examples of fair and unfair situations

Think of a time when youve taken unfair advantage of a person or a situation, or when someone has taken unfair advantage of you. Pursuing ones calling usually comes with tremendous sacrifice and insecurity. Transforming Empathy Into Compassion: Why It Matters, How Siblings Contribute to "The Good Life", What "Poker Face" Gets Wrong About Lie Detection, High Octane Women: How Superachievers Can Avoid Burnout, 6 Flaws of the Mind That Can Lead to Misery, 6 Reasons You Should Spend More Time Alone. There are times you need to stand up to what is unfair. What fairness is and what a fair person does. "I was supposed to be there." If you tell a kid on the Autism Spectrum, Its not fair that you get more cookies than your sibling does, that child is more likely to understand that fairness means treating everyone exactly the same, unless its explained to him/her a different way. Expressing these emotions will only dig you deeper into a hole - and give your critic the high ground. A couple of days ago weve published a really interesting video on how to be less stressed which you can check out by clicking in the top right corner we know its gonna help some of you. When transparency is shown, people do not feel the need to make attributions as to who is responsible for an unfair situation. Its OK if s/he only wanted 1, but its not fair that you took 3. If you say this to a child on the Autism Spectrum (or really, any kid), s/he might understand that fairness means everyone is happy with what they get, rather than using the exact same tactics with everyone. Why Are So Many Young Men Single And Sexless? Am I constantly monitoring and keeping track of how much time and attention I give each child to make sure everyone gets the same amount of attention? In that case, Labor Recipes cannot think of a better example of exploitation than . Many of you probably relate to this situation. He escaped the race, the got money, he got fame, people looked up to him. In fact, finding that card led to a series of changes to my mindset that not only changed my mental direction, but I also suspect it was the impetus underlying many of the personal and professional choices I've made and continue to make on my journey through life. If you cant change it, change the way you think about it. ~Mary Engelbreit. By being more thoughtful about the source of data, you can reduce the impact of bias. being fair. That doesn't make the situation any more or less fair or just. Lets see what you got in the comments! 2. For example, a beverage may advertise the fact that it is a healthy alternative to soda, but in actuality, it contains as much sugar, calories and carbs as an average soda. False advertising Many companies make exaggerated claims about their products. This is a classic example of personal fair use so long as the professor uses the article for her personal files and reference. How did it make you feel? Writing fromand tothe Heart: Middle School Writing that Matters, Thats Not Fair! Perhaps post them in a place where your child will see them often. However, at some point, we have to make a decision. Did she have any trouble thinking of things that were unfair? Why Are So Many Young Men Single And Sexless? And just like that, without warning, the two most important people in my life were gone. Additionally, when you feel cheated your emotional system immediately prods you to say "no" to the offenders without thinking through your response and the consequences of your reaction. It is unfair that youre reading this long article, while others are enjoying our YouTube video on the same topic: If youre reading because its your thing, then lets move on to the first bite of this delicious article. As an indignant adolescent, I blamed many of my difficult early experiences for the perpetual chip on my shoulder. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Youve probably heard cries of, Thats not fair! a time or two in the recent past. 2. Which ones? The only thing you have control over is how you respond. Sometimes to make a fair decision you have to consider the stakeholders all the people who will be affected by your decision. You get 10 happy customers, they bring 5 more. Download Dealing with Unfairness, a free printable page from Whats Up with My Family? "In other words, 'It's unfair' should promote a good conversation that can be listened to and come back to again and again," she says. Is it something that happened in the past? When you feel something is unfair or disrespectful of your rights, catch yourself reacting in anger or frustration. Alux is the biggest resource for luxury and fine-living enthusiasts in the world who share knowledge and motivation daily to strengthen our community and become tomorrows billionaires. Socrates said that the best way to solve a problem is by thinking. What do you think of that idea? You might be the greatest painter to every pick up a brush. Then, six months later, I received another call. We found our talent in numbers and business. This means that when we feel like weve been treated unfairly, we go into fight-or-flight mode, with its resulting sense of anxiety. Bottom line: You are ultimately the onein fact, the only onewho chooses how you decide to react and respond to life's challenges. Whats important is that we try to move beyond them so we dont let the things we cant control take control of us. If not, they can worsen an already bad situation. What is Essie confused about? You can see this play out daily in our political system. Try to become aware of what your brain is doing. Fair treatment means you treat your students in a fair manner when your attitude towards all of them is the same regardless of who they are. What about your current life seems unfair? The Result: You make snap decisions and emotionally react, then rationalize and justify your response using your logical brain. We get upset when we or someone else is treated unfairly. You could learn that someone you trusted to care for your mother took advantage of her good nature. On the other hand, a quasi contract is created only to the extent that it is needed to remedy an unfair situation. Heres something you can do instead of denying accommodations to children who need them (or giving those accommodations even to students who dont need them). 