robin webb phil graham photos

John Ehrlichman, Ronald Ziegler, H. R. Haldeman, and Nixon himself all charged the Post with disloyalty. How could a woman reared in such exquisite privilegeone whose circle of friends, among them Robert McNamara and Henry Kissinger, Lyndon Johnson and Nancy Reagan, rarely widened beyond the most powerful lites of Washington and New Yorktake such risks? And by the same token, I would add that my continuing and genuine pride in the papers performance over the past few monthsthe period that seems to be at issuedoes not proceed from some sense that it has gratified my personal whim. In my boyhood as a reporter, I nearly killed the matriarch of the liberal-media conspiracy. But that did not mean she was strong in all things. Everything rotated around him, and I willingly participated in keeping him at the center of things. Page Three The message was that Col. Robert McCormick {the newspaper baron who had purchased the Times-Herald five years before} wanted $8.5 million for the paper. Robin Lee Graham is seen on his boat "Dove" during his solo trip around the world in the late 1960s. I simply didnt connect my lack of self-confidence with his behavior to me., The end of this increasingly painful marriage was prolonged and extremely public. Katharine's husband Philip battled alcoholism and mental illness throughout the marriage. He does not have to invent himself, nor does he have to invent a set of principles. The interview had been heady stuff. Finally, Otis and some other men got him to his room. robin webb phil graham photos Coach Thomas returned to Servite in January of 2018 after coaching at his alma mater, Crespi from 2012-2017. Phil called and told her to come back to America as soon as she could. Because of this, he never put a name to Phil's illness. that he wrote speeches for him and advised him on civil rights and key appointments; he even had power of attorney for Johnson and went out and found him a house to buy. We grew less able to keep up with what was happening in the world. In the process of blowing his stack, as only he could do, Ben felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to find Phil, who said, "Okay, buster, come with me," and led the way to his office. The deal took only about three weeks from beginning to end, during which time he slept very little and rode a high crest, working feverishly to get it done. The paper sent out a young reporter named Ben Bradlee to cover what was happening, but Bradlee could barely find his story in the paper: it was buried deep inside, and nearly all mention of race and violence had been excised. Phil Graham maintained Meyer's intimacy with power. Both were full of humor -- with an edge. At that point, Phil got together with {columnist} Joe Alsop to discuss the merits of Lyndon Johnson as Kennedy's running mate. The end result of all this was that many of us, by middle age, arrived at the state we were trying most to avoid: we bored our husbands, who had done their fair share in helping reduce us to this condition, and they wandered off to younger, greener pastures. The Young Publisher, In many ways, Phil was at his very best as a publisher in these years. The editors around her grumbled almost inaudibly, but just enough, it seemed to me, to nudge her out of such a call. Sometime after the "brainwashing" party, Johnson urged Phil to be at his side during the final push for passage of the bill. See Photos. Theater And he was very interested in ensuring that women were working on the paper as well as reading it. Nixon told his men to treat the Post absolutely coldly and spoon-feed scoops to its local rival, the Star. But hurry, she said. His temperament, his interests, and his style are quite different from his mothers. This had become enough of an issue in my mind that, despite my misgivings, I came down on the side of the Newsweek purchase, it so clearly being something Phil would have done on his own. . By this time, Robin had returned to Paris. Telling his father about the marriage proved difficult. It happens to be a beautiful Destiny and I shall be there while it is beautiful and while it is not. . Mrs. Graham seemed not to mind the nasty benches or the almost very funny clowns. This was my most important contribution to the interview with the General Secretary of the Communist Party. So much of his life flowed from the year as president of the Law Review. As she grew older and more self-confident, she could be imperious, even frightening to her editors and executives, but her desire to please, or at least to get along with, those in power, never entirely faded. Two years later, the Grahams took control of the Post Company stock. For the second, I went with the upbeat, down-market option: the circus. Despite Katharines fear of living out her life alone and unaccomplished, she soon met one of the brightest young men in her Washington circlePhilip Graham, a protg and clerk of Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter. Perhaps it was true. Robin Webb. Profile. Courtesy photo Editor's Note: This story originally appeared in the summer 2019 edition of. I was expected to perform all the pulling and hauling; Phil gave directions and put the fun in my life and the childrens. After Robert Opel dashed naked across the stage in 1974, he ran for President and settled into the gay leather scene, in the orbit of Robert Mapplethorpe and Harvey Milk. He began actively recruiting young people with potential, as well as more established reporters and editors. Women traditionally also have sufferedand many still dofrom an exaggerated desire to please, a syndrome so instilled in women of my generation that it inhibited my behavior for many years, and in ways still does. In college at the University of