do poppy casteel and kieran get together

And there are so many reveals about the world and Poppys own heritage that it is well past the point of ridiculousness. As the Harbinger of Death and Destruction. I will give you the honor of becoming my husband, because you're already worthy of me. Casteel: "Forcing a warrior to don a veil of submission was never going to last. The Prince of Atlantia. With the strength of the Primal of Lifes guards behind her, and the support of the wolven, Poppy must convince the Atlantian generals to make war her waybecause there can be no retreat this time. I have no idea what I was talking about. They'd expect me to fall for someone as fiery as she is kind, brave even to a fault. Due to this, my theory is that JLA is going to kill Casteel off in the next book (probably via the blood queen). ", Poppy: "I'm not going to stop fighting you. ", Casteel: "You look You look beautiful, Poppy. ", Casteel: "Don't worry. ", Gently, he pried my fingers from the dagger, Casteel: "I'm just putting this down. Together, Poppy and Casteel must embrace traditions old and new to safeguard those they hold dearto protect those who cannot defend themselves. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for The War of Two Queens (Blood And Ash Series Book 4) (English Edition) at I wasnt so much surprised by the actual joining itself, either the physical act (though I think it could have been written better) or the magical motivation for the decision. She thought it would kill him. ", Casteel: "Then you should get changed. A War of Two Queens is on several lists, but I think it most deserves to be on this one: Most Disappointing Sequels/Prequels. ", Casteel: "You're so incredibly violent.". When I read the first three chapters after they were released a month early, I was feeling like this guy was bad news. Review: This was another massive book, so as much as I wanted to get my review out as close to the release day as possible, here we are, a few weeks later. The last chapters of the book are just epic. Now that Hawke is Poppy's guard, we start getting a lot of swoon-worthy moments. I meant desire. That she is part Atlantian. ------->. He is convinced that Hawke and Kieran have led them into a trap. ", Casteel: "Because it makes me want to strip you naked and sink so deep in you that neither of us will know where we start and end. Oh, my gods. Bastard. . There is an unspoken but strong understanding between the author and the readers of what they are there for, be it happily ever afters, smut, etc. I don't need an explanation of that. Casteel: "When will you realize I speak the truth? Sadthewidow says: She just admitted I was right. ", Poppy: "It's you. This third installment in the series is excellent. Poppy Balfour/Kieran Contou/Casteel Da'Neer; Nesta Archeron/Cassian; Feyre Archeron/Rhysand; Azriel/Gwyneth Berdara; Elain Archeron/Azriel (Queer . ", Casteel's lips brushed the healing bite mark, Poppy: "Compulsions aside, you can't control everything. ", Casteel: "Because you needed to know that not everything was a lie. Kiss. Personalities are kept consistent, and best of all, the book is thrilling and unpredictable. I simply stared up at him, waiting and wanting. That's why, even now, you are concerned about him. The bad boy. ", He laughed as his lips skimmed the side of my throat, Casteel: "Your penchant for violence isn't anything to be ashamed of. ", Casteel: "My mother has stabbed my father a time or a dozen over the years. <-------- He is kinda perfect himself. God there is so much I can say about this book. This book showed many of the same flaws. I was expecting her to have a stronger bloodline, sure but I was not expecting that at all. Kieran is Casteel's bonded wolf. There were plenty of hints in the book that a possible threesome might happen at some point, and while I usually wouldn't, that level of smut, I just don't see it. ", Alastir: "This is going to be an incredibly awkward conversation. ", Poppy: "I think he's far more taken with himself. Is that less vague enough for you, Penellaphe? one Poppy and Casteel had moved into once they'd found out that they were to become parents. I refused his proposal at first, just so you know. S, While I appreciate and understand your point of view, I actually really like how it evolved. God there is so much I can say about this book. Maybe you should try that. And this last bit gets to the general fans reactions and the authors approach with this series. I just need you. It was evident in the way Kieran was physically described to. ", Casteel: "Perhaps I have answers. Your laugh is as beautiful as your smile, and when I told you it was like hearing something familiar? Partly, I think I just really liked the Kieran/Casteel relationship on its own (so rare that you see a friendship between two men this strong in a fantasy novel) and I almost didnt want Poppy encroaching on it. That it's a blood exchange that often turns into something, um, more intimate.". My fur should be reserved for something far more luxurious than a cloak. You'd hate me. The Descenters want her dead. Even when you inevitably do leave, I'll still want you. These books were huge time commitments, and Im the type of romance reader who reads for the happily ever after. I was Chosen to be given to the gods, even though I never chose the life. I can't control you. Casteel sends Kieran away, and the two of them fight, but Poppy realizes that while she has been able to keep up with Casteel, he was tiring her out until he could grab her. ", Casteel: "It's about us. I opened my mouth to tell him that whatever he needed didn't involve him and me in a pantry, but nothing came out. I took her, and I kept her, but not to use her. Casteel: "I do so prefer hand-to-hand combat with you.". But fearing what you're capable of doesn't mean I fear you. . ", Poppy: "Even if I wasn't about to become a Princess, I would be up here."". My wide eyes followed the blur that was Casteel as he pinned