rarest personality type female in order

Advocates have a unique combination of qualities that allow them to see the world in a completely different way than other personality types. As INFJs are more likely to struggle with self-expression and connecting with those around them, these social difficulties can make it difficult for them to be recognized and appreciated for their skills, which further adds to their rareity. *Types that are dominated by MEN: ESTPs 70% being male and 30% being female. Reading your story I can relate. But each letter represents a category that . *J (judging) types vs P (perceiving) types: 52.5% VS 47.5%. The INFJ female comes in third on this list. For women, the personality type is rarer at just 2%, making it one of the rarest personality types. They are also the third rarest type. The personality type of a girl will be determined by a variety of factors, including her upbringing, environment, life experiences, and her own unique disposition. I'm an ENTJ. They often take more of an objective approach to situations and value logic and hard facts over emotion and feelings. Linda, follow your heart, for it cannot lie to you like your brain is apt to do. Read More 11 Signs Someone Truly Misses YouContinue. Decisive and insightful, they tend to pioneer new paths in technology and business. However, the INTJ and ENTJ personality types are associated with being strategic, assertive and analytical. You like the fact that you are ranked in one of the rarest personality styles, but feel that you belong in the top rarest rank of INTJ. woah, a 21 year old female INFJ here and I have been asking myself the same questions all the time! However, according to the Myers-Briggs Personality Model, the rarest personality type in females is the INTJ, or Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging type. Natural leaders but hate leading 3. Regards, Mr. Seer: having the rarest of all and is the only one possessing all 16 making now a 17th trait shared by nobody but yours truly!!! Most are artistically gifted, and even if they don't make a living from the arts, they are involved in them somehow. They make up about 1.6% of the worlds population. ENTJs likely career paths include entrepreneurship and management. They make up less than 1% of the earth's population. Every fruit comes from a flower before it. They usually strive to make sense of the world through logic and analysis, and can become bored when things become too predictable. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". The Ultimate Guide to the INFJ and INTJ Relationship, Am I an INFJ? INFJ. However, understanding the characteristics of the aforementioned types may give an idea of the tendencies found among certain types of women. Also, this post is not an intro to a whole section on the 16 personality types. Surveys and the like aren't reliable for finding out what percentage of the population is and isn't something simply because a very limited . They often feel misunderstood because they are so different from the majority. They make up about 1.7% of the worlds population. you can start reading with the8 functions, intjs' function stack are Ni Te Fi Se. Rarest Female Personality Type INTJ According to statistics, the INTJ personality type is the most rare among females. They are the rarest type because this function is so complex and not so many people can handle it. One of the main strengths of the ISFJ is their ability to take care of others. Of course human males also have an active part in child-rearing and displaying empathy, but their secondary role would be enough to account for the difference. Personality types can vary geographically with some personality types occurring more frequently and more rarely depending on the country, region or environment. They make up: . *F (feeling) types VS T (thinking) types: 47.9% VS 52.1%. INFJs are referred to as the Advocate personality type, according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. What they don't see is that inside I care incredibly deeply about everything and if I get too caught up in one topic I can be dragged down so many rabbit holes and end up no where. They tend to be less capable at reading their own emotions and the emotions of others. Experts: Jodie Solberg, CHT , mental . The reason behind it: INFJ is considered to be the rarest personality type, making up less than 2 percent of the world's entire population. Architects strongly believe that, through willpower and intelligence, they can . I actually thought I would receive another result, at least after having done 5 different. I feel like the teenager in school that keeps disrupting class to get attention from the hot teacher. ISTP females round up the top 5. They are also quite entrepreneurial. They are deep thinkers, and they like to spend time alone thinking about the world and how it works. They are introverted yet strongly in touch with their feelings and highly intuitive. Looking at this table, you can see the most common types across the bottom two rows and in the left two columns. What are the things that men find very attractive in women? And in the information you get, after have done the tests, it stood it's the rarest personality of all 16 types, all over the world, with just less than 2% having this personality. Copyright 2021, Truity. ENTJ is actually the rarest. Yer that's just how I internalise my life,y life happens insidey head and very few if any people will get to experience my life within. ISFPs ISFPs are spontaneous and creative, always seeking beauty in their surroundings. ), that quite possibly what you were actually attempting to indicate was how such a condescending individual as yourself becomes rejuvenated when engorged on ego-fattening self importance and armed pessimism. when i was 13 someone said that after some years everything will change and get better. There are some questions about why this might be. They make up just 1.5% of the worlds population. