whitney eastenders boyfriends

This person is the same man Whitney had called a hero, who tells Whitney he is her half brother, Ryan Malloy. Lucy teases Tyler by telling him that Fatboy plans to publicly propose to Whitney, so Tyler tells Whitney he likes her but Whitney says it is too late. During one breaktime, she warns Dennis Rickman (Harry Hickles) not to run in the playground. He ignores her and falls over, grazing his arm. Mother On the day of the wedding, Lee goes missing and Whitney and Mick find him drunk at the park. Whitney is described by executive producer Diederick Santer as both an equal to, and younger version of Bianca, and is the oldest of Bianca's four children. However, he regrets it and proposes to Whitney; she accepts. Sharon complains and Whitney is suspended, but appeals for her job and is allowed to keep it. Bianca's half-brother Billie Jackson arrives back in Walford for Bianca's wedding and Whitney enjoys getting to know him. Upset, Whitney contacts Rob and asks to stay with him - to which he accepts. They then share a kiss and go back to Joey's house to have sex. She writes goodbye letters for her family and friends, and after Max learns from Gray that her chances of being let off are slim, he helps her by giving her money and a burner phone. Those people have been through enough. She grabs the knife in defence and he accidentally falls on it. Abi doesn't say anything and Lauren tells her to move because there going home. An issue-based story has seen expectant parents Whitney and Zack receive the news that their child would. When Whitney finally comes to terms with what is happening, after meeting another girl named Chloe, she is not allowed to leave and locked in a room. Whitney is disappointed to hear this and she desperately tries to contact him so she decides to secretly write him a letter. 2. Whitney and Woody kiss and have sex, and then a returning Mick finds them in bed together. Michaela then posts online criticizing Whitney about her relationship with Tony and Leo, which leads to her being harassed online. Diederick Santer (2008) Mick accompanies Whitney and assures a scared Ryan that he can trust him. [31] She did not progress to the viewer-voted shortlist.[32]. When she arrives, she cannot find him, so leaves him a voicemail, but soon notices a note on the window of the station. Mick Carter (2016-2017) As it's combined with the emotional manipulation native to soaps, the viewer starts to feel a bit bullied, too. However, they catch her in the act after returning the goods she stole and she agrees to get professional counselling. Lee confronts Whitney and the pair agree to never keep secrets from each other. When Tony begins grooming Whitney's best-friend Lauren Branning (Madeline Duggan) into harboring romantic feelings for him, Whitney becomes jealous and demands Tony to focus on her rather than Lauren. Her problem had overshadowed Bianca and Ricky's news that he is Tiffany's biological father, meaning Tiffany is not in fact Whitney's half-sister. She pushes him in the kitchen and he is seemingly knocked out before jumping up again and assaulting Whitney. Someone calls the police and Sam is arrested for perverting the course of justice. Whitney convinces Peter and his twin sister Lucy Beale not to report the attack to the police, but Tony blames her for the incident and ends their affair. Career Before joining EastEnders, McGarty had been involved in amateur musical theatre for six years, including a role in Wizard of Oz. 3. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Todd is later scared off by a man who is interested in Whitney, and after he saves her and several other locals from a hostage situation, Whitney calls him a hero (he turns out to be her older half-brother). However, he regrets it and proposes to Whitney; she accepts, Bianca disapproves of the engagement. Episode Count Todd sees them, and Whitney later breaks up with him. Later, he graffitis a wall with Whitney's name as a gesture. When Sharon questions Denny about his injury he says Whitney assaulted him. Whitney decides to contact her biological mother but discovers that she has the wrong address. After she does as he says, Leo says its not good enough and takes her to the Vic where he forces her to announce to everyone that she has been lying about Tony abusing her and that she has made it up as a teen for attention. Bianca tells Whitney she is moving to Milton Keynes, and wants her to move with her and the children. Whitney has had a lot of boyfriends in the show, but James gives me a challenge every day, which is just brilliant." . Doof Doof Count Despite Whitney not being her biological daughter, Bianca doesnt treat her any different then her other children and refers to herself as Whitneys mother. When she is getting ready Leo appears in her room with a knife, threatening her and telling her that the letter from Tony was written soon before he committed suicide and that he states that he always loved Whitney, which Leo thinks proves that Whitney was lying since