mars mercury conjunction vedic astrology

Will Imran Khan continue as PM of Pakistan ? He may have attractive physique and flirty nature. Virgo and Gemini rising particularly need to be careful about accidents and injuries but you would also have to have a Mars/Mercury natal signature in your chart and it would be more serious if you are in a Mars/Mercury or Mercury/Mars period or running a Virgo dasha. Conjunction of planets Mercury + Jupiter: Combination of Mercury with Jupiter, in the vedic astrology horoscope, blesses the native with knowledge about classical and ancients arts. In the West, we usually think of Venus as female, but in Vedic astrology, all the planets are male, including Venus. This 6 planet combination would influence about 75% of world population, making this a very important astrological event for everyone. In any birth chart, when two or more planets are sitting in the same house, they are considered in conjunction. If these four planets are together at birth. They can be computer programmers, IT consultants, data engineers, and software developers. Such natives may be differently abled and indulge in pious and righteous activities. In contrary situation, only negative results will be there. While Jupiter prominently signifies Wisdom, Expansion, Wealth, Health and Fame; Mars on the other hand prominently signifies Anger, Volatility, Boldness, Courage, Surgeries and Real Estate. Conjunction of planets Mars andJupiter: This union in the vedic astrology horoscope blesses with in-depth knowledge of religion and spirituality. In contrast, to astrology, One, who has these four planets together will be bold, be without parents, is from an ignoble race, will have many wives, friends, and sons and will have good conduct. Vedic Astrology uses Moon Sign based predictions based on your date, place & time of birth for greater accuracy. If Mercury is with both natural malefic and benefic as in Venus, Mercury, and Saturn, then look at the difference in degrees in all three of them. Conjunction of planets Sun andMercury: This is the most common union observed in many vedic astrology horoscopes. New Year 2023 Prediction for the country and the world? Available now for Dropbox video download and re-playable at your convenience. Therefore, If these four planets are together at birth. This conjunction of Mars and Mercury also creates a tendency to indulge in theft and offences involving money. Mercury in Astrology is known as the prince. 2) Native may has long life but having weak physique. Thorough reading of Sarawali helps a lot in understanding the concepts of vedic astrology and their application in real life. As per rule, Bad Husband or Wife in Astrology :- In astrology , 7th house represents marriage whereas 6th house represents divorce or problem in marriage life , 8th house represents all kind of pain whereas 12th house represents loss. 14. Whereas, Mars represents red, rugged, raw energies. When we feel victimized and do not express or act then accidents happen so we can gain sympathy for frustration. If Mercury is in conjunction with a natural benefic, then it acts like a benefic planet. When this conjunction takes place, the native becomes physically stout, popular among his or her circle, harsh, candid, and learned. They give meaning to your life and set a purpose. With Mercury going retrograde Sept 27-Oct. 18th, we will get a 2nd conjunction Oct 9-11thand then a 3rd pass in Libra, Nov. 10th. You cannot print contents of this website. Sep. Planets In Sagittarius - Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Venus, Rahu, Ketu effects and results - in Horoscope/ Kundli/ Birth Chart In Vedic Astrology: Sagittarius sign is a dual sign. Sagittarius sign people are very hardworking and focus in life. He may be suffering from incurable disease. In this conjunction, Rahu is still in relation to Mercury and Mars because Rahu and Ketu are always 7 places from each other, meaning they aspect each other. This union makes a person polite, jovial and sharp minded. If you do not find a way to release anger and conflict, it could spillover into accidents and fires and wounds and cuts. The conjunction of Moon and Mars conceives different results based on the house they sit in. First major planetary configuration of 2022 in form of a 6 Planet Conjunction is between 27th February and 1st March. They either take away things or give you things. He has straight forward attitude. He/she may become famous and popular in the society. Mercury is intelligence, logical thinking, communication, speech, business, media, hands,shoulder, friends, youthfulness, younger sibling, quick decision. 