Africa, the From an archeological & scientificbackground, the oldest bones were excavated fromAlkebulan, Really great article. They removed these ancient Hebraic booksbecause they didn't want the people to acknowledge These fossils suggest that humans lived on the continent as far back as 7 million years ago. One glaring distortion is about the character called Jesus Christ in the bible, whom the ancient artists drew as a black man, ancient sculptors carved him as a black man, and even the bible itself described him as a black man in many passages. The dead end of African literature Shem, Ham, & Japheth are regarded as being theancestorsof all human beings, For he grew up before him like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground; he had no form or majesty that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire him. Biblical Data: The name of the grove of trees is evidently considered as derived from this sheikh or chieftain. In general it constitutes the excess of the LXX over the Heb. I feel there istruth regarding who this ancient African Edenic man and On doing this, the equator divides the continent into two separate halves; The North and The South. language than others. It was used by the Moors, Nubians, Numidians, Khart-Haddans (Carthagenians), and Ethiopians. face of this Earth. 16:8). Here are a few enjoyable and easy strategies to make the most out of your Bible study. We also aim at promoting tourism across the African continent. WebSince the term Alkebulan is not mentioned in any biblical verses, the meaning of Alkebulan in the Bible can only be derived from what historians and theologians have declared it to be. If you're not satisfied with the above explanation, let's go straight to the bible itself and find out what race was Jesus's ancestor named king Solomon. The Bible today, refers to Israel being captive in Egypt and then uses other names for other parts such as Simon from Cyrene and etc. By the time we came out of slavery, any black history denoting greatness had been erased, doctored or and deleted from the history books. Moses was born at the 18th dynasty of the ancient Egyptian monarchy. The biggest secret in the world, Top 200 books black people must read or die, Top 10 Africans & African-American scholars of black history you should know, European crimes in Africa during colonialism- European crimes caught on camera during colonization of Africa, Role of Christian Missionaries in the Colonization of Africa- East Africa as a case study. Africa, the current misnomer adopted by almost everyone today, was given to this continent by the ancient Greeks and Romans. He buttresses his point by indicating that the Greeks occupied Africa in 332 BC, followed by the Romans in 30 BC. cultureof Afro Asiatic peoples( Edenites-Hebrew Israelites). The Ancient Israelites from the Biblical times, wereShemetic but some Origin of Amen. There were other names which the continent was called such as; Land of Ham meaning Land of dark skins or dark/black continent. Before settling for the name Africa, the continent was called many other names like Corphye, Ortegia, Libya, and Ethiopia. Hebrew scrolls were derived from. 99 % of what you have said is true!! The oldest Bible was found in #Ethiopia. WebFrom an archeological & scientific background, the oldest bones were excavated from Alkebulan, known in the Bible as the Land of Eden(Hebrew for Paradise). The Ancient Israelites from the Biblical times, wereShemetic but some European white supremists tried to distort the truth from Black People, & other peoples about Africa, they failed in doing Brown. THEANCIENT LANGUAGE They were blacks!!. Before I go further, let me inform you that if you're a serious seeker and you're interested in digging deeper for the whole truth and nothing but the truth, no matter where it may lead to, then you'll need to first find out What, IMF and World Bank: colonial tools to exploit the world "The United States has viewed all multilateral organisations including the World Bank, as instruments of foreign policy to be used in support of specific US aims and objectivesUS views regarding how the world economy should be organised, how resources should be allocated and how investment decisions should be reached were enshrined in the Charter and the operational policies of the bank." Phut(Libyans), Cush (Ethiopians), Canaan (Canaanites) and Mizraim ( Egyptians)whereas the Israelites descended from Shem, one of Noah's other son! At that time we had no idea what was going on in the world. Because even Genesis 2 writes thatthe Giyon(Gihon)River flows aroundthe African son. The Bible directly refers to Egypt as the Land of Ham. This influenced the change of name from Alkebulan to Africa. WebBible verses and scriptures about different aspects of life. This is the land that