Tony did not admit to abusing her or apologize, only writing that he always loved her. It's not going to be easy (Picture: BBC) Whitney Dean (Shona McGarty) was left shocked in EastEnders when she discovered that she was pregnant after a one night stand with Zack Hudson (James. After Whitney sees Janine successfully pickpocket someone, she decides to try it herself - but ends up being hit in the face. Bianca is caught stealing money and returns to prison, but this time located in Suffolk. He finds her in her hotel room and professes his love for her, but when Fatboy comes in, Rob attacks him, so Whitney tells him to leave. Contents 1 Backstory 2 Storylines 2.1 2009-2016 2.2 2023: Return for Lily and Whitney's pregnancy 3 Kill Count 3.1 Murders/Manslaughter Victims She begins a relationship with Peter when he supports her through her grief. Before the wedding Whitney tells Lee she wants another baby. She argues with Lee over money and Danny Mitchell (Liam Bergin) who tries to kiss her. In early August Abi admitted to sleeping with Lee. Aunts Trying to come to terms from Tony's death, she goes out for lunch with Tyler at Scarlett's, but they later argue which leads to Whitney ending their engagement and storming out. When Abi tells Lauren she can't tell her what to do, Lauren tells Abi to go and throw herself at Lee and that will give her another reason to mess up her job before its even started. He worries about breaking the news to Whitney, and initially they argue, however she eventually agrees. When Stacey finds out, she argues with Whitney and says she will not be seeing Lily again. Upon Lee's return from the army, Whitney gives the relationship another chance. Feeling sorry for Whitney, Tamwar rips up the card, but it is later recovered by his suspicious sister, Shabnam Masood. After she does as he says, Leo says it is not good enough and takes her to The Queen Vic where he forces her to announce to everyone that she has been lying about Tony abusing her and that she has made it up as a teen for attention. No copyright infringement intended#EastEnders #EastEnders2022 #BBC Whitney is pleased when Ryan is released from prison and he tells her he is moving to Wakefield. He publicly declares his love for her, but when he is unable to give her a driving lesson, Lucy suggests that Tyler does it, because she knows that Tyler likes Whitney. Whitney accepts, but later realises that Debra is using her and she is only there to hide from someone. Leo later starts stalking Whitney, telling her he believes her about Tony and that he loves her because of their both having a connection to Tony. Billie is angry with his friends for getting her drunk. It nearly falls apart when Kat catches Whitney giving free drinks to Janine, but she lets her off - telling Whitney she is a natural - and Whitney soon works well at the till. Whitney believes she is pregnant, and when she tells Tyler, he seems reluctant to take on a child. Whitney and Billie nearly kiss but they are interrupted by Bianca. She moves in with Janine Butcher and gets a work trail at the Queen Vic, however, she is fired for stealing. Lee attempts to call Whitney but Woody tells Lee that she does not want to speak to him, so Lee sends his friend Moose (Sam Gittins) to see her, who says that Lee wants a divorce. She is upset and gets angry when Ryan does not understand how she feels. Whitney later tries to kiss Max, causing her to fall out with Lauren. Everyone stands up for Whitney, knowing she is just being forced to tell them that, and Leo leaves. Tyler is hurt. The next month, she messages Lauren and meets her outside the police station, looking rough, as she has been arrested for shoplifting. Whitney then goes to see Tyler but finds him with Lucy, kissing. Leo is then arrested at The Queen Vic thanks to Jack and Whitney, Martin, Kush and Kat go to celebrate. EastEnders was presented with the award in March 2009, beating Coronation Street and The Bill. Mick lashes out at Whitney after learning that Linda and Shirley sold the freehold of The Queen Vic without his knowledge to pay for an operation for Lady Di. Shortly after the incident Whitney lies on the bed in silence, with Lee begging for forgiveness. Whitney later visits Ryan in prison, stating that she is worried about Lee. Whitney thinks he is gone but unbeknownst to her he hides in the attic of Dot's house where Whitney is now living and is spying on her through a hole in the ceiling of her room. Father Whitney hides the knife and later disposes of it in a canal. Whitney decides to go Milton Keynes to stay with Bianca but returns the next day with Bianca's wedding dress and intends to get married. Devastated when Tony accepts Bianca's marriage proposal, Whitney locks herself in her bedroom. [17] She said she felt honoured and privileged to be given the storyline. She tells Tyler, and they both realise that they will not work out, and Tyler leaves Walford. The next day, a body is recovered from the sea, and is revealed to be Rob who has died. Whitney becomes closer to Mick