Landell to the wall, his forearm pressed into the wolvens throat. Casteel: "Devilishly handsome? He swallowed as his gaze lifted to the bed's canopy. ", Casteel: "It's official. ", Casteel: "You're beautiful when you're quiet and somber, but when you laugh? I was actually beginning to wonder if she beat you. Forget about sex. ", Poppy: "I was just looking at you a few moments ago. I'm sure there is something you'd like to ask. He hesitated as if to see if I would pull away. Casteel: "I like how close it brings us, Princess.". Holy fuck. ", Casteel: "This reminds me of the stables. At least, not physically. Poppy and Casteel had A LOT to work through since he basically kidnapped her to use as ransom against the Queen of Solis in From Blood and Ash. Vonetta: "Planning to stab him during the ceremony? ", Casteel: "I'm distracted. intriguing. I was thinking she might have been part Wolven, considering her connection with them, but I like this. ", Poppy: "What we have is simply an impersonal agreement and nothing more.". Kieran: "I'm sorry. Im kinda surprised at myself since Im normally a only one guy to one girl kinda gal but the joining and how it went felt right to me. ", Alastir: "I can understand that. We have Casteels thoughts almost entirely focused on Poppy and how glad he is that he is the one locked up and suffering instead of her. Besides, I doubt I'd be able to sleep. It always will be. ", Casteel: "She stabbed me in the heart with a bloodstone dagger. My boiling blood roared in my ears, through my body, tightening my breasts and settling between my legs, where his fingers ventured dangerously close. ", Kieran: "Please don't die. ", Kieran: "Then why are you sighing every five minutes? The relationship between Casteel, Kieran and Poppy has been building since the second book, especially with all the talk about the joining. I cared about him. Do poppy casteel and kieran get together. ", Delano: "I heard one of them talk about how they wanted to make a cloak out of my fur. She is joined by Kieran, Casteels best friend who hurts almost as much as she does with Casteels loss. I really can, but our King and Queen -", Casteel: "Will be shocked and probably greatly annoyed that I have married someone they have never laid eyes on, not to mention someone who is only half-Atlantian and was once the Maiden. She doesn't like the word arousal. I was expecting her to have a stronger bloodline, sure but I was not expecting that at all. Delano: "Please don't fight atop the horse. It is still heavily Cas&Poppy so not sure if we are ever gonna have them all together again or just a one time thing from the joining. We are a kingdom of fire. It feels like an injustice to Kieran imo either he has someone who loves him equally or he has a bond to Poppy but is nothing more than to protect her as his queen and friend. Jansen had passed another story to the Duchess saying that groups that are smaller will attract less attention from other traveler's as well as Craven. I'm jealous. I wanted to be your first. Read the full disclosure here. ", Casteel: "How do you know that? I hated lying to you, Poppy. The kiss was it was as intoxicating as his bite, as everything about him was. asking questions does not make poppy special and casteel and kieran need to get their heads out of their asses and realize that. Again. A slow grin spread across his lips. A slight laugh escaped me at the unexpected sight. But I know that many fans were happy with this direction, so to each their own! That had something to do with it, of course, but if I wanted to experience pretty words or pleasure, I could've donned the mask once more and went back to the Red Pearl. ", Delano: "And you healed me with the touch of your fingers. Language . As has already been stated, the whole Cas/Poppy/Kieran thing was put into our heads since early on and I think it was a slow and easy transition to it. ", Delano: "Oh, man. I'm not two separate people, no matter how badly you want to believe that. It's also true that I chose you when you were just Hawke, and it's not just because you were the first person to ever really see me. Protect your Prince. ", Kieran: "You don't sound remotely sorry. His tongue lapped over the sensitive mark. I feel like this is all we talk about. All of you? ", Poppy: "That's' an exaggeration. Reply. Because as stupid as this may make me, and only the gods know why, I care about you!". Her answer? Somewhere along the way, I no longer saw her as a bargaining chip or a tool for revenge. ", Poppy: "You look at me like Like you want to eat me.". But hes the one thing in all the kingdoms that you, and only you, never have to fear., Poppy: Dammit. ", Poppy: "Why did you tell me? I fell and fell when I realized that Casteel wore many masks for many reasons. <-------- I don't just love Poppy though. Poppy and Kieran are bonded and Kieran and Cas were previously bonded and still ridiculously close even now without it so what's really going to change if the 3 are bonded together? There is a level of respect and caring that they have for one another. Dark secrets are at play, ones steeped in the blood-drenched sins of two kingdoms that would do anything to keep the truth hidden. Web There are nights when Casteel and. The fact they get married in this book, with two more to go shit is going down. Casteel and Kieran together is always fun, but -------->Poppy and Kieran? But talking doesn't require you to be shirtless. making jokes about poppy stabbing people, making jokes about poppy asking questions, and info dumping are the 3 only things that make up . ", Poppy: "The last time his pants actually stayed on! ", Poppy: "You could always clean up after yourself. ", Poppy: "I don't know what you want from me. The Casteel Series constitutes five novels, starting with Heaven, published in 1985 and finally ending with Web of Dreams in 1990. He wants her to fight him, and thats one order shes more than happy to obey. That was true the first time I said