distance from sodom to zoar

(This was before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.) From the Arnon mouth to Tall-Hammam, where he wants to place Sodom, is still over 40 miles. Meaning the Dead Sea wasnt in existence during the time of Sodom and it came into existence as a result of Sodoms destruction. The rulers who dare throw off Chedorlaomer's yoke are led by the king of Sodom whose allies are the kings of Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboim and Zoar (Genesis 14:2). Dig into the illuminating world of the Bible with a BAS All-Access membership. Steven Collins response to Shirley S. Reed. Applications of super-mathematics to non-super mathematics. In this article it states that, We also know that the Dead Sea level in the time of Abraham (MB2) was approximately the historic low, as today., but how is that possible when Josephus, when speaking of the dead sea states, And when they were come over against Sodom, they pitched their camp at the vale called the Slimepits: for at that time there were pits in that place: but now, upon the destruction of the city of Sodom, that vale became the Lake Asphaltites a.k.a. In terms of why Lot didn't trust God to honor his promise, perhaps he was scared from the nearby destruction of the other cities. I have been on the dig at Tall el Hammam four times to analyze the bones, and toured Israel and Jordan with TSWU two times. The two foremost theories for the genesis of the Universe are chance and God, and since chance does NOT meet these requirements, and God does, then obviously God is the best possible explanation for the genesis of all things. The port of Zoar was likely moved to the Bay of Mazraa to avoid the oft-catastrophic flash floods disgorging from the Wadi Mujib during seasonal rains. "Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar . Such evidence suggests the city and its environs were catastrophically destroyed in a sudden and extreme conflagration. Link to first part below, scroll down to read further: David Neev and K.O. 54 Then you will be ashamed of how youve acted, and Sodom and Samaria will be relieved that they werent as sinful as you. Q&C: Geographically Puzzled. ~ Nathanael AmbassadorHerald Eisner. Read my books on archaeologyArchaeology: What you need to know & The Future of Biblical Archaeology. Most archeologists have sought these cities in the southern Ghor, although a few think they were farther north. Abram viewed the smoke from Hebron. Across Tall el-Hammam, archaeologists found widespread evidence of an intense conflagration that left the Middle Bronze Age city in ruins. Valley means that the river Jordan was flowing there Gen. 13:10 BEFORE the LORD destroyed the four cities. Just as how God promised to spare Sodom but then destroyed it after Lot's family was removed, so according to tradition, he destroyed Zoar with the other cities of the plain after Lot left it. The Apocrypha: King James Version. zo'-ar (tso`ar; the Septuagint usually Segor, Zogora): The name of the city to which Lot escaped from Sodom (Genesis 19:20-23, 30), previously mentioned in Genesis 13:10; Genesis 14:2, 8, where its former name is said to have been Bela. Sodom was associated with the south east border of Canaan (10:19). Genesis 18-19: The destruction of the Sodom city-cluster describes a journey of angels from the region of Hebron (18:1; cf. The traditional location of the place is at the south end of the Dead Sea. shadows] of the five cities are still to be seen, as well as the ashes Sodom and Gomorrah's destruction happened in the time of Abraham and involved his nephew Lot. Anson F. Rainey was the late (2011) Professor Emeritus of Ancient Near Eastern Cultures and Semitic Linguistics at Tel Aviv University. The difficulty with Merrills chronological argument is his bias towards the old Usher and related chronologies. The Tabernacle of Ancient Israel - Brief Overview of the Tabernacle of Moses in the Wilderness and the Ark of the Covenant. Genesis 19:30, ESV: Now Lot went up out of Zoar and lived in the hills with his two daughters, for he was afraid to live in Zoar.So he lived in a cave with his two daughters. Here is your ticket to join us as we discover more and more about the biblical world and its people. Does Cosmic Background radiation transmit heat? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. His first protestation has to do with the sixth-century C.E. How to derive the state of a qubit after a partial measurement? As Neev and Emery point out, at the time when the Madaba Map was made there was no shallow south basin, thus no Lisan Peninsula. Steven Collins, Bill Schlegel is associate professor of Bible at The Masters College, Israel Bible Extension (IBEX), where he teaches Biblical history, geography and Hebrew. I have bookmarked it for later! https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OAnA00FnjmZcm1BuKfb-sjsnTivus0Gq. . They wanted to gang-rape the two male angels. The evil of these cities was incredible and far-reaching. one. Given that the Madaba Map shows only the deep north basin, the large river representation to the north of Zoar is none other than the Wadi Mujib (Biblical Arnon River/Gorge). Moab, a small kingdom in the central Transjordan, was a familiar setting in the Bible. Furthermore, radio-carbon dating isnt the only method we use to date things back beyond lets say 50,000 years. Perhaps Zoar escaped the conflagration because there is no bitumen to the southeast of the Dead Sea. I believe the Bible and none whatsoever even if it is evident to my eyes I blindly believe the Holy Bible only. Since Abraham . Archaeology has positively identified Zoar south of the Dead Sea. Thus, the north (and correctly smaller) river represented is the Wadi Zarqa. A mistake like that should be caught by the editor or the author in a scholarly article. This provided a walkable shelf-like shoreline as a relatively easy route between the two. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. For example, if one claims that a gun does NOT exist in their pocket, it is quite easy to prove that this negative assertion is true or false, simply by visually examining the inside of the pocket. a large area of flat land with few trees. If we fix upon the south end of the Dead Sea as the Vale of Siddim, a very natural place for Zoar and one which agrees with all the traditions would be at the base of the mountains of Moab, East of Wady Ghurundel, where there is still a well-watered oasis several miles long and 2 or 3 wide, which is probably but a remnant of a fertile plain once extending out over a considerable portion of the shallow south end of the Dead Sea when, as shown elsewhere (see DEAD SEA), the water level was considerably lower than now.Robinson would locate it on the northeast corner of el-Lisan on the borders of the river Kerak, but this was done entirely on theoretical grounds which would be met as well in the place just indicated, and which is generally fixed upon by the writers who regard the Vale of Siddim as at the south end of the Dead Sea. Additionally, the statement of Genesis 19:23 that the sun had risen over the land when Lot came to Zoar is better understood as the sun had gone forth over the land, and Lot came to Zoar; that is, the sun had completed its daily course and was in the process of setting in the west by the time Lot reached Zoar. Firstly, a), when an assertion is made that something is NOT true, it is incumbent upon the one asserting that the subject in question is not true to show evidence for that assertion when challenged, and, b) it is patently absurd to claim that one cannot prove a negative. We have now on our right the cliffs of mount Sodom and on our left the scenery of the southern area of the Dead Sea. Josephus says (BJ, IV, viii, 4) that the Dead Sea extended "as far as Zoar of Arabia," while in Ant, I, xi, 4, he states that the place was still called Zoar. were discovered in Science because someone saw that the prevailing theories of Science You do know there is no evidence of them yet Where Is Sodom? God promises to spare Zoar when Lot pleads for it, because it is a small city: '"Behold, this city is near enough to flee there, and it is a little My thanks to Steve Collins. Zoar is first mentioned in Genesis 13:10 as one of the boundary cities that defined the region where Abraham's nephew Lot moved after they parted. After his visit to the site in 2014. Ellen White stated it best: "Whatever contradicts God's word, we may be . The so-called cities of the plain were Sodom, Gomorrah, Zoar, Admah, and Zeboiim. 1. 9. Her nobles flee to Zoar, to Eglath Shelishiyah; for they go up by the ascent of Luhith with weeping; for in the way of Horonaim, they raise up a cry of destruction. testimony, and plants bearing fruit that never come to ripeness: and a For those who are interested, I have read and written extensively on Tall el-Hammam versus what The Sacred Scriptures detail about Sodom and the other 4 Cities of the Kikkar. Collins fails to realize that the territory of Moab forbidden to Israel was in the heights above the Rift Valley. The absence of any geographic indication for the [Lisan] peninsulas existence on the Madaba Map leads to a similar conclusion. Is Sodom related to Pompeii (present day- in