sanaya roman cause of death

Which is why we are here, to express who we really are the Love, Light, Peace, Harmony, and lovely energies that we are! Orin changed the way i look at my family and my dearest friends, her meditations elevated my soul to higher dimensions of which i had glimpsed before. I have sent blessings and light to Sanaya and was transported to the soul plane, where I had a profound experience. My hope is that we will continue to be supported and guided by Orin and DaBen through Time and Space in this never-ending adventure of Light and Love. Listening to Orin daily for 25 years coming through Sanaya's beautiful voice has changed my life in every way possible. I have notified my students of her passing and all are sending their prayers and many blessings. Im so thankful for how her work with Orin changed my life. Sanaya Roman is composed of 2 names. I know that she is shining her bright light from her soul to all of us. P161 Sanaya Roman Understanding Energy One. Channeling Saborra - Bonita Kay Summers. After doing the Light Body course my life changed dramatically and continues evolving in amazing ways. Recently I found out of your passing and felt something missing, only to feel a wave of peace, calm and "beauty". Heartfelt love and gratitude. I had a strong desire to visit you in USA. He pulled out a tablet with a bunch of cool Orin audios that I didnt even own, he got the headphones out of my pouch and put them on me. From the bottom of my heart I would like to express my sadness about Sanayas passing. Now I'm a lot older and have identical twin boys. I have a lump in my throat as I prepare to undertake a New Years day worldwide meditation. Sincerely a deep gratitude for your sharing your growth and the shifts you have made in your earth life through Orins work. Sending love and light to you all as you transition to a new way of being and doing without her physical presence. Thank You, Thank You for everything! About Sanaya, Orin, and Thaddeus Orin's Path of Self-Realization, Maintaining Your Teacher's Page on our Website, Worldwide Meditation Wesak Festival of Light, Book Excerpts - Creating Your Highest Future. So I wanted to be more loving, kinder, more open and more generous with my time and energy, and at the same time opening to receive more love, time, and energy from others. I came to the light body teachings in early 1990 and have been doing the work ever since. I have no words to express all the gratitude for Orin's, Thaddeus' and Sanaya's work upon Humanity and All Life in this beautiful planet, and for the very significant difference they have made in my life. Sanaya Roman consciousness Higher Self soul contact It is not a review. Your heart center becomes so radiant that you attract all that you need to you to fulfill your purpose in every moment. My goodness. Duane have loved when you shared that the best and most accurate way to communicate is by the energy, so have been doing that since becoming aware of Sanayas transition to extend support and whatever would assist, and in many other times as well. We have been holding a space with candles, Orin Meditations and prayer for Sanaya since we learned, yesterday. Thank you Sanaya and Orin. In some ways I was a typical teenager of the 80s in terms of music I liked, the awful junk food I sometimes ate, and the wild things I did to my hair, but in other ways I wasn't. I learned grace, and focus, and precision, and constancy, how to open my heart, and renewal, and forgiveness. You were a great teacher and a loving and warming person embodying the highest qualities of your Divine Self, showing us by your presence and consciousness into every word, teachings, laughs, smiles, and tender attention on all forms of life, how to follow our higher path of love and light. Her courage in opening the light body for us mere mortals took great courage. But I know she is now in heaven and her light energy will be always with us. And waited for these very days to blossom. The cause of his death is still unknown at this time. Thaddeus' music is created to help people awaken inner strength, to heal past pain, to lift out of denser energies into the light, and to link with the Beings of Light who always stand ready to assist. Thank you for assisting us as teachers for the Group, in opening the beautiful high energies of Love and Light on the earth plane. Love, light and peace. On a personal note, when my house burned down, Sanaya, through her comments to me on the online Divine Will forum, helped me reframe what might have been a personal catastrophe into a great blessing. At first I felt sad, until I remembered its a transition, not a loss. Thank you so much. Orin works with you through his many journeys to assist you in joining with your higher self and soul to reprogram your subconscious to put in new, more positive beliefs and thoughts so you can create the reality you want. Sanaya/Orins meditations, books and workshops have profoundly impacted my life and I am sincerely grateful. Discover Book Depository's huge selection of Roman Sanaya books online. Orin leads people through them. My favorite book in the Universe is Living with Joy and I gift it to those who I know are ready for a shift. Such wonderful uplifting energy through and through. Your presence on earth as well as your huge contribution was, and will still be, a great gift for humanity for this special period of time. I've told you all this on the inner planes but thought I would try sending words as well. I've read countless books on spiritual growth and many have had an impact, but somehow it's always the Orin material that helps me to see the higher perspective. I forever keep in my heart the images of her many smiles when we meet during the seminars. 