Florida, Phil enjoyed fraternity life, and girls, and he drank a good deal of bathtub gin. By signing up, you agree to our User Agreement and Privacy Policy & Cookie Statement. between the constitutionally protected expression of dissent. Now I can see how extraordinary -- and out of order -- it was for a Supreme Court justice to be stepping over the boundaries to this extent, but I didn't then. The Times was immediately in trouble with the White House and the courts. She really does seem to believe that Watergate was an aberration. James Reston, who was then a friend of the Grahams and was the most eminent figure at the Times, repeatedly declined offers to go to the Post. Graham was from a Florida family whose financial prospects, while far from dire, were a matter of occasional drama. Porter High. All that was mostly over now, though I tried to be with them as much as possible. This is not the sort of moment one could hope to find in the self-examination of Andrew Carnegie or Colonel McCormick, much less of Bill Gates or Rupert Murdoch. In later years, he wanted to mold the career of his friend Senator Lyndon Johnson. Kennedy went back to his headquarters and, according to Arthur Schlesinger in "Robert Kennedy and His Times," told Bobby, "You just won't believe it. Despite his early apprehensions about my father's wealth, politics, and possible impulse to control, Phil gradually grew very close to him. Mrs. Graham spotted a map of the Aegean and Black Seas and began to talk about a cruise she had taken in the summer of 1963, not long after her husband died. While the Times and the two wire services, A.P. Even considering the style of rich American families in the early part of the century, her parents, Eugene and Agnes Meyer, seem to have exceeded the norm for emotional reticence. My limousine driver had been given strict instructionsand a sizable bribeto wait outside in case of emergency. He sparked ideas, praised and persuaded, criticized and cajoled. It all seems so odd in retrospect. He loved me, and I loved him. Phil was bright, issue-oriented, hard-working, witty, and, to me, amazingly good-looking. With me in the lead, the three of us walked down a ramp and past what appeared to be a coffin-size box with open slats. That was some circus! Insofar as she was capable of love, I think she loved my father and us, but she was highly complex, and at times deeply unhappy. In her own memoir, Agnes wrote of rebelling against the responsibilities of marriage; she behaved, she said, as if the whole world were in a conspiracy to flatten out my personality and cast me into a universal mold called woman.. Nor did Phil Graham always have the mettle to stand by his best people. As far as I know, Katharine Graham had not written much since her early days on the Post, when she wrote a magazine column and was the anonymous author of such editorials as On Being a Horse, Mixed Drinks, and Spotted Fever. And yet I dont know of a more complex autobiography by an American business figure, certainly not one that allows itself such moments of weakness, embarrassment, and pain. So did Meg Greenfield. For nearly all Post reporters and editors, even those few who ventured to call her Kay, she was the woman who signed our checks, the Queen Mother, a cartoon figure with a lockjaw voice that sounded, to us, like money. Coronavirus, Carry-out Critic So, on June 18, 1946, The Post announced that my father was withdrawing from active direction of the paper. The appearance of this messenger, a Newsweek stringer whose name was Robin Webb, was the beginning of the tragic end. There, in a ballroom full of the nation's top publishers, Phil Graham lost it. He said he felt trapped, no longer able to go on; that everything was black. But I want you to know I am among the many people in this country who believe in you and are behind you with trust and devotion.. The mask was made to match, also at Bergdorfs, by Halston, who was then still making hats.) Graham considered the ball a kind of coming out for a middle-aged debutante. But in Pete Hamills column in the New York Post she was suddenly Marie Antoinette. I did not go because I did not want to help you. Toward the end of her life, I was a success in her eyes, and perhaps that is what she loved. At dinner at Joseph Alsops one night early in 1961, Graham continually offered political advice to the new President, John Kennedy. He was one month shy of his 31st birthday, the youngest publisher of a major newspaper in America. By early March 1961, Phil was involved in his old in-depth way with many activities -- political and Post Co.-related -- and he seemed to me to be enjoying himself. Ronald Reagan made sure to accept invitations to Mrs. Grahams house after his election in 1980, and in so doing he horrified his most ideological liegementhe ones who (unlike such old pros as Dole) really do believe in a liberal-media conspiracy. The Formative Years. Indeed, the paper was still struggling for its life. . . To get a sense of how momentous were Katharine Grahams two decisions in the nineteen-seventieson the Pentagon Papers and Watergateit is crucial to understand just how poorly she had been prepared for such decisions by her family, her legendary husband, and the atmosphere in which she had always lived. Kennedy immediately agreed, "so immediately as to leave me doubting the easy triumph," Phil noted in a memo afterward. He contracted polio at less than one year of age and, due to the lack of metal immediately after the second world war, was placed by doctors in a plaster of Paris cast for two and a half years. Facebook gives people the power to. So does her imperious carriage. His friends are, for the most part, not especially famous. The whole political year of 1960 was very exciting. He was