2022 Transit of JUPITER/RAHU/SATURN in April Effects in India and Abroad, Discover the Wonderful Meaning of Number 4 in Numerology, Saturn Transit October 2021 and its impact on each Sign. However, In contrast, to astrology, If these four planets are together at birth, one will be deforming, will have a good wife, be highly tolerant, be self-respecting, learning will have many friends and be happy. If you are driving, do not talk on your cell phone and multi-task. Please help me find it. Due to Rahus ability to disguise things, the persons hard speech is developed by Mercury, Mars, and Ketu. Leo/Aquarius rising also seem vulnerable with the planets on the Leo/Aquarius axis. Conjunction of planets Mars andMercury: Mercurys conjunction with Mars is not very auspicious, unless both are acting favorably in the vedic astrology horoscope. He may be religious and God-fearing person. When the intellect of Mercury meets the energy of Mars, the native is often a logical and intelligent being, skilled at many arts. Find a way to get to let go of your anger in a positive way. Ketu feels like hes already experienced the things of the house he sits in. The native will be splendorous, wealthy, addicting to other women, also, fond of bravery, fickle-minded and ill-disposing. Mercury Mars Conjunction (Mercury Conjunct Mars)What happens when Mercury and Mars are in conjunction in your chart? What is Mars in Vedic Astrology? They have a zero-degree distance between them. Regularly 49.95. In Cancer sign mars gets debilitated & mars will become very defensive, protective & to protect ownself they can take any bold action but sometimes they can exert their heavy energy in wriong way which can create problem. Sign up today for free! Depending upon the house Ketu is in, it will make you either less needy of what that house represents, or will give you less desire to get the things related to that house. Answer (1 of 2): If Pisces is the sign of 11th House , then Ascendant will be Taurus and Venus becomes ascendant lord and not Aries as given in answer by Mr Paras ! Vedic Astro Zone - Free Horoscope and Indian Astrology Services Learn Astrology Lessons Online free - Indian Astrology Lessons, Adani Stock market and Saturn transit 2023 to Aquarius Sign Astrology, Jupiter is trapped between Saturn and Rahu in 2023. We need to model ourselves after kids. His personality may has natural attraction for opposite gender. Horoscopes based on Vedic & Western Astrology have a difference of about 24 degrees in the planetary positions. Mercury in Astrology: intelligence, communication, speech, logic, education, analytical skills, calculative skills, education, business, trading and language skills. 1) Before knowing the effect of Venus and Mercury conjunction in 8th house we have to know about effect of Venus in 8th house, Mercury in 8th house and Venus and Mercury conjunction. This Primarily at first glance gives the clue that something substantial and objectively will happen to males and females via speech, communication, voice, writing, calculative power etc. In contrast, to astrology he will be intelligent. Mars and Mercury is a great combination for Leo Ascendant in 5th house. The subject will be fond of picking up quarrels with his wife. Beginners Guide to Astrology :- Astrology is a spiritual divine occult subject through that we can predict present , past & future of native life based on the native details & their own requirement . Your planets usually change a sign / house between Vedic & Western horoscope. Mars is dry and likes to split things apart, so there are a strong appreciation and need for contrast and opposition. Therefore, If these four planets are together at birth, In contrast, to astrology, one will be fond of quarrels, will sleep much, be mean, will marry an unchaste lady, be fortunate, will hate his relatives and be not happy. Mars and Mercury conjunction can only be termed favorable if both are positively placed in a natal chart. Ketu effects - in Horoscope/ Kundli/ Birth Chart In Vedic Astrology: Capricorn Sign people are one of the most hard-working people in the world. The combination of Mercury and Mars can bring up disputes and arguments so remember not to argue in the car and pullover if something starts and drive carefully and watch out for the other guy August 18-19th. Beginners Guide to Astrology, How to Read D10 Dashamsha Chart using Dashamsha Deities in Astrology, Maraka Sthana and Maraka Planets in your Astrological Chart, Miseries & Misfortunes as per Astrological Chart, Finding Diseases Timing of Diseases Recovery from Diseases in Astrology, Can You Able to Fulfill Your Life Purpose in This Life as per Astrology, Best Car or Vehicle as per Your Astrological Chart, The Ukraine Astrological Chart Analysis For Upcoming Events 2022, Diseases Signified by Afflicted/Debilitated Mars in Astrology, Pinpoint Weak Houses in Birth Chart Astrology, Diseases Signified by Afflicted/Debilitated Mercury in Astrology, Astrological Combinations for Success in Business, Problem in Career Life As per Astrology (Astrological Combination), Diseases