Dr. Iva Fernandes
Dr. Iva Fernandes has a degree in Biochemistry and a PhD in Chemistry (2012) obtained at the Faculty of Sciences of University of Porto (FCUP) under the topic hemi-synthesis, bioavailability and biological properties of anthocyanins and metabolites. In 2013, Dr. Fernandes started a postdoc to continue her research area on the development of methods to analyze and characterize polyphenols and metabolites in biological samples, synthesis of metabolically relevant metabolites and evaluation of their bioavailability, metabolism and biological activity, using in vitro models and human clinical trials.
At present, Dr. Fernandes is Invited Auxiliar Professor Scholar position at FCUP & IPP and a senior researcher in LAQV with expertise on understanding the bioavailability and biological properties of phytochemicals, particularly unravelling their mechanisms of action. Dr. Fernandes has published 67 papers, an h-index of 24 and has 5 book chapters. She participated in (inter)national conferences (49 posters & 36 oral) and invited talks at National Meeting of Blueberry Producers on 2021 and TEDx Move on 2021.
Dr. Fernandes has received 8 awards including 2 Fellows, best poster awards in Iberphenol – International Conference and International Conference on Polyphenols and Health, best oral presentation in Portuguese Association of Nutrition (APN) and wine and Science World Congress, Conference Grant by the “Polyphenols Group”, Nutrition Award by APN, Excellence award by “SuperBock Group”. Dr. Fernandes is responsible for a submitted patent, NPAT357. Dr. Fernandes was involved in the organization of: Global Women’s Breakfast, International Workshop Anthocyanins, National Meeting of the Portuguese Chemistry Society.
Dr. Fernandes is/was supervisor of 2 PhD, 5 MSc and several works of course completion of LSc/BSc. Dr. Fernandes is/was co-PI in project Winput and team member in 14 FCT/ANI/AGRO projects (BIOCORK, AGRO 386, VINE&WINE RESIDUES, Sino-Portuguese Program, VINOFLAVO, POLY4CD, NUTRALLERPHEN, FoodSmarTag, ANTHO4SKIN, MONET). Dr. Fernandes has collaborated with (inter)national research facilities (CENTI, CINTESIS/FMUP, IBeSa, Wuhan Polytechnic University, Nova Medical School, Northwest A&F University) and food companies (Superbock Group, Frulact & SONAE). She is a member of Collaborative Laboratory Colab4Food. She has served as Guest Editor for IJMS and Nutrients. Dr. Fernandes is reviewer of JAFQ, Food Chem, Mol Nutr Food Res, J Funct foods and member of examiner boards. Dr. Fernandes is leader of Wine and Health Work group of OENOVITI International Network and member of European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes. Recently, she has been involved in projects related with new anthocyanin derivatives for technological applications in the cosmetic industry and therapeutic applications.