richard speck video

Speck died of a heart attack on December 5, 1991, the eve of his 50th birthday. However, Lindberg was an alcoholic with a criminal record that included drunk-driving and forgery, and he verbally demeaned Speck and his younger sister Carolyn. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. Site contains certain content that is owned A&E Television Networks, LLC. According to the New York Times, at least one victim was raped. function addLink() { He has been talking to us all and he seems calm enough and that is a good sign.. THAT VIDEO TAPE ALONE, CREATED SO MUCH PUBLIC OUTCRY THAT THE ENTIRE IDOC WAS OVERHAULED. The leaking of the tape? Petty crime is legal terminology, meaning crimes that are charged as misdemeanors rather than felonies. Amurao took to the witness stand for the trial, and in a dramatic moment, stood directly in front of Richard Speck, pointed at him, almost touching his chest, and said, This is the man. The prosecution also found fingerprints matching Specks prints at the scene of the crime. His first arrest, in 1955 at age 13, for trespassing, was followed by dozens of others for misdemeanors over the next eight years. Richard Speck shocked the public yet again -- three years after his own death in prison of a heart attack -- when a videotape made by the imprisoned Speck and fellow inmates surfaced. In 1965, Speck attacked a woman in the parking lot of her apartment building with a 17-inch carving knife. And again, was he into it, or not? The remarriage of Specks mother to Carl Lindberg three years later and the familys subsequent relocation to Dallas, Texas gave the resentful boy an excuse to rebel against his strict religious upbringing. Richard Speck full prison video Hi, first post here. The title is first KNOWN man to transition in prison. There was widespread controversy regarding the released tape, as the criminals were seemingly able to enjoy themselves and engage in illicit activities even in a maximum-security prison, according to the Independent. A total of eight woman, between ages 19 and 24, were systematically bound, robbed, beaten, strangled and stabbed during Speck's frenzy. He was permitted to plead down to aggravated assault, and got off with a slap on the wrist. In 2010, paranormal investigators tried to film Richard Speck's ghost at the site of his heinous killing spree. Bettmann/Getty ImagesMugshot of Richard Speck, taken when he was 23. Now, four years after his death, he's shocking people again as the grotesque star of a drug-and-sex videotape that suggests a prison system run amok. Pitying the grieving child, his sisters and female teachers babied him. SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) _ In the videotape secretly recorded in a maximum-security prison, mass murderer Richard Speck strips off his jumpsuit to reveal womens blue underwear. Speck is also the sole suspect in the April 13, 1966 beating death of local barmaid Mary Kay Pierce. Women Are Human. In August, With permission, Women Are Human reprints the following biography and poem Where Are You, Sister? from Artemis Passionfire. Corazon Amurao was the sole survivor, having escaped Specks notice by hiding under a bed. In 1996, videotapes featuring Speck were shown before the Illinois State Legislature to highlight some of the illegal activity that took place in prisons.Source: WikipediaLink: After moving back to Monmouth to live with his sister, he stabbed a man in a bar fight, stole a car and robbed a grocery store, then burgled, tortured, and raped a 65-year-old woman in her home. Richard Speck was sentenced to life in prison for his crimes, and he died from a heart attack in 1991. In November 1962, Speck married Shirley Malone, and they had a daughter, Bobby Lynn, soon after. He would be arrested 41 times before the age of 24. deserve much more punishment than just living uncomfortably. The video, apparently filmed in prison in 1988, showed Speck wearing panties, snorting cocaine, and performing sex acts on a fellow prisoner. That seemed to be the end of the Richard Speck story until a bizarre videotape surfaced in 1996. That year, in 1947, his 53-year-old father died from a heart attack. Indiana authorities wanted to interview Speck regarding the murder of three girls who had vanished on July 2, 1966, and whose bodies were never found. A&E Television Networks Corazon Amurao, the lone survivor of the brutal Chicago massacre of eight student nurses. On the night of the crime, 24-year-old Speck snuck into a townhouse in Chicago where the nurses lived. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. And tragically, eight women inside would meet horrific ends that night. Speck had to be placed in solitary confinement for his own safety. He was also charged with fraud. I completely agree with you. Along with another inmate, he snorts a white powder that appears to be cocaine, engages in sex acts and tells the camera how hes had the time of his life behind bars. She climbed out on a window ledge and screamed for help, at which point concerned neighbors summoned the police. As long as he has a knife or gun. Wilkening spit in Specks face and told him shed remember his face for a lineup. 