really want. Namast.Marc, Melanie is an amazing channel. The spiritual meaning of the Lions Gate phenomenon comes from the involvement of Siriusas this star is known as the spiritual sun of our sun, Narayana says. The reason its called the Lions Gate Portal is because it happens during Leo season, Narayana says. This gateway creates an incredible period of accelerated ascension, And this year, amidst the already potent waves of change and transformation, it's supercharged. Visually, the number 8 looks like an infinity symbol turned upright, which represents unlimited potential. Here's what Budd and Kaerhart recommend doing the next time the Lion's Gate portal opens: The Lion's Gate portal occurs during Leo season, and specifically, around the peak of Leo season, amplifying the themes of this zodiac sign. This guided energy session will instantly dissolve the ego's mental chatter as it opens your energy centers and attunes you to the spiritual power of the Spiritual Sun, Sirius. Astrologers consider this as an opportune day for manifestation, to concentrate on whatever you want to achieve in life. In numerology, eight bears a lot of significance as well. The Lions Gate Portal officially opened on July 28, when the opportunity-bringing new moon was in magnetic Leo. Carry or wear the following crystals; fire agate, citrine, yellow obsidian, and yellow calcite. The involvement of the number 8 in Tarot helps us realize that this number brings big manifestation vibes to the mix, making August 8 a powerful day for setting intentions, she says. This will add a sense of calm and good vibes to your life. Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. It can be seen as a portal of spiritual energy opening that reaches its peak on the 8/8 date. "Love is a key part of Leo, and of the potential of the Lion's Gate, as I see it," she notes. Not only are you giving back to the community, but youll feel as though you have a sense of higher purpose. Considered to be an energetic "portal," the Lion's Gate can connect you to the portal in your own heart, she explains. But in the case of the Lion's Gate portal on August 8, you just might find your efforts will be amplified more than you can imagine. When we look at another and judge their life choices, fool" is simply a label being used to confine people to boxes society feels most comfortable with. As a Zodiac Sign, Leo is associated with the heart center and represents the individualized expression of the Divine. by Laurie Barraco | Jul 30, 2020 | astrology, Energy | 1 comment. As long as youre clear about what you want to bring into your relationship, then itll reach new heights and strengthen the bond you share. During periods of time in which Sirius gets closer to Earth, its believed humanity experiences a surge of higher consciousness. "This creates a powerful portal of energy, which is potent for manifesting," she adds. Click here & get access to all 8 Lions Gate Activations here and you'll get my 100% money back guarantee for 60 days. Unlock your spiritual power, anchor higher light, clarify your will, and Empower Your Highest Purpose Now! August 8 Is One Of 2022's Luckiest Days Astrology The Lion's Gate Portal On August 8 Is One Of The Year's Luckiest Days Get ready to manifest your dreams into reality. "Getting together for ceremonies, meditations, chanting, yoga, dance, art, time in nature, etc., can amplify the energy of the Lion's Gate," Budd explains. Allow yourself to feel your deepest emotions as you remedy your heart. It takes place when the sun is in Leo, the Earth, Orion's Belt. Whether you choose to stitch lanyard, make cushions, or draw portraits, the one thing thats certain is that youll be able to connect with your inner spirit. Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn; Press Releases; Share Your Stories, Videos & Photos! In this blissful activation, you will receive a profound starlight ascension activation from the healing light of Sirius, the light of the infinite, and from the Council of Light. We often cant face the truth or fear taking action because we worry about possible resulting failures we risk anytime we step outside of our comfort zone. Read on for a deep dive into the meaning of the 8/8 lions gate portal so you can take advantage of the potential power of this date. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. This astrological and spiritual gateway has roots that go back to ancient Egypt and for thousands of years has been observed and honored as a time of a great energetic influx and activation! The Lion's Gate portal is said to be the opening of a rare window between the spiritual and physical worlds that takes place as the Sun in Leo, the star Sirius, the Orion's Belt constellation, and the planet Earth all come into alignment each year. 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