Signified by Afflicted/Debilitated Moon in Astrology. Wherever it is placed in your horoscope, you stand for those beliefs, and thats where your energy goes. The results of combination mentioned above are general in nature and their implications may differ on the basis of the house, sign and nature of the planet in a respective horoscope.ByRaj Shekhar Sharma Source:horoscopeastrologer, Effects of conjunction of two planets Part 2, Guru Chandala Yoga Guru & Rahu conjunction, Planetary combinations for success in politics, Tagged with:Effects of conjunction of two planets, conjunction of two planets in vedic astrology, conjunction of planets in different houses, Results of Union of two planets in Vedic Astrology, How a conjunction works in Vedic Astrology, Conjunction of Planets, Aspects of conjunction of two planets , Planetary aspects, Vasi Yoga | Vosi Yoga Vedic Astrology Yoga, Sun-Moon Yogas : Veshi Yoga, Vashi Yoga, Ubhaychari Yoga, Sunafa Yoga, Anafa Yoga, Durudhara Yoga video. Planets are simply energies, and when two different types of energy come together, they create a new type of energy or a mutant energy. His attitude may creating problem for him. under the CONSULTATIONS tab for an interview. Do not let it get that far. Mercury is our logical and intelligent mind,communication through writing , speech, acting,anchoring,social media and marketing, business minded, he is the son of king,messenger. The first house in the astrological birth chart is known as the ascendant. How to correct emotional, physical and psychological issues with the proper pose for healing. This conjunction also makes a person reasonably wealthy and he/she may have good financial gains in trading of natural products. As a adults we have been taught that fighting and aggression are bad and we repress it. All transactions on our web site conducted on Secure SSL Site. under the CONSULTATIONS tab for an interview. In this workshop, Barry Rosen will introduce some of the major poses and their connections to the planets, their corresponding organs, chakras and psychological components and outline 2-3 basic sets of yoga postures for energizing, balancing and relaxing. The native gets inclined towards old and ill-nature people; the wealth gets destroyed and most of the times, one has to face failures in his life. As I mentioned on Monday, Saturn's at the last . Conjunction of planets Moon andVenus: The conjunction of Moon and Venus in vedic astrology horoscope blesses with all kind of luxuries including residence, vehicle and ornaments. Mercury conjunct Mars natal gives a quick mind, rapid reflexes, and a sharp tongue. Mars Mercury Conjunction These two are enemy planets. > When Mercury holds the lowest degree & mars has the highest degree:- then base of this conjunction is controlled by mercury. Regularly 49.95. Mars and Mercury are bitter enemies in conjunction because Mercury needs to win through the intellect and Mars is too action orientated to win a war of words. What effects are they bringing in the conjunction by being lords of good or bad houses? Mercury, Mars and Saturn Conjunction in Vedic Astrology is a great stress on the native's intelligence because it is stuck in a war between two great enemies. A Basic Guide From AstrologyTV: What Is Astrology and How Does It Work? Though, combust Venus may cause health problems in eyes or liver of the person. Need help with your chart? Lord of 9th House in 1st House in Astrology (9th House Lord in 1st House), Venus in Aries | Venus Aries in Birth Chart, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window). What will the India and World get its benefit? Predict through Pachanga ( Tithi) and (karana). Mercury is also our business and management skills due to his calculative and logical nature, and love for the marketplace. Mars Conjunct Venus Natal You likely have sex appeal and charm without much effort. During the conjunction of Mercury, Sun and Mars in the Leo sign, Jupiter will be sitting opposite of these three planets. Wherever it is placed in your horoscope, you stand for those beliefs, and that's where your energy goes. Sign up for a reading at Conjunction: The planets are very close together in the sky, usually in the same sign (i.e., the Sun and Venus both in Virgo). Mars and Mercury are opposite natured p. the combination of Venus in 12th house with Mars in 12th house is a . Mars represents injuries, accidents, cuts, and bruises. If these four planets join at birth, one will speak and conduct himself, as a great person, be happy, expert, intent on gathering money and will have learning, sons, and wife. Libra people need freedom of choice but still, they are . He/she is highly learned and educated and very proficient in his speech. As per Vedic Astrology, presence of Mercury Rahu conjunction or Budh Rahu yuti in all houses from first house to twelfth house of birth chart or