4. I am happy and like myself most of the time and before I honestly did not even think was possible. Over the last decade, I've put aside your materials and stopped meditating, I went back to the corporate world only to find myself compelled to pull out the books & CDs and looked at your site in November-December 2021. There were even dedicated festivals at which the souls of the departed were celebrated. Acknowledged. At this point we have a small group of clinicians who are exploring the Creating Money, Attracting Abundance meditations together. You are a model of simplicity, discretion, and powerful love and light. It is a great blessing to find a high-level teacher in an earth plane lifetime. On hearing the news I felt so incredibly sad, cried then felt a beautiful light surround me. It's taken me a few weeks to write. Your work has truly made the world a brighter place with all your followers meditating every day! You have come as blessing in my life. I wish I could understand why I was inspired to pick up the book. For Those that Don't Believe in Dark Entities Weeping tonight as I have just read about Sanaya Roman's passing peacefully on December 28, 2021. My heart is filled with joy and I believe there's a lot of good vibes being emitted! Making new material available will be important and, I'm sure, wonderful. Thank you, Sanaya. The impact of the Light Body work has been profound in my life. I send love and light to Sanaya as she transitions. She said to me she sensed a teaching energy in me and asked if I teach the Light Body work. Blessings. On a spiritual plane I recognize her now as one of the Great Ones holding a space of love and growth for us all. Livia Drusilla . Thank you Sanaya, and I will remember the encouragement and support you gave me, gave us. Even though some have passed, the connection is still as strong and I can feel their presence and work continue on the other side. I wish You Heavenly Fun where and whenever You are! I will be holding space for Sanaya and sending prayers for those on this side. I cannot thank her enough for all she has given and for all she is. You may want to read about how all of Orin's courses work together to assist you in becoming your true, realized self in Orin's Path of Self-Realization as a way to assist you in selecting what Orin courses to study. What does her death represent? And thank you for this very web page that was put up in 2011 as a result of my study with you. I am so grateful to have been a student of the teachings of Orin and DaBen. I feel so much peaceful and steady joy these days, I want to humbly share the image that has been popping up: Sanaya's light (I heard a gentle whispering when I asked for a name). I also wish I could have met her. But when I discovered it was one and the same, I went back to the book and this time the words impacted me in a way I never knew was possible. Although it had always been my dream to meet her in person one day, I do feel she is still present. I feel blessed to be part of the wider community. I was occasionally feeling all kinds of despair and was struggling in some areas. I am very blessed to have them in my life and I know Sanaya will be helping us in the spirit world. Police said investigators were "no longer looking for anyone else in relation to this investigation", but refused to go into further detail about the allegations surrounding the woman. I was in such a bad state that life was really not a possibility for me, when I saw a flyer in a store for a day of meditation to meet your spirit guides. Thank you, Sanaya. I quickly devoured the rest of her and Orins books. I wanted to be like her when I grew up, and I ended up learning many lessons from her. I am deeply saddened by the passing of Sanaya. I feel sadness at one level but I also along with many others I know that she has moved into a greater expression. Next I would meet my soul, the Ray Lords Of The Great Bear, Pole Star, spirit guides, fairies, over soul, devas, the monad, my light body and many other planetary star beings. Beloved spiritual family. Thank you for all the blessings received. Im saddened and stunned by the news regarding Sanayas passing. I like to think those were all the Star Gods welcoming her home. To gain and expand our consciousness and love to share with others. Sanaya is in my heart and every time I meet my beautiful group of Italian and Swiss women to meditate online we hold a space of love for her and thank her for her blessing. I feel so blessed to have known you. I do not recommend doing anything with Luminessence at this time, as they will put you in spiritual contract with Lucifer/Satan. You attract situations into your life to learn from them. Thank you Sanaya and Orin from the depth of my heart. I am so appreciative of being a part of the amazing co-creation taking place between loving beings on both sides of the veil. How blessed I am to carry on something of her legacy. Each musical journey by Thaddeus brings an opportunity for healing and for evolution. It is a gift to me from myself that I met Sanaya's books and channelings with Orin in this lifetime. Roman died at the age of 76 in her sleep of natural causes at her beachfront villa on Crescent Bay in Laguna Beach, California, on September 9, 1999. A little resistance as it sat on the table staring at me and then I picked it up and it spoke to me. I realize I am late coming to this but Sanaya has been in my thoughts lately. In the tradition of Jane Roberts, Esther Hicks, and Edgar Cayce, this wise and gentle spirit teacher offers an accelerated, step-by-step course in sensing energy. Allow me to express my condolences to Duane, Edward and all the staff and collaborators at LuminEssence. "One worth knowing" this is the meaning of the name Sanaya which we have given to this group who gives you these daily messages. Learning today of Sanaya's transition has made me feel like a part of a community in a way that I hadn't realized before, because I don't know what my life would be like had I not bought Creating Money when buying books on financial wellness at amazon one day in 2004. With deep appreciation for all you do. And by following your path in the last 30 years I am no longer my parents' child, but what your teachings have molded me into. I was meant for a spiritual road to be built and shaped by my heart, intuition, and loving spiritual mentors on earth and beyond. I have completed most of Sanaya's courses including her last in person teaching seminar in Ashland. My life would not have been the same without you. Her books and tapes have impacted my life greatly. All of Orin's work assists people in unfolding their potential, finding their inner wisdom, and in growing spiritually. According to the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department, Lindsey Star Roman, 28, was found unresponsive on Oct. 25 at 10:47 p.m. in a desert area just off Highway 95, north of