if a salesperson lists a property, she cannot be:

He took another exclusive listing to sell Brown's grocery store for a $5,000 commission. There are five major corporate real estate firms in the immediate DC industry; JLL, Cushman & Wakefield, Newmark, Savills Studley and Cresa (At a Glance). 1. commission the broker is entitled to: 3. revert to an open listing On Friday, the salesperson goes to work for Broker Bob. 4. all of the above, The zoning commission has proposed a change that would dramatically impact the subject property in a broker's listing agreement. At closing, Henry discovers that the customary commission is 3%. Three days later, the two owners exchanged properties. 3. exclusive right to sell listing Advise the probate court of her intent to assume responsibility for the listing agreements However, a few days later, Harry spots a property for sale while driving home from work. Prior to acceptance, the listing broker discovers a zoning change that will affect the value of the property. 2. the selling broker 3. disclosed in writing after negotiations 1. signature of the principal However, Barnwell cancels the listing agreement two days later, before Ben has time to act. what is NOT a fiduciary duty that an agent has towards his client? you should inform the buyers agent of what you learned and let the buyer decide what to do, Sadie represented seller Stan when she listed his property. 2. seller 1125 Its January and the pool is empty. T/F? A. Jan 1. subagency 1. universal agency 1. inform the seller Jim must keep this information confidential for one year.cannot disclose to the buyer offers received on the seller's property . 2. buyer broker agreements terms may be disclosed to customers 1. accept or reject offers for the seller 4. 2. when the purchaser signs the title insurance policy Assuming the agreements are valid, which of the following statements is correct? She should present the WREAB before sitting down to discuss some marketing strategies and a possible listing price. 2. 1. yes, because the agreement was in force when harry bought the property a real estate broker has actual knowledge of structural damage to the floorboards of a house due to previous termite infestation. B. 2. cancel the contract, but only with written permission from the buyer 1. no, because jones did not buy the property himself 2. refuse to submit the offer to brandon until the name of the undisclosed buyer is given Three weeks later, Kelly moves out of the area and puts her license on inactive status. What do his clients give up when he represents them both as a dual agent? 3. exclusive right to sell listing Susan sells Tom's house to Pete. The listing agent should, disclose this condition to the buyer, as this is material fact, the lead based paint disclosure should be shared with buyers for dwellings that were built prior to, once a seller completes a residential property owners association disclosure statement, the (buyers agent is relieved of all duty to disclose material facts, buyers agent must ensure that his buyer client receives it, listing agent is relived of all duty to disclose material facts, seller cannot be held liable to any of the information on it), buyers agent must ensure that his buyer client receives it. (his employing broker only, his client only, his employing broker and client, neither broker or client), What does an agent owe to a client that he does NOT owe to a customer? (Section 475.215 (1), Florida Statutes) A Florida . 2. yes, because she is legally justified What type of listing should the broker acquire? 2. transact the clients affairs in a certain business 1. open listing 3. out of pocket expenses, but only if the client is in breach 3. 3. a person working for a multiple listing service 2. a prospective buyer intends to violate deed restrictions that run with the land yes this information could affect Doris negotiating position, What information would probably NOT be considered confidential? T/F? 4. In the email, Vera tells Tammy that she can only spend 200000 and wondered if any of the three properties she liked might be in her price range. 1. set by the MLS Is Steve's listing still active? 2. an exclusive agency listing Feeling as if he was taken advantage of, Henry refuses to pay Bob any more than a 3% commission. The salesperson just arrived, and there are currently 25,000 capsules in stock. 2. exclusive agency listing 0000004668 00000 n 3. real estate broker 3. exclusive agency 3, two brokers agree to charge the same commission rate on all property listed by their offices. 3. disclosure 1. it should be immediately given to broker alien 3. yes, unless a 6% commission is excessive 2. give it to barnwell 2. violates anti trust laws 2. give it to her broker 4. general, which of the following persons would likely not be an agent? 1. the listing broker has violated his fiduciary relationship with the seller This situation could involve all of the following agency relationships except: 4. accounting, Sam Slick lists his home with Clueless Kelly, a broker. State the null and alternative hypotheses from the perspective of road-safety groups. 2. yes, if the buyer pays a fee to the brokerage firm 3. no, if sally filed for bankruptcy When Ralph dies, his daughter (also a broker) inherits the brokerage business. With whom can Lane share this information? 2. a fiduciary See Page 1. 4612 17 If a salesperson accepts your payment or deposit, the salesperson must turn over this money to the broker with whom she or he is affiliated. 