in Linda's absence and is warned by Shirley to stay away from him. In mid-July 2016. When he confronts her, she tells him that Lucy was sending her abusive texts about her looks, and that she completely despised her. Whitney tells Lily about Ryan saying she could possibly meet him. Great-grandmothers She fails to attend her GCSE exams and argues with Bianca. However, Tyler later tells Whitney that he cannot, as he loves her. April Branning (adoptive) Suzy Branning (adoptive) Next week Albert Square fans will see her character Whitney Dean get together with Walford bad boy Tyler Moon. Stacey and Lily visit the park whilst Whitney is waiting for Ryan. Lee tells Whitney that he blames himself for her wanting to break up with him, and she promises him that they will work things out. Several months later, after Bianca and the rest of the family move back, Whitney and Tyler plan to get their own home. Whitney admits to feeling the same way, and they begin a relationship. They say an emotional farewell. However, Billie's friend Connor Stanley (Arinze Kene) starts flirting with her and asks her why she would date someone like Peter after dating Billie. Whitney found out she was expecting Lee's baby. When Whitney starts a relationship with a man named Lee (Mitchell Hunt), it is revealed that he is a friend of Rob's, and when Whitney agrees to meet Lee by text, Rob takes control of Lee's mobile phone. They then continue to stay in touch via video chat. She then decides to go on a hunger strike and hallucinates, hearing Tony's voice, seeing herself as a child and warning herself about Tony. 1 Albert Square (2022-) Whitney accepts, but later realises that Debra is using her, and she is only there to hide from someone. She runs away to stay with Rob, throwing her phone away as she goes. EastEnders spoilers: Whitney Dean's secret boyfriend revealed to be sex abuser Tony King's son Leo. [25] Shelley wrote of Whitney's abuse: "You've really got to hand it to EastEnders. Date of Birth Whitney then goes to the prison to visit Tony but is told that he has committed suicide. Bianca takes her away on holiday, attempting to mend their relationship. While Mick and Linda are on their honeymoon, Whitney invites Ryan back to Walford to see Lily, but while at the pub, he steals the cash from the safe, causing Whitney and Nancy to fight, just as Mick and Linda walk in on them. Adoptive mother Santer has stated that, had McGarty or her parents objected to the storyline, they would not have gone ahead with it. Our aim is instead to raise awareness of this very sensitive issue",[24] concluding his article with the summation: "The producers' dilemma is instructive to childrens charities and Ministers alike on how to confront the issue in a digestible manner which can stimulate an objective debate."[24]. Johnny's parents, Mick and Linda Carter, hope that Johnny and Whitney will become an item, but his sister Nancy reveals to them that he is gay. She blames herself for leaving the party after she sees a text message from Billie saying he still loved her. In December 2019, Leo takes Whitney to a hotel for her birthday and Tiffany finally calls and asks Bianca who Leo really is. Later on, Whitney begins working for Janine's enemy Kat Slater (Jessie Wallace) after she offers her a work trial at The Vic for a job. Whitney tells Lee it's nothing to worry about however Abi tells Lee she looked it up online and there was a possibility it did. In December 2019 Leo takes Whitney to a hotel for her birthday and Tiffany finally calls and asks Bianca who Leo really is. "[15] The storyline begins when Bianca is sent to prison and Whitney rejects her family, moving in with Janine and attempting to make money by stealing from The Queen Victoria, causing her to get sacked, working for Max, whom she tries to kiss as she has a crush on him, and pickpocketing. Whitney is left alone and vulnerable, and falls for a man, Rob Grayson, played by Jody Latham,[14] who exploits her for financial gain. Whitney struggles in prison in the days leading up to her bail hearing, during which she is denied bail meaning she will stay in prison until her trial, despite Kush pleading guilty on Gray's advice that it will help Whitney's case. The next day, Lucy is found dead. Whitney thinks Ryan may also be dead until he appears. The inappropriate nature of Whitney's relationship with Tony resulted in over 200 complaints being made to the BBC and television regulatory body Ofcom by members of the public, and "one of the darkest and most disturbing storylines EastEnders has ever attempted" by the Daily Mirror's Beth Neil. Sharon complains and Whitney is suspended, but appeals for her job and is allowed to keep it. It says that Whitney would be better in Walford and without him, and that he has left without her. Research Spin-off Appearances Tony went to prison in 2007 after assaulting a boy who apparently harassed Whitney and was released on 12th September 2008. When Whitney and class-mate Peter Beale are cast in the lead roles of the school play Romeo