was known as North-Eastern Africa. I mean the Popes know the truth, its just that its such an embarrassing truth they'll rather keep obscured because there's no way they'll have to explain the truth to the world after two thousand years of lies. Despite facts from archeology and paleontology, yet Hollywood and cinemas continue casting bible characters as whites! As a matter of fact, Professor John Henrik Clarke said: "there are two things Europeans couldn't have inventedthe concept of Christianity and Democracy". The oldest and only word with indigenous roots is alkebu-Ian. Alkebulan refers to either the mother of humanity or the Garden of Eden. THE ANCIENT LAND YAH CREATED of Eden. the Book ofJasher,the Book of Enoch, Nag Hammadi Scrolls etc.) The Watcher of Alkebulan. (Yosef Ben-Jochannan) However, there is one significance about Africas name which has been a subject of debate for decades. The name is one, over time that is connected to historical heritages and tied to historical revolutions. beings with this truth on African EdenicHistory, & stop misleading them with their pseudonotions about Europeans but Edenitesare more ancient than Ham or his brothers. Cheikh Anta Diop Also, another theory linked to the Roman word; Aprica which means sunny is a theory considered to be the birth of the name Africa. Top books on this topic could be found below. WebAlkebulan In The Bible. current name adopted by almost everyone today was given to this continent by Africans were present when the Israelites arrived in Canaan to dwell. Edenites were dark skinned people but they didn't come from CHam, much ancient than that. I have already given you these facts as proof of what I say. Hebrew(Ibriy) which is derived from the Lashan Qodesh(ancient Hebrew, palaeo Hebrew). For if Jesus of the bible was of middle eastern origin, the colour of his feet had to be ascribed the colour of ivory, which is an off-white colour or some other colour resembling a middle-easterner. Growing up in the land of Egypt as a Prince, he met at some point an Egyptian fighting an Israelite. This was thelanguagewhere the ancient Africa. Africa which had established itself as the leading maritime power in the ancient world. It is believed that southern Egypt is where the biblical Cush was located. that the world knows this truth! He further argues that the thought that claims that the name Africa never originated from the people and was created by the Romans is totally false. The word Ham is believed to come from the word Khawm which means black, hot, and burnt in Hebrew and chamam, also a Hebrew word for to be hot. Scriptures, with the material concerned being written during the last two centuries b.c. Alkebulan is the oldest and the only one of indigenous origin. Scriptures, with the material concerned being written during the last two centuries b.c. It was summarized in this video (9 minutes only). There weren't a lot of action roles growing up - there were a few, maybe, like Wonder Woman, but then it wasn't real action. Comments on: Alkebulan in the Bible: Is The word Alkebulan in the Bible? It wasn't until 312 AD when Roman emperor Constantine converted to Christianity that it became an accepted religion in Europe. This name translates to mother of mankind, or the garden of Eden.. Ethiopia is a country in present-day East Africa. According to experts that research the history of the African continent, the original ancient name of Africa was Alkebulan. Thus, it is absolutely imperative for certain people to be educating all human While I do emphasize on the Nation of Yisra'el, I have It was used by the Moors, Nubians, Numidians, Khart-Haddans (Carthagenians), and Ethiopians. when Rome interfered in a dispute on So does this From Arabic interpretation, it is known as the Land of Blacks and also, in the History of Afrika by Dr. Cheikh Anah Diop, he translated the meaning of Alkebu-lan to mean Mother of mankind or Garden of Eden. If so where can they be found It was used by the Moors, Nubians, Numidians, Khart-Haddans (Carthagenians), and Ethiopians. More than 100 times in the Bible, Cush is referenced, yet its location is never made clear. they were physically walking with us in this modern time, they including theirancestors & the latter Nation of Israel almost every place mentioned in there is located right in Eden(present day Africa & the Middle East)! Though the phrase is indigenous to Africa, it was utilized by various nations, together with the Kingdom of Ethiopia. There weren't a lot of action roles growing up - there were a few, maybe, like Wonder Woman, but then it wasn't real action. Because, according to the bible, a Pharaoh ordered that every Israelite child in Egypt must be killed, however, the Pharaoh's daughter found baby Moses floating helplessly at the river banks and saved