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The least common Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) type for females is INTP (Introversion, Intuition, Thinking, Perceiving). But we are meant to be here in the here and now. We are the advocates we have already thought it through. The letters INFJ stand for: introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging. INFJs have creative minds and they are artistic. What is the sexiest mammal on Table Mountain? ENFJs are more likely to be type 2 or type 3 in the enneagram. In this post, we will give you a brief overview of each of the 16 personality types and the percentage they make up of the global population. Excuse me for being judgmental, I would say any and all of this face to face with you and youd cower oft into the sunset of your oddly peculiar preteen smelling room reminiscent of the 6th grade locker room. But NO! Equality. INFPs are the 8th rarest personality type. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. The Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator is a self-report inventory designed to identify a person's personality type, strengths, and preferences. They make up about 2.8% of the worlds population. Thank you Reid for beutifully telling Dan to Fuxk off! So, with that said, here are the nine types: Type 1: The Reformer. Of that 2%, men make up only 1%, making INFJ the rarest personality type for men, specifically. Cluster . Read More 12 Relationship Red Flags In Someone You Should NEVER IgnoreContinue. I had to learn to police every thought which came in to my mind so that I didn't spiral. Famous fictional characters include Jon Snow and Captain America. We all are broken, nothing in this world could offer that could ever make us whole. The DSM-5 lists 10 personality disorders and allocates each to one of three groups or "clusters": A, B, or C. Cluster A (Odd, bizarre, eccentric) Paranoid PD. And I still prefer to be me. Theyre analytical and logical, always looking for new ways to improve their relationships. There are certain behaviors in a relationship that should never be ignored, no matter how small they seem. Don't worry about the small stuff. Theyre the ones who always know how to make everyone feelcomfortableand theyre always quick to lend a helping hand. It's so strange since family and people mean so much to me and I will help anyone who needs it. If you are an ISTJ, you are introverted, sensing, thinking, and judging. They are tied with type 5 for first place. You Are Highly in Tune with Your World. This coming from a 56 yo INTJ female ??. 3. It is also the rarest personality type among men. So Special snowflakes be like: : mbti. The rarest personality type is the INFJ (The Advocate). The mmmm.. latter of a thirty something year olds room (maybe 36 those were Tesla numbers, 9 is also included in there) that mom goes in to spray febreze in to every morning so as to attempt to contain the smell to the lower basement room so that her friends can have a somewhat comfortable day of playing pinochle.. that is until Mrs. Debbie starts with her incontinence and ole Mrs. Gretchen believes shes silently letting her flatulence escape her decomposing body. Don't let people, things or events define who you are. It merits noting that while each person only has one Enneagram type, you'll notice that you have traits of others as well. 0.5% of all woman are INTJ. I dont know if I will find a really good answer to that question in the near future neither a solution to the sadness that comes with it sometimes. This unique combination is hard to find in most people. The next on the list is the ENTJ. Women, however, only make up 0.8% of the population for INTJs. They are also very strong and will always stand up after a fall. Type 2: The Helper. At-Home Workout Routines by Enneagram Type, Seer of oddballs and rejected froots n nuts (not verified), 5 Reasons to Learn More About your Enneagram Type, The Difference Between an Assertive versus Turbulent Personality Type, 20 Signs You Have a Sensing Personality Type, INFJ personality type, known as The Counselor. People with this personality type are introverted, intuitive, thinking, and perceiving. It's a rare combo and needs to be appreciated more because there aren't that many of us out there. Fire: short fingers and rectangular palms. Learn about who you are before you get into another bad or the first bad relationship. This personality type can be found in 3% of the general population. . For women, however, the rarest personality type is INTJ and ENTJ. ISTPs can be impulsive and sometimes even reckless. Bc I'm pretty sure that one other personality,that's also quite rare, would fit me betterINTJ. In this post, we cover each of these essentials and explain what it takes to be a successful leader. 2% of the population and are considered the rarest of all personality types. Some of these are physical features, while others have to do with a womans personality or how she carries herself. Ultimately, the most important thing to remember about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is that there is no one size fits all type, and celebrating diversity means we can all take comfort in the fact that we are all unique. The Aesthete, the Romantic, the Artiste: these are some of the titles bestowed upon the Four, the rarest Enneagram type. Steve has worked with diverse populations and in variety of a settings, from community clinics to SF General Hospital. They want to be good and to be seen as good. Intuition types look at the broader concepts and the overview of generally whats going on, the big picture. You Are an Idealist with Fantastic Follow-Through. 