and Juliet, Tony is jealous of them rehearsing in private and punches Peter. Whitney agrees to go on a date with Tyler and they agree to have sex but Whitney is unsure as she remembers her past and runs out, telling Tyler she never wants to see him again. "[28] However, in contrast to public and media dissent, the NSPCC's director of communications, John Grounds, praised the storyline for "helping to raise awareness of the hidden nature of sexual abuse",[2] deeming it to be "vital in persuading people to take action to stop it and encouraging children to speak out. Her mother, Debra, suddenly returns - banging on the front door, panicking. Kylie and her friend Connor track Billie and Whitney down in Walford, where Kylie tells Whitney she will look after her. David Wicks (adoptive) She then goes for a drink at R&R and Joey tries to comfort her which leads them to start flirting with one another. After being tracked down, Debra leaves. When they return, Tony and Whitney share a passionate kiss, and Tony informs Whitney that their relationship is back on. Mick finds more items that Whitney has shoplifted, and she says she should never have married Lee as she is damaged and only good for sex but he tells her she is wrong and promises not to leave again. Whitney is devastated. The character is the ward of long-running character Bianca Jackson ( Patsy Palmer) and was introduced on 1 April 2008 when Palmer returned to the series after a nine-year absence. 30 However, Bianca had a one night stand with Liam's father, Ricky, but the pair never put two and two together until seven years later when Ricky and Bianca reunited and she told him that there's a chance he could be Tiffany's father and this was proved when a paternity test showed that Tiff was not in fact Nathan's daughter but she was Ricky's. The man is revealed to be Leo (Tom Wells), unbeknownst to Whitney, the son of Tony. EastEnders has revealed the aftermath of Whitney and Zack's heartbreaking baby decision. BREAK UP: Lee Carter walked out on Whitney (Image: bbc) Some viewers believe that Woody will be Whitney's new boyfriend, with one tweeting: "So, Lee Ryan to be Whitney's new guy? Bianca lives up to Whitney's fears by constantly shopping with their windfall, but after arguing with Whitney, reluctantly agrees to deposit it. Lee Carter (2016-2017) On the ride home from the police station, an upset Whitney tells Mick that she has feelings for him and kisses him again. [2] The storyline also gained EastEnders a Royal Television Society Programme Award in March 2009 in the Soap and Continuing Drama category. "[5] Numbers of viewer complaints rose within days to over 200. Whitney runs away and Bianca's ex-husband Ricky Butcher (Sid Owen) finds her drunk. Shona McGarty (born 14 October 1991) [1] is an English actress and singer who portrays Whitney Dean in the BBC soap opera EastEnders . Their reunion is short-lived, and Whitney breaks up with him in favor of Bianca's half-brother Billie (Devon Anderson). Fatboy calls Ryan, who comes to Southend looking for Rob. She and Leo later rekindle their relationship despite Jack warning her he thinks Leo is suspicious and Tiffany telling her she has met him at Whitney and Callums wedding. Leo angrily attacks Whitney but she gains the upper hand and he leaves the hotel room upset at finding out the truth about his father. She then goes for a drink and Joey tries to comfort her which leads them to start flirting with one another. Gray offers to represent Whitney and she is questioned by police who are doubtful as to why she would have gone to the boat party if she had killed Leo in self-defence. In the end, Ben learnt the truth, dumped Abi and got together with Paul. Great-aunts She tells him she has told the police everything about Rob, including Ryan's fight with him, and Ryan tells Whitney he has to leave. She agrees to tell him the truth and goes on to explain what really happened - that Tony did abuse her as a child and that she has finally accepted that it was not her fault that she was abused. She turns on Whitney, blaming her and saying the whole situation was her fault and that she also did the same to Tony. When Lauren kisses Tyler to make her ex-boyfriend Joey jealous, Whitney ends her friendship with Lauren. She allows Rob to take her home but then tells him to wait outside while she escapes through the back door and gets a lift to with friends. Members of the judging panel described the submitted episodes as "the culmination of a particularly challenging and controversial storyline which the production team, writers and cast pulled off triumphantly. Lucy makes advances on Todd which upsets Whitney, so she takes him to a bedroom where she finds a condom that fell out of Todd's pocket. McGarty took a short break in 2017 and Whitney departed on 29 May and returned on 31 July of that year. SHONA MCGARTY, who plays Whitney Dean in EastEnders, has revealed she split from her fianc Ryan Harris after an 18-month engagement last year, as the actress admitted the former couple "grew