how far inland would a 3,000 ft tsunami go

As far inland as the first 1000 foot contour line line it would reach on the map. Heres your answer. Even if something were to happen, you are so far inland that I wouldnt be overly concerned. Clearly from style one person with many names has multi posted last night. Thanks so much! I, too have been having dreams. Railways offer great tonnage capacity for very narrow rights of ways vs. rubber tire infrastructure. Please, keep talking and prove that to be true, as well as ironically proving that you are the mindless person in this comments section! Also, should I pray the Lord would keep us safe? I couldnt find any other way to comment, so peanut_gallery im not really replying to YOU, just commenting in general. When disasters happen, people go into a phase of survive the fittest. Look to God, make sure that you are not walking in sin. It would take a wave from a meteor impact less an 70 minutes to propagate from there to inland Florida. This 9.2 earthquake will cause a tsunami that devastates the Hawaiian Islands too. Once they institute Martial Law, as the Bad Weather used as the Ploy, it will be too late too really do anything. Ken, thank you for providing a model of could potentially occur. I dont think you or I would be safe. Seriously? It would take an asteroid the size of Manhattan Island to generate such a ridiculous wave. Should I be concerned? The potential devastation would remain pretty much near the shoreline in this hypothetical scenario. News from comet Ison: Im inland 120 + miles141 meters of water will flood me. Topography is paramount. Yee -Ha ! God Bless. May God Bless you all. Ga has some foothills, away from rivers that would be a conduit for water incoming. Steve keep your eyes to the sky if the government does not tell you watch the sea birds when they move inland in very large numbers then move inland also. Time will tell. I could be wrong, but tell me your thoughts please. He is not a doomsdayer and has accurately been predicting volcanoes. Im also from west palm..there are a few tall buildings near me..if in the event a tsunami did happen would that be the best hope for survival?? Will the US follow suit for the sea level rise expected over the next few years? The 2nd dream is of the accompanying tsunami which heads northerly along the eastern sea board and reaching far inland killing millions. I Live in Philadelphia pa i know it will floor here so whst place would be safe for me to go? silver fox says; Science is good-up to a point-whatever knowledge man has learned has been perverted by Satan, so why would you trust it? Many people will be trying to flee, gridlock will be the order of the day. Long term drought leads to terrible losses of soil microbes for nitrogen fixation. Were told something is coming through message in movies and music.. There is no real evidence that this will occur. I also worry about our government and the way they would handle things after. If were gonna get wiped out, whats the best plan escape plan? put your head between your legs and kiss your butt goodbye. Flooding can extend inland by 300 meters (~1000 feet) or more, covering large expanses of land with water and debris. At that altitude, there is almost no air pressure, and it is intensely cold. In the event of the near Puerto Rico predicted asteroid hit any prognosticators on how Sebring will fare ? Just dreams i know, but could God be trying to tell me something? So disappointed! No one noticed because were so brain washed!Its time to wake up and do some research guys..Please.. Still, it is the VOLUME of water under the wave that governs how far a wave will penetrate inland. I live in a small town called miramar in florida which is 13 miles inland.The problem is, i live right next to a canal that leads to North Miamai beach, If a tsunami hits is Allentown pa safe its only an hour away from Philly, Should we head north into mountains if we live in Allentown pa. I live a few miles from Monterey Bay and 100 miles from San Francisco. Ward. Any advice? If it reaches AZ from the east coast, 1/2 of the USA would be gone. Do you have any further depictions of the northern 4/5ths of Maine? *Used to live there. Yea. There is a 100% chance that part of the Canary Islands will collapse and cause a tsunami. Ive Been worried about this for years, We peay and believe the Lord for guidance and strength. New Jersey does not have the elevation or distance from the coast to assure safety. over the entire US. Thank you so much for this but my question is this if a mega-tsunami hits the coast will be an earth quake as well I live in Michigan I know Im in land quit a bit An have felt the Holy Spirit tell me tech tonic plates back in the summer when they started to peel apart I know just the devastation alone is not all well have to worry about industrial