I guess this is Bills ways of selling. I am surprise you can say this. He is afraid of competition since he sells by price. Thank God her plot is paid for at least. If you need me to feed you ego, TOM YOU WIN! product at a better price. when you sell something at a loss, to get the people in. Primerica sells term insurance as a loss leader and then recommends using a Financial Needs Analysis which is not a financial plan and the saleperson which is a Representative who are not financial planners, investment advisors, financial consultants or other specialists who provide financial advice and whose compensation may be unrelated to sales. When people talk about making the most money recruiting, its because when someone is hired in, they bring in their friends and family first. This field is constantly changing. Same for the business opportunity. You are right, you do not need to insure me. Contact I take this personally because____________. Then they have a leg up. And since you keep saying cheaper, here is another story. But if I am going to give my families lifelihood to someone, I want an office. Guaranteed Business week, TIME, etc. So please if they recruit young kids great. I also have the ability to make triple the amount of income of your typical financial planneroh and did I mention all the great perks of passive income? Sorry for the length, just wanted to state how I felt. I know many 60 to 70 years are working because they played when they were younger, and have to work now. I have seen some giants go out of business in 10 years. And Since Michael has left Primerica and had to restart his business it had to be for more money. But explain to me if the company is no longer there, how do I get to keep my policy? Even small newspapers have a web presence. Just look at the Infomercials. They now have to live with that choice. You can do it! plus when will you become financially independent working for your boss? Please stick to facts. Please consult with your Primerica agent. , Something that cost more from you, that most everyone can get cheaper else where. Making money is not easy, but if you work at it, you can make excellent part time income, ($20 to $50 hour)and even better full time income, $100k. Thats why you dont know estate planning uses of insurance. I do not think so. . The only different was what the company were paying that month, the best. Now that you know what a YUGO is Michael can you see how comparing it to say a BMW shows you the difference between the term you sell and Primerica term. I am not an Agent. ***Read the article again, he mentions that a client can get a partial refund if the let the policy lapse. can get outside PFS for genworth LTC. You cannot lose. lack of loyalty is the biggest deal killer. If you want to build wealth, you need to stay with a variable. Since you have not named your company I am not sure, but since I still have the paper work from my last meeting I attended in California here is what you get for the $99: In primary prevention, a disorder is actually prevented from developing. I am in a highly regulated field by the state DOI. The same power of simple interest saving you money when you pay bi-weekly, hurts you when you miss a payment. Does that mean you will steal from your client, any chance you can? Reasons that I have been given and that make sense on face value for the higher value of a Primerica policy are that there are very few to no exemptions, exclusions, hidden clauses etc. Let me show you in the next couple of lines. She is making money. I believe in Mutual Funds. I am a sales forces owner. Now you may say but Michael does not sell it so why should we care. I do this so that these voices are the only one here. Xerox sales people do not sell HP. I work out of my home and the sales brochures are free from my carrier. Why would an agent offer term insurance? Well my thinking is outside of Primerica so I know other carriers will offer coverage. . Why waste my money? It is Primerica. Tom you also said, Second, your attitude about this shows me you need to quit. Then theres the issues of a court ordered insurance policy. I have the ability to offer any product or use any company that I choose as long as I am licensed to sell that product. I will give my clients policies that are cheaper and have less value that Primericas Policy. (600,000 *.40 = 240,000) It shows your ignorance in math, and if you are saying that we are cheaper and basic math is a problem, your figures are suspect. The only problem is you are playing magician. God bless and dont believe all you read. I would love to hear your perspective if you heard of them, been recruited by them, worked for them, or currently work for them. (OOPS this is free to clients too. Or what do you say the widow or their children. What state are you in? YOU DO NOT OWN YOUR BUSINESS!!!!! . But do you know how much the agent pays to use the office, secretary, and equipment? Have to wait up to 6 months to get money. Please Michael show us the facts on this!!! Some of these subjects are beyond PFS agents. It was a MLM. Then there may be hope for you yet. I am a client that knows more than most, and has studied businesses. I am a client that knows more than what you think. They are even stupid. So you are sure they are not holding anything back. I am sorry you made so many mistakes, only a fool would trust your advise. Do PFS agents talk to their clients about the potential of a Senior Settlement? Both. They barely paid for the hospital bills. Yes term is a great product, but also remember industry wide it only goes to claim 2-3% of the time and everyone is guaranteed to die. Primerica doesnt seem like a scam, just a mediocre operation at best from a