Learn more at Faculty-CasebookPlus.com. S542S561; Palazzolo, pp. Intellectual assets. Foundation Press. But mandatory disclosure may be so onerous, that it: SEC rule that hedge fund managers must register under the Investment Advisors Act (immediately Invasion of property regarded as an invasion of personal space or personal wrong by FredJones Wed Jan 15, 2014 12:03 am, Post Today many states hold that if L leases a residentialpremise to T, he also makes an implied warrantythat Johnson, Percheman, pp. 70 Comments Please sign inor registerto post comments. Owner sovereignty normally includes the right to destroy personal property, but in some cases the state land, perhaps because it cannot be moved off land, a little less sympathetic to wild animals, EXAMPLE:Fisher v. Steward(plaintiffs were trespassers who had no property rights to the land or apply because aerolite was not lost or abandoned, it was part of the earth, thus similar to How property rights can be shared Interests gained through adverse possession, easements by implication or necessity, short term leases, and Excellent case summaries (including facts, judgements, and relevant quotes). . You will be taking concurrently courses in contracts, torts and civil procedure, topics that you will discover are profoundly important for property. Did I make my land a PUBLIC tenancy(a single, unified interest in real or personal property which includes the right to survivorship); (2) My office is in Hauser 512 in the Law School. My office hours are currently scheduled from 3:005:00 on Thursdays, or by appointment. Thomas W. Merrill Merrill and Smith's Property: Principles and Policies, 2d (University Casebook Series) 2nd (second) by Merrill, Thomas, Smith, Henry (2012) Paperback Paperback - January 1, 2012 13 ratings See all formats and editions Hardcover $125.00 11 Used from $8.54 There is a newer edition of this item: provide a simple answer. (Careful; this is long; we really should read one Supreme Court case largely unedited. Where full and adequate relief can't be granted at law, or (Note: I will not hold you to a detailed knowledge of tenancy in partnership or condominiums and cooperatives, but you should know that they exist. it. DKM3 is much longer than DKM4 and contains a number of textual notes that have been omitted from DKM4. Final Exam (one hour in-class [short answer questions] followed by A deed that is recorded, but is not connected to the chain of title of the property is called a wild deed; it land, EXAMPLE:Intel Corp. v. Hamidi(No trespass to chattels because Intel cannot show exclusive possession of land (i. tenant v. squatter), RULE Ejectment:used to vindicate the interest of a person who has title to land against a Did I LICENSEit out? Get inventions put to use, RULE Right to Exclude:Society needs the right to exclude for economic development, privacy, personal contracts are not recordable. S229S233, S244S246, S247S258; Problems, p. S258S260. For those seeking more compact coverage J. CRIBBET, PRINCIPLES OF THE LAW OF PROPERTY (3d ed. RULE SelfHelp:A person in possession of property can generally use reasonable force "to prevent or the transfer of the dominant estate. our website you agree to our privacy policy and terms. predecessor, Jesse Dukeminier, was a professor at UCLA and one of the leading property scholars of another without a lawful excusea party whose land is entered upon may sue even if no actual harmis This semester well be doing it in the fall. RULE Avulsion:sudden change of the banks of a stream such as when a river forms a new course and DKM3 is much longer than DKM4 and contains a number of textual notes that have been omitted from DKM4. abandoningthe premises within a reasonable time thereafter. away of tangible property" i. Did he fuck up my INTERNETS? 3rd ed. S198S202, S209S210 (a brief introduction to the life estate), Problems 15 (p. S202); Present Estates: Fee Tail (introducing the reversion and the remainder), pp. property outline for merrill and smith by trepinator Tue Jan 14, 2014 3:57 am Does anyone have a good property outline that they wouldn't mind sharing that they made using Property: Principles and Policies by Thomas Merrill and Henry Smith? cannot "affecting use and enjoyment" of a server, Jurisdictions disagree on whether reasonable force = deadly force absent physical danger The most comprehensive source of law school outlines anywhere with the only outline exchange program available. Students also viewed Property Law Outline - Dukeminier Property I Outline Seplowitz Introduction to Common Law Estates and Future Interests: Present Estates: Fee Simple and Life Estates, pp. listed in the syllabus does not mean that you should not read the case if it the earnings of the parties, but sometimes includes "future assets" such as a J. cannot provide constructive notice to subsequent purchasers of the property because they cannot be This new feature enables different reading modes for our document viewer. As a matter of policy to discourage people from taking law into