a clerk for Supreme Court Justice Stanley Reed while waiting to clerk the following year for Felix Frankfurter, his mentor from Harvard Law School. . He refused to be used, particularly by my mother, or to be dominated by her. But what of it? ), Graham had undeniably, historically, made the right decision, and in the years to come she supported the investigative efforts of the Post; but the signs of her ambivalence about her social and political role never ceased. Early on, Phil predicted that Kennedy and Johnson would be the only candidates to come into the Democratic Convention with sizable blocs of delegates. The reporters and editors might have got a nervous thrill from the Administrations hysteria, but Mrs. Graham did not. I was not about to give up the paper without a fight. Once married, we were confined to running houses, providing a smooth atmosphere, dealing with children, supporting our husbands. As enormous cages and nets were being assembled in the circus ring, she declared, I think its time to go.. There is plenty of material in Personal History to satisfy the most obvious expectationsall the familiar episodes of the Posts history are replayed, and famous faces bob into sight as if in a capital version of Grand Hotelbut more interesting is the degree to which this memoir is a description of the muggy intimacy of the world of Washington and the way one powerful woman learned to live her life there. Loose Lips Graham heard him. Yet, with all her complexity, I felt closer throughout my early childhood to my mother than to the very distant and rather difficult figure of my father. It was a loyal nanny, Powelly, who supplied the hugs, the comforting, the feeling of human contact, even the love that my mother did not.. Freelancers Guide Curiously I was in complete accord with this idea. Four months prior, the 48-year-old Graham had delivered a famous and oft-quoted speech to Newsweek correspondents in London, in which he popularized the idea of journalism as a first rough draft of history. (Graham is oftenmistakenly credited with coining the phrase, though it had already been in use at Post newsroom for several decades.). By 1968, reporting and editorials on Vietnam by Ward Just and a few others helped change the atmosphere of reverence on the pages of the Post, and that change had its effect on the thinking of the publisherso strong an effect that when the Times, thanks to Neil Sheehan and his source, Daniel Ellsberg, began printing the Pentagon Papers, on June 13, 1971, Bradlee felt wounded, and, with Grahams encouragement, pushed his staff to find its own copy of the documents. I found it impossibly difficult to learn and never really did, although my children tried having me learn by stamping out cigarettes and drying myself with bath towels. I also said that I admired the legislation he himself had got passed and was for him and wanted to make sure he knew it.. When Johnson had announced he was running for President that year, Phil Graham helped write the speech; he even ended up on his hands and knees, crawling around at the last minute to retrieve one of Lyndons contact lenses, which had popped out. This is a posture unbecoming to a publisher of newspapers. There was the Latin-American correspondent for the Post, who wandered the continent for weeks in advance, arranging hotel suites, hairdressers, and interviews with heads of state from Caracas to Tierra del Fuego. Even now I cant sort out my feelings about this; its hard to separate what was a function of Phils terrible affliction, which manifested itself only later, and what was more basic. The Formative Years. Under Phil Graham, the Post had a well-respected editorial page and mediocrity nearly everywhere else; it was not even the best paper in the city. The second week in February, he called me at work late one afternoon suggesting that we have dinner at Harvey's, a famous old seafood restaurant next door to the Mayflower, where we could buy the early edition of The Post. Openings And by the words you came near enough for help and I touched you and we went for a walk and were again in life. Instead, it appeared on Page B7. His most passionate political interests are local. He replied, Oh, yes, very. Later, she developed an infatuation with the work of Thomas Mann and seems to have made endless demands on the authors time and patience. Robin Webb (Songbird) See Photos. Phil was born in 1915 in . "We have worked out this solution: we'll live in the sort of house, have the sort of furniture, eat the sort of food, go to the sort of places, that young people making salaries like mine can afford.". At Harvard, Phil made the Law Review and, at the end of his second year, became its president. The violence grew steadily. At some point, however, not quite three weeks after Christmas Eve, the phones started to work again between Phil and Robin. Phil was born in 1915 in Terry, S.D., and moved as a boy to the Everglades, where his father, Ernest Graham, was manager of a sugar cane plantation. The evening was fine and fun. The moment of happiness you gave me is more help than most people are given in a lifetime, Thank you for it. His anxiety as a son-in-law was in place before the wedding vows. Robin Webb. He was the fun at the dinner table and in our country life. My mother seemed to undermine so much of what I did, subtly belittling my choices and my activities in light of her greater, more important ones, she writes. See Photos. I bolted out of the room and ran around in a frenzy looking for him. Graham instructed Bradlee to recount what he had seen and heard, and after he had done so the publisher and the three officials worked out a deal: as long as all the city pools were shut down for the time being and would be integrated the following