2. Im eager to use your explanations to help my students further discern between fair and equal. The problem is not really the situation or the. Or as Laura Cousino Klein, Ph.D. said about women in the famous study she led on women, stress, and friendship, we go into fight, flight, or call-a-friend-and-complain mode. News and developments in character education and helpful tips and ideas that you can use with your own program! Then take a breath before you say or do anything to make the situation worse. Pingback: How To Explain Why Oldest Child Gets To Do Something But Youngest Can't - Moms - World news | Fast news | Us News, Pingback: How to Teach Kids the Difference Between Fair and Equal #howtoearntips Howtoearntips, Pingback: Teach Kids the Difference Between 'Fair' and 'Equal' BloogPrees, Pingback: How to Teach Kids the Difference Between 'Fair' and 'Equal' - Starlinenews, Pingback: Teach Kids the Difference Between Fair and Equal Under The Laurel Tree -NEWS, https://www.sidebysidetherapy.ca/autism-spectrum-disorder/autism-equality-equity/. Equal means everyone gets the exact same number of presents on their birthday. If so, what? Don't play favorites. This is what in gambling is called a: FREE ROLL. Children get hurt. Sherrie Bourg Carter is the author of High Octane Women: How Superachievers Can Avoid Burnout (Prometheus Books, 2011). Fairness means everyone is happy with the birthday presents they get. This is the reason why we developed our eLearning arm. As an adult, youre juggling work, bills, your own needs, your family needs, your goals, your liabilities and more were over stimulated. Thank you for your reflections on what can be a tricky topic. Many times in the past, Ive complained that things werent fair. Do you think hes right? Dont we all want the same advantages that come with wealth for our own offsprings? It flew away in a blink of an eye. Can you think of a better solution? We cant change mistreatment that happened in the past. Unfair conduct of an employer relating to the promotion, demotion, probation or training of an employee or the provision of benefits Example: If all employees pass a test and all except one are promoted, the employer might be guilty of unfair conduct against that employee. Describe it. People spend 10-15,000 dollars for a weekend seminar with Tony Robbins or Gary V. where they basically tell you to stop being lazy and find the thing that youre good at. Let go of what you cannot control. Step 1: Stay Calm. Take some of the behavioral examples from activity #1, above, and turn them into role-play situations. A lot of time goes into planning, designing and thinking of the best possible cover to present to the world. Then take a breath before. 5. This ones a hibrid between your own actions and sheer luck. Don't take advantage of other people. 1. Be conscious of what you can and can't control. Finally, announce that youre giving a WOW Award. You can also follow Tiny Buddha onFacebook,Twitter, andInstagram. Tragic accidents happen. Do you think a trial like that might be a fair way for you and your friends to settle conflicts? Socrates told Essie that if she doesnt know what fairness is, she should try asking what unfairness is. However, much of the "unfairness" that happens in the world is not within our control. When you feel something is unfair or disrespectful of your rights, catch yourself reacting in anger or frustration. Why let someone you have no investment in interfere with your enjoyment of the movie you're getting ready to watch? In some cases, when we think rationally, we may realize an unfair situation is not a big deal in the grand scheme of thingswhen someone cuts us off and runs a red light, for example. Hello Aluxers, Heres an interesting observation about life: Unless youre winning, most of life will seem hideously unfair to you. Is there anything you can do to help change it? 23. Did the trial help Muggsy and Burna understand the unfair things they had done to each other? Watch a television program together. In some cases, we can. This is the main reason why people settle for safe mediocrity. Excusing such comments in the name of 'banter'. Was Burna being honest with Muggsy? We genuinely enjoy solving business puzzles. 4. 5. Is there any reason she shouldnt get the part? We cant change that tragedies have occurred, in our own lives or in places across the globe. Then give a few examples of how you intend to be fair but not equal. Reality doesnt work like that. Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring Citizenship. Compare their list with the one at the top of this page. Were Burna and Muggsy guilty of any of these unfair things Essie mentioned? Wouldnt this poster or banner look good in your classroom. 27. Has anybody ever tricked you or cheated you? Play by the rules. Socrates said that the best way to solve a problem is by thinking. As author and educator Kendra Cherry writes, "Being a positive thinker is not about ignoring reality in favor of aspirational thoughts. Retributive justice refers to the extent to which punishments are fair and just. I was only 19 years old. When I was a freshman in college, I received a call from a family member telling me that my mother was in the hospital. Many situations in life are zero sum games and these are the literal definition of competition. In the words of author/illustrator Mary Engelbreit, If you dont like something, change it. And talk about the various ways in which the characters acted unfairly towards one another. Talent is just a gatekeeping way to refer to things that you enjoy doing, so much so that you develop those skills faster than everyone else. Instead of feeling hopeless or overwhelmed, positive thinking allows you to tackle life's challenges by looking for effective ways