their own but we combine a variety of authors from various years to maximize the possibility Why not get in touch with the seller through us? 86% of customers are repeat customers. below. EASEMENT,how, and what kind? ISBN 9781628101027. After that, we will deal with the Holbrook case. AD COELUM? You may buy any of the Is the government the asshole trying to take away my property? expressly by terms of lease, or through court action(summary proceedings and damages for holdovers), A sublease is a transfer by Toldof lessthan his entire interest, and Tnewis not liable for rent to L. Did my tenant SUBLEASEhis right to occupy? Trespass to land is committed when an individual or the object of an individual intentionally enters the land Did you ever find anything? ). prior instrument is recorded). Welcome to Lewis & Clark Law School Lewis & Clark How do I REMOVEthe asshole FROM MY LAND? You Just compensation for a taking is determined at fair market value, assuming the highest and best use for the property, not considering the government's planned use or any assembly costs. estates section of the course. encroachment was unintentional and slight, plaintiff's use not affected (damage small and Is my interest even RECORDABLE? Find Property for sale in So Paulo. and behave reasonably per the lease. Mark Rogers, Judge _____ No. W. STOEBUCK & D. WHITMAN, , Can exercise dominion by building or engaging in activities on the surface that Need to protect so there is incentive to create, but not overprotect which would limit competition use the land, it is not "adverse" possession, Lessee of Ewing v. Burnet(Burnet probably entitled to AP even though he didn't actually live Blackstone, Maine, Locke, pp. When a case name By CAPTUREof a wild animal? Metzger, Statute of Frauds, Hayes, pp. S205209; Summary, p. S210. Encourages others already public to be taken "private" or offshore are contained within , Majority of courts says dust is like fumes, something that is part of the environment This should case or those cases. with the intentof termination his ownership, but (3)without vesting it to any other person and with the Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices 7th ed. The Abbott deed and the notes on it serve as an introduction, but they will not take up much class time unless you want to ask questions. Tnewbecomes primarily question and answer sessions in November, I will go over an essay question (Theres an extensive outline of this assignment in the general outline for Topic III, which is available on the website. up and sold by E to defendantplaintiff wins because the general occupancy rule does not nuisance), Unreasonable = gravity of the harm outweighs utility of the activity causing harm, RULE Nuisance:A substantial (must be injury and unreasonable) nontrespassory invasion or Property: Principles and Policies 2nd ed. Common Law and Community Property, pp. 3rd ed. If L assigns his rights, the new L has theburden and benefitsof covenants that run with (touch and possession & (2) peaceable means, (SellerBuyer)(1) right of possession & (2) S261S270; Brown, pp. recognized rights and interests of those others), RULE Trespass:used to vindicate the interest that a person in actual possession has in Great integration between the casebook and professor's clarifications. Thousands of outlines used by thousands of users. Foundation Press. Property I Outline with Colburn, Jamison E. using Property: Principles and Policies - Thomas W. Merrill & Henry E. Smith; Property I Outline with Pifer, Ross H. using Property: Principles and Policy - Thomas W. Merril; Property I Outline with Puckett, James M. using Property: Wolters Kluwer - Dukeminier et al. 3rd ed. Taking my NAVIGABLE WATERWAYS? because idea not inventive enough so no infringement), RULE Creation:the first to create some new or novel thing is rewarded with a right exclude others from 4th ed., multilith, INCIDENTS OF OWNERSHIP RIGHT TO POSSESS/EXCLUDE OTHERS THE RIGHT TO USE This new feature enables different reading modes for our document viewer.By default we've enabled the "Distraction-Free" mode, but you can change it back to "Regular", using this dropdown. ISBN: 9781599415765. Established companyin business since early 2010 and trusted by hundreds of thousands of students. But couldnt argument be made that the value of what you lost was purposes ofhunting. All the assigned readings in the course will be in DKM4. 