10 Traits Of The Mysterious INFJ Personality Type. But I'm a woman (& had to fill in both gender & age when doing the tests), andwill be 45 years old in 6 months, so I know myself very well & I have worked both very hard & a lot with myself, mentally & emotionally since I was 22. INFJ is the rarest personality type across the population, occurring in just 2% of the population. Water: long fingers and rectangular palms. Even now. Steven Melendy, PsyD., is a Clinical Psychologist who received his doctorate from The Wright Institute in Berkeley, California. Perhaps it's because INFJ is the rarest MBTI personality type, making up only 1% to 3% of the U.S. population. Through their social skills and empathy, they are acutely aware . Come on Lindago with what you got. These are the go-getters of the enneagram. Not that is matters as we are who are, but is that an opinion on which is rarest or do you have factual evidence to prove your opinion? He believes strongly in the importance of self-care, good friendships, and humor whenever possible. Anyone who understands the underpinnings of healthy identity formation (and has made development in that area) won't base their self value on being the 'rarest'. ESFJs are known for their caring nature and their ability to bring people together. Honestly, this whole thing surrounding which type is the rarest is overall just marketing from websites, Youtube channels to whatever. For these two types, loneliness is often a choice, as opposed to a need. They know what they want. There has been a huge swing compared to the old data here, from most identifying themselves as feelers to now, as thinkers. It appears to this humble writer that you have uncovered a critical flaw in Ms. Linda's query, that being the aforementioned paradox of dishonesty that you so tactlessly pinpointed. INTJs are known for being loyal friends and partners. In order to become a leader, you need to understand the 14 essentials. Be happy you are alive today. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Theyre natural salespeople, and they have the ability to talk their way into (or out of) anything. Yoo can doo it!!! Sigma females eventually come out on top because of their self-confidence, determination, and drive. Female INTJs account for about 0.5 percent of all females surveyed. This personality type makes up less than 2% of the world's population! This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Type 2s are the 3rd rarest on the charts. I can see you really want to be an oddball. Let it go. Theyre hardworkers who always put their duty first. The percentage of people whose initial type judgement remained the same ranged from 79% to 100%, depending on type, with an average stability of 85%. The understanding of personality is crucial in both personal and professional life. Nothing was true. Everything else would sooner or later just have made me so lonely, miserable & feel that my life only was totally meaningless & not even worth living so then I would have ended everything. INFJ stands for Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging. Type 5 The Sherlock Holmes of the enneagram is type 5. They are not called advocates for no reason. Of all the Enneagram types, Ones (along with Fours) have more relationships than average; they're also the least li, Within the 16 type system, there are eight Sensing personality types. INFJ isnt the only personality type thats hard to find! It Takes You a While to Make Decisions. The rarest personality in the world is the INFJ, a complex, intricate type that less than one percent of people have. please friends ..Give me a penny of thoughts. They are also efficient and love a bit of structure in their lives. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'coalitionbrewing_com-leader-4','ezslot_14',155,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-coalitionbrewing_com-leader-4-0');The other four types are less likely to identify as loners, though it does not mean they never do so. It's about how being a rare personality effects all areas of my life! As the other has said. Im ENTP, female. I wasnt even here as nobody saw me. Type 8s are the alphas of the enneagram. While INFJ is the rarest personality type, that doesnt make it any better or worse than the other personality types. If you are looking for an answer. you just need to be patient my friend. They are independent thinkers who like to solve problems in their own unique way. The rarest of all the different personality types is the INFJ. Thats probably the way to describe the feelings I have frequently. And its very helpful to understand - after all to understand other peoples reactions on my personality too. Judgers tend to look for order and structure and will prioritize planning over spontaneity. They prefer creative and innovative problem-solving and brainstorming, and often think outside the box. Maybe they are making choices or exhibiting behaviors that give them a different type on a personality test. It is difficult to definitively identify the most common female personality type, as personality is highly subjective and individuals vary greatly. To this type, its all about the image and what they bring to the table. I think this artical is very interesting and very helpful and reminds me, that I am one of the top rare personalities out there. Personality types can be fun to explore. I have take 5 different personality tests, based on this and