matthew 13:44 45 explained

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field. Click to enable/disable _ga - Google Analytics Cookie. But, nevertheless, the Scriptures tell us that the secret is hidden from men until it be revealed through Israel. In the interpretation of the parable, the case described is that of a man who, not having started in the pursuit of holiness or truth, is brought by the seeming accidents of lifea chance meeting, a word spoken in season, the example of a living holinessto the knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus, i.e., to Christ Himself, and who, finding in Him a peace and joy above all earthly treasure, is ready to sacrifice the lower wealth in order to obtain the higher. Two weeks ago, we read as Jesus compared the kingdom of God to a mustard seed. Assuming that the disciples did understand, they had an advantage over many among the multitudes. So he unfolded it and unveiled it again. If you have that, you are rich; if you do not possess it, you are poor. We speak of the Jews as "the chosen people," and unfortunately a very grave misconception of that phrase has arisen. Parables are stories about everyday people and things that help us understand spiritual truths. Is this not the carpenters son? Our website uses cookies to store user preferences. All this has happened exactly as our Lord said and all of it is visible in history. But then the parable says, "Then in his joy the man went and gave all that he had and bought the field." If you want to put that treasure into one word, as revealed by the Scriptures, that word is Israel, the nation of Israel. The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls: Again, Jesus is the buyer and the individual believer is the pearl that He sees as so valuable that He would happily give all to have it forever. This story is very much like the first parable. I hope you never open your Bibles without the sense that here is a book which gives you vital, inside information which you can get from no other source and which will help you to understand yourself, and life, and the mystery of history, more than you possibly could in any other way. Men have dreamed of finding it for centuries. Application: When we discover that we can enter Gods kingdom, we have a choice to make, just as the man in the field did. Jesus is speaking in parables to describe the kingdom of heaven. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Click to enable/disable essential site cookies. Because each of us sins, none of us can do the perfect will of God. In the great series of parables in Matthew13 our Lord gave us, as he said, "The secrets of the kingdom of heaven." These were men of the Word, and when our Lord spoke this parable, they would clearly remember the words of Exodus19. This time, He compares the kingdom of heaven to treasure found hidden in a field. That shows how much he valued this pearl of great price, and how much Jesus values His people. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet that was cast into the sea and gathered some of every kind, which, when it was full, they drew to shore; and they sat down and gathered the good into vessels, but threw the bad away. He went into the city riding upon an ass in fulfillment of the prophecy of Zechariah, "Behold, your king is coming to you, humble, and mounted on an ass, on a colt the foal of an ass," (Matthew 21:5, Zechariah 9:9). It is not full life because it is life that is separate from God (Isaiah 59:2). They bring to mind the words of Philippians2: "Though he was equal with God he did not count it a thing to be held on to But he emptied himself, disenfranchised himself, pauperized himself -- he gave all that he had -- and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross," (Philippians 2:8). Listen to these words from Romans11. What would it be? a. It is right that you should pursue it. For when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word, immediately he stumbles. But Christ does not intend to vindicate his conduct. Well, is it not obvious that there is something lost with relation to humanity, something every human being seems to be seeking, consciously or unconsciously, something every thinking person in this room and throughout the world is searching for and longing for with an ache that is almost physical? As we can imagine, he was afraid that when people heard about his discovery, they would sneak onto his land and grab whatever pieces of emerald they could find. iii. And he was telling me how divided among themselves the Israelis are and how they are separating into squabbling bickering groups, fighting each other, and into many political parties vying for power. But the exciting thing about Scripture is that in it we are always dealing with fact, not fancy. But when they do, Paul tells us, they will cause the earth to blossom and the world will move into its promised inheritance. And for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field: The treasure so wonderful that Jesus would give all to purchase is the individual believer. (Matthew 23:37, Luke 13:34). So it will be at the end of the age: There will be both the wicked and the just until the end of the age (as also demonstrated in the previous parable of the wheat and the tares). The one thing they have in common is that they were sown of the Lord, and from the good seed of His Word. She was a great queen in her own right. In the parable of the soils, the seed represented the Word of God; here it represents true believers. And the field, he has told us, is the world, the world of humanity, the human race, all of society. There would be a partial failure of the seed of the Word because of the conditions of some of the hearts into which it fell. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. Because these cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the website, refusing them will have impact how our site functions. They said to Him, Yes, Lord. We wonder if the disciples really did understand Jesus here. It turns out that Mr. Hills emeralds were some of the best quality emeralds in North America. The multitude went away (as most people do from sermons) never the wiser, understanding nothing of what they heard, nor caring to understand it. (Poole), b. This was a great surprise! It represents the experience, not of a careless or a profane man, who stumbles suddenly upon the Gospel when he was in in search of other things, but of one who is awakened, and has begun to seek the true religion, endeavouring to add attainment to attainment sincerely, according to his light. Or maybe the field was for sale and the man was looking it over before deciding whether to buy it. (Romans 11:15 RSV). When a man found it, he hid it again. And it is hidden within that human field so that Jesus had to buy the field in order to get the treasure. Jodi is part of the Childrens Ministry team at Grace Fellowship Church, outside of Atlanta. Thus the extravagance of the parable dramatizes the supreme importance of the kingdom. (Carson), ii. Western democracies say that they have found it. You cannot read the Gospel stories without seeing that there came a time in our Lord's ministry when he began to change his message and turn away from the proclamation that the kingdom of heaven was at hand, that he was there in their midst. Click to enable/disable _gat_* - Google Analytics Cookie. For 1900 years Israel was utterly lost among the nations, dispersed. Something was hidden, lost in the human race, but he uncovered it. This storehouse contains things new and old. And then he went and gave all that he had and bought the field in which it is hidden. Thank God for those documents, but they have no power to hold us together as a people, to preserve our national liberties or our national life. This is why this nation is here. The first four parables, at which we have already looked, were delivered by the Sea of Galilee on a single memorable occasion when Jesus spoke to a great crowd who gathered about him. They put their trust in Jesus. a. These cookies are strictly necessary to provide you with services available through our website and to use some of its features. Copyright 1995, 1996, 1998 by International Bible Society / Used by permission of IBS-STL. You are in the heat of the battle, it rages around you. Thus, the field from which the treasure is gathered would be the world just as the sea from which fish are gathered is the world, and this also just as the wheat and weeds are gathered from the field, which is the world. In a land as frequently ravaged as Palestine, many people doubtless buried their treasures; butto actually find a treasure would happen once in a thousand lifetimes. The story of a God who wanted to rescue you and me so badly that he left the royal courts of heaven, and lived on this earth as a humble human being. Hermon Christian Conference Center. The point of the parable lies in his "earnestness," his anxiety, his care, and his actually obtaining it. the which when a man hath found; either with or without the use of means, purposely attended to, in order to find it; such as reading, hearing, prayer, and meditation: for sometimes the Gospel, and the spiritual saving knowledge of it, are found, and attained to, by persons accidentally, with respect to themselves, though providentially, with respect to God; when they had no desire after it, or searched for it, and thought nothing about it; though by others it is come at, in a diligent use of the above means: he hideth; which is to be understood not in an ill sense, as the man hid his talent in a napkin, and in the earth; but in a good sense, and designs his care of it; his laying it up in his heart, that he might not lose it, and that it might not be taken away from him: anor joy thereof; for the Gospel, when rightly understood, brings good tidings of great joy, to sensible sinners. There is an honest cry from the harassed heart of a statesman who is desperately trying to find the treasure that is hidden in man, the secret of world peace. MATTHEW 13:45-46. It seems by this parable, according to the Jewish laws, that not the finder of a treasure in a field, but the owner of the field, had the propriety in it; when it should seem rather, that it ought to be divided. i. Next week we will go on to see how this parable ties very closely with the next one, the parable of the pearl of great price. But the wonderful thing the Lord tells us here is that he has not given up his purpose. In these two parables our Lord is telling us the reasons for the cross. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a trader who was looking for fine pearls. Though they are surrounded and ringed by enemies armed to the teeth who are vowing to wipe every Jew off the face of the earth, Nevertheless, as is obvious, they do not understand the secret of their own life and are trying to produce peace and stability by democratic methods and consensus and compromise. The shell has two parts that are hinged together like this. He has previously identified himself as the central figure. They have erected great organizations to try to bring it about, to produce this hidden treasure. Special thanks to John R. Cross, The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, GoodSeed International. The usual interpretation of these parables is that Christ is the hidden treasure and that he is the pearl of great price. We come to the fifth parable this morning, the parable of the buried treasure. The main idea is that the disciples who had just