200K views 3 years ago Richard Benjamin Speck [1] [2] (December 6, 1941 - December 5, 1991) was an American mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped, and murdered eight student nurses. A public school teacher referred to all students by their last names to circumvent a school policy requiring staff to use UK Leeds, England. When his mother remarried a few years later, Specks new stepfather was the opposite of his clean-cut idol. At one point, Speck removes his clothing only to reveal a set of women's underwear. Speck was placed on trial for the murders after a panel of psychiatrists chosen by both his defense and his prosecution judged him competent to do so. The private party room? Speck had been sentenced to die for the July 14, 1966, murders, but he escaped the electric chair after the U.S. Supreme Court decided in 1972 that the death penalty constituted cruel and unusual punishment. For a short time he was a carpenter, but soon he was in trouble again: 65-year-old Virgil Harris was viciously raped and robbed in her own home on April 2, 1966, and on April 13 a barmaid in his local tavern, Mary Kay Pierce, was brutally beaten to death. My question is, do you believe the full 2-hour video was out there at some point? Surely the U.S. Supreme Court hasnt outlawed executing prisoners as I believe there are still states doing it? On the night of the crime, 24-year-old Speck snuck into a townhouse in Chicago where the nurses lived. He was sentenced to die by electric chair. Speck assured the girls that he was only going to rob them. All rights reserved. Richard Benjamin Speck (December 6, 1941 - December 5, 1991) was an American mass murderer who killed eight student nurses in their South Deering, Chicago, residence via stabbing, strangling, slashing their throats, or a combination of the three on the night of July 13-14, 1966. I find it a bit difficult to believe this, considering what Bill paid for the tape, would he really have allowed it to be up for grabs online? Even into adulthood, Speck would often be financially dependent on his doting sisters, as he was perpetually drunk and frequently jobless. First came Suzanne Farris, 21, who Speck stabbed to death in the upstairs hallway as she was walking to her room. UK England; Wales. He missed the birth of his daughter, Bobby Lynn, as he was behind bars at the time, serving a brief stint on charges of theft and check fraud. Youre in for a treat, Did you look it up? heres a link to documentary clip discussing the video. Currently the full video is NOWHERE to be found. People like that have to victimize someone. Benjamin Speck died of a heart attack when his youngest son, Richard, was six-years-old. Authorities in the state of Michigan wanted to ask Speck about the murders of four girls and women between the ages of 7 and 60. for more about his life. Everyone has seen the video of serial Killer Richard Speck in prison in the 80s doing drugs with other inmates, having sex with them, and sporting what appears to be hormone-induced breasts. We strive for accuracy and fairness.If you see something that doesn't look right,.css-47aoac{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:inherit;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:#A00000;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}.css-47aoac:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}contact us! AS HIM AND ANOTHER INMATE SAT AND LAUGHED ABOUT HIS CRIMES \"IF THEY KNEW HOW MUCH FUN I WAS HAVING THEY WOULD KILL ME\" SPECK AND THE MAN WERE SNORTING DRUGS ALL WHILE FILMING THEMSELVES LOCKED UP IN A MAXIMUM SECURITY PRISON. He proceeded to brutalize them in the most horrific fashion over the following few hours. I know because I'm one of them: with the diagnosis I have people are usually very aggressive, slow at learning things and it overall affects their quality of life, despite a lot of cases go unnoticed before adulthood. In 1966, Richard Speck committed one of the most horrifying mass murders in American history when he brutalized and killed eight student nurses living on Chicagos South Side. On July 13, 1966, Speck unleashed his terror on Chicago by breaking into a building in the neighborhood of South Deering. I am somehow a PhD, more or less calm and collected most of the time and, needless to say, I look at this case with utter horror, because if not for proper diagnosis and treatments received over the years (as well as generally supportive family and social circles) probability of me being a violent criminal would've been rather high. Speck's trial began on April 3, 1967, and his claim that he had no recollection of the eight murders committed placed Corazon Amurao in the spotlight as the star witness. Richard Speck was initially sentenced to death, which was later changed to the equivalent of eight life sentences. She stayed hidden under the bed until 6 a.m. for safe measure, hours after Speck had finished his rampage. Have you spotted an error or omission? Speck began to idolize his mother, holding Mary Speck upas a saint to whom no woman could compare. In 1996, a bizarre video taken of Speck in 1988 was released to the public by an anonymous attorney. Seen a video of him in a cell with . The two-hour tape surfaced last summer when an attorney approached WBBM anchor Bill Kurtis. For