The AP Spanish Language and Culture course is organized around six AP Spanish themes: Global Challenges, Science and Technology, Contemporary Life, Personal and Public Identities, Families and Communities, and Beauty and Aesthetics. Qu factores han impulsado el desarrollo y la innovacin en la ciencia y la tecnologa? Mrs. Kopeckne conducts most employee interviews at her workplace. ), los experimentos usando los animales en Espaa, la medicina tradicional de Mxico, Ramon Sampedro y la eutanasia Qu pasos ha tomado tu comunidad para la prevencin de enfermedades y para mantener saludables a sus miembros? Qu importancia tienen las instituciones culturales en la vitalidad de tu comunidad? Mariposa Monarca Hay mercados en espana donde hay musica, comida, y cosas tradicionales a la cultura espanol. Bridges - trae comida a personas que no tienen en reas ms pobres, el club de servicio de comunidad en nuestra escuela (tutores, ayuda a personas sin comida, ayuda a nios enfermos), noches de adolescente - un evento divertido para adolescentes con el autismo. After you have downloaded the MP3 file, double-click on the file name to play it. Ramon Sampedro y la eutanasia, LA CIENCIA Y LA TECNOLOGIA: Los efectos de la tecnologa en el individuo, Mas tecnologia en las escuelas de Guatemala Welcome to my blog! AP Spanish Language and Culture Course Overview The AP Spanish Language and Culture course emphasizes communication (understanding and being understood by others) by applying interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational skills in real-life situations. Pies Descalzos The AP Spanish Language and Culture theme of Beauty and Aesthetics may incorporate lessons on architecture, describing beauty, defining creativity, fashion and design, language and literature, or visual and the performing arts. Maestro Cares (La Repblica Dominicana), Pies Descalzos (Colombia), La Educacin en Amrica Latina/ Artculo 26 de la Declaracin de los Derechos Humanos (Latinoamrica) - mucho analfabetismo y Artculo 26 dice que cada persona tiene el derecho de educacin gratis The AP Spanish Language and Culture course is a rigorous course taught exclusively in . Ramon Sampedro y la eutanasia, LA BELLEZA Y LA ESTETICA: Definiciones de la creatividad, Bailarinas en Mexico Llevan ropa diferente depende en la estacion. There are two parts to the multiple-choice section, and four questions in the free-response section. %PDF-1.6 % nonentitypecuniaryergobeguilehectorennuilambentdesultoryhiatuscoalesce\begin{array}{llll}\text { nonentity } & \text { pecuniary } & \text { ergo } & \text { beguile } \\ \text { hector } & \text { ennui } & \text { lambent } & \text { desultory } \\ \text { hiatus } & \text { coalesce } & & \end{array} Practice Multiple Spanish Skills with 1 Activity! When your students have a good understanding of what they are supposed to do when attempting the cultural comparison, its time to start giving them opportunities to practice. Maestro Cares (La Repblica Dominicana), Pies Descalzos (Colombia), Ramon Sampedro (Espaa). We discussed ingredients, preferences, and comparisons with our . Before having your students practice the Cultural Comparison out loud, consider having them complete it in written form first. AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam Speaking Prompts and Sample Responses: 2021 Audio Files The following MP3 files contain the recorded directions, questions, and student sample responses for the Speaking part of the 2021 AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam. la influencia rabe en Espaa - hay mucha en la lengua/cultura/arte, la lengua de Catalan en partes de Espana (son espanoles pero tambien tienen su comunidad y identidad individual), Gallego en Galicia, Espana Think the Same to Win the Game: Here's a game that we often use in AP Spanish as a warm up, to get them thinking about Products, Practices and Perspectives in our culture and our target cultures. Muchas personas del mundo hispanohablante en Miami (influencia en comida, arte, lengua, musica, mas), musica Tejano (Selena) - influencia muy grande con canciones/tipo de msica/bailes, la Salsa, muchos judos (menorah durante diciembre) en Westfield. Hoy voy a comparar dos figuras/ejemplos/personajes/ puntos de vistas/experiencias, Today Im going to compare Two figures/cultures/examples of/artists/points of view/experiences, Entre mi comunidad y una comunidad de habla hispana, Between my community and a spanish-speaking community, Por ejemplo en una ciudad de Amrica Latina. Bill collectors .. Anne every day, and she knew that her next check would not stop them. Commentary that goes along with these audio files can be found in PDF format on the Spanish Language Exam page. AP Spanish Cultural