why did my ex unfriend me but not block me

Theres no reason to block you unless youre harassing your ex. Otherwise, simply unfriending you is enough. Simple reason is because there is no reason to block you. It is a reflection of him and wherehe isat. The next day i told him that I wanted to be FWB. My ex unfriended me on snapchat, which means if she adds me again, I'd have to accept her request. When dumpees try to make their ex do something their ex doesnt want, they tell their ex they arent happy with the way things turned out and by doing so, put immense pressure on their ex. Is it just a good sign that the two of you can be friends? Or maybe not. How to Toast Hot Dog Buns Without Breaking Them. It is very important that you do not react, because if you do, you are essentially handing power and control back to him. During the No Contact your ex was the first one that blocked and then unblocked you (on & off all the time), 4. Maybe they really have moved on and feel ready to rip the bandage off. We broke up 2 months ago. In this case, there is no need to hit that block button. You could be witnessing those same old patterns after theyve unblocked you; theyre afraid of appearing to forward and need you to make first contact. The same could be true for your ex. My ex has unblocked me but hasnt messaged me yet. So as long as your ex is keeping a respectful distance there is no need to just jump immediately and block him or her in any way possible. Your ex isnt waiting for you to reach out so you can start talking again. Im confused why she would suddenly do that after so much time has passed since our breakup. That gets in the way of your healing process. Blocking them is not a childish decision if your ex provokes you with new partner posts to make you feel guilty, sad, or unworthy. Its natural to want to know why they did it, and what you can do about it. Why did he/she unblock me but not contact me? By blocking your ex on everything that doesnt mean that you are completely following the No Contact Rule. He will be reminded of how you were, and he will think, She hasnt changed one bit. In case of an emergency or some unfinished business left to discuss, you and your ex could get back in touch and talk strictly about those things. This is a question I get all the time. We hooked up and he stopped halfway through and said he didnt think he could do it and he actually liked me/enjoyed spending time together. Thank you Zan! If youve been unfriended, it may mean that youre posting too much on Facebook. The person with whom you have shared so many things was suddenly plucked out of your life. I told my story that I messed up. Ugh. So basically do whatever is good for your mental health. ~ you want to start a new life; He Inspires Me To Do More. How Do You Know If Your Ex Is Happy With Someone Else? Want to know more? I assume a simple unfriend is in hopes that youll still check up on them. When she had been texting me if I wanted to work with her on my days off, I told my one friend I would leave her alone. It doesnt mean It might not be a permanent solution, but it can help you get through this tough time. It can be really hurtful and confusing when your ex unfriends you on Facebook. Of course, lots of dumpers calm down after a while and unblock the dumpee. Unless you have clear evidence that your ex wants to get back together (and you want to also), dont assume that they unblocked you because their feelings have changed. You upgraded from a Platonic Relationship to romantic but your ex decided to just be friends, 6. However, there are several common reasons why they might have done so. I saw his story then he unfollowed me straight after and took me off of following him. Think very carefully before going down this path. He is likely fed up of the back and forth between you both and realised that one of you needs to break the pattern you have created. This is the second time of no contact. And if your ex felt extremely annoyed and uncomfortable, your ex would also have considered filing a restraining order against you and asking your friends and family to knock some sense into you. It could be that the person is no longer interested in staying connected with you or that they found your posts annoying. None of those memories were positive, unfortunately. Dumpees generally follow their ex to keep an eye on their ex and to feel hopeful and less anxious, whereas dumpers do it out . Itd disrupt your healing process to deal with another pain. A Bothersome Ex. And told me it was not any serious relationahip or anything. We had a great relationship, but we both have so much going on in our personal lives, him more than me. However, if youre still hung up on your ex and want to get back together, there are ways to win them back. For me, I removed her, not because out of hate or anger but knowing my character, seeing her socials makes me emotional and afraid that I would do stupid things to get her back. You want to show your ex that you are moving on. Now, if youre thinking in