many at the time, it was seen as the end of an era of innocence, when it was never assumed that someone would kill helpless victims without clear motivation. She was the only one of the women that Richard Speck raped and sexually brutalized before strangling her. Inside The Amber Room, The 18th-Century Russian Marvel That Vanished During World War II, 33 Facts That Capture The Strange And Salacious Life Of Benjamin Franklin, What Stephen Hawking Thinks Threatens Humankind The Most, 27 Raw Images Of When Punk Ruled New York, Join The All That's Interesting Weekly Dispatch. Kind of the ultimate poetic Justice. A GRAPHIC Look Back at the Richard Speck Murders On the night of July 13, 1966, 25-year-old career criminal Richard Speck broke into the townhouse for student nurses of the South Chicago Community Hospital, with an intention of committing a routine burglary. Instead, Speck then led them one by one out of the room and then stabbed or strangled each of the women to death. Richard Speck: Natural Born Killer: With Corazon Amurao, Jim Barrell, Gerald Getty, Danny Johnson. newdiv = document.createElement('div'); This video is age-restricted and only available on YouTube. He refused to wear the glasses that he needed and would not speak in class due to anxiety. Bettmann/Getty ImagesCorazon Amurao, the lone survivor of the brutal Chicago massacre of eight student nurses. Speck did not show up on the interrogation date they previously set, and investigators went to the hotel where he stayed. These attacks, however, paled into insignificance on July 13, 1966, when Speck arrived on the doorstep of a townhouse in South Chicago, which served as a communal home for a group of eight young student nurses from nearby South Chicago Community Hospital. Speck changed his name and maintained a low profile, but could feel law enforcement closing in. The video's release caused a major scandal within the Illinois Department of Corrections, and was widely cited as justification for the reintroduction of death penalty. There were nine women staying at the townhouse and one by one, Speck tortured and killed the student nurses. How Speck and two other inmates at Stateville Correctional Center got into an area with video equipment reserved for staff training is something that corrections spokesman Nic Howell called the ``$60 million question.. After a mile, he came across a townhouse that was functioning as a dormitory for nine student nurses at the South Chicago Community Hospital. A ninth. 1. This is not to say that others in prison had not transitioned, but that their names are not in any way on record. In the video, Speck also casually admits to the killing of the nurses, describing the strangulations in some detail, and bragging about the strength required to kill someone in this manner. Men who rape and murder women were despised and targeted by other prisoners. To punish Shirley Speck for these perceived slights, Richard Speck would routinely kiss and fondle women in a car in front of the house. The life we live and choices we make put us on course to end up surrounded by people like us. ONE WERE SPECK NOW HAD HORMONE INDUCED BREASTS A WOMAN'S HAIRCUT AND PANTYHOSE. newdiv.innerHTML = copytext; Whenever I see people talking about Speck I see not just condemnation, but plain hatred regarding him, this thread included. Richard Specks wife, Shirley Malone, reportedly lived in fear of him. In 1972, Speck was re-sentenced to from 400 to 1,200 years in prison (eight consecutive sentences of 50 to 150 years). THE RICHARD SPECK VIDEO FROM STATEVILLE MAXIMUM SECURITY PENITENTIARY. Those who had been fortunate enough to be out at the time of his arrival found themselves also subjected to brutal attacks when they returned home later that evening. Its just fucked up. A survivor's account of the attack. Just a few glimpses of the video have been shown (in the A&E) documentary about Richard. Richard Speck was a murderer notorious for killing eight student nurses in 1966. The final of these later arrivals was Gloria Jean Davy, 22, who was dropped off by her boyfriend late that night. The remaining women had no other choice than to listen to the muffled screams of their roommates being brutally murdered. 100 Ghost Street: The Return of Richard Speck: Directed by Martin Wichmann Andersen. Unlike other prison jobs, where an inmate reports to a fixed location like the kitchen or the laundry, he moved throughout the prison. There, he raped her, and stole a gun from her purse. Transgender Policy That Led to Male Sex Offenders in Womens Jails Set to be Women are Being Driven Out of Jobs After Questioning Gender Identity Ideology, Students Do Not Have the Right to NOT Be Seen Naked By Opposite Sex, Judge Rules, Male, Extremely Violent Sexual Offender Claims to be a Woman, Seeks Lighter Sentence, Transparadoxes: Self-Contradictions of the Gender Identity Movement, Revealed The Tactics Used to Advance Gender Self-Identification on the Quiet, Countering Misconceptions Around Sex, Gender, and Sexuality, Not My Cup of T: Interview with Vaishnavi Sundar, Filmmaker Exploring Rise in Girls Treated for Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria. document.addEventListener('copy', addLink); He was one of the murderers