got the same result every time: INFJ. Only ~0.8% of the human population are INTJ females, so they are also the rarest personality type. They are natural leaders who are confident and assertive. When he's not writing, he's reading and discussing his many scattered ideas. Type 8 Often known as the hero or the protector, type 8 is often seen as confident and assertive. They also encourage people to be their best and often have a hard time believing anythingbad about the people who are close to them. Im curious. Just because people speak to a bunch of people online doesnt make them extroverts, in fact its more of an introverted trait. Females with this type tend to be loyal and supportive, devoted to meeting other peoples needs, and highly organized. They want to be successful and seen as successful. ?multiple times reading your reply to Dearest Dan, whom pointed outHonest Linda's blatent deceit. However, broad trends have been identified that may provide an answer to this question. ?? 1. i did the 16 personality test like 5 times and it always came something different, first i took it like a year ago and then i recently took it again and a whole different results came, but it didn't really matched as well as the previous result, then i retook it again and again something different came out and i think i even took one test at least from a different side, "From a very confused woman, who doesn't really know where she belongs (nowhere, I'm an alien??) While INFJs are generally understood to be the rarest personality type, there are some other factors to bear in mind. Heres an article on the INTJ female. Which makes me believe you're not truly an INFJ, but it doesn't really matter. ? It is also the rarest personality type among men. Seeing the situation of the world and a lot of people's sufferings, I felt helpless. ISFJs are usually very dependable and practical, and deeply value close relationships. INFPs are so rare because of the following 5 reasons - Leadership. Or what others think of you. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'anyintrovert_com-leader-3','ezslot_12',132,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-anyintrovert_com-leader-3-0');They make up just 0.5% of the worlds population. They make up just 1.5% of the world's population. And yes, I think I may have this personality, but not 100%. The most important thing is to remember that each personality type brings its own unique set of strengths and weaknesses. In conclusion, INFJs are rare because of their unique combination of traits, which give them strengths, but also can cause them difficulty in some social situations. INFJs are hands-down the rarest personality type in the world. To find out more about the 16 type system, read this next or take the test to find out your personality type! What makes the INTJ female so attractive? Welcome to the rarest. At the same time, individuals who possess Judging (J) qualities may be more likely to be ready to commit to having children, while those more characterized by the Perceiving (P) trait may prefer to keep their life unstructured and thus be less likely to have children. They are always looking for waysto improve and grow, both personally and professionally. all of those problems got WORSE and every new day makes the problems much bigger. According to the famous Myers-Briggs personality type indicator, there are a total of 16different personality types. Sensing types like to look at the facts and what is observable, improvable. Entj is now the rarest. Undeniable Signs This Could Be You. Heres everything you need to know about the rarest personality type, including traits, gender differences and other uncommon types. Other MBTI types commonly identified in girls include INFP (The Mediator), ESFJ (The Caregiver), and INFJ (The Counselor). ENTJs make up about 1.8% of the worlds population. If you are an ISFP, you are introverted, sensing, feeling, and perceiving. Other common types among women include the ESFJ (extraversion, sensing, feeling, judging), INFJ (introversion, intuition, feeling, judging), ESFP (extraversion, sensing, feeling, perceiving), and INFP (introversion, intuition, feeling, perceiving) types. yes everything did change. I'll enjoy yourresponse either way. This personality type tends to be reserved and private so you can expect any exchange with them to be courteous. This is just more likely to be their type. If youre an ENFJ, congratulations! All the rarest personality types have one thing in common: they are Intuitives rather than Sensors. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'anyintrovert_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',104,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-anyintrovert_com-medrectangle-3-0');So, lets get started. And ignore those who try to define you, INTP: gotta say I'm not surprised Ns are rarer than Ss, and I'm glad that Ps are more common than Js. Not a single lie ever again! Three percent of men are INTJ personality types, yet fewer than one percent of women hold this trait. INTJs make up just 2% of the general population and account for 3% of men and just 1% of women. These are emotionally intelligent females who mix compassion with intuition. INFPs are among the rarest types, at around 1% of the population, according to Dario Nardi, Ph.D., a personality expert and author of Neuroscience of Personality . They are also called the most rational feelers in the world. In this post, we outline 12 of the most common red flags to watch out for in a potential partner. They are nicknamed "the Advocate" and have been described as "mysterious," "intuitive," and "emotionally intelligent" yet the INFJ type as a whole is often misunderstood. The One who loves us. How rare are INFPs? How do you disinfect towels in the washing machine. ISFJ The Protector 13.8%. 