external factors affecting educational achievement sociology

Explaining Class Differences Social class background has an influence on the child's chances of success in the education system with children from middle classes on average performing better than the working class students with the gap in achievement growing as the children grow older. This creates more failure and hopelessness especially with our false genetic models firmly in place. a key part in determining educational achievement. The SlideShare family just got bigger. He mainly blamed the school rather than the students for this. Although the New Labour policies sought to reduce inequality, the conservative policies have reintroduced a system of inequality by encouraging privatisation and marketisation. Anti-school subcultures might explain why working-class pupils underperform, but the question of why working-class pupils join them is more complex and must at least in part relate to matters outside school. Cheryan et al. How do GCSE results vary by social class, gender and ethnicity? Education in America an overview of key facts and stats of the American education system. The subcultures have little interest in achievement and therefore it is unsurprising that the students who are likely to form such subcultures are also statistically likely to underperform. identify, describe and explain various processes within schools affecting educational achievement including, streaming, setting, mixed ability teaching, labelling and the self-fulfilling prophecy. Outside factors include, cultural deprivation, material deprivation and the effects of parental support and family . Internal VS External influences on Social Class Educational Achievment. These factors include: labelling, streaming, pupil subcultures, pupil identities and the development of a self-fulfilling prophecy. [] Explaining the Gender Gap in Education The Role of External Factors []. Terms in this set (26) What are the three material factors affecting class achievement? More importance is given to unruly behaviour with teachers and antagonistic behaviour with other students than to high achievement or effort to succeed, particularly at secondary school. Topic . The rise of feminism can be argued to have had an impact on girl's achievement and can be seen to be one of the factors that have affected the differences in achievement. 1) Extra curricular activities, such as private tutoring2) Deferred gratification3) Encourage to stay in higher education. 1) Working class children may want immediate gratification so they can earn money sooner and be more independent2) Working class children realise their parents cant support them during higher education for financial reasons3) Other factors such as material deprivation play a role, Summary with mindmap:https://revisesociology.com/2014/02/15/the-effect-of-cultural-deprivation-on-education/, Detail with theories:https://revisesociology.com/2016/04/05/cultural-capital-and-educational-achievement/, Powerpoint:https://www.slideshare.net/kirstyodair/as-sociology-unit-2-education-cultural-deprivation. Interationists tend to focus on processes within schools, which primarily means teacher labelling, pupil subcultures, banding and streaming and school ethos. Gender and identity revision notes exploring how hegemonic masculinity and femininity hinder or help boys and girls in education. African Caribbean children were expected to behave badly and received considerable attention, nearly always negative. -Homelessness - difficult to do any school work. cultural deprivation, labelling and marketisation. Strand suggested that the higher exclusion rates of Black Caribbean students could explain some of the difference, as could the fact that they were more likely to have SEN statements, but this still didnt explain all of the difference. Hence because acting White includes doing well at school, acting Black necessarily implies not doing well in school. We've updated our privacy policy. Pupils responses and subcultures 3. . A literature review by Spelke (2005) found that sex differences in cognitive abilities do not explain the gender gap in education. The key internal ("in-school") and external ("out-of-school") factors that impact differential educational achievement in the UK are explored in this video#s. Cultural factors These include class differences in norms and values acquired through socialisation, attitudes to education, speech codes etc. Ethnocentric curriculum 4. This material is relevant to the Sociology of Education option, usually taught in the first year of A-level Sociology. LS23 6AD When people are deprived of the norms and values that are needed to succeed. - Low Income. Educational underachievement external & internal factors 1. class based attitudes and values which form subcultures - Sugerman and Hyman. The second section includes links to my assessment posts either essay plans, 10 mark questions or general exam advice relevant here to the sociology of education. Policies to Combat Racism within Schools A historical overview of the main policy dynamics from assimilationism to cynical multiculturalism. Parental aspiration seems to be especially important University fees = putting w/c off going. Sociological Explanations of Educational Underachievement class notes, and an introduction to the sub-topic. It is between groups based on ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental abilities, and income. Cultural Factors . These factors include: labelling, streaming, pupil subcultures, pupil identities and the development of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Company Reg no: 04489574. Joel Spring Education Networks Power, Wealth, Cyberspace and the Digital Mind book summary. I imagine there are two reasonsThe false belief in genetics has blinded the researchers to the great social, environmental causes of learning and motivation in academics. Functionalist, Marxist and The New Right Views of Education summary vodcast comparing the threeperspectives. Symbolic capital is the gain of status and recognition from the school. In-school factors are often suggested by interactionist sociologists who argue that it is not necessarily the structures of society that impacts educational achievement, but the relationships and interactions between pupils and between teachers and pupils. Teacher pupil relationships may explain some of the differences in educational achievement by ethnicity, and since it is teachers who have the power in school, teacher labelling is something we need to consider. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Evaluating the Marxist perspective on education medium length evaluative post focusing on a range of contemporary evidence which either supports or criticises the Marxist view of education. Expert solutions. Mac an Ghail (1998) Young, Gifted and Black Mac an Ghail was a teacher in two inner city colleges. A review of the literature by Bertocchi and Bozzano (2019) found that the improvement in female educational achievement from the 1980s to the 2000s can be explained by the increasing post-school expectations for females and the increasing probability that women could go into high-income occupations relatively men. Some of them are labelled as clever, well-behaved, etc. Girls outperform boys in most subjects at every level of education: from primary school to degree level. He noted that Black Caribbean students were less likely to be put into higher sets/ bands/ streams than their white peers and less likely to be entered for higher tier exams, and it is teachers who make decisions about banding and streaming and so ultimately teacher labelling is to blame here. Did you try www.HelpWriting.net ?. What justification did Blackstone and Mortimer (1994) give for a lack of parental interest? This post explores the concept of institutional racism in schools in more depth. Evaluating the New Rights perspective on education a medium length post which looks at the long term trend in GCSE results, PISA international league tables, Stephen Balls work and Sue Palmers concept of toxic childhood to evaluate the impact (positive and negative) of marketisation policies on pupils in England and Wales. Cultural Capital and Social class differences in educational achievement cultural capital refers to the skills, knowledge, attitudes and tastes through which typically middle class parents are able to give their children an advantage in life compared to working class children. Arguments for and Against Reintroducing Grammar Schools this was suggested a few years ago now my Theresa May, but Im not sure its on the cards anymore. For example, material or cultural deprivation can lead to underachievement. Give 3 against arguments on whether working class children are culturally deprived. Other posts about education which may not be immediately relevant to the A-level: An Overview of the Education System in England and Wales, Schools in the United Kingdom Key Statistics, Education with Theory and Methods A Level Sociology Paper 1, Perspectives on the Role of Education Knowledge Check List, The Functionalist perspective on education, Emile Durkheims view on the role of education in society, Talcott Parsons perspective on education, Evaluating the Functionalist view of the role of education in contemporary society, Bowles and Gintis The Correspondence Principle, Evaluating the Marxist perspective on education, Joel Spring Education Networks Power, Wealth, Cyberspace and the Digital Mind, Evaluating the New Rights perspective on education, Sociological perspectives on the relationship between education and work, Functionalist, Marxist and The New Right Views of Education, Sociological Perspectives on the Role of Education in Society Summary Grid, Sociological Explanations of Educational Underachievement, The effects of material deprivation on education, The effects of cultural deprivation on education, The effects of cultural and social capital on education, Social Class and In school factors and differential educational achievement, Explaining the Gender Gap in Education External Factors, Evaluating the role of External Factors in Explaining the Gender Gap in Education, Explaining the Gender Gap in Education In School Factors, Transgender education policies in England and Wales, How Does Educational Achievement Vary by Ethnicity, In school factors and institutional racism, Why do Gypsy-Roma Children have such Low Educational Achievement, Teacher labelling and the self fulfilling prophecy, Social democratic perspectives on education, New Labours Education Policies (1997-2010), 20102015 The Coalition Governments education policies, 2010-2015 The Coalition Governments Education policies, ducation Policy in England Wales 2015 to 2020, Selective Education Since Comprehensivisation, Arguments for and Against Reintroducing Grammar Schools, Trends in Apprenticeships in England and Wales, Evaluating Apprenticeships in England and Wales, Assess Sociological Perspectives on Vocational Education, How I would have answered the June 2018 sociology A-level paper 1, How I would have answered the June 2017 Sociology A-level paper 1, Analyse two reasons why women remain economically disadvantaged compared to men despite the increase in the gender gap in educational achievement, Possible 10 mark analyse questions which you might get on paper one, Evaluate the Functionalist view of the role of education in society. These are the children that grow up culturally deprived. Related posts are linked above in this post and via the education page. 1) They have less ambition2) Hyman - they experience short-term orientation3) They are more concerned with proper man jobs such as working in factories or being builders. Asian children were seen as a problem that could be ignored, receiving the least attention and often being excluded from classroom discussion and rarely asked to answer questions. The Office for National Statistics suggest that changes there have been changes in family structure: Women are more likely to take on the breadwinner role; there is now more divorce, and more lone parent families; women are more likely to remain single. external factors. While girls do have intrinsically slightly higher cognitive abilities, they are not significant enough alone to make them more adept at schoolwork than boys. Some of the theories and studies relating to this are detailed in another study note (Relationships and Processes Within Schools) and therefore this section tends to give more of an overview. Below is a summary of some of the evidence that suggests schools may be institutionally racist. By the end of this . The Sociology of Education: An Introduction, Ethnicity and differential educational achievement, The relative importance of gender/ class and ethnicity in differential educational achievement, Relationships and Processes Within Schools. Crozier (2004) found that Pakistani pupils keep to themselves in school because they feel excluded by their white peers and marginalized by the school practices. The Construction of British-Chinese Educational Success, Assess the claim that ethnic difference in educational achievement are primarily the result of school factors (30) ReviseSociology, How I Wouldve Answered Yesterdays AS Sociology Exam Paper (7191/1 Education) | ReviseSociology, Teacher labelling which can be both positive and negative (high and low expectations depending on the ethnic group). The Internal factors are factors within the school and the education system and external factors such as factors outside the education system influences from home and family background. differential socialisation of boys and girls. 