1. an open listing 2. there is a formal representation 4. foster should give ruotolo and gray one half of the commission, Susan and Sally enter into a buyer-broker agreement. 2. jim, a broker, advertises that his firm will only represent buyers (Ann who is selling her moms house to settle her estate, bob who is selling a property he owns to a coworker, Cathy who is selling her shirt of a condo to co owner Dave, Devin who is selling his 10 unit apt building). 4. establishing territories in which brokers may operate, A seller wants to list her home with a broker, but would like the option to sell it herself without paying a commission. 2. a ready and willing buyer has been found and a commission is due 1. co brokers 4. negotiated between buyer and seller, a seller entered into a valid contract with a buyer. 3. her broker 3. only a seller's agent an owner is listing his rental property with a broker. 1. real estate broker agreeing to charge the same commission rate 1. advise the owner that this restriction is illegal 3. if the seller dies prior to receiving an offer from a ready, willing, and able buyer 4. a fiduciary relationship, which circumstance would terminate an agency by operation of law? What should you do? Phil takes a listing on January 3rd. 2. two salespersons represent a different buyer and seller in the same transaction 1. deposit it in her escrow account The broker must: 3. a net listing Julie replies that to the best of her knowledge the roof is in good shape. Nothing is required because she is a licensed broker, Mr. Hardcase wants to reserve the right to sell his home to a co-worker, without paying a commission. 1. one Mr. Kyle has a 120-front-foot lot. 4. none of the above, Broker Lynch has an exclusive listing to sell Jones' hardware store for a $4,500 commission. Joseph wants to tell his property, so he invites agents from four different brokerages firms to interview before selecting the listing agent who suggests the highest listing price. 1. say that the seller will accept a few thousand less Which of the following listings would best serve Mr. Hardcase's interests? 0000007875 00000 n 2. no, because bob produced a ready, willing and able buyer Before it can be put in writing, the buyer backs out and revokes the verbal offer. 2. two commissions because wally was the procuring cause 1. the seller Samuels knows that this property is worth considerably more since the zoning for the property was recently changed to commercial. Each additional area code costs $54, up to a maximum annual fee of $14,850 for . 3. advise brandon that an undisclosed buyer is involved if he suspects joan is not the true offeror You are buyers agent for Doris, who is getting ready to make an offer on Clydes property. 3. no, because jenny found the property on her own 4. none of the above, when must a licensee disclose agency relationships? Select one: What type of listing agreement did the seller have? 2. the average commission 4. his broker, a broker obtains an open listing on a piece of property. 4. terminate on june 1st, salesperson sam works for broker betty. 3. state real estate commission Has the broker done anything wrong? 1. destruction of the property You must search the national Do Not Call registry at least every 31 days. FDIC, Seller Corcoran is in very poor health and cannot work on his farm anymore. Jan's broker owes a fiduciary duty to: 3. any legal act Which of these statements is TRUE? 4. either 2 or 3, A buyer's broker presents an offer on a property listed by another broker. 4. none of the above, who is an intermediary between a buyer and a seller? 3. yes, but dan risks causing a breach himself 3. yes, because it is contrary to corcorans interest Brenda agrees, which could be an example of willful omission, Broker mike relied on his seller clients word about the age of the furnace, and so indicated on the MLS that it was two years old, when in fact it was 12 years old. Your seller client tells you that she wants to sell her property because it holds too many sad memories, as it is where her son died of AIDS. 1. mutual consent In fact the roof has a leak that her seller client never told her about. 4. unilateral action, Two salespersons have been assigned as designated agents in a real estate transaction. The broker has breach (the duty of confidentiality, duty of disclosure, duty of fair dealing, no fiduciary duty). At this time, which of the following statements is true? Whenever real estate agents sell a home they are required to. Nevertheless, the broker may NOT disclose which of the following items to his client? 2. the buyer 4. the listing automatically terminate, if an owner gives a listing to more than one broker, it would most likely be which type of listing? Is he legally allowed to do this? Judy must (advocate equally for both clients in negotiations, bring in another broker from her brokerage to assists, disclose material facts about the transaction to both clients, share confidential information if it helps move the transaction along), disclose material facts about the transaction to both clients, Joe's real estate brokerage practices dual agency, Broker Sara brings Joe a listing agreement with a seller. At the end of two weeks, Chris informs Cheryl that the agreement is no longer binding. Broker E tells the landowner that she can sell the lots. 1. mutual agreement 3. no more than two brokers may attempt to sell the property which of the following statements is true for the situation? 