him, brought Moses to the king's palace, and the king could not differentiate Moses from his own sons. as being 6,000 years old. Cheikh Anta Diop The Watcher of Alkebulan. Hagar, Abrahams Egyptian concubine, may have had southern Egyptian origin, and she is the only figure in the Bible to give God a name (Gen 16:13). intendest thou to kill me, as thou killedst the Egyptian? whole land of Kuwsh,(Ethiopia)from theprincipal river(Yarden-Jordan) branching off into four heads within the Garden Jeremiah also makes reference to Ebed-Melech, the Cushite who saved one of the greatest prophets, the prophet Jeremiah, from death. WebTop Alkebulan In The Bible Quotes. Cookies help us deliver the services. There is a danger of modern preachers using the Bible as an authority on a social issue. Take a moment to pray to God before you start reading. I don't want to dwell so much on ancient Egyptian history or other concerns, but let me show you what the bible itself actually said about the race and coloration of the person called Jesus Christ. The etymology points back to its original birthplace Ethiopia which came before Egypt. & his twelve sons were even born. According to some historians the ancient name of Africa was Alkebulan. Europeans themselves converted to Christianity, because the religion wasn't originally theirs!!. Next day he saw two Israelites striving, and instead of killing either, as he did to the Egyptian the previous day, he seperated then and asked them why are they fighting, and said that they were "brethren" which literally meant "brothers. John G. Jackson Some might feel like I am speaking Kwame Nkrumah and others, and be proud of who you are! These European Jewish people that are pretending to be from the ancient Israelites, but are really Europeans, Each of these languages also has different dialects peculiar to certain people and Arabic is considered one of its most spoken languages. they did us four hundred years ago in servitude, but to rather uplift ourselves from this mental slavery, teach our people come from? The oldest Bible was found in #Ethiopia. It is often emphasized that the first language that the Ancients spoke was The African countries in modern-day Africa which werent colonized by westerners are Ethiopia and Libya. originals, and the creators of civilization, then we should know that Europe isabsolutely not the ancient land that Ham is the youngest of Noahs three sons along with Japheth and Shem. Nubianmonarchs whom the Israelites traded & had communication with. It's not as if the bible is silent as to the race or skin colouration of Jesus Christ, the truth is there, but, it is just the way it has been presented in texbooks, movies, stories, Hollywood, making Jesus to appear to be a white man. This is what they need to be teaching in school, instead of saying Louis Africanus and Alkebulan's name change. Tucker, a British Missionary interpreted the 1900 Buganda Agreement to the regents of Kabaka Daudi Chwa II. With Geneology and Genetics, black people's genes are the most ancientDNA on the known as Edenites) were the first on this Earth, the original people of Yah. Their distinct slanted eye look is due to down syndrome. The Gilgamesh epicsthe Enuma Elish, The Ugarit Scripts are Therefore, we need to anul these ridiculous thoughts of Europeans being the ancients, it was they who likeness. What is Lucifer? The Kemetic or Alkebulan history of Africa leads one to believe that Alkebulan was once the name of the continent. Adam and Eve were black- according to science How could Adam and Eve be white; when human life began in Africa? woman were, and they could be more ancient than Adam and Eve written in the Bible. The Gilgamesh epicsthe Enuma Elish, The Ugarit Scripts are Look at those empires which the Sumerians, Elamites, Chaldeans,(Afro Asiatic people) Read them and be the judge. So they didn't begin The African History is a reliable blog site dedicated to sharing general African History, Culture and News. Places in Africa are rather mentioned or used in the Bible. they were physically walking with us in this modern time, they including theirancestors & the latter Nation of Israel WHAT ABOUT ADAM AND EVE? Now the priest of Midian had seven daughters: and they came and drew water, and filled the troughs to water their fathers flock. I am raising money to build a model school that would produce students who will outperform those from our current system of education in Africa, in science and scientific thought. whole land of Kuwsh,(Ethiopia)from theprincipal river(Yarden-Jordan) branching off into four heads within the Garden Bible Follower | The Bible has a wealth of knowledge and insight that is just waiting for us to unearth it. the right date for Ahdawm & Chawah's(Adam and Eve)presence,which was muchearlier than 6,000 years. For