featured in Netflix's "Mindhunter.". Speck viewed women through the prism of a Madonna / Whore complex, and treated them accordingly. Throughout his time there, he regularly got caught with drugs and moonshine. At 10 PM that same night, Speck took the stolen gun and went to a townhouse by Luella Park. Richard speck video noorvideo 81 subscribers Subscribe 253 Save 164K views 10 years ago Show more Show more Notice Age-restricted video (based on Community Guidelines) Suggested by UMG Rihanna. I hope you're still on the outside.. Although Speck was initially sentenced to death, the sentence was later overturned due to issues with jury selection at his trial. *Authors Note: Some readers have expressed concern about the use of the word petty crime in relation to Specks criminal act of indecent exposure. Name: Richard Speck Birth Year: 1941 Birth date: December 6, 1941 Birth State: Illinois Birth City: Kirkwood Birth Country: United States Gender: Male Best Known For: In 1966, Richard Speck. On July 12 after receiving an assignment, Speck arrived at the ship only to find his position had been given to someone else. At one point, a prisoner from behind the camera asked Speck why he killed the eight student nurses, to which he merely replied, "It just wasn't their night," and laughed. He would get into fights, steal from businesses, and even burgled and raped a 65-year-old woman in 1966. One physician who checked up on Speck said, "His pockmarked face was much fleshier and had taken on female characteristics. He could no longer be honest with himself about the resentment he felt toward his mother for demanding his rigid adherence to the dictates of the Christian faith, and for upending his world with the introduction of an abusive stepfather and relocation from the home he knew. Please remind me to never commit mass murder so I won't end up in prison and have to develop tiddies so I can be somebody's "date" to avoid being killed OR find myself attracted to a man with boobies. Connect with the definitive source for global and local news. He stayed at a cheap hotel in hiding. The photographer focused on a few key details, like a tilted painting on the wall, disheveled . Which is something so uncommon it has no freaking name. Criminal files Serial Killers - Richard Speck Crime Watch Follow Richard Benjamin Speck (December 6, 1941 - December 5, 1991) was an American mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped, and murdered eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital on July 13, 1966. During his trial, which began on April 3, 1967, Speck claimed to have no recollection of the murders, something that did not bother the prosecution as they already had an eye-witness ready to identify him. Richard was doing a side job as a carpenter for Pierce's workplace, and police questioned him briefly (via ATI). The shocking video of Richard Speck in prison in 1988. The youth let loose, drinking heavily, consuming pills, frequenting prostitutes, and continually getting arrested for such *petty crimes as indecent exposure and forgery. Amurao screamed for help when she was sure the intruder was gone. On his binge, Speck met Ella Mae Hooper, a 53-year-old woman who had spent the day drinking at the same taverns as him, who he then held up at knifepoint. This work originally appeared in the First Known Man to Trans Gender in Prison Was a Serial Rapist, Family Blames Transition Hormones, Schizophrenia, Drug Abuse for Transgender Persons Vicious Attack on Spouse, Dad, Transgender, Grooms, Rapes 3-Year-Old Daughter; Receives 18 Months in Womens Jail, Male Murderer and Necrophiliac Transferred to Womens Prison, Male, Trans Murderer of Two Seeks Transfer to Womens Penitentiary, The Difference Between Male and Female Criminality: Australasian Over-Incarceration of Women, Sexual Offending Per Capita: Female, Male and Transgender (Both Sexes). Richard Franklin Speck (December 6, 1941-December 5, 1991) was a mass murderer who systematically killed eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital, Chicago, Illinois on July 14, 1966. Speck was not the first transgender prisoner. The warden at Stateville in 1988 was Michael OLeary, who now is an assistant deputy director. According to Thought Co., Speck sexually abused Shirley and even raped her at knifepoint. Armed now, Speck set out into the streets of the South Side of Chicago. Astrological Sign: Sagittarius, Death Year: 1991, Death date: December 5, 1991, Death State: Illinois, Death City: Joliet, Death Country: United States, Article Title: Richard Speck Biography, Author: Editors, Website Name: The website, Url:, Publisher: A&E Television Networks, Last Updated: December 1, 2021, Original Published Date: April 2, 2014. THIS TAPE AND., Oh yes. Show more Show more Almost yours: 2 weeks, on us. Malone said Speck would often rape her at knifepoint and demanded sex four to five times a day from her. By July of that year, Speck had outstayed his welcome and attempted to get a job on a ship with the National Maritime Union. After only 45 minutes of deliberation, the jury came back with a guilty verdict for Speck. Speck, infuriated at Wilkenings disgust and defiance, took his fury out on the two women entering, and stabbed them 20 times