plants that will be exposed to the ocean will contaminate it plus many other things but lets say these plates move if Michigan feels those whats the point system because ive seen things that God has shown me that when that happens Detroit is built on top of salt mines plus Michigan has the most resource for fresh water 3 lakes would be contaminated Detroit an some surrounding areas would be under water because lets face it that water is going to go somewhere can you please answer any of these questions It is secured with a stainless steel cable to the ground, and it is very heavy duty. That means dont put it off, now is the time to come to Him. How about a 300 foot cinder block wall? This event would likely lead to a mega tsunami that travels across the Atlantic and devastates the East Coast of the United States. I am about 74 miles from the coast as the crow flys. Nice to have a mountain range or two between. . Will Rocky Point, NC be safe? So a Tsunami would need to be 800,000 feet high to across the entire state. If you are miles inland even the West Coast (Tampa, Sarasota, Napels) is pretty safe (except for hurricanes). Sadly I live in Miami. But I am curious. Lets pray God will talk to us any way He choose in order for us to be ready. But its not going to be an asteroid / tsunami in September. Could someone that is familiar on how to calculate the waves radius inland tell me that information? Go from September 22nd-September 25th. If a tsunami hits Anywhere, Florida the best thing you could do is try to get to a boat or surf-board and aim it at Mexico!!! Yeah and on those boxes of Ensure is a number 00701. the oil rigs in the open waters. There was a movie where a heavenly body hit the earth, and on a box of insure were a ton of numbers, those numbers are the exact zip code of where the astroid is said to hit in September. I live in Rincon Ga. Would we really be underwater? Will Elizabeth, Linden NJ be affected? How does ANYBODY think they have the right to keep a Tsunami from destroying property and killing people!!! If we look up at the direction of the sun with our telescopes, it is practically impossible to detect anything coming our way. The future global event will be here in about less than 7 years from now. I beg to differ. You wont be safe in Philly. I wish I had a boat cause I would get across the Delaware river as quick as I could and would go straight to the poconos or state forest and hide out. Saw a big wave take down New York in one of my dreams. Moved off of Long Island to non coastal New Hampshire. Most of which will consume you if you let it, life is too short. Preparation is key. What state should I move to? I cant see an event in the mid-Atlantic affecting the Pacific NW to any great degree. You will see the wave coming at you and the Govt will still be saying its just your imagination. 1) If you believe your dream was real, I will not doubt you as a dowser there are many things I have seen in my dreams which come true with in a period of time. Subsequent preparedness might involve the basics, like having a plan and/or an evacuation plan. how big of a tsunami will this cause, and will the continents break apart ? Know why? Nothing more than seeking confirmation of your own delusions of safety and looking for a reason to tell yourself not to worry, in an area that is OBVIOUSLY at risk! Were in Westbrook Ct. Been reading about the LaPalma Volcano. WHAT does it mean when by the city it says 10 Look it up get yourself and family right with GOD. silver fox says: William Branham prophesied that the west coast would have an earthquake that would kill millions. Well, guess your god became busy unleashing his wrath somewhere else, but keep on repenting. Essentially a delta area, there are no rock outcroppings to afford safety from tidal waves that will strike the coastline at a height of 500-600 feet, diminishing only well inland to an average wash over the state of 100 feet above sea level. of a wall of water as it hits land, urban areas, estuaries, bays, hills, etc. Would any parts of neighboring New Jersey, the New England States, or Pennsylvania be survival options. .. one dropped near nyc and the other near dc , how would we fare ? There are WAY too many people who will live through the initial wave who will think they can live off the land. Soil will wash from under buildings so that they topple. I m in Hollywood,Fl 3 mins from me is Ft. Lauderdale. I think its time to start witnessing as much as possible, and being a light to the world, being the love of Christ to those in need. If this were to happen though, would they alert the media so we would have enough time to drive out of florida? Duhh. Sadly my favorite state Florida will be completely gone because its barely above sea level :( Id honestly get away from there! Maybe go camping for a few days? Yes, we