Frances Largeman Roth
Frances is a frequent guest on national TV, including the Today Show, Good Morning America, Access Hollywood Live, CNN, The Rachael Ray Show, and The Dr. Oz Show. She has also lent her expertise as a judge for Food Network Challenge and The James Beard Awards. Frances is a contributor and on-air spokesperson for Cooking Light magazine.
Frances is the author of Feed the Belly: The Pregnant Mom’s Healthy Eating Guide and co-author of the bestselling The CarbLovers Diet and The CarbLovers Diet Cookbook. Her latest cookbook is Eating In Color: Delicious, Healthy Recipes for You and Your Family. Frances earned her undergraduate degree from Cornell University and completed her dietetic internship at Columbia University.
Frances lives in Brooklyn, NY, with her husband and three kids. To learn more, go to www.franceslargemanroth.com, or follow her on social media @FrancesLRothRD.