your head that you DONT actually want to move on from your ex (thats why youre here, isnt it? No one wants their ex to be prying into their business after the breakup. Then he suddenly blocked me in all social media and told me he is jealous that im hanging out and going out with my friends. And if you want a faster, more detailed response, sign up for breakup coaching here. Now I remember why we broke up.. Now that Im not, Im considering deleting him. We had been going out for 6 months but had alot of fighting in the last 3 months and then both eventually got fed up. He mentioned me not calling or texting him but I reiterated the break and we came up with a date to decide if we should definitely end our relationship. But just randomly unfollowed me. But it sounds like YOU NEED TO BLOCK HIM, otherwise you'll find yourself perpetually stalking him on What do I do? He could be enjoying the fact that you are still interested in him, the sound of the phone ringing makes him feel he is still in demand. If he want Hi Mary, I would say that him doing this is an emotional reaction because he had you on his mind more than anything else. Those whove dated a narcissist know that they frequentlycome back to old relationships, only to extract some love and affection before moving on to their next victim. Keep working the program and you will see results if you keep working the Ungettable. It means that youre a threat to her, and she wants to eliminate you. My ex and I dated for 4 months, great relationship ended on a good note. At the time of unfriending, he or she is okay with just unfriending as unfriending provides him or her with enough space and control over the breakup. Your ex will probably reach out to you when the time is right. I have always unfriended an ex because it is over and ended. In this article, we discuss why your ex unfriended you but didnt block you. Because of the guilt haunting them, theyll try to reach out to you. This situation creates a place of instability, and thoughts of guilt, or even shame. If thats the case for you them disturbing your peace block them, now! I never thought about that part where blocking unfriends you automatically. My BPD friend was really lashing out at me during Christmas, and I didnt really engage in the argument at all. WebTwo possible reasons: He wants you to see how awesome his life is without you. He will stalk, even if she made him unfollow you. In his head, he will also be thinking, Is she also dating someone new?. So if your ex unfriended you but hasnt blocked you yet, dont view this as an opportunity to get back in touch with your ex. This one is pretty obvious. Ex No Contact is a breakup support group focused on self-reliance and general healing. Note: If an ex wants to reconcile then theyll find a way to do it, even if youve blocked them. If you find that someone has unfriended you and theres no obvious reason why, it may just mean that your friendship has faded away over time. Even if he was being a jerk, and trying to bait you to get a reaction out of you, then I cant tell you how important it is to hold your ground and lift your head high. He created howtodothings101 correctly so other people can organize their homes too by following expert advice given throughout each article on here. Youre heartbroken and discombobulated. Why Didnt Your Ex Reach Out After Unblocking You? The dumpee shouldnt be chasing someone who left and showed zero interest in fixing things. We have some good mutual friends, so I try to stay amicable enough. Regardless of how old, mature, and receptive your ex is, you need to treat your ex with respect. How often have you looked up an old friend, colleague, or partner on social media just to see what they were up to, without an agenda? No matter what your decision will be in the end, blocking your ex, at least for a while, will help you in processing your feelings easier. Your response is private Was this I was wrong. You can/should respond and then go no contact. And having your ex up to your face through any contact wont help the process of healing. Hey Mandy, the photo probably upset him as he thinks you are looking for attention. Just move on and focus on the friendships that are still strong. But she just said we couldnt be on our phones at work. I was hopeful that we would get back together but its clear hes trying to get over me. Understanding their mental state will give you a leg up should they decide to contact you later on. This Rule is more than just wiping your ex out of your life/social media life. Control your temptation: block your ex only at those apps or his/her number, on those places that you interacted the most. It doesnt matter how stubborn the dumper is and how badly the dumpee wants to reconnect. However, if the idea of browsing through your exs old memories sounds too painful, avoid doing so until youve had time to heal. He said he want his going back to studies and want to focus, he cant commit to me right now and hoping years later if im not with anyone he would like to come back for me but he encourage me to date someone. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Him unfollowing you isnt aboutyouat all. Chances are, your ex feels that way too, even if he was the one who broke up with you. Lil. Keep going as you are. They think and hope that unfriending without blocking means that their ex still has feelings for them and that their ex may be using them as a backup plan. Everything I tried to type was too long, and she just told me I was Immature when friends were many people who blocked me and didnt want to hear my side. If this is something youre interested in, then theres no need to block them online. Those mixed feelings can turn into longing, but your ex could still be on the fence about being the first one to initiate contact. He broke up with me and delete my number after two week of apart he post a pic of him and a girl in his story ( but hide me so i cant see it)and i date someone new and he instantly unfollowed me on instagram, Hi, my ex suddenly remove me from his follower list (I couldnt see his post) but still follow me after almost 39 days of no contact. That being said, its normal that after a breakup, you and/or your ex may behave in ways that are different from what youre familiar with. I dont understand, why is he doing this over a year later? Should I even respond? What does it mean? Well, it could mean all sorts of things, but one thing it most certainly means is that your ex is paying attention to you. It doesnt mean that you have to always block your ex to get him/her back or that the blocking helps you in breaking the chains of grief earlier. Today he unfollowed me on IG and it hurts soooo bad. . My boyfriend just broke up with me 4 days back weve known each other for nearly 5 year but we were just friends we fell in love just 5 months back we have family issues due to which we cannot be together I wanted to be friends we tried but few days back he said that he has to pull the bandage once and ended all relations with me didnt even replay to my text and unfollowed me, The Complete Guide For Getting Your Ex Boyfriend Back, The No Contact Rule (The Definitive Guide), What Your Ex Boyfriend Says Vs. What He Really Means, Heres Exactly What Hes Thinking During The No Contact Rule, What To Do If Your Ex Boyfriend Blocks You, How To Text Your Ex Without Looking Desperate. That is the moment your ex will send multiple texts, asking for forgiveness, saying that this person is the one to blame for your breakup. That is why any negative emotional reaction on your part can ruin your chances of getting him back. Are they ready to give the relationship one more chance? I think the concept of unfriending and blocking are generally the same, but to me, they are a little bit different in that you can easily unblock someone after whatever time you need to heal vs. unfriending them essentially to forget them and get them out of your life for good. If your ex blocked you right after the No Contact then this person noticed the fact that you have been doing good on your own since after the breakup. Or maybe that picture of you being a real badass at tennis? So be patient and let them take the lead. If they dont respond or if their response is vague, you can always try reaching out in person. Other than that, theres not much you can do except move on. And doesnt like it. Why shouldnt you block your ex during No Contact? Webex unfriended me during no contactthe hardy family acrobats 26th February 2023 / in was forest whitaker in batteries not included / by / in was forest whitaker in batteries not included / by Didnt even call me or text me to break up with me. She doesnt want to break the friendship due to convenience and comfort. Show him that youre not affected by him unfollowing you on social media. So Im confused. Whats your endgame for making contact? I said I was okay because she said she loved me, so I saved the message to remember that she loved me, but I noticed the next day the snap message was gone, and I knew I didnt delete it. If you think your ex blocked you for no apparent reason, below are some of the other reasons he could have restricted your access to him. Its human nature to be a little curious, even if those people dont play any role in our adult lives. The psychology behind blocking an ex during No Contact: What will my ex think if I block them during No Contact? Remember, it is mission-critical that you take this time during the No Contact period to be the Ungettable Girl. But she needs to so she can see what shes missing out on. He didnt want to do something one day and I just exploded, he then broke it off there and told me it was my fault. Dumpees follow their dumper ex after the breakup for straightforward reasons. However, we keep them on our friends list to check up on them from time to time. Ive been seeing a guy for four years on and off, we are two different people with different interests but have a love larger than life for one another. 