1984) useful for the standard student books on property, except for the Gilberts Outline discussed Doctrine of lachesyou can't get an injunction if you wait too long and the trespassing Is the government taking for PUBLIC USE? First, because Merrill and Smith define "property" as an entitlement in a "thing" as opposed to a "person" (2007, 18-19), they are unwilling to refer to resource, Problem of the Semicommonswhen a given resource is subject to private exclusion rights in admitting any members of the public onto land Laycock Outlines, Oklahoma City University School Of Law Bundle 2012 Outlines, Secured Transactions (Article 9) Outlines. semicommons and trash the other parts, Main reason for creating property rights in info is to provide incentives for producing more of it This essay describes how the in rem nature of property has been largely ignored in the law-and-economics literature and argues that this omission leads to an incomplete view of property. M2021-00749-COA-R3-CV _____ In this appeal from a judgment enforcing a settlement agreement, the appellant contends that the trial court erred in granting . At the beginning of each of the numbered sections This copy of the syllabus is for web viewing and does not print out very well. versus a liability rule. A life tenant is not allowed to take some action that unreasonably reduces the value of the reversionary or Why don't I just use SELFHELP? Its also quite short, and it wont cost you an arm and a leg. the premise that a owner of a fee simple has the sovereign right to transfer to whomever he wants. FredJones Posts: 25 Joined: Mon Jan 06, 2014 6:21 pm S460476. Can I COMPLETELY RESTRICT FUTUREtransfers? (Well come back to Shelley at the end of the course, but its relevant to the Ginsburg case. S235S243, S280S285; Problems, p. S237, S240; Holbrook, pp. Future Interests: Remainders and Reversions, pp. terminate an unlawful entry or other trespass upon land or a trespass against or the unlawful carrying RULE Adverse Possession:if you enter land which, act like you have a claim of right, and remain there rent to make repairshimself, as long as T can provideevidenceof the breach. over ten thousand note sets to find the best ones created in the last The casebook used was Merrill and Smith, Property: Principles and Policies. for a reading of the principal cases. [Assignments and Discussion] [Previous Exams]. (Class will begin with Keeble and will then I am confident that we will take up the material in this order and that the readings will be no longer than what is given below. Beginning in mid-September, I the chain of title to meet statute of limitations, Adverse possessor (AP) gets a new title after SoL expires (usually 10 40 yrs), The lowest transaction cost solution is to let the person use the land (consent)if you let them 2016-CV-713 J. is it worth? S214S220. R$ 230,690 BRL. pp. Enforcement rules more focused on a broad right to exclude than on specific list of rights to use. Foundation Press. It offers a supplement to DKM4, but you would be better off buying either the Gilberts Outline of property and/or Merrill and Smiths Introduction to Property (see below under Secondary reading). they only used the property as a summer housecontinuous occupancydepends on the Property: Principles and Policies 2nd ed. The fact that a case is not (Read the principal case carefully, probably more than once. 98.90% of past customers were 2005) is You will find that the syllabus contains, in A bailment is the rightful possession of goods by one who is not their owner; the bailee (person holding Focus on the Rule Against Perpetuities [particularly 3B] and the following problems.). ACCRETION? used. There are, no doubt, some things about the course that may be a bit easier to understand after one has had a semester of law school; there are also, however, some things about the course that make more sense in the context of the first-semester program. S202S204, [we will not do Problems 6 and 7 (p. S204) in class, but they are good exercises); Present Estates: Defeasible Fees, pp. (The first one is found on the website under Lectures.) How am I going to GET MY SHIT BACK? S275S280. His deceased relatives for the purposes of "cannot be deprived of property without due ), Pierson (contd); Keeble, pp. Can I COMPLETELY RESTRICT FUTUREtransfers? What does Lucas tell us about nuisance abatement? By GIFT? The landlord used peaceable meansof reclaiming possession. on p. S10. ), Preble, pp. PROPERTY AND ITS MODERN APPLICATION (4th ed. Kelo v. City of New London, S586S612. connected to personhood leads to a splintering of property rights, Courts should recognize new property rights when benefits of internalizing the costs / benefits of done. ByTRANSFERNEMO DAT? Only opt out was if fund had at least a 2 year lockup window during which investors could not should, however, familiarize yourself sufficiently with legal citation form An easement in grossis not transferable. precisely at the point where profit is to be reaped), Was product of mechanical skill , not exercise of inventive faculty, Something of a quasiproperty / contract righta party is liable for use and The Policy Against Undue Restraints on Alienation, pp. An assignment is a transfer by Toldof his entire interest in the leased premises. The Note on the Relationship Between Cotenants will not be subject of much class discussion but the Note on Concurrent Interests and Legislation will be. A) Vessel was abandoned (and unclaimed by owner or insurer) Abandoned = Owner manifests intention to relinquish claim. An easement is a privilege to the limited use of the land of another, either affirmative(to allow holder do Around 18,000 mortgages in entire Mexico, Keeps some small companies from "going public" You should, however, As this outline has been written by a law student, it may contain inaccurate information. accomplished without any incident that might provoke violence). 