instance, present-day Midian (where Moses fled to after killing an Egyptian) former area may be found in western Saudi Arabia, southern Jordan, southern Israel, and the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula. Our first man, Noah, his wife Shemah, their son Japheth, Japheths brothers wife, Ham, and Egyptus (or Mizraim), a daughter of Ham, all originated from this continent. Look at those empires which the Sumerians, Elamites, Chaldeans,(Afro Asiatic people) Yet, historians from several continents have argued against this propagated African name The Original name for Africa is ALKEBULAN: Arabic for "the land of original people". found in Northeast Africa, while the whole of Africa(including the so called Middle East)is the Biblical land of Eden. Because even Genesis 2 writes thatthe Giyon(Gihon)River flows aroundthe a.d. 1. But the term ALKEBULAN is not recognized, to my knowledge, even in African governments anywhere. I'm sure if ancestors, and your Mind.". of Eloh "God" (cognate with Allah), a word of unknown etymology, perhaps an However, the top echelon of the Catholic church that introduced Christianity to Europe knows the truth. Today we have a false identity of self, self-hatred, How could Adam and Eve be white; when the first humans lived in Africa? And at another point, he met two Israelites fighting, he dared to ask why wherefore smitest thou thy fellow? It also means that every human being today, actually did physically stem from Black People. Adam an, ALKEBULAN = Africa How Europeans changed the name of Africa The Original name for Africa is ALKEBULAN: Arabic for "the land of original people" Alkebulan is the oldest and the only name of indigenous origin. Moses himself, the Jewish law giver, was born in Egypt here in Africa, schooled in Africa, married in Africa, and therefore was an African. In Kemetic History of Afrika, Dr cheikh Anah Diop writes, The ancient name of Africa was Alkebulan. Although Jesus was under a different name and was depicted as an African. The hair of Asiatic/European peoples are known to be long, flowy and wavy. Brown. Alkebulan Hebrew scrolls were derived from. peoples,not Europeans. In fact, this school argues that Africa was initially named Alkebulan and was widely referred to as Alkebulan before the name Africa was birthed. I'm sure if IMPORTANT: Please don't get me wrong. To do this, let us use Moses as an example, since he was one of the popular original Israelites. The Bible today, refers to Israel being captive in Egypt and then uses other names for other parts such as Simon from Cyrene and etc. Though I like to read the Bible myself, these fundamental subjects, Science, Archeology, and brown complexions, just like with Shemites. African son. The otherrivers(Tigris, Euphrates, & Pishon) mentioned can He adds that the name Africa had various pronunciation due to Africas diversity in language. While dark eyes is common to every race, this particular verse debunks the image of a blue-eyed Jesus Christ that has infiltrated the world for hundreds of years. WebAPOCRYPHA ( , hidden ). God will judge is all at the time he has determined. We also aim at promoting tourism across the African continent. WebTop Alkebulan In The Bible Quotes. Cannae before his eventual defeat at the hands of Rome's Scipio in 202 B.C. In the latter half of the 17th century, the word Africa was first used. known in the Bible as the Land of Eden(Hebrew for Paradise). From an archeological & scientificbackground, the oldest bones were excavated fromAlkebulan, Song of Solomon chapter 1 verse 5-6, read ''. Geneology, & Genetics,also hasnecessarybasic information, pertaining to who theoriginal people were, Alkebulan is the oldest and the only name of indigenous origin. The name was only initially used only to refer to the Northern parts of Africa. WebAlkebulan In The Bible. But we can't reject the fact that this territory is a part of Alkebulan! Neither am I in the radio or media where I could get it heard. Floyd Mayweathers Children: Meet The 5 Kids Of The Legendary Boxer, Yusef Rasheed: Unknown Details About The First Husband Of Serena Williams Mother, Andre Rock Is Chris Rocks Brother: Everything To Know About Him, 12 Famous African Gods and Goddesses With Unbelievable Capabilities, The Rise And Fall of the Greatest Female Pharaoh, Hatshepsut, Truths And Lies About How Africa Got Its Name, 10 Most Dangerous African Dictators You Must Know About, Chelsea Tallarico Is From A Very Famous Family- 10 Facts About The Singer, Keke Wyatt Kids: Meet The 11 Children And Their Fathers, Lil Waynes Kids- Meet The Rappers 4 Children With 4 Baby Mamas, Sarah Jakes Roberts Children: Meet Her 6 Kids And Husband, Who Is Gertie Davis? One glaring distortion is about the character called Jesus Christ in the bible, whom the ancient artists drew as a black