claimed to understand what Jesus taught are now responsible to bring forth their understanding to others, as if they were distributing from the storehouse of their wisdom and understanding. They concern those aspects of the kingdom of heaven at work among men which are readily recognizable and visible in history. We have nothing to offer him, nothing that we can give in return. The man was so excited to know that he could possibly own that treasure. ii. However, Jesus did not deny their claim to understand. Immediately we are asking ourselves, "What is this treasure?" The conduct of the man would be dishonest. With these clues that our Lord himself has given us, we now have the key to the understanding of this parable. It sure was, and it was right in the mans own backyard! But in our own time we are facing an amazing wonder, one of the most remarkable things that has ever taken place in the annals of men, and one of the most dramatic demonstrations of the truth of the Word of God! Some time ago, in addressing a crowd of 2,500 delegates from 57 countries of the world who were trying to find some way to world peace, he said these remarkable words: "What element is lacking so that with all our skill and all our knowledge we still find ourselves in the dark valley of discord and enmity? There is nothing wrong with that at all. Kingdom life is here and now. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he . We want to have a teachable heart where Gods truth can produce good fruit. Notice that there are two things in this story which are immediately recognizable because we have had them before. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls. So, through the course of history, there has been a counterfeit Christianity, a sham religion, a phony, a fake, which bears the name of Christianity but which is absolutely false. This parable and the one following are different in character than the previous three. Listen for answers. So we already have clues as to what these mean.The man in these parables is always Jesus himself. So they were offended at Him: When we think of how strongly Jesus is identified with Nazareth (see at Matthew 2:23), it is even more surprising to note that the people of Nazareth did not appreciate it. In these actions, the power of that which has been found is seen to be at work. It is recorded in the motto of that fiftieth state. You remember that in the first parable our Lord informed us by means of the story that he would engage in a great sowing of the Word of God throughout the world and that it would fall on four kinds of hearts. You can also change some of your preferences. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field." (Matthew 13:44) In our day, we can store treasure in the bank or in a safe deposit box. Whatever the reason he was there, he found an amazing treasure, maybe similar to the emeralds. This powerfully shows how Jesus gave everything to redeem the whole world to preserve a treasure in it, and the treasure is His people. By proceeding, you consent to our cookie usage. b. (You see, congressmen don't spend all their time smoking cigars and kissing babies.) Therefore, those closest to truly spiritual people see just how normal they are and sometimes think that they arent spiritual because they are normal. He is saying that NOTHING compares in value to the new life that the King wants to give you. To the ancient peoples, as we have just seen, a pearl was the loveliest of all possessions; that means that the Kingdom of Heaven is the loveliest thing in the world. (Barclay). iv. Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. In the dying of Jesus there, one element of what was accomplished was that he might finally purchase the right to set Israel again among the nations as a model nation so that the world might learn how to live in peace. - Matthew 13:45-46. It was hidden when our Lord came. Instead, they are a call for us to desire the kingdom above all else. What does Matthew 13:44 mean? But you arent quite able to taste it. They have not yet grasped again the lost secret of their nation -- that the nation which walks in right relationship to him, God will heal. Or maybe the field was for sale and the man was looking it over before deciding whether to buy it. goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that fieldin which case, by Jewish law, the treasure would become his own. This casts special scorn upon the great evil angel. You see, as our Lord indicates, it is something related to the field, to humanity. This parable likely also fired the imaginations of Jesus' listeners, because it pictures unexpected good fortune. The tares represent false believers in the world, the sons of the wicked one, who (like tares among wheat) may superficially look like Gods true people. But is it only a dream? But it is very evident that neither has found this secret. Again, let me ask you to notice, further, the two ways of finding. He would never have called it that. Jesus said, I have come so they can have life. A buried treasure and a pricy pearl Matthew 13:44-46 44 "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. As long as God chooses to work in concert with human agency, developing our ability to partner with Him, our unbelief can and may hinder the work of God. Then he went and gave all that he had and bought that field of humanity. I can take a bite and taste the amazing flavors. This is what we human beings need. Now, lets turn to Matthew 13:44 and read what Jesus said about hidden treasure. The parable of the hidden treasure found. Nations are right to try to solve their problems and reconcile their differences. 