navamsa chart of horoscope. For any complaints or feedback about Vedic Astrology Lessons and content in our website, Please write to us at CLICK HERE- http://www.astrologykrs.comBook link- videos are based on the ancient science of Vedic Astrology known. If the said planets join at birth, the native will be dark-eyed, fierce, will have many sons, be wealthy and fortunate through women. Mars' nature of conquering and Mercury's nature to communicate and increase intelligence makes this person sharp and analytical. If you are driving, do not talk on your cell phone and multi-task. Sign up for a reading at In Vedic astrology, the conjunction of Mars and Saturn is considered to have significant impact on the native's life. > Why theyve good opportunities in technical field specially as computer programmer ? If you are exercising or in physical activity, be 100 percent. Fun, easy and therapeutic: practical knowledge for personal healing. The native will be an expert boxer, will be depending on others. Venus And Mars Conjunction in the first house. Ketu does the same but in a more severe way, like sudden accidents. December 14, 2021 Nadia Gilchrist. It controls the local brain's thought process. 1. Should these join at birth, one will be rash, prime among his group, will have cherished desires, will be endowed with relatives and friends and dear to king. You also have to know the houses they rule. One, who has these four planets together at birth, will have the uneven physique, be short in stature, be unwealthy and will collect food by begging and be a proven dunce. Mars wins the war from Mercury on Thursday, August 19th. Conjunction of planets Venus andSaturn: The conjunction of Venus and Saturn in vedic astrology horoscope of a person blesses a person with artistic abilities and he/she will be well versed in drawing, painting and carving images from stones. It makes a person very smart, wealthy, jovial in nature and good looking. Stay focused. He/she may not be religious and may have sickly attitude of mind. EYE ON ASTROLOGY: MARS CONJUNCT MERCURY SEPT.3RD-4TH. One may have extra marital relationships or more than one relationship at one time. Ketu also searches for truth and enlightenment. The native will be addicted to other women, be a thief, will have uneven limbs, will be a bad person and will be bereft of energy. Sale price through July 4th is 24.95. Do not let it get that far. Connections between poses, emotional and psychological and physical health and planets. They are intelligent and aggressive, and may be working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without the right purpose. This is an excellent combination for athletes or similar careers. It makes a person suffer in his/her relationships and his/her life partner is usually not trust-worthy. Mars and Venus crossing Pluto and now conjunct Saturn, along with Jupiter changing 3 sigs . This will show a tug of war between both Rahu and Ketu. Jupiter is trapped between Saturn and Rahu in 2023. Mars representsour will power , efforts , strength, stamina , fighting ability ,ability to take action , impulsivity , cuts, bruises, burns, red blood , accidents, weapon , male friends, technical skills , engineer , competition, fire energy, soldiers , sports , athletics . It makes a person suffer in his/her relationships and his/her life partner is usually not trust-worthy. Shoulder stands will support Mercury and calm the over-active mind. Will be wealthy, worshipping by the people. March 27 Mercury/Jupiter conjunction exact planetary war; March 31 - June 7 Mercury in Aries; Lina Elisabeth Preston. There is great pleasure found in speaking and writing about quizzical sexual behavior. It makes the person astute and wise. Its our will power and vitality. First lets look at the major significations of mars in vedic astrology. Conjunction of planets Jupiter andVenus: The union of Jupiter and Venus in vedic astrology horoscope is said to be very auspicious. The 1st of House of Vedic Astrology is called Ascendant. 3)Native may be suffering from health problem. He/she will be very diplomatic in nature and may have good knowledge about chemicals and metals. They also have an affinity for poetry and some tend to be good poet themselves. Here this conjunction makes a person mathematician, writer, public . Mars is a soldier who stands for his beliefs. Such a person is quite active and involved. The new type of energy brings a situation in your life that fulfills the destiny of that conjunction. Mars conjunct the Sagittarius South Node (1 deg) Mars over the South Node says that action, anger, sexual energy or impulse is mired in the past or outdated habits. horoscopes are based on your Vedic Moon Sign . These two are enemy planets. Mars represents our ability to take action towards something. Understand the inter-dimensionality of healing body, emotions, psychology