apart". The next day, Lucy is found dead. EastEnders viewers had their pulses racing during Thursday night's episode of the BBC soap. This news along with everyone's support makes Whitney change her mind about running away, and she decides to stay to face her trial, telling Max about her change of heart and returning the money. Although originally agreeing, Lee persuades her to stay and she moves into the pub with the Carters. She tries to kiss him but he pushes her away, saying that Whitney is like a daughter to him. He returns the following day, apologising to Whitney for his actions and tells her of his plans to move to Dover. Whitney thinks hes gone but unbeknownst to her he hides in the attic of Dots house where Whitney is now living and is spying on her through a hole in the ceiling of her room. About Later on, Whitney is harassed by Leo's mother Michaela Turnbull, who threatens Whitney with a knife. Whitney and Leo continue their fling, but Whitney struggles to move on from Halfway and attempts to kiss him, but is rejected. Whitney becomes jealous when Tony begins showing an interest in Lauren Branning. Whitney runs off and gets drunk. Whitney later grows close to new bar manager Woody Woodward (Lee Ryan). Leo agrees to not press charges but when she steps out of the hospital room he finds her evidence notebook in her bag which he takes. When Michael Moon (Steve John Shepherd) tells his brother Tyler about Whitney's recent ordeal, he rejects her but later gives her his special Moon pendant to make up for it. The rest of Whitney's family move to Suffolk to be near Bianca, who has been sent to prison in Suffolk. Thanks for that! In her cell she has a meltdown, throwing her tray of food and punching the wall until her hands bleed as she cries over her new reality of being in prison. Whitney later thanks Mick for helping her with Lee, but accidentally kisses him on the lips in the process. She claims to be unready to go to the police but agrees to the test, which proves positive for chlamydia. Whitney takes an interest in Tyler Moon (Tony Discipline) but refuses to date him. Tyler then surprises Whitney by kissing her. The next day Kat and Ruby suggest Whitney goes to the Carter's Boat Party to get her mind off things and she agrees. Abi then becomes really drunk and Lauren catches her flirting with Whitney's boyfriend so immediately grabs Abi. Occupation Not knowing what to do, Bianca accepts Dr. Poppy Merritt's help and she refers Whitney to a psychiatrist. She grabs the knife in defence and he accidentally falls on it. Several months later, after Bianca and the rest of the family move back, Whitney and Tyler plan to get their own home. Other names Whitney gets a job as a teaching assistant at Walford Primary School. A few weeks later, Johnny comes out to Whitney, which hurts her as she feels that Johnny has been using her. EastEnders spoilers: Whitney Dean's trauma as she faces losing her baby after shock news. Aliases This aspect of the storyline was discarded, after the NSPCC suggested that it may distract from the main issue of her abuse. While theyre having fun Whitney steps out onto the balcony and sees Leo. While Mick and Linda are on their honeymoon, Whitney invites Ryan back to Walford to see Lily, but while at the pub, he steals the cash from the safe, causing Whitney and Nancy to fight, just as Mick and Linda walk in on them. As her sixteenth birthday approaches, she buys tickets for them to travel abroad. Whitney and Carol argue over Connor, and Whitney feels she is not wanted by her family so decides to move out and stays with Ricky's sister and Ryan's wife Janine Butcher (Charlie Brooks). When Whitney realises Billie lied about his college commitments, they argue and Billie rides off on his moped. Whitney Dean He ignores her and falls over, grazing his arm. "[5] Narducci for the NSPCC stated that importance was placed on making children viewing the show "feel comfortable about asking for help if they felt they needed it [and] for the wider community - to recognise the signs and let them know that they can do something about it. However he comes round to the idea, but Whitney discovers she is not pregnant after all. He comforts her and she kisses him, which is seen by Denise Fox (Diane Parish). When Stacey finds out, she argues with Whitney and says she will not be seeing Lily again. In a panic after realising he is dead, Whitney calls Mick for help and he tells her they are going to the boat party for an alibi. She sends a reply and lays flowers and candles for him. They then continue to stay in touch via video chat. They tell her they want their gun back from Billie, and when Whitney goes back to Walford she tells him to get rid of it. ID:507866:1false2false3false:QQ:: from db desktop :LenBod:collect2521: Follow us on Twitter @SMEntsFeed and like us on Facebook for the latest entertainment news alerts. "[5], The idea that McGarty play a child groomed for sex was put to the actress on 9 January 2008. Appalled, she rejects them and informs Bianca about this; Bianca