employee standpoint. Lets say Primerica goes out of business (dont believe it check out ENRON, Bear Stearns, and Citigroup. My RVP makes 200K a year so he can sell hes position tomorrow for $2 Million. . This is something lacking in cheaper term. What is wrong with showing a person on how to build a team so they can know what it takes to build a business of there own. We are experiencing 20-30% increases in business as the rest of our entire industry is crumbling was we watch from the sidelines. Or how about a stereo to the deaf? IF you cant maybe your facts are not straight. You only get the death benefit. How is this any different from the W2 world? they have several ways, but I will not boar Michael with it, since he does not know about them anyway. ****Do you know insurance companies are quoting policy ages up to age 121? they may need your products, but you can buy anything off the internet. It sounds more and more like Tom is a chick. Primerica DOES offer an exam guarantee, where they will pay indefinitely for you to re-take the exam until you pass. But then again James has already stated that if he ever did anything unethical, like taking his wallet over his clients needs, he would quit. - Primerica teaches the clients/recruits how both types of insurances work for or against them. Melissa heres my two cents. I shoudl know I am a business owner. Now I ask you, do you have to meet quotas where you work? How many companies are laying off. I have learned a couple of things. Just like all those mortgage brokers who made millions on those people refinancing their homes. . Discuss the roles of a coach at different levels (youth, high school, collegiate, etc. Or are you going to say that annuities are not more commission than mutual funds? Since your lack of knowledge is evident here, How are we to trust your memory. Most sell cash value, a known product that destroys families, making them have car washes and other fund raisers to bury their dead, and pays the bills. The four levels of protein structure are distinguished from one another by the degree of complexity in the polypeptide chain. Again, You do not know what you are saying. Well what if you ran into a market for Health insurance and wanted to offer that, well you wouldnt be able to. Can RVPs start new people at different levels if they so choose? So choose for yourselves. E and O insurance. Nothing is free. If this is true why is that? Ask a fat person why theyre still fat and then come talk to me. And what about professionalism: Most professionals leave their office number, not a cell phone, unless they do not have one or want to hide something. I have triesd to explain loss leader to you before. I am so glad you do this so people will see how you are truly. standard plus Company B: $590 anuually What is wrong with an individual policy Husband and wife having seperate polies makes sense. Credit card companies know this well. Having the cheapest product means you are selling something that lacks value. And the no-compete clause I know some other companies have them and I dont necessarily think it is that big of a deal, but it is something to think about when planning your career dont you? Again with this I have been doing this for a while. You are commenting on James post. (Insurance, office, etc. XRL. If you are 25 and it took you 15 years to make $100,000 ( which is long I must say), you are still ahead of 98% of the population. So why are you marketing to Middle American families? The people Primerica is helping is not the 1% wealthy that have a need for 4 millions dollars of estate and huge tax liabilities. Come on of all things I know you are tired of we have to agree on chargebacks .. for those that dont know what a chargeback is: the agent turns in the paperwork to Primerica and is immediately paid . I am having trouble right now with CompUSA and their insurance plan I bought. . LOL The first thing they ought to teach members is not to brag about it. Oh, and the fact that I pay about 8% in taxes instead of the 28% Id have to pay as an employee. A freshman with one econ 101 course could do circles around your fabricated knowledge of what you think is this whole financial realm. You all should read Steve Siebolds book 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class. You will see EXACTLY what Im talking about here with this poster. Like I said clients can go anywhere they want to go. Tom, you said, Funny you have been doing this for months now. Now, If someone helped them get to that huge estate, they might keep them around. A Christian does not lie cheat nor steal from his fellowman. . Hee-Haw! Primerica seems to be mostly concerned with recruiting more counselors so that they can keep the scheme going. My next task would be to convince the customer why Goodman is the best. You,Michael, Jenni any one selling cash value life insurance or ROP (This is a form of cash value, This comes from an outside source. Its like a bunch of fat kids thinking that cake is actually healthy for them if they wish it to be true. I mean fixed annuities are not true investing, it is saving. Who told you that, the Primerica guy? But that is changing. When he is either speaking or typing. James again you are making simple mistakes. that is why they sell all that garbage. Coke vs Pepsi test. That is the like kind of price someone puts on a Did you know my Grand kids think your and your posts are pathetic? Have you heard of the Do Not Call List? Did you know that most of the Baby Boomers had cash value, and since they did not save in IRA and mutual funds, they will not retire. Dell saw this gained huge funds back into their bottom line, so they took it upon themselves to just lay people off as wellnot to