Berry Health Benefits Symposium 2015

2015 BHBS Final Proceedings (2.8Mb PDF)

Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center, Madison, WI

Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center, Madison, WI

From October 13 to 15, 2015, some of the world’s most renowned berry researchers will gather in Madison, Wisconsin to present research that will attract media and consumer attention to berries as a superfruit.

Behind news releases on how berries improve the odds in the battle against chronic disease and aging is the work of research scientists. The Berry Health Benefits Symposium is an international conference dedicated to showcasing the latest scientific research by these men and women into berries and health.

marionberries-on-the-cane raspberries-on-the-cane strawberries-handful cranberry bowl Blueberry bush
cranberry bowl

The symposium, which has been held biennially since 2005, features cutting edge findings in many areas including breast and colon cancer, leukemia, diabetes, gut health, metabolism, brain aging, heart health and more.

Put on under the auspices of the National Berry Crops Initiative, the Berry Health Benefit Symposium offers 1 1/2 days of dynamic research presentations and a special 1/2 day event “The Berry Sessions” for non-scientists, and will include a tour of the cranberry growing region of Wisconsin.

Poster Session Call for Submissions

The 2015 Berry Health Benefits Symposium features a poster session allowing scientists to share their latest research findings. The most outstanding poster presented by a graduate student or post-doctoral fellow will receive a $300 award, there will be additional cash awards for judged posters. Original research relating to the symposium theme of berry biochemical composition, cancer prevention, cardiovascular health, metabolism regulation, brain aging and other health properties of berry fruit will be considered. Each abstract will be peer reviewed for content and merit. Read the Guidelines to learn more. Submissions are due to Dr. Luke Howard  by August 14, 2015.