should witness others who are lost in this world. I have dreams that come true often. Will we get hit by an asteroid/comet on September 24 no. I must have had too much time on my hands back then plotting several east coast elevation maps: IF a 300 foot tsunami reached the East Coast, how far inland would it go? My mind is kinda blown. Look at the National Drought Monitor map. I live on the Gulf coast of Florida, which I believe WILL be underwater someday, and have been in prayer regarding a move to Northeast Ohio. Wondering how to plan a scape with my situation. By my estimates (I wrote a very long article about this once), at best if your gas tank was 3/4 full (since one cannot always top off a fuel tank), and if there was enormous traffic, and your credit cards/atm cards are not working, and gas station owners are worried themselves about evacuating (so hence no honest possibility of refueling), then one can probably only travel 100-150 miles AT MOST. I read that the Fault is over 700 and one article states over 800 miles long. Exactly this. In my dream it happened at the end of August of this year. Your model is based on a natural disaster ? etc etc etc. If you think this is wrong please tell me how, Quote: To say that a 300 ft wave will go completely across Florida because there is no topography to absorb is incorrect.. Doesnt show a 300 feet scenario, but it shows what the canary island landslide would produce. Look up the definition of Ensure, please do. This is how we can tell that a piano sounds like a piano at the same pitch, gain, and volume as a guitar playing the same sound. Now we understand that it is not the same sound, that is, a guitar sounds markedly different than piano. This energy depending on the materials of the matter it flows through, as well as its depth and epicenter size, can give a rather broad range of various types of waveforms with various energy dimensions and dynamics rather than simple or narrow range of vibrational tendencies. God is so good & His Love over flows your heart! You had better be above Sea Level minimum 400ft, I prefer 650+ft and have a Shelter built from the harsh Elements, Fire, 200mph Winds, Acid Rain, Rivers/Streams Flooding, and Earth Quakes if near a Faultline, in your area, and have Food and Supplies for at least 2 years. Im trying to do my research on everything is so much. We are looking forward to starting our eternal life in Heaven with God Almighty.rid of this decaying flesh mesh that keeps us trapped to a dying world. Is this accurate?. Preparing for one event such as a tsunami may be on your mind at this moment, but there are literally hundreds or thousands you should be ready for in life, the needle in the hay stack (tsunami) may be a focus for now, but try planning for the entire Hay Stack in a wind storm. Moving to higher elevation asap . Getting out of harms way before the others clog the roads. shut up and run , stock up on food , propaine , guns , aimo. Ken explained the maps were topographical, not predictive. There are too many people with gut feelings that something is about to happen to just not prepare. Does the Government have that kind of protocol in place right now? What about dothan alabama? The turbulence and debris will turn you into very small pieces of fish food right quickly. did anyone think of the nuclear power plants close to the ocean and gas and oil refinerys and naturial gas lines and how much will go down the st. lawerance sea way. Then I saw a Golden Lamb walking from the city of New York towards me. But even with the idea of a tsunami is not as likely as a lot of other threats that are around the pike. What I am giving you is a simple supposition of what could or possible see occurring by using simple deduction. Any place out of Staten Island would be a good place to relocate to. I dug up every comment he has made on this via Google. If any tsunami hit Floridas East Coastwere toast. As far as south Florida goes, arent you forgetting the Bahama bank and the Bahama islands? Grain alcohol would be an excellent medicinal barter item. Hello I live in Guyton GA I think we are in danger, can you tell me how many inches the water can be with a tsunami 300FT? North Florida might fare better with a lower wave, but from about Gainesville south, under water (from a lower, weaker tsunami). The probability of a Cumbre Vieja type generated mega Tsunami is likely very low in the Atlantic Basin please try to correct me with an expert if I am wrong. If you live in Connecticut like me, PLEASE TRY TO BE 100 MILES FROM THE COASTLINE AND 500FT ABOVE SEA LEVEL. It depends. I understand Florida will be devastated, with the infrastructure completely wiped out, but what are the chances of and actual wave making it that far. I am in Nokomis Fla , although its not mentioned , I do see many more sinkholes , the earth is