Italy Rome)? There is insufficient data available to precisely ascertain the year, month, and day on which Sodom, Gomorrah, and the other cities of the plain were destroyed, but there is sufficient data available to estimate the approximate time of day at which the destruction event occurred. There are records on the ancient crusade map in Madaba, Jordan placing the location of Zoar in the 6th century AD. Personally, i believe its not a myth but reality as the holy book (Bible) put it. I forgot there were 5 cities and not just Sodom and Gomorrah. ZOAR. Steven Collins is director of the Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project and dean of the College of Archaeology and Biblical History at Trinity Southwest University in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he also serves as curator of its ancient Near East collections. . I will also bless you, Jerusalem. "It is written (say the Gemarists), 'The sun was risen upon the earth, when Lot entered into Sodom.'--Now Sodom was four miles from Zoar." And many more. Halfway Point Between Hebron, CT and Zoar, OH. That God punishes the wicked is all over the Bible; St.Paul in many letters condemns perverts. would be located south of the Eph raim-Be njamin li ne. How does the NLT translate in Romans 8:2? Sodom and Gomorrah were only two of many kingdoms around the Jordan River valley and the Dead Sea region, also called the Valley of Siddim. It is commonly mentioned in connection with Gomorrah, but also with Admah and Zeboim, and on one occasion -- (Genesis 14:1) . Collinss attempt to move Zoar from near the mouth of the Zered to near the mouth of the Arnon is faulty as well (by the way, the Arnon River is depicted on the Madaba Map, further north). the king of Gomorrah, Shinab, the king of Admah, and Shemeber, the This bias flies in the face of the archaeological evidence indicating that no one has ever lived even close to the long lifespans referenced in the Bible. If the cities of the plain could defeat the invading . Collins locates Zoar near the Arnon River (Collins 2020; cf. Based on numerous data-sets dealing with ancient Dead Sea levels, its clear that during the Roman and Byzantine Period the level of the Dead Sea was even lower than todayabout -440m. Did Abraham and Lot recognize their visitors as supernatural beings when they first saw them? But if one has his mind This web page explores some of the caves of this salt mountain, which are associated with . Not a BAS Library member yet? E-mail: [emailprotected] Before the destruction, the Dead Sea was a valley full of natural tar pits, . Think the 9/11 event of the times. Not helpful is posing a battle between BAR and historical, biblical studies. In the Bible, Sodom is the essence of evil: "The men of Sodom were wicked" ( Genesis 13:13 ). The place has not been definitely identified by modern explorers, but from Genesis 19:19-30 we infer that it was in the plain and not in the mountain. Link to first part below . Distance Between Zoar and Pretoria, Gauteng is : 1187 Km. into smoke and ashes. The 5th "city" in the list, Bela (aka Zoar) was really a village, Zoar means "little". The stories of Sodom and its destruction, whether historical or not, were clearly understood to have occurred near the Dead Sea, among the so-called cities of the plain mentioned in Genesis 13, verse 12. Four highly acclaimed books, published in conjunction with the Smithsonian Institution: Aspects of Monotheism, Feminist Approaches to the Bible, The Rise of Ancient Israel and The Search for Jesus. According to the story, Abraham's nephew Lot was living in Sodom at the time. both for the fruits it bore and the riches of its cities, although it For many of these locations, you will never find a written script because they pre-date writing. For one thing, Lot's virgin daughters were pledged to be married to men of Sodom. There are just two major wadis emptying into the north Dead Sea basin: the Wadi Mujib and the Wadi Zarqa-Main farther north. I have no doubt well find additional cities as the Israelis, Jordanians, Syrians and Palestinians continue to drain the Jordan for all its worth. Rather it should be, whether one believes they are historical or not. Maybe youll decide to become an atheist in the end. Since I wrote this 2013 article at the request of Hershel Shanks, a wealth of additional archaeological evidence has arisen in support of the identification of Tall el-Hammam as the seed-bed of the Sodom narratives (depending on your perspective, either historical Sodom or literary Sodom). From a purely geological perspective, no one can argue that there havent been earthquakes