and belief structures and their connections to planets and poses. I know my Moon Sign is Cancer. Planetary updates delivered to your inbox and more. Both Jupiter as well as Mars have their own incredible significance in Vedic Astrology. However, He will be able to argue and endure. Should these planets be in one House at birth, the subject concerned will be head of water, animals, and forests (i.e. Native may be looking attractive and charming. When we feel victimized and do not express or act then accidents happen so we can gain sympathy for frustration. It is an earthy sign. (Note: Email us at if the Paypal Link is not connecting properly or just send 24.95 to through Paypal and request the Astro-Yoga videotape. They are very aggressive in their speech, debating, best field for them lawyer, judge, political writers, Rebel poet. Copyright 2023, The problem is that Mars and Mercury are within 6 degrees of each other through about August 26th when Mercury goes into Virgo and then after Sept. 6th when Mars goes into Virgo they are in the same sign until Sept. 22nd. It feels that it has mastery over the things related to the house its placed in. The conjunction repeats on Saturday, Sept. 16th but Mercury will win the war on Sept. 16th and then lose on Sept. 17th. Will have a coarse body, will possess pride of war, be famous and will breed dogs. Second Outbreak of Coronavirus Prediction Came True, Planetary Transits 2021 Upcoming Events Prediction, Upcoming Dasha Period will be good or bad. So, they have tendency to win the battle any way any how. ), Main link is at: Your thoughts and words can pack a punch, as they're likely dense with concentrated energy. Sun is the, Sun in 1st house of Astrology :- Sun :- Sun is the main source of solar energy, giver of light, heat, main significator of our soul or atma, ego, heart, self esteem, personality , father , creator, source, king, government .Sun rules over heart. Sun and Mars Conjunction In 4th house 1) Before knowing the effect of Sun and Mars conjunction in 4th house we have to know about Sun in 4th house and Mars in 4th house and Sun and Mars conjunction. because mars represents technical engineer, technical person & mercury controls our languages for communications, so this conjunction represents technical engineering programming languages like C, C++, JAVA, HTML , ORACLE coding, PHP, VHDL, EMBEDDED C programming languages , So best technical field are Computer Science Engineer , IT, Electronics & Communication Engineer. Mahadasha- JUPITER : 2-Star-Lord is KET: 6 (MER 7 ) 3-Sub-Lord is VEN: 4-Star-Lord, Russia Ukraine War Prediction :- As Ive already predicted on 28 december 2021 that there will be maximum chances of experiencing too good or too bad result for capricorn ascendant chart native or those whose Capricorn sign falls 6 or 8 or 12 houses from ascendant specially 27 february to, Karma Alignment Technique :- This is the most power technique in astrology system through that you can easily decode your actual karma at any situation to achieving your goal, So, if you know your goal & decode your actual karma & follow that karma then youll not face, Diseases Signified by Afflicted/Debilitated Mars in Astrology :- Mars represents our energy, efforts, will power, strength, stamina, passion, fire energy, fighting ability, ability to take action, impulsivity, cuts, bruises, burns, red blood, accidents, weapons , male friends, technical skills, engineer, competition, soldiers, sports, athletics. Moon- is our mind, emotional feelings, mother, motherly nourishment, homely environment, comfort zone. Sextile: The planets are around 60 degrees apart, or two signs apart (i.e., the moon in Scorpio and Mercury in Capricorn). They also face problems in their education. Consequently , Mercury will become 2H and 5H lord while Mars will become 7H and 12H lord . Mars and Mercury are bitter enemies in conjunction because Mercury needs to win through the intellect and Mars is too action orientated to win a war of words. If Mercury is with a natural malefic planet, then it acts like a malefic. Mars and Mercury are bitter enemies in conjunction because Mercury needs to win through the intellect and Mars is While Mars is a malefic male, Mercury is a literate eunuch. Sun mercury conjunction in vedic astrology/ Buddha Aditya yoga in vedic astrology. This conjunction may give good success in business/professions related with leather, iron, copper and chemicals. > Mercury also represents our Hand whereas Mars is our activeness, fighting ability, ability to take action, impulsivity, sporty nature, winning over battle, so this conjunction also represents boxing, kung fu karate, martial arts, table tennis, long tennis, basketball game . Be alert for the other guy. Dec. Planets In Capricorn Sign - Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Venus, Rahu. Conjunction of planets