Comparison & Conversation Cheat sheet : Student Study Guide 10 Ratings Preview Grade Levels 10th - 12th, Higher Education, Adult Education Subjects Foreign Language, Spanish Resource Type Study Guides, Handouts Formats Included Zip Pages 8 pages PDF = 8 slides PowerPoint $2.00 Add one to cart Buy licenses to share Learning Opportunities for AP Coordinators, AP Spanish Language and Culture student page. Una semejanza entre esto y mi comunidad es que A similarity between this and my community is that Los nexos entre la comunidad hispana y la comunidad donde vivo. Cmo influyen la lengua y la cultura en la identidad de una persona? Write C if the italicized word is used correctly. Encourage your students to visit theAP Spanish Language and Culture student pagefor exam information. It works pretty well to do this before a Cultural Comparison practice, to get their ideas flowing. FECH (huracans) AP Spanish Language and Culture Past Exam Questions Free-Response Questions Download free-response questions from past exams along with scoring guidelines, sample responses from exam takers, and scoring distributions. Spanish Language and Culture course develops language and cultural . AP Spanish PowerPoints for an Entire Year. Students need to have an introduction and an ending. Los murales en Mexico son en lugares publicos y representan la cultura y historia de las personas mexicanas Below I have listed some things that might help you with your AP Spanish journey! Sd46H @IS=gc llU$w Section IA: Multiple Choice 30 Questions | 40 Minutes| 23% of Score Interpretive Communication: Print Texts. Los inmigrantes Mexicanos de Colombia, Venezuela, etc. F. lgebra, geometria, trigonometra. Cules son los beneficios y los daos de las redes sociales? Lavapies en Madrid, donde viven en harmonia Input resources 15-17: Interpretive reading and listening, presentational speaking, cultural comparisons, and global competencies! She gazed at the .. patterns of light that the aquarium cast on the floor, while allowing moneymaking ideas to .. in her head. Frida Kahlo (Mexico) Cul es la importancia de los factores culturales en la percepcin de la belleza? Riesgo de extinccion de mariposa monarca - origen es la actividad humana que causa la destruccion de arboles nativos de los EEUU y Mexico (tambien cambio climatico y uso de pesticidas), Prejuicio hacia Musulmanes - origen es el miedo despues del nueve de noviembre en dos mil uno (personas comparan todos los musulmanes a los terroristas de ese dia), Uso de pesticidas - origen fue para parar la interaccion entre los insectos y las plantas, pero ahora hay insectos mas fuertes y dano a las plantas y los animales. To download an MP3 file directly to your computer, right-click on the Download link (control-click on Mac) and: Learning Opportunities for AP Coordinators, 2021 AP Spanish Language and Culture Student Sample 3A (Score of 5), 2021 AP Spanish Language and Culture Student Sample 3B (Score of 3), 2021 AP Spanish Language and Culture Student Sample 3C (Score of 1), 2021 AP Spanish Language and Culture Student Sample 4A (Score of 5), 2021 AP Spanish Language and Culture Student Sample 4B (Score of 3), 2021 AP Spanish Language and Culture Student Sample 4C (Score of 1), If you use the Internet Explorer browser, choose, If you use Firefox, Chrome or Safari, choose. Since then, I focus on making sure what we read, listen to, view and discuss represents a wide variety of Spanish-speaking cultures, and we regularly compare those cultures to our own. Este puede salvar vidas. Parque Naiconal de Yellowstone - canones, rios, bosques, geiseres (belleza natural), Pantalones Vaqueros - moda popular que es un simbolo de nuestra cultura, Andy Warhol es muy famoso por su serigrafia y arte pop. I let them record the SAME answer twice (with nothing but the notes they make during their 4 minute prep time). Its important to state what 2 places theyre comparing. I love lesson planning and learning new things to keep my students interested and engaged. On the free response section of the AP Spanish exam, you'll need to conjure up words all on your own. The questions on the Multiple Choice section are based on: answer choices interpretation, communication, recollection print texts, print and audio texts, and audio texts a letter, a short story, and a political text the Bloom taxonomy Question 3 30 seconds Q. Presentational Speaking: Deliver a 2-minute presentation in response to a prompt in which students compare a cultural feature of a Spanish-speaking community with which they are familiar to their own community or another community. The AP Spanish Language and Culture course is ordered around six AP Spanish themes of historical and contemporary significance: Global Challenges, Science and Technology, Contemporary Life, Personal and Public Identities, Families and Communities, and Beauty and Aesthetics. Cmo contribuyen los individuos al bienestar de las comunidades? They must read and respond to the email within 15 minutes. Menos animales usados en Espana Just to give them an idea of what the time frame is like. 35 questions (55 minutes), 27% of exam score. After you have downloaded the MP3 file, double-click on the file name to play it. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Education, Holidays, Rhythm of life and more. To solve that problem, I created this resource which contains Unit Review Charts, which can be printed or used digitally. El derritimiento de los glaciares en los Andes (glaciares son necessarias para mantener el flujo del agua, el cambio climatico esta causando, va a afectar la biodiversidad y la actividad socioeconomica) - origen del cambio climatico y actividad humano, Riesgo de extinccion de mariposa monarca - origen es la actividad humana que causa la destruccion de arboles nativos de los EEUU y Mexico (tambien cambio climatico y uso de pesticidas), Los Arrecifes de Coral en el Caribe - esta muriendo y despues los pesces estan muriendo (causa del muriendo de arrecifes es el aumento de temperatura, calentamiento global, y meision de gases peligrosos) FECH (la organizacion de terremotos que contruye casas nuevas), el huracan maria en Puerto Rico, los inundaciones, el derretimiento de los glaciares en Chile y Argentina Los Estados Unidos y Mexico/Espaa/Puerto Rico tienen ________ en los dos comunidades. They need to compare 2 countries with specific information. ), FECH que ayuda con victimas de terremotos Now, we regularly add information to them as we work our way through the units. To download an MP3 file directly to your computer, right-click on the Download link (control-click on Mac) and: Learning Opportunities for AP Coordinators, If you use the Internet Explorer browser, choose, If you use Firefox, Chrome or Safari, choose. Completa la conversacin con las formas correctas de palabras afirmativas y negativas. From the list below, supply the words needed to complete the paragraph. Hablan Cataln en Espaa, LA BELLEZA Y LA ESTETICA: La moda y el diseo, Hijabs de Muslims en Espana The AP Spanish Language & Culture Exam is just over 3 hours long to complete and is comprised of two sections: a multiple-choice section and a free-response section. AP Spanish Language and Culture Student Sample \(2016\) Cultural Comparison Author: The college board Subject: AP Spanish Language and Culture Student Samples from the 2016 Exam: Cultural Comparison Keywords: AP Spanish Language and Culture; Student Samples; 2016; exam resources; teacher resources; exam scoring information; Created Date Step #1 Rules and Requirements for the Cultural Comparison Review the rules and requirements of the task. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Get access to free resources for your Spanish students here! The course provides opportunities for students to make cultural comparisons. Habia problemas con la calidad de vida en Venezuela porque hay violencia y guerras porque hay conflictos politicales. Interpersonal and Presentational Speaking Samples from the 2017 Workshop, Presentational Writing: Listening Source 3, Interpersonal Speaking: Simulated Conversation, Presentational Speaking: Oral Presentation, Learning Opportunities for AP Coordinators, AP Spanish Language and Culture Past Exam Questions. Qu efecto ha tenido la geografa humana en el bienestar de las comunidades contemporneas? arte Common feedback I give includes You forgot to mention which 2 countries youre comparing, and You ran out of time for the conclusion and You spent too much time on Mexico and never gave any examples of the US. AP Spanish Cultural Comparison Flashcards | Quizlet AP Spanish Cultural Comparison 4.5 (2 reviews) Term 1 / 58 Cmo se define la familia en distintas sociedades? $39.75. Crisis en Venezuela (problemas sobre el lider del pais porque Maduro es el dictador pero Guaido autoproclamo su presidencia - muchas personas quieren Guaido, Maduro dice que nada va a entrar al pais pero los EEUU manda un cargamiento de ayuda humanitaria), El Narcotrafico en Mexico (hay musica que se llama el corrido y narra la inmigracion y narcotrafico, similar a rap en los EEUU) es muy violenta y ilegal, El derritimiento de los glaciares en los Andes (glaciares son necessarias para mantener el flujo del agua, el cambio climatico esta causando, va a afectar la biodiversidad y la actividad socioeconomica) It also includes a short vocabulary list and a Quizlet with related vocabulary that will help them in this task. They must write from 125-150 words. Las avances en Cuba han influido todo el mundo (vacunas a hepatitis B, prevencion del cncer, etc. 30 questions (40 minutes), 23% of exam score. It outlines the subthemes and essential questions for this topic. 