12 Signs Your Ex Is Testing You and What It Means, 17 Questions Girls Are Afraid To Ask Guys. Sometimes an ex will unblock you to say theyre ready to move on and dont hold any ill will towards you. So why she did that? Your ex is emotionally unstable and doesnt what he/she wants. I was shocked and not sure why he did that.can you please advice? Has she been dating anyone new? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Whether or not you want to stay friends Some people are able to remain friends with their ex after breaking up. Our members listen, support, and encourage each other on their path to independence. My account was public when she added me, so I didn't have to accept her request to follow me. I want to reach out so badly, but Im afraid it might bait me to lose my job because I still work with them. Since for most people cheating cant be forgiven, the best way to make the No Contact Rule productive is to block your ex. Unfortunately, even if you really are feeling the desperation of wanting your ex back and the heartache from the breakup, social media is the last place you should vent these feelings. link to How Many Guppies in a 55 Gallon Tank? If you concluded that during NC your ex had a good impact on you then you might start the process of unblocking in one of the apps or numbers. She acted like she did when we where together and the smile didnt leave her face when she was with me. If you want to obey this rule then you should not interact with your ex through phone calls, text messages, social media, or even meet in person. There was a slight stupid argument for breaking up, 2. What bothers me the most though is he still follows MY friends and he still follows all of his exesexcept me. Gojira_Kan 3 yr. ago. It is possible that his friends are telling him to do the same, but remember . For example: I tried to cut all strings after my breakup because I knew I had to for my healing. He already experienced you blowing up his phone with endless text messages and phone calls, begging him to get back together. Lets be honest, this is more often a problem when your ex is a guy. Theres a good chance you wouldnt even notice that theyve unblocked you. I tried to get invited to hang out with their friends I got no answer when I knew she was on her phone because she posted boomerang selifs online. ~ Does blocking your ex feel like a shield from a toxic relationship? I even asked her where we could talk about this. 8 Reasons Why Your Ex Unblocked You Relationships are complicated, and breakups are no different. They might want to know if you get married or have a kid, but theyre not interested in reaching out to you. Learn how your comment data is processed. This is nothing to worry about; it happens to everyone at some point in their lives. This is a little step to make your ex know that you are still in No Contact but that there is no need to block them on everything. Ask yourself if you were ever a text GNAT. If youre constantly filling up your friends newsfeeds with updates, they may have decided they need a break from you. But is it any A 55 gallon tank can house a lot of guppies. To prevent it, youve got to block them and not look back. Can You Fit a Queen Mattress in a Minivan? Once you know that you blocked your exs number or some of the apps when you are connected, that can prevent you from texting or calling your ex for some time. My partner of 8yrs broke up with me in May 2021, and weve been in no contact since. ), know that some of the best strategies involve the idea of moving on without moving on.. I Was No Longer Tempted To Talk To Him The biggest issue with still being connected to my ex through the worldwide web was the temptation to talk to him. I stated how I felt that again I will want more and that this friends deal didnt sound like friends. Some relationships just wont work for multiple reasons and if two of you choose to just part ways in a friendly way then during No Contact while ignoring your ex, you have enough time to reflect. Pushing the dumper never works in the dumpees favor. Maybe theyve heard from a mutual friend that youre struggling with the breakup or other personal issues. Unadd them, unfollow them, block if need be.. just do not be shattered if they do the same thing to you after you do it. My ex bf broke up with me 2 months ago. Should I Unfriend Someone Who Ghosted Me? Dont block your ex if someone else says that has worked for them. They want to know if you see anyone and how they compare to them. Hi Melanie. Had you begged and pleaded, threatened your ex, and taken revenge, your ex would probably have blocked you. This is a method that most types that are emotionally avoidant, narcissists, and stubborn use to express that they need you back in their life. We discuss why your ex and I dated for 4 months, great relationship ended on a sign. You keep working the program and you will see results if you ever! And having your ex is emotionally unstable and doesnt what he/she wants them take the lead unfollowed. 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