45 "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. c. He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief: It is truly remarkable that Jesus was, in some manner, limited by their unbelief. There Paul too tells us that God is not through with Israel. Then it is up to us to sell all that we have, give it all up, and buy him at any cost. The Communists claim that they have found it. And yet they are extremely controlling of human events. a. And there it remains until our Lord's return. The kingdom of God is wherever the will of God is done. How often would have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not! Teacher: Show your pearls. As time goes on, the sand is coated with more and more layers of this coating. A great misinterpretation of these parables has developed, quite without any basis in the systematic interpretation of symbols in Scripture, which has hidden their true meaning. If there is anyone here in that condition, remember that this is God's promise to you, and that he has given a visible demonstration in the life of this nation. i. b. It is listening to His voice. God has not forgotten Israel. Woe to you, Bethsaida! Is this not the carpenters son: This question was asked out of ignorant prejudice. He understands that even though he is selling everything to buy that field he is becoming exponentially richer because of the unseen treasure that will belong to whomever owns the field. But such is not the case; God did not choose Israel for that purpose. It is intriguing to realize that Scripture deals with this subject as well. At that time the angels will come forth and assist the King in the work of judgment, sending some into the furnace of fire for final judgment. i. I am sure that these disciples understood this because they were Jews themselves, and they knew their people's history, and what the Old Testament revealed about them. That person is part of Gods kingdom. THE PARABLE OF THE PEARL OF GREAT PRICE "Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who is a merchant seeking fine pearls" (v. 45). They are intended to demonstrate how any nation can be blessed and fulfilled and find prosperity and peace and harmony and happiness if they discover the secret of their relationship to God. He states a case where a man would actually "sacrifice his property," and practice diligence and watchfulness to obtain the wealth which he had discovered. Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience on our websites and the services we are able to offer. He revealed for a brief flash of time the glory that was Israel. Then, as you can read in Mark's Gospel, our Lord went into the temple and he stopped the sacrifices. As we learned two weeks ago, the kingdom of God will grow and grow! goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth the field: which is not to be interpreted literally and properly; though a man that knows the worth and value of the Bible, rather than be without one, would part with all his worldly substance for one; but figuratively, and denotes the willingness of such souls, who are led into the glory, fulness, and excellency of the word of God, the scriptures of truth, and of the immense treasure of the Gospel therein, to part with all that has been, or is dear unto them; with their sins, and self-righteousness; with their good names and characters; their worldly substance, and life itself, for the sake of the Gospel, and their profession of it: and may also design the use of all means, to gain a larger degree of light and knowledge in the Gospel. Matthew 13:44 "The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid; and from joy over it he goes and sells all he has, and buys that field. He knew that the treasure was better than his home and his belongings. Mr. Hill, the man who found emeralds in his backyard, hired guards to keep watch over his treasure. And then our Lord said in the third parable that there would be an abnormal and an unnatural growth of the seed that he planted. He had been in Washington,D.C., spending some time with a young congressman who is a mutual friend of ours. The kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field. And when He had come to His own country, He taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished and said, Where did this Man get this wisdom and these mighty works? But we need to recognize that the parable of the treasure hidden in the field is the first of a series of three which our Lord gave in connection with the other four and on the same day, but, as Matthew is careful to tell us, he gave these to the disciples alone after they had gone back into the house. law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus makes him free from the law of sin and death, , ut pleno jure thesaurum possideret omnemque litium occasionem praecideret, , Three other parables: the Treasure, the Pearl, the Net. Years ago I was struck by the closing words of a great address that Winston Churchill gave at Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1950: What prizes lie before all the people if they are worthy of them: peace, food, happiness, leisure, wealth for the masses never known nor dreamed of, the glorious advance into a period of rest and safety for all the hundreds of millions of homes where little children play by the fire, and girls grow up in all their beauty, and young men strive and win in the free enterprise of life. Jesus told a parable about a man who found something in a field that he did not own. Share your treasure! By that he indicated that the privilege of demonstrating the grace of God would he taken from Israel and given to the church. It is not enough to mouth great words like love and joy and peace and forgiveness; you also have to demonstrate them, or people will never believe the gospel, never accept it, never receive it. 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