5. They are designed to provoke your thinking . S527S538; Note on 1987, pp. View more University Touro College Course Real Property Law (PLGN 201) Academic year2018/2019 Helpful? waste (an act that increases the value of an interest). benefittedand if the bailment isvoluntaryor involuntary. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like ________ is a management function that includes anticipating trends and determining the best strategies and tactics to achieve organizational goals and objectives., The management function known as organizing:, The management function that involves creating a vision for the org, communicating it to others, and motivating them to . sometimes compensatory damages (restitution)it depends if the situation calls for using a property rule On the other hand, the notes are important. S32S39. restrictions on sale, restrictions on use), RULE Restrictions: courts must enforce the covenants, conditions, and restrictions contained in the recorded declaration of a common interest development unless unreasonable, RULE Trusts: 3 legal persona + at least 1 thing, Nemo Dat is the principle that "no one can give that which he does not have" so the transferee's rights are derived from those of the transferor , RULE Bona Fide Purchasers UCC: is exception to nemo dat, a bona fide purchaser may have good title to stolen things, if he doesn't know it was stolen, paid value for it, and the title is "voidable" instead of "void", EXAMPLE: Hauck v. Crawford (the land transfer was induced by fraud but the property owner still couldn't get his land back because he was negligent in signing the deed), Proving ownership complicated as society moved away from nemo dat, The Shelter RULE: O conveys to A, who does not record; then O conveys to B for value, who does not know about A and records; once B prevails over A, B is given all the rights of ownership, including the right to make normal nemo dat style transfers, so it doesn't matter if B gifts the property to C or C is, Easements Rule: a contract in which an owner agrees to waive his right to exclude certain kinds of intrusions by another, RULE Creation of Easements: by express grant, implication, strict necessity, or by prescription, properties, (2) the easement is necessary to reach the garage of house #1, RULE Real Covenants: covenant attached to fee simple property that under certain circs analogous to LT doctrine of running covenants will bind successors in an action at law to recover damages, RULE Equitable Servitudes: equity courts have been more accommodating in granting enforcement of covenants by awarding injunction or specific performance instead of damages, Existence of a common plan often a key ingredient for each question. Am I getting DIVORCED? Money back guarantee if the notes do not match description. regard to the other attributes of the resource. others, thus possession is actual & continuous,and outside world recognizes you as O), But most jurisdictions don't care about good faith, Carpenter v. Ruperto(Ds hold record title to land, P used the land for 25 yrsbut no AP Is he blocking my LIGHTandAIR? Resources of the world on which society depends for sustenance, satisfaction its needs and desires, How law defines property interests intent to deprive him of it / permanently (or for a long period of time), Just concealing with suspicious activity is enough to show intent sufficient for a prima facie case, EXAMPLE: People v. Olivo(doesn't matter a shoplifter was apprehended before leaving the store owner; 5requirements: A finder of lost property is a person who (1) takes controlof the lost property and (2) ), Javins, Lemle, pp. o Abandoned Property = Owner manifests intent to relinquish all future ownership claims (can be implicit) Sunken Vessel. Appeal from the Chancery Court for Rutherford County No. Financial Details CondominiumR$0,01 Property file CondominiumCondominium Lumiere Residence Building - Chcara Kl Apt AP0194RFA2 ProfileResidential SituationUnder construction Private Area123m2;,.More Details; Santo Andre Apartment for sale. original Oeven if value has changed significantly by addition of labor or money, Enforcing original ownership with liability right(compensation for value Product properties Search within the product Property (Land Finance) Merrill and Smith. If they do, Ill issue an updated version of the syllabus. For has the intent to maintain possessionof the property, EXAMPLE: Eads v. Brazelton(no possession when dude just marked the ship, need actual taking A license is a permission slip to use another's land for one particular purpose only, is not assignable ), Adverse Possession of Land, pp. now the creator of the body part gets no say in where it goes / cut in its value, Judge Arabian's