to resolve conflict and come up with creative solutions to problems.". If your students are old enough to write book reports, have them write about how the characters in the book behaved in either a fair or an unfair way. A contract is legally formed by two individuals or entities looking to enter into a contract. Have you ever said, thats unfair? Teaching Kids the Difference Between Fair and Equal, Sit-In: How Four Friends Stood Up by Sitting Down, Will his friend understand that its fair, Rotten and Rascal: The Two Terrible Pterosaur Twins, Whats Under Your Cape? Creating Value these are when youre able take current reality and through creativity youre increasing the value. Staying with the line cutter as an example, you have no control over the choice that person made. To do that, you have to make a concerted effort to monitor your thoughts and feelings. "I could have been more careful." And this doesnt even touch upon the massive injustices happening all over the world, far outside the scope of our everyday experience. Many of you have similar goals for yourself. 19. Chance and Uncertainty Bingo. If I believe someone is earning boatloads of money unethically, I ruminate on how its not right, and wish I could do something to stop it. Ask you child to show you the page entitled How to be a Fair Person. Discuss the rules for fairness listed on this page. Bullying Prevention & Conflict Resolution, 4 Ideas for Practicing Mindfulness with Children, The Social and Emotional Way to a Calmer Classroom, Seeking Personally Relevant SEL Books for Children and Teens, How Parents Can Help Kids Develop Self-Confidence, The 5 Books I Want to Give Every Teacher (and one I had to keep for myself! Social and economic forces beyond our control can toss us like plastic bags in the wind. And this means everyone gets the exact same snack. If one child needs certain accommodations, do I deny that child those accommodations (or on the flip side, do I give those accommodations even to children who dont need them), because its not fair that some children get those accommodations and others dont? Fairness builds personal character and promotes honesty and respect for others. You might end up worse off because of it and your chances are slim to begin with. The reality of life is that sometimes: People who you fall in love with might not love you back! Heres a gold nugget that usually takes years for people to realise: Time accelerates or slows down based on the number of inputs you are experiencing! . GET MORE FUN & INSPIRING IMAGES & VIDEOS. . You can inflict great suffering upon yourself in the name of life being 'unfair.' What is the Beeja mantra, and why is it chanted? For daily wisdom,join the Tiny Buddha list here. You can begin planning as soon as youre done reading this article. If your children are too young to write book reports, do this as a class discussion about the books they are reading or that you are reading to them. Instead of immediately going to "that's unfair" in my head whenever something negative happened, I found myself thinking about whether I had control over it, and if I did, what I could have done to change the outcome. Did the person who offended you take anything away from you other than a few minutes of your time? This is where your success in life or better said, the likelihood of breaking out of the hardships youre born into goes straight to luck. However, some feel that the label, victim, has negative connotations that stigmatize those who are trying to overcome their traumatic experiences. If I accidentally stubbed my toe, it was "unfair." How is it related to honesty? And talk about the various ways in which the characters acted unfairly towards one another. Heres a list of the Best Countries to Get Rich. One common type of bias in data analysis is propagating the current state, Frame said. Select someone who has something like you, maybe blue eyes, brown hair, or a white shirt. If you treat people fairly, that is what your child will learn from you. Why, or why not? Think of a few decisions you have made, and write about how those decisions affected other people. This is one of the reasons why we built ALUX as a platforms, to share on a massive scale the same type of insights that you would get from a mentor. I bemoaned the injustices of the world because I felt so many befell me. The truth is Success is the result of consistency! Click in the top right corner to watch it for it will provide you with valuable insight on how to navigate life. When you consider the big picture (no pun intended), a rational, unemotional mind would probably say no. Whom do you agree with, Muggsy or Burna? Is it useful? A whole group of people can do the same good deed, but only one or two of them get recognized for it. If you dont like something, change it. Marcia Reynolds, Psy.D. Sherrie Bourg Carter, Psy.D., psychologist and author of "High Octane Women: How Superachievers Can Avoid Burnout," specializes in the area of women and stress. 1. "That was unfair." Life is not 'fair.' Share your comments, stories, and ideas below, or contact us. Do you think Burna was being fair with Muggsy? If youre close to it, you end up in heaven, if youre far away from it, youll spend your entire life in a fictitious hell realising just how much you missed in life because you didnt give it your all. List with the line cutter as an example, you have control over the choice person... Were unfair someone you trusted to care for your mother took advantage of other people the only thing you made! Place where your child will learn from you other than a few decisions you have no control over is you!, unemotional mind would probably say no Men Single and Sexless education and helpful tips and below..., much of the world is not really the situation or the how to navigate.. Child will see them often intended ), a quasi contract is created only to the world, outside. Insight on how to navigate life trial help Muggsy and Burna understand the unfair things they had to. 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