year, the paper would print nothing more of what had happened. To read Personal History is to understand how ridiculous is the right-wing image of Graham as the matriarch of the liberal-media conspiracy. Katharine soon learned of their affair, when she picked up the phone and heard Phil and Robin talking to each other in words that made the situation plain.. Food News He also vowed to do a number on the Post, and to go after the Graham familys broadcasting licenses. To find it out and tell it." He came to Washington in 1917 as a dollar-a-year man for the Wilson Administration; and, while he was holding a variety of positions on the War Industries Board, the Farm Loan Board, and the Federal Reserve Board, the Meyers became friendly with Bernard Baruch, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Charles Evans Hughes. Weymouth's brother, Stephen Graham,. 243 replies 897 retweets 2,932 likes Robin Webb Retweeted Dr. Phil McGraw and Robin McGraw during TNT's "Christmas in Washington 2004" - Show and Audience at National Building Museum in Washington, DC, D.C.,. Phil often involved The Post in righting wrongs, as he saw them. The car, at least, was waiting and its driver was sober. Mrs. Graham looked quite handsome, I thought. When Eisenhower finally sent in federal troops, Phil saw it as a defeat not only for the South but for himself. As a result, I had no one on whom to lean for advice. He does not travel the globe to interview foreign leaders. . At last, we could begin to believe that The Post was here to stay. Curiously, I not only concurred but was in complete accord with this idea.. See Photos. Mrs. Grahamone always referred to her as Mrs. Graham, even in private and at great distancesdid not travel in the style of the British Raj, but she was not arriving on a Eurailpass, either. Not only did Phil own the majority of the stock but he also believed that his efforts as publisher entitled him to ownership. In the end he went sadly but willingly, late in the day on June 20. Around this time, my father decided to pass the paper on to Phil and me. Robert McNamara, Henry Kissinger, Lawrence Eagleburger, George Shultz, Paul Nitze, Douglas Dillon, McGeorge Bundy, Jack Valenti, Joe Califano: her list of establishment friends is long and decidedly nonpartisan. These days, the Post is usually thought of as the second-best paper in the country, after the Timesor, if not the second-best, then at least tied for that honor with the Wall Street Journal and, stretching some, the Los Angeles Times. For years, Katharine witnessed her husbands violent mood swingshis periods of heavy drinking, his bizarre behavior, his prolonged depressions. A few days later, I was assigned to show her and her close friend Meg Greenfield, the Posts editorial-page editor, around the city that was then known as Leningrad. Unfortunately, this incapacity often produced in womenas it did in mea diffuse way of talking, an inability to be concise, a tendency to ramble, to start at the end and work backwards, to overexplain, to go on for too long, to apologize. In the midst of the crisis, she wrote to Ehrlichman, saying, What appears in the Post is not a reflection of my personal feelings. In 1967, Katharine wrote a letter to Johnson (not quoted in the book) expressing enormous empathy: These times are so difficult that my heart bleeds for you. My father had said that he himself was too old to let Phil work his way up. I think this definition of roles deepened as time went on and I became increasingly unsure of myself. As the junior man in the bureau, I was given the task of finding the hairdresser. At a meeting of the Religious Roundtable, Howard Phillips, the head of the Conservative Caucus, warned darkly, You cannot always have Kay Graham going to your cocktail parties and smiling at you. In addition, Farber believed that labeling something, giving a name to a disorder, changed how the patient viewed himself and was viewed by those around him. He was acutely aware of the dilemma that arose from the fact that, as he put it, "a newspaper must be a successful commercial enterprise in order to survive. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. Its hard to remake decisions and even harder to rethink nondecisions. With Webb, he traveled to a publishing convention in Phoenix and caused a stir when, taking the microphone in a manic state, he started talking about the alleged affairs of John F. Kennedy, with whom he had been closely associated for some time. Phil wrote him on March 17, 1940, in his nervousness misspelling my name: "I am going to get married. Her beginnings were at once privileged and starved. 2023 Cond Nast. The story would run on the front page of The Post unless the people with the power to do something about it integrated the pools. Post vice president James Truitt arranged with Kennedy to send Air Force 2 to retrieve Graham, who checked in for the first of two brief stays at Chestnut Lodge, then a leading psychiatric hospital in Rockville, Md., that has since burned down. All that has changed now, with the publication of Katharine Grahams own Personal History (Knopf; $30). Agnes was perennially engaged in writing books-in-progress. Baseball For all his seeming irreverence and liberality, Phil Graham was no less domineering than any other husband of his day: Always, it was he who decided and I who responded. and U.P.I., were infuriating the White House with reporting that showed the contrast between the official statements of the generals and the dire situation in the field, the Post could not keep pace. I heard Phil and Robin talking to each other in words that made the situation plain. Philip L. Graham. This is a surprising piece of work on every level. 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