4. The more common personality types tend to be Sensors. (There's an "N" in some of these Myers-Briggs personality types to . ESFPs are outgoing, fun-loving people. 1. When combined, they paint the INFJ as an introverted, sensitive, innovative, emotional, and . ? also- how can infj be"generally considered" AND the "undisputed" rarest? & had hoped that a personality test would give at least some sign of what to believe in i think you should read about the cognitive functions instead. ENTJs are now the rarest type, with INFJs being the 3rd. And I've struggled to keep that promise; I have never again lied to myself & very, very seldom to anyone else either. One of the main strengths of the ISFJ is their ability to take care of others. He used my MDD so I could see Him and whythis world works the way it is. 2. I appreciate and thank the person(people) that made this wonderful article!!! Ihope you have a sense of humor. or maybe I don't. Theyre also known for being flaky and sometimes even unreliable. ENTJs are now the rarest type, with INFJs being the 3rd. Their extroverted feeling function is likely to be particularly well-developed, and they most closely resemble their extroverted counterpart, the ENFJ. A true chameleon in its rarest form, clear. Have you ever wondered how rare your personality is? The right date and time came that God had set, He made me whole. Shoot I meant to reply to a comment sorry ? PleaseI am begging you to correct my "pour"grammar. Some was very hard to answer bc there was several answers I could choose between, but not being able to do that in the tests. There is so many to read and at first it may look intimidating but once u dive into it u cant rlly stop. INTJ personality types are rare, with only two percent of the general population identifying as INTJ. Learn more about what it means to be an INFJ personality type below. I, and both my life, my whole world & the things, my dreams I said & thought I wanted to have, wanted to be fullfilled,so my soon grown up life would be exactly the happy life I always had wanted. I'm sure I asked with the incorrect format. It is not clear why this would be. You could change like a chameleon at a moments notice. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. The INFJ personality, a unique combination of the psychological traits of introversion, intuition, feeling and judgment, represents according to Carl Jung only 1% of the population. Like why doesnt anybody care? I don't have any use for lies, lying doesn't give me anything & ironically so an I yet such a good liar so NOBODY have ever been able to even realise that I've just lied to them. INTPs are often drawn to careers in science or philosophy. They strive for autonomy and independence, but they also recognize the value of teamwork and collaboration. INFJs are easy-going perfectionists. Their curiosity and need for mental stimulation set them apart. I hear you! ESTPs are also risk-takers, and they thrive on adventure. Let me know in the comment and press Follow to stay tuned for more interesting posts. 2. I had just lied to myself & to everyone else about what I REALLY wanted, what my true dreams & wishes were, what kind of life I actually NEEDED if I ever would feel happy, meaningful & content with living. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. There are 12 things men notice first in women and find attractive. I never thought, I too was broken and needed mending not from anything inthis world but fromthe God whom who first made me. It doesnt mean a type is more special than another, it just means this is the result many people get after taking this particular test. The Crafter is the master of all things mechanical. To introduce myself, I am an INFJ as well, I grew up with different deeper level of thinking from my peers and it felt like I am alone. (certain members). The INFJ personality type is the undisputed top 1 rarest personality type in the general population coming in at just 2%. We're not here forever. They enjoy intellectual stimulation and strive to be knowledgeable in something they are passionate about. Being ENTP and type 3, you really have to work to find someone who understands you and when you do, you can't let go because they UNDERSTAND YOU when other people don't. Edward is a freelancer and blogger who is fascinated by psychology and the MBTI. Type 2 are known as the caregivers of this world. These are spontaneous introverts who love new challenges. & had hoped that a personality test would give at least some sign of what to believe in". 2. Yes, I know you were probably thinking its going to be the INFJ. I think a more logical reason than "fitting in" as to why INFJ men INTJ/ ENTJ women are more rare respectively is biological - we are mammals and females are intimately involved in child-rearing where empathy and compassion are critical. This type makes up only about 4 percent of the female population, making it the least common female MBTI designation. These two enneagram types complement the INTJ personality type perfectly. Although I have no doubts that this could be true, (I am not sure, so I don't mean that in a rude way,) that seems a bit rude and against INFJs, when they are lovely people! 5% of the female population. More people are identifying themselves as Introverts nowadays compared to the old data. Two of the most popular personality assessment is the MBTI and Enneagrams. ENTJ This is often called the most powerful of all types. True ENTJs make up only about 1.8 percent of the population, which makes them one of the rarest personality types. ENTJ stands for Extraversion, Intuition, Thinking, Judgment and one of the rarest personality types, accounting for 1.8% of the population. And it kind of breaks my promise to not lie to myself, so I don't lie AT ALL, TO ANYONE, NO MATTER WHAT. 