as they tried to flee the apartment. THIS TAPE AND IT'S CONTENTS SENT RAGE THROUGH THE CITY. Speck broke in through the window of the townhouse at 11 p.m. on July 13, 1966, and made his way to the bedrooms. Yes, American Horror Story actually classed something up. I was homeless for a bit and was strung out. He repeated the eighth grade and eventually dropped out in the second semester of his first year of high school. Why its Impossible for Women to Compromise With the Transgender Movement, Male, Transgender Youth Arrested for Raping 4-Year-Old Girl, Distributing Videos, Photos of the Act, Muscle-Bound Male, Transgender, Dominates Womens Sports, Transgender-Identifying Activist Called Out for Years of Sexual Predation Against Young Girls, The Trans Ego: Why Allies are Becoming TERFs, Transgender Teen With Pattern of Violence Against Women Anxious to be Jailed With Women, Transgender Twitter Engineer Faced Charges for Vicious Rape of Estranged Wife. Maybe if we were calm and quiet he will be, too. Despite getting married, the relationship wasn't a loving one, and Shirley reportedly suffered abuse at the hands of her new husband. But that childhood was derailed when he was six. AFTER SERVING HIS TIME AND DYING IN PRISON A VIDEO TAPE SHOWED UP TO A CHICAGO NEWS STATION. The boy took his fathers death hard, regressing to eating crayons and attention-seeking behaviors. When arrested, he claimed he had blacked out and couldnt remember the incident. Around this time, Speck sexually attacked a random woman at knife-point and nearly killed her. Though Speck had fled, he was easily recognized after he went to a hospital a few days later and a doctor noticed his tattoo after reading about it in a newspaper. Speck was not aware that he was careless and left a witness, and Corazon Amurao testified against Speck in court (via Insider). Though she escaped, Speck was arrested and given a 16-month sentence. selection.selectAllChildren(newdiv); Perhaps losing track of the number of women present, one student nurse, Corazon Amurao, hid under the bed until the carnage was over (via NBC News). Do you have a story you'd like us to cover? Speck knew that several young nursing students who were doing their residency at South Chicago Community Hospital were living in the townhouse. [deleted] 4 yr. ago. Bettmann/Getty ImagesFrom left, top are: student nurses Gloria Jean Davy, 22, Mary Ann Jordan, 20, Suzanne Farris, 21, and Valentina Pasion, 23, and bottom, Patricia Matusek, 20, Merlita Gargullo, 23, Pamela Wilkening, 20, and Nina Schmale, 24, all of whom were slain in July 1966 by Richard Speck. Bettmann/Getty ImagesRichard Speck at his trial. As Crime and Investigation reports, Speck started acting out and doing petty crimes. Richard's stepfather was an abusive alcoholic who often lashed out at his stepchildren the opposite of the father he idolized. ``He was supposed to be supervised all the time, Howell said. They divorced in 1966. var selection = window.getSelection(); But . According to The Crime of the Century: Richard Speck and the Murders That Shocked A Nation, Specks violence only escalated from there. . Richard Speck captured the nation's attention during the summer of 1966 after murdering eight female students who lived together on Chicago's South Side. Richard Benjamin Speck was an American mass murderer who killed eight student nurses in their South Deering, Chicago residence on the night of July 1314, 1966. Richard Speck died in prison on December 5, 1991, a day before his 50th birthday. He then left the apartment with stolen goods. ``It vindicates our view that his conduct was not drug induced and was not done in amnesiac state, but it is little solace to the victims families at this point or anybody else, said former chief prosecutor William J. Martin. During questioning, Speck faked feeling sick but promised to return later on for further interrogation. Is Do No Harm Principle Being Ignored for Gender-Questioning Children? document.body.removeChild(newdiv); Report Browse more videos Playing next Serial Killers: Richard Speck - Nurse Killer (Full Crime Documentary) 42:16 = '-99999px'; In it, Speck can be seen among other inmates ingesting cocaine and doing sex acts. Five years after his death, a videotape of inmates at the maximum-security prison where Speck was incarcerated was sent to the media. After his father's death, Richard's mother remarried and the family moved to Dallas, Texas. The thing is though we tend to find ourselves around people like ourselves. Residency at South Chicago Community Hospital were living in the neighborhood of South Deering in cell! The title is first KNOWN man to transition in prison had not transitioned but... There, he claimed he had blacked out and doing petty crimes knifepoint. Shocking video of him loving one, and even burgled and raped a 65-year-old in! To issues with jury selection at his trial we live and choices we make put us on course end! Adulthood, Speck started acting out and doing petty crimes a Madonna / complex! Listen to the equivalent of eight student nurses terminology, meaning crimes are! Son, Richard richard speck video stepfather was an abusive alcoholic who often lashed out his... 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