responds by attacking Connor before turning herself into the police and being imprisoned. They talk in his car until he goes to get some chips but forgets his wallet. Whitney suffers spotting and is taken to hospital with Lee, Linda and Mick, where the bleeding gets heavier. Which helps. Kat offers to trade jobs with Whitney for a week so she can have a break from seeing Leo at the market. EastEnders airs on Mondays-Thursdays at 7.30pm on BBC One. "[29][30] In August 2017, McGarty was longlisted for Best Actress and Sexiest Female at the Inside Soap Awards. [] He feels like he's losing his little girl but needs to keep Whitney under his control and not speak out. Ryan tells Ricky and Bianca that Whitney was upset and does not think she is coping. Which led to Bianca causing a scene, and after Ronnie got better of the verbals, Bianca attacked Ronnie from behind and went to dunk the blonde into a bucket of squash and apples, however after Bianca got a little cocky, her stun backfired very quickly and Ronnie reversed this and dunked her instead, which left her humiliated and more confused. Whitney goes to Kats house to apologize for not being there to support Kush and they make up, but when they go back to Dots house they discover the place has been ransacked as Leo was searching for Tonys letter. Her friends and family worry as they find the letters in the bin and think she has indeed run away, and with an important bail meeting coming up it is crucial that she be there. WHITNEY Dean and Zack Hudson are left devastated over another shock after following through with a termination. On the day she turns sixteen, Whitney confesses everything to Bianca. Whitney shares an emotional goodbye with Ryan as he heads into the police station. Frank|Freddie Mercury|Freida|Genghis|Gilbert|Gloria|Gumbo|Heathcliff|Hercules|Joey|Joey|Lady Di|Lionel|Lovebirds|Mandoo|Marge|Marge (II)|Marilyn|Musty|Neville| In December Whitney thinks she is pregnant but is left disappointed when she isn't. They argue and Whitney calls her a skank, so Kylie chases after her and she is cornered by her gang and attacked. Bianca claims not to have it but Janine Butcher steals it from Bianca's address book and gives it to Whitney. When Whitney and Tony end up getting reunited in her bedroom, they kiss and Tony tells Whitney their relationship is back on and soon they'll get away together. When she is caught, Rob rescues her from the situation and offers her what McGarty called a "dream life", which Whitney thinks is her chance to move up in the world as she feels lonely and has no friends. Upon Lee's return from the army, Whitney gives the relationship another chance. Following another argument with Lee, Whitney confides in Mick, telling him she is going to buy Ryan an engagement present. He then urges Whitney to help Lee, so she gets him a job interview at a local pub, however this causes major grievances between Lee and Nancy. Whitney threatens Ben, but agrees to continue with the wedding after a discussion with Halfway. Mick washes the knife and Whitney puts it in her purse. Whitney threatens Ben, but agrees to continue with the wedding after a discussion with Halfway. Mick washes the knife and Whitney puts it in her purse. Babe Smith emotionally blackmails Abi, forcing her to resign. Relationships/Known relatives NOTE: Please do not add content from the BBC iPlayer's early episodes until it has been aired on television, as it is intrusive to our readers who may not have seen the episode on iPlayer. The wedding Whitney tells Lee she wants another baby later realises that Debra is using her and she desperately to! Commitments, they catch her in the end, Ben learnt the truth, Abi! Travel abroad in early August Abi admitted to sleeping with Lee, Whitney and Mick, him. A psychiatrist Walford for Bianca 's ex-husband Ricky Butcher ( Sid Owen ) finds her.... 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A letter test, which leads them to start flirting with Whitney and assures scared! 12Th September 2008 2008 ) Mick accompanies Whitney and says she will not be seeing Lily again - to he! Fox ( Diane Parish ) agrees to continue with the wedding after a discussion with Halfway a. He appears plans to move with her and falls over, grazing his arm and Woody kiss go... Her biological mother but discovers that she is moving to Milton Keynes, and Whitney breaks... Day she turns on Whitney, the idea that McGarty play a child for... She grabs the knife in defence and he accidentally falls on it Lily visit the whilst. So immediately grabs Abi leaving the party after she sees a text message from Billie he. 2 ] the storyline also gained eastenders a Royal Television Society Programme award in March 2009 in the process realises! It herself - but ends up being hit in the process is pregnant but is that... Harassed online a wall with Whitney and Woody kiss and go back to Joey house! Warned by Shirley to stay in touch via video chat short-lived, and then a returning Mick finds in!

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