4 de julio - dia de independencia, lunes en enero (dia de Martin Luther King Jr) - celebra contribuciones de MLK a la lucha del racismo, LOS DESAFOS MUNDIALES (El bienestar social), La crisis en Venezuela La influencia rabe en Espaa Last year, all my students passed the AP Spanish Test with mostly 5s and a few fours. culture in preparation for the presentational speaking or cultural comparison exam task. Conneciones a otras personas: Personas en muchos paises hispanoablantes usan whatsapp para communicar. AP Exams are regularly updated to align with best practices in college-level learning. Las avances de Cuba (Hepatitis B, Cancer, etc.) Estamos cortando los arboles y este dana a la poblacion de la mariposa monarca. Lavapies Diego Rivera (Mexico), LAS IDENTIDADES PERSONALES Y PBLICAS: For more information, download theAP Spanish Language and Culture Course and Exam Description(CED) and theCEDs companion audio files. Llevan botas de vacero. AP Lesson Plan, Posters, Lesson Plan Templates, Goal-Setting, Presentations How-To Handouts, and more! My family and friends are most important, but my insatiable curiosity keeps me reading, listening to podcasts and continuing in martial arts training! The AP Spanish Language and Culture themes were developed by AP College Board. La influencia rabe en Espaa; los Gitanos en Espaa - viven en Andaluca, reciben mala educacin, sufren exclusin social (ha aumentado por el gobierno); Lavapis (Espana) - ms de 90 nacionalidades, muchos africanos, fusin de cultura Cules son los desafos del sistema educativo en tu comunidad? Maestro Cares, la fundacin de Marc Anthony I am working on work-life balance too. 2 sets of audio sources paired with print materials on the same topic with questions (article and audio report, chart and conversation). Zip. See pages: 9, 10, 16, 18 . Maestro Cares (La Repblica Dominicana) - orfanatos con la educacion/musica/deportes/arte/medicina/mas, Pies Descalzos (Colombia) - quiere cerrar la brecha entre ricos y pobres con la educacin (construye escuelas), FECH (Chile) - construyen casas despus de terremotos, Arquitectura sin Fronteras (Espaa) - creacin de hbitats dignos y mejora la calidad de la vida de muchas Muchos cientificos dicen que Espana tiene un gran calidad de vida en comparacion con otros piases, porque hay buenos sistemas de sanidad y salud Que efecto tiene el trabajo voluntario en el bienestar de las personas de tu comunidad? One of the most daunting aspects of the exam are the two written tasks, but these transition words can be used to strengthen your essays and are a great addition to an AP Spanish vocabulary list. If you are using assistive technology and need help accessing these PDFs in another format, contact Services for Students with Disabilities at 212-713-8333 or by email at [emailprotected]. Students decide which one they want me to listen to. Examples! Influencia Arabe en Espana, LAS FAMILIAS Y LAS COMUNIDADES: La geografia humana, Crisis en Venezuela Celebramos Januc con mis abuelos y mis primos cada ao (muchos judos en Westfield), celebramos el Agradecimiento para celebrar la unin de peregrinos y americanos nativos (y la accin de gracias). I love helping other teachers feel less overwhelmed, and I'm finding in doing so, my own lesson plans and teaching improve! George Washington - lucha en la Guerra Revolucionaria para la independencia de Inglaterra, Martin Luther King Jr - lucha el racismo. hZH2 ;(Ez0 c80A.`yxki[\ AP Exams are regularly updated to align with best practices in college-level learning. Jose Marti - lucha para independencia (Cuba), Carlos Manuel de Cspedes (general y primer presidente de Cuba), Frida Kahlo y Diego Rivera (Mexico) - artistas que resultan en mucha del orgullo mexicano, Chavela Vargas (Costa Rica y Mexico) - cantante muy famosa que es muy popular CULTURAL COMPARISON: Deliver a 2-minute speaking presentation in response to a prompt in which students compare a cultural feature of a Spanish-speaking community with which they are familiar to their own community or another community. Price. 2021 AP Spanish Language and Culture Cheat Sheets & Study Guides - EarlyScores AP Spanish Language and Culture Cheat Sheets, Study Guides and Resources Other tags related to AP Spanish Language and Culture New Sheets Upload your sheet today! ;^ocZe)GOD7"Sm{zHvQ>nzW:orJe|T ;DEiyWOEWl^x0*wU9>.U}tO%m}[MfqI Even with native speakers, that 2-minute time limit can be challenging! , double-click on the file name to play it need to have an introduction and an.! 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