4500 This statement could be interpreted as: Which type of agent has the greatest authority? 3. it should be immediately given to the seller 2. an exclusive agency 3. yes, because jones did not increase the list price 1. exclusive buyer agency agreement 3. wila must wait 90 days before she can list the property with another broker 2. implied if you take the listing, you should assure the sellers that you will not disclose this information, who is obligated to complete a residential property owners association disclosure statement? %%EOF 1. an exclusive agency Prospective buyer Vera sends an email to broker Tammy after looking at available properties on her website. 0000004183 00000 n 3. agent and subagent Which statement is true? such an action: 1. the seller must accept the offer 3. death of the salesperson 2. local association of realtors What type of listing did Sam have? 4. no, so long as the agreement was not an exclusive buyer agreement, no, so long as the agreement was not an exclusive buyer agreement, what is the agency relationship between cooperating brokers (listing broker and selling broker) who are members of the MLS? 3. cancel the contract, but with liability to the broker for any expenses A buyer submits a written offer and the seller accepts it. The owners have been interviewing sales people from different firms. 4. accounting, Jan accepts Jenny's offer to purchase. 1. the couple should file a discrimination suit against tom, the owner of the property 1. open listing 2. a customer The seller tells the broker that if necessary, she will accept $185,000. 4. nothing until the papers are ratified, a full commission because he fully performed, buyer broker agreements could be: 4. Peter is selling his property, and his agent gives him the residential property and owners association disclosure statement to complete. 2. a trustor relationship 1. yes, if the purchaser receives a comparison of available interest rates (accountability, confidentiality, undivided loyalty, reasonable care), Frank is a real estate broker with Top Realty. According to Article 1 of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice of the National Association of Real (2) Family members or other interest. 1. buyer (the county is going to build a new exit ramp on the road where the property is located, the current homeowner of the listed property has lost his job and must sell quickly, the barn on the back of the property has been condemned by the township, the pig farm behind the listed property is caused of allowing toxic runoff into the groundwater), the current homeowner of the listed property has lost his job and must sell quickly. 4. exclusive right to sell listing, when does an open listing terminate? Proper agency disclosures have been made. Herb buyer client Jim is interested in Ricks property. 4. voic, Ralph is an independent broker. Is Harry required to pay a commission to David? 2. general agency 3. broker representing both buyer and seller, without consent of either 3. exclusive right to sell However the listing agent recognized the early signs of termite infestation. Which of the following statements is true about the listing? (the agent must assist Peter in completing the form, the agent must sign the form after walking through the property with Peter, Peter must hire a home inspector to ensure he completed the form correctly, Peter should complete the form to the best of his knowledge), Peter should complete the form to the best of his knowledge, What is the purpose of the mineral oil and gas rights mandatory disclosure statement? 2. special agency 1. in writing 4. a prospective purchaser is a member of a particular minority race, a prospective purchaser (who asked the seller to hold a purchase money mortgage) has a history of bad credit, By virtue of a signed listing agreement, the broker will generally have authority to do all of the following actions without the seller's consent, EXCEPT: 4. the listing is automatically terminated, salesperson lynch found a home for a buyer, who agreed to pay a commission for this service. 1. the broker had found a buyer and has earned his commission 3. a claimant However, the property is later sold by another broker. You keep this information to yourself. A. Mr. Gregory is Gary's principal The seller instruct you not to tell any buyer about the accident. 3. a prospective purchaser (who asked the seller to hold a purchase money mortgage) has a history of bad credit T/F A personal representative who creates a pattern of sales does not need a real estate license. 1. an exclusive right to sell listing 4. no, because jon must perform, yes, regardless of whether jon is the client, A broker wants to be compensated if anyone else sells his listed property during the listing period. it indicates whether any mineral, oil or gas rights have been severed. Renegotiate Ralph's current listings Corcoran's broker discloses this fact to prospective buyers. Based on the residential lead based paint hazard reduction act, what must a seller do? 2. no, because jon has an unacceptable reason 4, yes, because corcorans status is protected by federal fair housing laws, yes, because it is contrary to corcorans interest, which of the following listing agreements is LEAST likely to specify a commission rate? 1. express 3. exclusive right to sell listing 3. to be accountable for documents and funds 2. net listing 2. a thankful buyer 4. advertise property at lower than the list price, agency relationships include all of the following duties, except: 3. not valid unless its in writing 1. a principal 3. an exclusive agency listing 2. earning interest for the brokers clients 4. the buyer, a seller agrees to split all commission between the brokerage firm and his unlicensed brother. 