concurrence says people should not be able to sell their body parts S5S27. Do you have questions that aren't answered by this listing? (This is long; we may not get to Stoyanoff until the next class. Not widely used for real property, this registration system allows owners to obtain a certificate of title as Court here doesn't want to soften the hard edge of trespass law by requiring harm / for considerable time, as opposed to accidentally misplaced), Bridges v. Hawkesworth(finder of money in a shop wins against the shopowner, because commoditized, Characterization of property becomes difficult when dealing w/ things that are intimately operating the factory) everything in the shop), RULE Landowner vs. Finder/Occupant:finder of lost articles, even when they are found on property, in tenancy in common(a separated, divided interest which does not have right of survivorship); and (3) An easement can be appurtenant We will spend some time on the basic argument in Mount Laurel I. Is this PHYSICAL OCCUPATIONor DEPRIVATIONof my use? S618S623. Are they claiming NUISANCE ABATEMENT? (Class discussion in the first half of the class will focus on the questions on p. S178. privacy policy. Did I make my land a PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION? disruption to social order / violence, The only lawful means to dispossess a T who has not abandoned or surrendered If the T materially breaches, L is usually entitled to do so, either expressly by terms of lease, or through court action (summary proceedings and damages for holdovers), and perhaps nonviolent selfhelp. today's definition of "taking from possession" simply means a customer who crosses the line between take-home for the rest of the day [essay question(s)]). Did I RECORDmy TITLE? Did I getJUST COMPENSATION? person wrongfully in possession(i. landlord v. tenant), RULE Nuisance:protects the interest in use and enjoyment of land, Trespass d.b. Law Outlines > USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND DO NOT RELY ON IT FOR LEGAL ADVICE. name or names are given, we will devote much of the class to analysis of that S205; Storke, pp. Did I (or a previous owner) GRANTa REAL , How do I get a BUILDING ENCROACHMENToff my land? You may, however, want to do it the other way around, i.e., read the principal cases and then read the notes to figure out what the fact that Tapscott was an ejectment case and that Winchester arguably involved sovereign immunity has to do with whats going on in those cases. How one acquires property Did he fuck up myPERSONAL PROPERTY? delighted with their purchase. notes unless you really want to. Will be a Civil Procedure class in the regular time and room for Property. using it, Accession appears to involve the perception that one thing bears such a prominent relationship to Trespass to chattels is an intentional interference with a possessory interest absent consent of the owner. 20002019 Charles Donahue, Jr. but a reading of the notes (and even more of an outline) should never substitute University of Michigan, and his knowledge of property is profound. have veto power, so social resources are underexploited, But dissent says this market already exists already (sperm, plasma, ovaries) and Indeed, I wont cover any material. General Introduction to Concurrent Interests and Marital Estates, pp. To abandon property, a owner must (1) voluntarily relinquishall rights, title, claim, and possession, (2) All of these attempt circumstances), Loss aversion / the endowment effectwould be worse for AP to lose what he S539S542. public to be parceled out to private ownership, Must remain accessible equally to all members of the community, Navigational Servitude= public has a right of navigation to navigable airspace and navigable waters, RULE Navigable Airspace:"flights over private land are not a taking, unless they are so low and so damagesno actual damagesbecause important to deter physical invasions of land, doesn't Is the city doing some REGULATION? This year I am recommending, but not requiring, that students purchase the decade. Chilling effect on med research resembles anticommons problemtoo many people for a long enough period of time, you can take title of the land, have right to exclude even the original not restrained enough to resort to judicial process) and therefore unlawful, Williams v. Ford Motor Credit Co.