in this region. While Moses was standing on Nebo beside Shittim, viewed the promised land from Jericho to Zoar. I say that to note that I have looked/studied the geography each time I was there. zo'-ar (tso`ar; the Septuagint usually Segor, Zogora): The name of the city to which Lot escaped from Sodom (Genesis 19:20-23, 30), previously mentioned in Genesis 13:10; Genesis 14:2, 8, where its former name is said to have been Bela.In 19:22, its name is said to have been given because of its littleness, which also seems to have accounted for its being spared. Then, when asked for evidence of their assertion, they will either claim that, a) the burden of proof is not on them, but on those who claim the account is true, and/or, b) you cant prove a negative. In that specific part, I get the impression Lot was expecting people from Sodom would act as they did. He assumes that the large river representation on the map just north of Zoora (Zoar) is the Zered. The straight-line distance from Bethel/Ai to Hebron is ca. It was a sad ending for Lot, who started out so wealthy he needed to separate his flocks from Abraham, and ended up living in a cave, raped by his own daughters. Geisler, Norman L., and Joseph M. Holden. Abram travels north to rescue Lot. But in this case, the holy book (Bible) has given us an understanding and an idea about the place called Sodom and Gomorah thousand years before archaeologists now gave us the exact location Thus, the reverse is the case with myth. I do appreciate those who have substantive things to say. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Have any professional archaeologists investigated the ashen remains of Sodom & Gomorrah (as promoted by Ron Wyatt)? 5, p. 194). It is used in Africa by the elderly ones to explain what truly is real but they dont have its real explanations just to save themselves from I dont know whenever questions about mysterious issues are asked by the younger ones. Gen. 14.1-2 (LEB). A myth, according to the dictionary, is a commonly-held but false belief, a common misconception; a fictitious or imaginary person or thing; a popular conception about a real person or event which exaggerates or idealizes reality. will not overthrow the city of which you have spoken. As for the distance from Tall el-Hammam to Zoar at the confluence of the Arnon with the Dead Seait is 27 miles, not over 40 miles as Schlegel states. The Bay of Mazraa was always the main, if not the only, natural deepwater haven If Zoar were at Es-Safi, it never could have functioned as an efficient harbor.. We can learn about the society where the ancient Israelites, and later Jesus and the Apostles, lived through the modern discoveries that provide us clues. Therefore, His statement that I fail to realize that the territory of Moab forbidden to Israel was in the heights above the Rift Valley, and that the Rift Valley and the Dead Sea are distinct regions, which were not forbidden, to Israel as far as Zoar is just wishful thinking. Steven Collins, Director, Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project, Jordan Interestingly enough, it continues to grow taller at a rate . While driving @ 70km per hour from Zoar to Pretoria , you will get there in 16 Hours 57 minutes. Zoara, the biblical Zoar, previously called Bela (Genesis 14:8), was one of the five "cities of the plain" - a pentapolis at that time of Abram or Abraham named later, it was a highly fertile valley apparently located along the lower Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea plain and mentioned in the Book of Genesis.It was said to have been spared the "brimstone and fire" which destroyed Sodom and . The promise God made to Lot to preserve the city was fulfilled. The trip between Zoar and Pretoria will take 11 Hours 52 minutes if you drive 100km per hour. . The ruins of the Biblical cities were apparently still visible as late as 1650. . Isaiah 1:10. The Dead Sea? The mountains, 11KM long and 2KM maximum width, are made of salt mixed with other minerals. So, yes. Thats up to you, but if your faith has any merit at all, it will survive this and many other challenges. Link here: Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar. Therefore people like Krissy and Arlan may want to take a look to see if they can dismantle them, seeing as they dont believe Genesis really happened. would result in the cit ies' lineup as shown in g ure 3. Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed - The two angels arrived at Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gateway of the city. From the Lot was living in Sodom. We should not compromise by removing Christ from the calendar: Before Christ and In the Year of Our Lord. It's of no surprise since they're known for wickedness (Ezekiel 16:49). How to get the closed form solution from DSolve[]? Bible Reference & Map Description. Biblical Archa []. However, it is the location of Zeboim that we found the most incredible. The debate and research continues but people should not be so quick to dismiss this amazing site. If were going to accept radio-carbon dating for our bible manuscripts, and then turn around and reject it when it proves something wrong about the Bibles account, we are deluding ourselves. This is detailed quite nicely in Neev and Emerys geological work The Destruction of Sodom, Gomorrah and Jericho1 and numerous other geological resources. Josephus, F., & Whiston, W. (1987). The two men parted company: 12 Abram lived in the land of Canaan, while Lot lived among the cities of the . But by tradition Zoar was destroyed along with the other four cities, supposedly because Lot, after begging God to spare it, didn't trust God's promise to do so and fled into the caves. ; and further, it is written [ibid. Analysis and Interpretation of Scripture 1. If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? The community of Zoar was not originally organized as a commune, but its residents had a difficult time surviving in 1818 and early 1819. How did Dominion legally obtain text messages from Fox News hosts? 24 Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah - from the Lord out of the heavens. The number of distinct words in a sentence, Strange behavior of tikz-cd with remember picture. Where Is the Original Siloam Pool from the Bible? Isaiah 15:5 My heart cries out for Moab! Such an outstanding and picturesque tongue-like shore would not have been overlooked by the artist-cartographer of that map. They further state that Postures of two cargo vessels portrayed on the Madaba Map imply that the main traffic was between Zoar, port at the southeast corner of the north basin, and the north coast as close as possible to Jericho, the gate to Judea. You hold steadfastly to the chronology of Archbishop Usher without fully analyzing the consequences of that position. Radiocarbon analysis yields a destruction date of 1700 /-50 BCE (which is also well-confirmed by the pottery). Conder, who vigorously maintains that the Vale of Siddim is at the north end of the Dead Sea, looks favorably upon theory of W.H. I know that others disagree and encourage academic debate, but among Christians there should be a tenor of brotherhood. In the July/August 2013 issue, Collins responded to reader Shirley S. Reeds question on the location of Zoar. I also agree with Emerson and Randy (both 02/22/13) that as Christians one should never, ever, ever use BCE and CE. Summary of passage: The angels are urging Lot to hurry to leave Sodom with his family before it's too late. Combine a one-year tablet and print subscription to BAR with membership in the BAS Library to start your journey into the ancient past today! However, not all agree with Collinss assessment. Trinity Southwest University 7600 Jefferson NE, Suite 28 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109, USA (505) 332-4253 Why/why not? Lot and his daughters do not stay long in Zoar. Birch that the place is represented by the present Tell Shaghur, a white rocky mound at the foot of the Moab Mountains, a mile East of Beth-haram (Tell er-Rameh), 7 miles Northeast of the mouth of the Jordan, a locality remarkable for its stone monuments and well-supplied springs, but he acknowledges that the name is more like the Christian Segor than the original Zoar.George Frederick Wright. What can a lawyer do if the client wants him to be aquitted of everything despite serious evidence? Its exactly where its supposed to be, including being virtually due east of Hebron on the map! Im new to this debate, but has anyone seen the Bunch et al article (2021; doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-97778-3) that performs a detailed analysis of the geological evidence surrounding Tall el-Hamman and concludes that this area was likely destroyed by mid-air explosion of large meteorite, larger the Tunguska, Russia event in 1908. Why were the daughters of Lot reluctant to search for husbands outside the mountain? In all actuality, there is certainly logical evidence that God does indeed exist. ( as promoted distance from sodom to zoar Ron Wyatt ) an intense conflagration that left the Middle Age! Battle between BAR and historical, Biblical studies radio-carbon dating isnt the only method we use to things! 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