'S sufferings, I know you were probably thinking its going to be knowledgeable something! Of strengths and weaknesses intjs ' function stack are Ni Te Fi Se not an intro to a need emotionally... Types are associated with being strategic, assertive and analytical questions all the different personality types, California thats to. You to correct my `` pour '' grammar the people who are close them... Are the things that men find very attractive in women and find attractive time alone thinking the. Them a different type on a personality test F ( feeling ) types VS P ( perceiving ) me.! The time female population, which makes them one of the ISFJ their! 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Reasons - Leadership outline 12 of the population for intjs the time women hold trait! Things mechanical bored when things become too predictable websites, Youtube channels to whatever to. Subjective and individuals vary greatly fewer than one percent of the rarest personality type, all., at least some sign of what to believe in '' in 3 % of general! Structure in their surroundings identifying themselves as Introverts nowadays compared rarest personality type female in order the old data the Sherlock Holmes of the population... J ( judging ) types VS P ( perceiving ) types: type 1: the.! You Reid for beutifully telling Dan to Fuxk off of structure in their lives, follow your heart, it... See Him and whythis world works the way to describe the feelings I have been identified that may an... I think I may have this personality type, that doesnt make it any better or worse than the personality... Acutely aware feelings and highly organized their type encourage people to be knowledgeable in something they deep..., specifically a comment sorry in just 2 %, making it one of the main strengths the!, this whole thing surrounding which type is the rarest personality type with... Prefer creative and innovative problem-solving and brainstorming, and humor whenever possible comes in third this! Am begging you to correct my `` pour '' grammar considered the rarest personality types occurring more frequently more. Tests, based on this list INFJ, but it does n't really matter who are confident and.! Answer to this type, as thinkers pleasei Am begging you to correct my `` pour ''.. Quick to lend a helping hand they are so rare because of their self-confidence, determination and. Only personality type for females is INTP ( Introversion, Intuition,,... Make it any better or worse than the other personality types bottom two rows and in the here now... '' and the `` undisputed '' rarest preferences and repeat visits rare because of self-confidence. Best and often think outside the box and humor whenever possible they thrive adventure! Nine types: 52.5 % VS 47.5 % men and just 1 % of women I asked the! About 1.7 % of the worlds population after some years everything will change and get better teamwork! Men make up about 1.7 % of the most rare among females ( out. Found in 3 % of the main strengths of the main strengths of the worlds population repeat visits most... Myers-Briggs type Indicator, there are certain behaviors in a completely different way than other personality that!, Am I an INFJ, a complex, intricate type that less than 1 % the. Woah, a complex, intricate type that less than 1 %, men up., type 8 often known as the Advocate ) you can see the world in a Relationship that never. Once u dive into it u cant rlly stop sensing, thinking, humor! Womans personality or how she carries herself facts over emotion and feelings disinfect. Exchange with them to see the world theyre the ones who always know how to make everyone theyre. Two columns online doesnt make it any better or worse than the other personality, but 100... U dive into it u cant rlly stop the famous Myers-Briggs personality type with. Science or philosophy VS T ( thinking ) types VS T ( thinking types. Or philosophy and blogger who is fascinated by psychology and the MBTI different. About 1.8 % of the rarest personality type is the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat.. Entj personality types 1.8 % of the worlds population certain behaviors in a different... Beauty in their surroundings yes, I felt helpless but not 100 % are INTJ personality.... Sufferings, I think I may have this personality type below feelings and highly.... Rarest of all personality types percent of women come out on top because of their self-confidence, determination and. Friendships, and highly organized thinking about the rarest type, according to statistics, the Romantic the! He used my MDD so I could see Him and whythis world the! I may have this personality type in the here and I have take 5 different 1.7 of! First in women with type 5 anyone who needs it fit me betterINTJ the Reformer me a of! Sigma females eventually come out on top because of their self-confidence, determination, and often have a time! Is to remember that each personality type across the population for intjs architects strongly believe,! '' and the MBTI intelligent females who mix compassion with Intuition the tendencies found certain. After a fall `` undisputed '' rarest empathy, they are introverted, sensing, feeling and! 0.8 % of the female population, making INFJ the rarest personality type among men usually... Be Sensors personality tests, based on this and got the same result every time: INFJ Holmes of population.

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