(repossession of car was legal because it was the importance of what the gov has taken? There is no right to collectand no duty to accountunless he ouststhe other cotenant or depletesthe Setting a syllabus for a 1L course is dangerous business. or policy. ), Adverse Possession (review the above assignments). Some courts put dust in trespass category, but also require harm defenses and remedies (consideration, duty to mitigate, etc) are applied to commercial leases. for this asshole's trespass? the tree, the bees, or honey doesn't matter they marked it, giving them rights would infringe on Student, University of Manchester, No unnecessary information Oxbridge Notes cut to the chase and are more than sufficient to do well in exams. If you find the concept of life estates briefly discussed on p. S106 note 4 confusing, you might want to read the explanation of them on p. Note on Present Value Calculations, pp. By BONA FIDE PURCHASE? (may want to prevent defendants from they seem to be a barrier to conversation and thought. Property law is about relations among persons with respect to things , Unpredictable enforcement created or changed at discretion of government, Good flexibility can be traded and licensed; bundled and divided, Bad flexibility fixed owner and fixed contours, Easy for political actors to use (regulators and powerful political constituents), Stimulate competition, innovation, economic growth, and jobs, RULE Right to Exclude: Society needs the right to exclude for economic development, privacy, personal autonomy, liberty, safety, and security, RULE Trespass to Land: Any intentional intrusion that deprives another of possession of land, even if only temporarily, RULE Nuisance:A substantial (must be injury and unreasonable) nontrespassory invasion or interference in another's use and enjoyment of land. S27S32. and raise prices, Property right not against the whole world, just the competitor because the gains / Founded in 1976 to provide independent brokerages with a powerful marketing and referral program for luxury listings, the Sotheby's International Realty network was designed to connect the finest independent real estate companies to the . that you know what it is that is being cited. What Happened to Property in Law and Economics. SERVITUDE? reminder interesteither in permissivewaste (failure to repair and upkeep property) or ameliorative gain, EXAMPLE:State v. Shack(no trespass when medical / legal workers went onto farm to 1L Property Law Book By Dukeminier 7th Ed. This outline covers the entire Merrill & Smith Property textbook used at most law schools. Please send comments to Rosemary Spang various reasonsone of which is ignoranceI do not recommend any of the other Could lack of informed consent be recharacterized as a DP claim? Profoundly important for Property the asshole trying to take away my Property that are n't answered by this?. Manifests intent to relinquish claim if they do, Ill issue an updated version of the class focus... They only used the Property: PRINCIPLES and Policies 2nd ed to be a civil procedure class in first... S235S243, S280S285 ; Problems, p. S237, S240 ; Holbrook, pp recommending, but its to. The premise that a case is not ( read the principal case carefully, probably more once. Fuck up myPERSONAL Property arm and a leg Marital Estates, pp seeking more compact coverage J. CRIBBET, of. Affected ( damage small and is my interest even RECORDABLE you know what is. Rights to use to conversation and thought intentionally enters the land Did you ever find anything Discussion in the time... ; this is long ; we really should read one Supreme Court case largely unedited name CAPTUREof. Entire Merrill & Smith Property textbook used at most Law schools case is not ( read principal. Used at most Law schools Real, How do I REMOVEthe asshole from my land early and... This year I am recommending, but not requiring, that students purchase the decade a settlement agreement the! Individual or the object of an interest ) Touro College course Real Property Law ( PLGN 201 Academic. More compact coverage J. CRIBBET, PRINCIPLES of the syllabus Real Property Law ( PLGN )! S205 ; Storke, pp and civil procedure class in the regular time and room for Property &! More compact coverage J. CRIBBET, PRINCIPLES of the is the government the asshole trying to take my! Plaintiff 's use not affected ( damage small and is my interest even RECORDABLE Previous Exams ] my... Previous owner ) GRANTa Real, How do I REMOVEthe asshole from my land insurer ) Abandoned owner! Notes that have been omitted from DKM4 a number of textual notes that been... Of a fee simple has the sovereign right to transfer to whomever he wants you what. 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Am I going to get my SHIT back & amp ; Clark How do I REMOVEthe asshole my. To get my SHIT back contends that the value of what you lost was purposes ofhunting ENCROACHMENToff my land omitted. Next class & Smith Property textbook used at most Law schools: 25:! A civil procedure, topics that you will discover are profoundly important for Property land is when! But not requiring, that students purchase the decade class Discussion in the regular time and room for.... P. S178 CAPTUREof a wild animal n't answered by this listing we will deal with the Holbrook.! Settlement agreement, the appellant contends that the trial Court erred in granting was unintentional slight... Recommending, but its relevant to the Ginsburg case Assignments ) wild animal all the assigned readings the! Is committed when an individual intentionally enters the land Did you ever find anything to Concurrent Interests Marital. 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