man, ancient sculptors carved him as a black man, and even the bible itself described him as a black man in many passages. Bob Marley This article is on the distorted fact about the physical characteristics of Jesus Christ, the man who is said to have walked the earth some 2,000 years ago. It is believed that southern Egypt is where the biblical Cush was located. The Bible is a book basically about the geneology,and I know for surethat they wereEdenic (Yosef Ben-Jochannan) The word Alkebulan in Arabic, Al is a prefix leaving just kebulan as a word, and so far the word is non-existent in Arabic, they claim. Which clearly explains why Black People can have albino offsprings, but white people can't produce black Alkebu-lan mother of mankind or garden of Eden.. There had to been otherEdenitepeople before Adam and Eve. Because I am quite aware thatcertain books(the Apocrypha, The current locations of the old Midian area are western Saudi Arabia, southern Jordan, southern Israel, and the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula. Why was black history stolen ? More than 180 times in the Major Prophets, phrases referring to Africa and Africans are utilized. The earth and the skies were first created by God. After Moses heard these words, he fled to the land of Midian. Alkebulan is the oldest and the only name of indigenous origin. almost every place mentioned in there is located right in Eden(present day Africa & the Middle East)! Africa, the current misnomer adopted by almost everyone today, was given to this continent by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Africason | Black People| Education| Black History| African History | Culture | Black Consciousness, Who Is This King of Glory? Evidently, Gerar was the site of an Ethiopian colony that served as a barrier between Egypt and Judah. Ancient Africa I do believe the Messiah is black. Take a moment to pray to God before you start reading. It is time for the black race to rise and claim what is ours. So they didn't begin According to history scholars, the name Africa came into existence in the late 17th century. mam'-re (mamre'; Septuagint Mambre): (1) In Genesis 14:24 Mamre is mentioned as the name of one of Abraham's allies, who in 14:13 is described as the Amorite, brother of Eschcol and Aner. progeny, would be classified as modern day black people. originals, and the creators of civilization, then we should know that Europe isabsolutely not the ancient land that Some of these ancient bones have been recorded as being800,000 (2). which should be in the Holy Bible, were taken The Lost History. Edenicsis the ancient language that came from Edenites, before the people spoke different languages, Hebrew, Aramaic, and genetics has basically proven to us thatEdeniteswere the original people. children,unless theyare only adopted, but that'sit. rebelled against YHWH. But religion will always be a debatable subject but let's not give the colonisers too much credited as it was us who taught them first. Black history @Alkebulan_Trust. out by these Europeans. Thank you for listening and may the Almighty YHWH bless you! !The Israelites are ALL indeed black!! Though the phrase is indigenous to Africa, it was utilized by various nations, together with the Kingdom of Ethiopia. They both were the sons of Lots two daughters, by their own fathereven tho he wasnt willingly participating in this incest, they got him drunk and took tirns and slept with him, two different nights.So from that, came Moab(Chinese) and Ammon(Ben-Ammi(Japanese). Alkebu-lan mother of mankind or garden of Eden . What is Lucifer? Third Punic War, the Romans, led by Publius Cornelius Scipio the Younger, The meaning of alkebulan in the bible can only be linked to what historians and theologist have described it to be, since theres no record of the word alkebulan in the bible verses. WebFrom an archeological & scientific background, the oldest bones were excavated from Alkebulan, known in the Bible as the Land of Eden(Hebrew for Paradise). when Rome interfered in a dispute on the Carthaginian controlled island of Sicily. Hebrew is close to this ancient Edenic Human ancestry made easy Despite facts from the science of genetics about human origins, yet western movies, books, continue to present Adam and Eve as whites. The inhabitants were known as Kushites. Therefore, His body was like beryl, his face like the appearance of lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze, and the sound of his words like the sound of a multitude. Its a fake. Africa, the current misnomer adopted by almost everyone today, was given to this continent by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Eden is the firstplace In general it constitutes the excess of the LXX over the Heb. They had a hand in the shift from Alkebulan to its current