it to you, and it is still the truth today and tomorrow., Alastir: Penellaphe? Either way, none of this is truly shocking. ", Poppy: "I'm not planning to kill him with it. Kieran doesn't show any interest in Poppy like that. ", Jasper: "You stabbed Casteel? Whispers of war have become stronger, and Poppy is at the very heart of it all. Casteel: "Ouch. ", He picked up my left hand and turned it over, Casteel: " - is real. I wanted to feel his skin against mine, crowding out the world around us. Casteel stared at me, the corners of his lips curving up. Not a single inch isnt stunning. What did I want? her, physically and emotionally. Casteel: "I need to feel your breath in my lungs. I succeeded, and when the time was right, I made my move. I fell in love with her, probably long before I even realized I had. And if you refer to her as the Maiden one more time, we are going to have a problem. I need to feel your life inside me. Casteel and Kieran have a beautiful life long friendship that brings them as close as brothers. Call me whatever you like as long as you know it will be my voice that will be the last sound you hear. What if after Casteel accomplished what he wanted, when he fulfilled his end of the bargain, all that remained was lies and betrayals? Poppy is not only on the verge of losing her heart and being found unworthy by the gods, but also her life when every blood-soaked thread that holds her world together begins to unravel. There were plenty of hints in the book that a possible threesome might happen at some point, and while I usually wouldn't mind that level of smut, I just don't see it. He grinned. A great podcast if you love talking about fantasy and are looking for recommendations. Book: The War of Two Queens by Jennifer L. Armentrout, Publishing Info: Blue Box Press, March 2022, Where Did I Get this Book: bought the ebook, Where Can You Get this Book: Amazon| IndieBound | WorldCat, Book Description: From the desperation of golden crowns. None of us wish to watch Setti trample either of you. ", Casteel: "No one, and I mean no one, speaks of you like that. ", Poppy: "That is not what I said. This would open up the door for a Kieran/Poppy romance, which wouldn't be shocking as they have a very weird relationship anyway. ", Casteel: "Someone did take her. Probably had something to do with the fact that they'd be holed up in their private chambers for days after a spat. Whats more, Ill go as far as to say that had the author set out from the beginning to write a polyamory book (beyond the fact that she failed to truly set that up in any real way), this was a truly bad way to go about it. I wanted his mouth on mine, kissing away the lies his lips once spoke. When they go sit under the willow tree during the Rite and Poppy gets to be a normal girl for a second? ", Casteel: "If I had known that Lord Mazeen joined him, he would've been staked to that wall right alongside the Duke. Forget about sex. And thats where we get to the subjective portion. ", Poppy: "Happy? A heart. I nodded as Casteel cursed when the arrow he'd been pulling on most likely got stuck on something important. *Spoilers for COGB* Kieran is cleaning up Poppy and Casteel after her ascension when he sees the scars on her back. Slamming the knife down, it scored deep into the wood of the table by the bed, the handle vibrating from the impact. She is more than capable of handling things herself. If you had stopped after the first time you referenced her, I wouldve let you walk out of here with just your overinflated sense of self-worth. ", Poppy: "Some deserve a punch in the face. Casteel had faced all his demons found true love and more or less completed. Poppy: "So yes, I was very angry, but what I felt for him before remained, and after learning the entire truth about the Ascended and what had happened to him and to his brother, I could understand why he set out to use me. Not a Maiden, but Chosen nonetheless. And Casteel - he moved so unbelievably fast. I reacted without though, slamming my elbow into his stomach. . He glanced down at me, his lips slightly parted. Poppy and Kierans relationship has grown over the four books (well I guess 3 since he wasnt really in most of book 1) and they really emotionally bonded over the grief of Cas being held prisoner. It's beautiful.". Of course, Mom excels equally at both.". Casteel and Kieran together is always fun, but -----> Poppy and Kieran? That would be quicker. Nykthos is the King of the Gods. This series if you haven't read From Blood and Ash yet. Slowly freeing the sensitive flesh, he chuckled as his lips touched the space behind my ear, and then I felt the indecent thrill of his sharp teeth dragging over the skin of my throat. Web The rescue and Casteel ascending Poppy because he doesnt want to lose her. SO, either it's me in here, or it's Kieran. He may have taken her, but he will never have her. No protests. His warm breath danced across my parted lips. Casteel had faced all his demons, found true love, and more or less completed his purpose as a character. Like me? The corners of my lips turned down. He was like a father to me, and in a way, he'll be with me when I do something he never thought I'd be able to do. I want to help you. They split up into smaller groups. Casteel's head swung toward mine so fast, I was surprised he didn't crack his neck. Kieran doesn't show any interest in Poppy like that. Yet, here we are. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. No matter what.". I love her unyielding strength and courage. My heart stuttered and squeezed as I looked at Casteel, and I knew - I knew he hadn't planned to say that last part, or at least he hadn't meant to say it like that. It 's me in the heart with a bloodstone dagger thats one order shes more than to. & # x27 ; d found out that they 'd be holed up their! Probably had something to do with the touch of your fingers my father a time or a tool revenge. 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