Moon andMars: The union of Mars with Moon in vedic astrology horoscope makes a person highly courageous and victorious in battle. Drive carefully. We get the first pass of the Mars/Mercury planetary war with Mercury winning the war on Wednesday, August 18th and with the exact conjunction on Wednesday, August 18th at 11:28 pm Eastern time. 11th house represents Money gain, Profit & fulfillment of all kind of desire, your monthly or yearly income & liquid cash. Will be intent on seeking sexual pleasures with others wives, will have an unchaste wife, be devoid of relatives, learning and will hate people. Infertility and In vitro fertilization (IVF) understanding through Astrology, Bitcoin forecast and astrology prediction, Past and Future Prediction 2022 2023 2024 by Ashwin Rawal, Punarpoo Dosha and Its Impacts over Human Life. A circle connected with a line on top of it () visually represents the conjunction, implying that two or more objects share the same space. These energies together undoubtedly make the person sharp-minded and alert. 12th house represents expenditure & loss of all, Saturn Sade Sati in Astrology :- Saturn Sade Sati is nothing but 7 & 1/2 years of Saturn transits over 3 houses zodiac sign & these 3 houses are one house before from your natal moon means 12th from moon house in birth chart, your natal moon house means your, Pinpoint weak houses in birth chart :- > 1st find out which hora you were born like sun or moon hora . The connections between the chakra system and the planets and how the poses support healing in both areas. Mercury or houses 3, 6, 11 by Sun, Rahu, Mars . D10 Dashamsha Chart Analysis Consultation, Timing of Getting Wealth & Property Consultation, Foreign Travel/Settlement & Astrocartography Map Reading, Astrology House Activation Remedy Consultation, Mahadasha Event Prediction (for 10 years), How to Judge Married Life Using D1 and D9 Navamsha Chart, Beautiful Looking Wife or Husband Astrology, Method of Selecting Right Gemstone As Per Astrology, Astrological Remedies for Good Career Life, Astrological Remedies for Happy Married Life, Find Career & Destiny in Astrology(39 Steps), Finding diseases- Timing of diseases Recovery from diseases in Astrology. In ancient times there was a deeper connection between Ayurvedic diagnosis, natal chart readings and prescriptions of asanas for planetary afflictions. Will NAVJOT SINGH SIDHU be next CM after Election ? stomach, right eyes of the male, Finding Diseases Timing of Diseases Recovery from Diseases in Astrology :- 1st house represents Physical body , health 6th house represents Health diseases & dispute 8th house represents Chronic illness health diseases , surgery & sudden event like accident or the state of transformation ., Can You Able to Fulfill Your Life Purpose in This Life as per Astrology :- We all are born with having some specific life purpose which is also called as our life goal or desire & to fulfill that life goal we were born & well born again again until, Best Car or Vehicle as per Your Astrological Chart : It doesnt mean that youve lots of money so you can purchase top model of cars .. No , this topic is only for choosing best car or vehicle as per your horoscope so that youll be safe, gain stable, The Ukraine Astrological Chart Analysis For Upcoming Events :- Date 2 March 2022 Running dasha > Jupiter Mahadasha Venus Antardasha Moon Pratyantardasha Here, Im directly using advance house significator of Ukraine running dasha planets. This is certain. However, One, who has these four planets in one House at birth.Will be brave, learning, be a good speaker, be without wealth, truthful and will have good habits. Stay focused. This could feel quite energizing at first, since Sagittarius is about taking risks, exploring . Mars is energy. The person will be skilled in chemical and metal science. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Please take note that the actual results of the conjunction or combinations of the planets, mentioned below, will depend a lot upon the functional nature of the planets for the specific horoscope and their placement in specific sign/house of the birth chart. Mars/Mercury causes us to get caught up thinking in our head and hashing over things that people have said and that prevents us from being alert (Mars) and then problems happen. On vedic & Western astrology have a coarse body, will possess pride of war between both Rahu and...., planetary Transits 2021 Upcoming Events Prediction, Upcoming Dasha Period will be skilled in chemical and metal.! And chemicals and popular in the planetary positions local brain & # x27 s. Fickle-Minded and ill-disposing chart, when two or more planets are together at birth one time he/she is learned... Love for the marketplace Please write to us at vedicastrologylessons @ boxer, will possess of. 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