11 Questions Show answers. Use 3 points to describe what Herbert Hyman argued about working class families. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Education Policy in England Wales 2015 to 2020 An overview of several polices such as austerity, the Ebacc, progress on Academisation, and the expansion of grammar schools. Since the 1960's feminism has challenged the traditional stereotypes of a woman's role as mother and housewife with a patriarchal family. The lower the bracket the more amplified the differential treatment. They know how to do an amazing essay, research papers or dissertations. School Ethos and The Hidden Curriculum brief revision notes focusing on how the ethos (basic values) of a school and the hidden (or informal rules) of a school advantage some students and disadvantage others. For example in one case a Muslim child was referred to authorities because he asked how to make a bomb in a physics class, whereas the same treatment didnt happen to white children. When looking at the educational achievement of different ethnic groups, we must consider the inside school factors and outside school factors. The key internal ("in-school") and external ("out-of-school") factors that impact differential educational achievement in the UK are explored in this video, Boston House, Study Gender Differences In Achievement - Internal/External Factors flashcards from Bradley Sherman's class online, or in Brainscape's iPhone or Android app. Boston House, Subjects. 19 24 Answe rs in ths band wll show accua e, boad or deep but ncomp e knoedg of explanations of social class differences in educational achievement. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Institutional Racism, where Racism is endemic at the level of policy. Feminist sociologists argue that many of the above changes have been brought about by their attempts to highlight gender inequalities in society and their efforts to encourage the government, schools and teachers to actually combat patriarchy and provide genuine equality of opportunity which has lead to raising the expectations and self-esteem of girls. By whitelisting SlideShare on your ad-blocker, you are supporting our community of content creators. Some of the research below sees the emergence of subcultures as a response to teacher labelling and so the two factors: teacher labelling and collective pupil responses may work together. Banding and Streaming, with some minority pupils being overrepresented in lower sets. There are four main social factors external to the school which explain why girls outperform boys in education: According to Social Trends (2008) the number of men and women in paid work is now virtually the same. 1) Receiving instant gratification2) Leaving school as early as possible3) Parents being less likely to attend parents evening. Boston Spa, In fact, teachers will often use sentences and refer pupils to articles and sections in textbooks that are largely meaningless to some of their pupils. Tony Sewell (1996) Black Masculinities and schooling He was primarily interested in the experiences of black boys in education and he found that some black students were disciplined excessively by teachers who felt threatened by these students masculinity, sexuality and physical prowess because they had been socialised into racist attitudes. Since 2015 PREVENT policy has required teachers to monitor extremist behaviour in schools to prevent students becoming terrorists. For a more in-dept look at the issue please see this post: Are Schools Institutionally Racist? Context of lesson: This lesson will : Explain the various factors beyond schools (external factors) that affect the educational achievement of different social groups . Please click here to return to the homepage ReviseSociology.com, the mind map for education really helps summarise the topic, Really useful information, it is clear and concise and really helped with my understanding of the topic. Material factors These are the physical necessities of life, such as adequate housing, diet and income. Assess Sociological Perspectives on Vocational Education essay plan. Bereiter and Englemann found that there language skills were ungrammatical, disjointed and incapable for education and incapable for expressing ideas. should: be able to describe the patterns of ethnic differences in educational achievement. Janet Elwood says that coursework cant be the only reason and concludes that exams have more of an influence of final grades. Teachers assumed their command of the English language was poor but they were highly disciplined and well motivated. Sociologists suggest the increased achievement in girls educational performance is the result of external factors (girls changing ambitions, changes in the family, changes in women's employment) and internal factors (equal opportunities, teacher attention, coursework). This contrasts with internal factors such as labelling or other processes or relationships withinschool. Give 3 examples of the values of people who experience cultural capital in relation to education. Chinese students may well be disadvantaged by teachers labelling them as hyper-achievers (3). In school factors and institutional racism - revision notes focusing on how pupil subcultures and also teacher labelling and racism might affect educational achievement by ethnicity. The effects of cultural and social capital on education brief revision notes on how the values and connections of middle class parents give their children an advantage in education. Gilborn and Youdell (1999) analysed statistics on banding and streaming by ethnicity. The broad idea is that teachers subconsciously label their pupils. 6. Appropriate conclusions will be drawn. One external factor is, in terms of social class, those from a Black Caribbean, Pakistani and Bangladesh (B/C, P, B) background are more likely to be from low-income households, experiencing poverty and unemployment and as a consequence this material deprivation means that they will be unable to provide their children with the books, tuition and

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