save their bottom line like other companies needed to.they did it cuz bottom line was all they saw and it was corporately effective. So a new person pays the low cost of $99.00 and then has to give up a leg. . I am sorry for any confusion. If your on a crusade to save the world how can you offer your product when you know the client has limited funds and not offer a more price competitive product. Many of us went in dumb and blind. That does happen. NEVER annuitizes! Exactly what does th issue with todays mortgage crisis have to do with someone who has a health situation and high health care cost? They have to follow the same rules for mortgages and other products. . Have you ever read his post completely. And Again I throw my challenge down. I am truly an independent, non-captive agent. I have been to two meetings with my trainer though. Yes it does cost more but then the protection is there. Securities TEst and License - They not just sell a product but give advice. Please give me some facts. The problem with your story is that ROP is usually same or cheaper than your Using these two devices instead of buying term and investing the difference in mutual funds, will only make the salesperson and the company he works for rich. The key is that Primerica along with Citigroup knows that a lot of middle America cannot afford a financial planner or advisor. I was somewhat intrigued by what was presented to me but was cautious about the opportunity. Now the average term policy is kept for 7 to 10 years to possible 12 years. Just to beat the chest and say Primerica is the best just will not cut it. Your just building for someone else. At least then you will be better off than those that follow Michael or James. From what I understand I guess not. How Much Is A $500,000 Life Insurance Policy? If I was Micahels or James Clients, I would not walk but run and pull all my files from them. (I am capitalizing so that he might notice it, but I doubt it. A free analysis of their position. I seriously like the way everything is set up with primerica. It is actually the opposite, most people live beyond their means. I am curious, do you say the same thing to your clients with a straight face. Sure do, join with me and I will train you. You cant even steal a good quote. Everyone has a right to declare their freedom from captitivity (especially if they are part-time) So PFS agents heres a homework assignment. Refunds must be requested in writing and sent to: LICENSING Refunds, Primerica, 3100 Breckinridge Blvd., Building 400, Duluth, GA 30099-0001, by fax to (770) 564-5092, Attention Refund Department, or by email to [emailprotected]. I fought the fight on message boards as you are doing. I wonder if you have even the clue the tactics they pose???? I got my licenses (Life & Health & Securities) all before I recruited one person and before I wrote even one saleFOR ANYTHING!!! We have clauses because we are an organization that is growing and attracts a lot of different kinds of people, good ones and bad ones. The client can always say NO Thank YOU. var d=new Date();var year=d.getFullYear();document.write("©"+year+" Primerica"); That means the dollar amount is going to be lower. Basically exposing everything about a contract of FNA report. Lump sum, tax-free. Any one that looks at companies goes beyond what the salesperson says. Legal Protection The freedom to choose my carriers with out a fear of having my contact cancelled. I dont work for the company but have some good friends that do and are much more happy at their job than I am at mine working for myself. If you dont have a insurance or NASD license, they do. Did you shop individually I doubt it. It was funny that a guy try to sell him cash value life insurance right before he died for estate preservation. Operator: Greetings. Ok,whoever was not willing to put who he or she was. James @ 10:34 am I had no idea that they made a lot of their money from recruiting very interesting. 3. Most ROP seems to be 35 years. (i) your Primerica Life commission statement will be conclusively presumed to state these amounts as of the particular date shown on that statement, unless you notify Primerica Life in writing of any inaccuracy within thirty (30) days after you receive the statement, (ii) you agree not to assert a counterclaim, defense or set-off in that proceeding to the payment by you of these amounts, and (iii) to the extent permitted by law, you As a Primerica Rep, the following are the facts: 1. Primerican out! How many 80 years olds do you know that are working. Any company that is giving the families means of surviving after the bread winner is gone, is not doing their Fiduciary duty. They do not need this. Also read sandy weills book. A life insurance rider is an additional protection or benefit that you can add to your policy. They all said what I said. This is not the fiduciary duty to your client. Something you must understand is most people who join PFS have no clue what to look for or what to ask for. The industry has not only caught up to PFS, but surpassed it. People Like James, Bubba, Michael, Jenni, etc are usually one person. I was responding to Tom from his comments to the blog that I posted on July, 26, 2008 from James @ 9:26 pm. Talk is cheap. Both can provide ownership and both can be passed on at death. Securities is covered now, along with Auto and Home owners referrals pay out. Since you only sold Life insurance I can see why you might think that having a product that does cost more, but gives more might be a hard thing to sell. Did you know that most companies spend billions on marketing? They love it when they compete against expensive cash-value.
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