Interstate 40 near Needles. I understand Sanaya has returned to the light, but grief I know is difficult and my thoughts are with you. I now have all the books, and their ebook versions and audiobook versions and listen most days! May your memory be a blessing. During the past month I have been revisiting Orins course Transcending the Ego. Real World Data. May Divine Love, Light, Joy and Fullness of Glory remain with you Always. The cause of death was not disclosed. I am almost a solitary learner, only occasionally checking Orin & DaBen's official website for anything new. I met my husband 18 years ago in Europe who had been in an Orin meditation group in Holland. I first "met" Sanaya and Orin in the 90s in Prague, the Czech Republic. As you read the experiences in the tributes be reminded of the wonderful spaces of growth that Orin with Sanaya have opened for all. Personal Power Through Awareness Chapter 10 - Learning Unconditional Love, To all of you who are learning to grow through joy rather than through struggle or pain, for opening the door for humanity to do the same. It now feels wonderful to recharge and reconnect to my guides and the collective consciousness in a more organized way. The light they've brought into my life is immeasurable and continues to increase to this day. Sanaya taught me how to shine a light for others. It was the part that ed roman Ed Roman Cause Of Death side effect of male enhancement pills cause of death held the head, swiped hard, and immediately pierced into the body of the strong man.. In Light and Love. Thank you! His music is one way of sending angelic healing energy to anyone who is open to receive it. But as I thought about her and what she meant to me, this overwhelming feeling came over me. She will be missed here but I send her so much love in this time of transition. I found Orin and Dabens books and courses in 1993 and have been with you since throughout the years. Sanaya, I shall keep listening and reading your words, you are a great writer and the audiobook and audio courses you produced are classics. I will continue to listen to her recordings, and hopefully she will find a new way to continue to guide us from the other side. It was around 25 years ago I found the book Living with Joy and reading it was like sensing energy, as the chapters took deep and different meaning each time I read them. You know my heart, yet grieving silence is no substitute for quiet words shared with love and gratitude. My life had fallen apart. With Orin, hers was a voice I had never heard or only dreamed of. I pray and hold the space for her light to be bright as the stars in the sky and universe. I am feeling your eternal love towards all beings while I am writing this. I say thank you, a thousand times over, for the beautiful work of Sanaya and Orin and Duane and DaBen. I was afraid of everything and everyone. And I know they will continue to assist me in life. Thank you, thank you, thank You! I'll miss her good natured humor and her love of all things, of humanity and the Earth. What part of me and my life didnt she touch and make better through her channeling work? With love and much appreciation. Sanaya's voice has led me through so many spiritual journeys throughout the years. It felt as though through Sanaya, Orin was speaking directly to me. It is a matter of listening, opening, and allowing yourself to expand beyond the "you" that you know as your normal awareness. Sending her love and gratitude in her transition and look forward to playing on the inner. I just found out about Sanaya last night. Its no surprise that the interdimensional travel course she left behind as her last piece of work is unlike anything I have ever experienced. this book is far more than just another spiritually chic, how-to book. Sanaya says that, " All of Orin's work is to assist you in unfolding your potential, finding your own inner wisdom, and in growing spiritually. I would like to pay a tribute to say thank you to Sanaya and Orin for all the wonderful courses, meditations, books and music that we are blessed with from them both. I signed into the Orin DaBen website to get information on using Thaddeus Music for a video project when I saw that Sanaya had passed. I have books, CDs, tapes filled with Divine Will studies and other wonderful work that means the world to me. She has been an inspiration for me for many years now and she continues to be so. What a shock to read that Sanaya has made her transition and my heart and prayers go out to Duane and staff for your loss. Thank you so much! Her work with Orin has been a strong influence in my life from the time I was a teenager. I have been doing intuitive readings for over 30 years and it is all because of two days with Sanaya and Duane -two very special days of opening to my Spirit Guide, Ish. Orin's newest set of courses are his Path of Self-Realization series, linking you with your innermost, Divine Self, increasing your illumination, and using this illumination as a way to transform your personality and transcend your ego, so that you can experience more peace, harmony, joy, and able to stay in your center no matter what kind of energy you are around. I was so shocked that Sanaya sailed away Home. Sanaya died peacefully at home at the end of 2021. I send sincere condolences and love to the family of Sanaya. Some call this expanded state channeling, inspiration, creative thinking, intuitive insight, or expanded awareness. Orin, a timeless being of love and light, has assisted thousands of people to awaken spiritually through his books, seminars, and audio courses. Your meditations are fantastic! Much Love To You All. How lucky we are to have her readings and meditations to sustain us in our life. Thank you, Sanaya! I was saddened to hear about the passing of Sanaya. It is so supportive of going deep within in meditation and raising the vibration of any situation. I send my deepest gratitude, appreciation to Sanaya and Orin for all they have done. I discovered Creating Money in 2007. When I received the email about Sanaya and Orins newest course Interdimensional Traveling Through Building Your Jeweled Vehicle, I knew instantly that I had to take this course and that it would be profound and life-changing as all their other courses have been. 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