expanding ..we see this in the earths plates ,looking back in history ..this has caused tsunamis . He is warning people in the United States that a tsunami will hit the eastcoast at 2am anytime now until December 2014. The North pole has already been moving. Well as a resident of Staten Island New York. Ah Bye Bye? hi, im a high school student in my final years i am doing a physic assignment i need to know how you calculated the distance a tsunami travel in land please if you could tell me. This would primarily be an east-coast event. When I finally made it back fully to my flesh and realized that I was laying on my bed dreaming, I noticed that my entire body was sweating profusely, it felt like if a fountain had burst from within me and there were drops of sweat literally on my entire flesh. But 300 feet is a good average. Also, the maps indicated here are purely elevation maps. Just a thought. Im going to insist that my grown kids pack a bug out bag and have an evacuation plan in check and I will be following whats happening over there very carefully!! remember that the locks were built over a century ago and it connects to all of the great lakes so would ohio be affected by this 300 foot wave via the great lakes? Like an underground shelter. He said he got the vision while in an unnamed east coast cityand he was shown the tsunami towering over the highest buildings in the city. An Asteroid event would garner and produce so much energy, and unbelievable wave heights, that when it the tsunami hits Florida, the land, being that Florida is mostly sand, soft rock, and underground aquifers, will give way and sink as the tsunami continues it assault westward towards the Gulf of Mexico. Even after crossing the Atlantic, a lateral collapse of Cumbre Vieja volcano could impose a great sequence of waves of 10-25 meters height on the shores of the Americas. How far inland can a 100 ft tsunami go?,, This blog is a few years to early. not with the Delaware River? Theyd strip the land of resources. (Cumbre Vieja is a volcanic ridge on the volcanic ocean island of La Palma in the Canary Islands.). or take into account the complexities of the previously mentioned factors. Well Me and my family are done for because we live in Burlington county pemberton nj and your map shows that we will get hit even thou my family and I live on a hill it will still hit us and I heard that when that tsunami happens it is from God because of how the people in America lies and believes in abortions and thinks its okay for people to be gay and I heard that after that tsunami in acouple of years from that point on Jesus is coming back and Im not trying to start a controversial argument or anything but of that tsunami happens it is time to start repenting and time to go home with God just saying but I just wanted to show and help you guys out so you guys can be safe thank you for showing me the map. A 10 meter tsunami goes 1.2 kilometers inland. The main reason that I posted this article had to do with the fact that LOTS and LOTS of people live very near the shoreline. Haha, I am in Bradenton on the west coast and I am wishful thinking too! the graphics that this author put together for this post, are very informative (even if only modeling a possible course of events). In 1992 a NASA Researcher first noticed Planet X coming into our System and he has mysteriously killed soon afterward. I cant even see a Cascadia fault tsunami affecting washougal. In the dream it was a beautiful day to be out in the ocean. We may be at our harms way of a 300 ft tsunami. Have a plan. Dont say you werent warned! All areas along the Eastern Coast will have to deal with tidal waves as a fact they cannot discount, during the coming pole shift. A little help, please? I LIVE IN OCALA FL WILL WE BE OK?ARE WE FAR ENOUGH INLAND? Building a wall would be racist, anyway. Hope nothing happens tho guys and you wont need this! So I would imagine that in the much flatter, much more low-lying east coast of the United States a tsunami 10x as tall (at 300 meters) would go 10x as far inland (so 50 km). Where did you get that information. While you might have a higher chance of acquiring marine life as a food source, salt, temperate weather, almost no freezing issues, on the minus side there are so many as to be innumerable. Do you feel the government ramp up in supplies in Fema Region 3 and them bringing in foreign troops is to prepare for this tsunami? The $10 shows a tsunami. Im over 60, husband severely disabled. 3 Dave Consiglio I am a citizen! You can not help the masses whos heads are buried in the sand like an ostrich. Im at 2250 elevation in the North Georgia mountains so if I see any boats or cars floating through the valley 98% of Georgia will have become a prime fishing or scuba diving spot. 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