name. In his essay, he writes Greeks had earlier called Africa Aphrike as they could not pronounce the existing name Af-Rui-ka. His Story not Our Story! This is a great news to all blacks.because each time I always wonder whether Jesus was photographed or drawn before. Role of Christian missionaries in the colonization of East Africa Christian missionaries in East Africa (1). Alkebulan is the oldest and the only name of indigenous origin. They have all shown that the first humans that ever lived had lived in Africa. John H. Clarke Though these WebBible verses and scriptures about different aspects of life. That's why a new picture is being presented as Jesus, contrary to how the bible said he looked like. Africa is a renowned name that has traveled way beyond the shores of the Nile to the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. No more of this miseducation being taught to us! who were formed byYahwah El Shaddaiin His own image and likeness according to the book of Genesis 1. children,unless theyare only adopted, but that'sit. This verse describes the arms and legs of Jesus to be like burnished bronze and we all know that the legs and arms of any body bears the same colour as his entire body, which indicates that Jesus was a black man. Now the question I really need to ask, if it is true that the firstEdenic man and woman were But its nothing but lies because Europeans are Japhites not Shemites, Not just once but multiple times in the bible were the feet of Jesus Christ been ascribed to be brown or bronze-coloured by different men of the bible. The Jews, Israelites & Hebrews of the Bible Were Black People. The representation of Jesus and ancient Hebrewsas 'whites' today became prevalent during the Renaissance period between 14th to 17th centuries in Europe, when people in arts and paintings depicting scenes from the bible were represented as 'whites', which unfortunately has stuck around since then. progeny, would be classified as modern day black people. 1. They call it black Madonna to conceal the name. The word Ham is believed to come from the word Khawm which means black, hot, and burnt in Hebrew and chamam, also a Hebrew word for to be hot. Another nation where Gods message is being preached is Ethiopia. This is why no matter what nation of people there are with ANY child with down syndrome, they all have the slanted eyes!! Various theories suggest that the word Africa is derived from both a greek and Latin origin. Webgreat lesson on filling in the gaps where the europeans deny when and where the Hebrew [a people] were in Afrika, aka Alkebulan. Scriptures, with the material concerned being written during the last two centuries b.c. Alkebulan is the oldest and the only one of indigenous origin. Cookies help us deliver the services. The lost history (From partition of Africa by Prof Sempebwa). One glaring distortion is about the character called Jesus Christ in the bible, whom the ancient artists drew as a black man, ancient sculptors carved him as a black man, and even the bible itself described him as a black man in many passages. mam'-re (mamre'; Septuagint Mambre): (1) In Genesis 14:24 Mamre is mentioned as the name of one of Abraham's allies, who in 14:13 is described as the Amorite, brother of Eschcol and Aner. Who knew that God made Alkebulan, is the question I have now. The place known as modern Israel or Palestine, doesn't have an ancienthistory mother and child used in Kemet (ancient lower and upper Egypt). was known asEdenics the progenitor of allancient languages. Europeans are neither Shemites After allQayin(Cain)found But religion will always be a debatable subject but let's not give the colonisers too much credited as it was us who taught them first. This colonial interpretation further emphasizes white supremacy and perpetuates the slave narrative of Alkebulan. The concept of the Apocrypha. WebFrom an archeological & scientific background, the oldest bones were excavated from Alkebulan, known in the Bible as the Land of Eden(Hebrew for Paradise). Eden is the firstplace During this period colonialism was in practice, the Europeans roamed Africa and ruled over her people as slave masters. Miseducation There are a couple of theories supporting different schools of thought as to how the name Africa came to be. I wish more of our ppl sought out this long forgotten truth. Noah and his family. Therefore, Alkebulan is the oldest and the only name of indigenous origin. What was this ancient language? Edenicsis the ancient language that came from Edenites, before the people spoke different languages, Hebrew, Aramaic, "Whatever the fact, this coin, with the straight haired Justinian on the obverse side, places beyond doubt the belief that "Jesus" was a Negro (black-skinned).".
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