1. yes, because gwen and steve had a valid exclusive right to sell listing 4. both 1 & 2, which of the following statements is true about an open listing? Tetracycline is one of its most prescribed antibiotics, with an average daily demand of 2,000 capsules. 1. the signature of the owner of the property What should Ben do with the earnest money that he received with the offer to purchase? 3. the listing remains valid Who is a dual agent in this scenario? 4. all of the above, jon is an agent for betty the buyer. 0 3. the broker has violated a fiduciary duty Based on past experience, the owner thinks that females cause less damage. 1. no, because it is a material fact 3. a special listing Assuming that all of these listings are valid, which of the following statements is true? 3. net listing On Tuesday, Jose and Maria (a minority couple) contact Gary to see Tom's house. 2. mortgage broker h}LgkKKQkabyqiT_*L]+V8LbQ$d(%hb}z0v=s~ ~O z1apN}Q|. 2. use the services of the salespersons in his own brokerage firm which term best describes these relationships? Before closing, Susan also negotiates a valid option contract with Pete for Tom's adjoining lot, which is listed at $150,000. 2. any act required advise the owner that this restriction is illegal. 0000000653 00000 n 1. open listing The listing is a 60-day exclusive right-to-sell agreement. 3. could, at the discretion of the owner, be disclosed to prospective buyers 2. open listing A way of predicting the outcome of an event is known as ___. 1. no, only joe may terminate the contract without a breach 4. exclusive right to sell listing, Jon and Jacob are parties to a valid agency agreement. 3. yes, if it is a multiple listing Select one: 1. not mention the condition of the roof because of the fiduciary responsibility to the seller (advise and counsel on negotiation strategies, assist with inspections, disclose latent defects, recommend prices to ask or offer), assist with inspections and disclose latent defects, Of these which is MOST LIKELY to be a duty that a broker DOES NOT owe to a seller client? 2. jenny 1. correct, so long as the agreement was written T/F? 1. when the listing is taken 4. all of the above, Wilma lists her house with Broker Fred under an exclusive right-to-sell agreement. A parcel of vacant land 80 feet wide and 200 feet deep was sold for $200 per front foot. Wally will receive: 2. If the buyer agency agreement did not specifically credit the buyer for commission paid by the seller, Gail might be obligated to Pau her buyers broker 3%). 4. the state association of realtors, when does a broker earn commission? 1. foster must only pay ruotolo 1. his or her employees 1. the seller 1. when the sale on the home closes 3. the broker holds earnest money in his personal account until the offer is accepted or rejected 1. disclosed orally prior to negotiations Jenny's salesperson delivers the downpayment to Jan's salesperson. 0000004298 00000 n T/F Licensees provide agency representation to clients and customers in a real estate . 1. oral 2. no, because the term is potentially indefinite 2. permissible, so long as the seller agrees An exclusive right-to-sell 2. when the option period expires 2. special agency 0000005225 00000 n 4. an agent for the buyer and seller, a listing agreement will automatically terminate: 1. minorities are buying homes in a neighborhood where the seller wants to later buy property If the Department of Veteran's Affairs learns about the arrangement between the brokers, what will they do? In this situation, which of the following statements is correct? of the owner. After two weeks pass without being shown a satisfying property, Billy revokes the agreement. Ensuring that your information is up to date. All other statements are false), Which of these situations would MOST LIKELY trigger the need to present a WREAB? (Section 475.215 (2), Florida Statutes) A broker may hold multiple broker's licenses and can work as a broker in multiple real estate companies. 4. impermissible, unless approved by the local board of realtors, impermissible, unless the brother is licensed, the relationship between a seller and a listing broker is that of a(n): 3. a general agent 4. to be loyal to the client, which of the following choices would terminate a buyer broker agreement? 1. there must be a definite termination date in the listing 1. the broker may tell the buyer that the seller wants to sell her house quickly this relationship could exist by virtue of: How many capsules should be ordered? 4. the contract is valid and must be as agreed, cancel the contract without obligation to either buyer or broker, two brokers agree that they will charge the same commission rate on all property listed by their offices. 4. wilma must file a notice of abandonment, a general agency empowers the agent to: 2. revoke the licenses of both brokers 3. no, unless joe is in breach of the terms 3. violates both RESPA and regulation Z Even a slight mistake could end up costing a lot of money; a lot of stress; and, worst of all, tarnish your reputation . 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